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    Dream - Say No To Depression

    by , 07-12-2017 at 07:59 AM (353 Views)
    Date of Dream: WED 5 JUL - 2017

    Dream No. 147 - Say No To Depression

    The first scene showed me in this Minecraft simulation, I was actually in the world of Minecraft! There I saw Cortex as well but don't remember exactly what he was doing. What I do remember is that I let people stay in my house that I had built.

    The dream then skipped to me and my dad who were the cast members for the current series of this TV show which apparently, the director said, was going to be 30 episodes in this series. The objective was for me and my dad each to come up with 3 new tactics to remember things... Each week, it would alternate between us... So one week it would be me and then the other week it would be him, it's like we were almost in competition with each other.

    I originally thought that my dad and I were actually going to appear on the show but instead, we had to speak to a script and it was going to be incorporated into an animated cartoon of some sort. I do remember one of the scripts. My dad started off by saying “drag me” and then I said “clean me” and then he said something else and again, I said “clean me”. I came up with this tactic on how to remember how many metres in 4 kms, it was so witty but I've completely forgotten it! Eventually, my mum and brother got involved in the show as well.

    Then the dream scene was at Waverley Gardens shopping centre, in the Reject Shop. There was this old lady that kept following me around and I didn't like it. The old lady only left me alone when I had found my family members at the end of the aisles. Something then slipped out of my mouth that I was buying something for LB and that's when my mum gave me a death-like stare. I quickly covered that statement up by saying something like “oh no, I said I was actually getting that for myself”.

    The dream then skipped over to a random parking lot. Nearby, my brother approached me and he was really upset. He said he had to see the boss of the TV program in person and that's not a good thing. Then when he left, this car pulled up and out got this boy called James, apparently Ms A was his mum. We are on top, in the parking lot, when he tells me things like how he hates his life and how is really considering going into all these drugs. All of a sudden I start crying and begging James not to do these things. I remember saying something like “there's the pain you're in now but what about the pain that others will be in when you're not here?”. Someone was coming and so I hurries James out of the parking lot. I then woke up.

    Dream Trophies Achieved:

    - Chilling Out (Have conversations with 3 DCs)
    >> Spoke with NNs mum at their front door about calling NN for the pencil (Dream No. 131)
    >> Spoke with EL, NBr and WB about looking for Dreamy WB (Dream No. 142)
    >> Tried to talk James out of taking drugs and committing suicide (Dream No. 147)
    DarkestDarkness likes this.

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