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    Letaali's Dream Journal

    Dragons, Treasure and Death

    by , 12-27-2016 at 11:10 AM (602 Views)
    I'm in another world with dragons, samurai and some form of magic. Many heroes are looking for a hidden treasure, but fail to find it. A small, bald old man stands on the edge of a jungle, on a cliff. In front of him about five kilometers away there is a massive chasm in the side of a mountain. I can see a cavern full of treasure inside the chasm. The piles of gold are massive.

    The old man flies down to the treasure. A bit later a boy dressed like a warrior follows him. He rides a massive dragon made of water. A magic spell he knows, I assume. He also has two small dragons following him.

    The boy enters the cavern full of gold and confronts the old man. I'm there with my brother as well. The boy is angry that the old man has been hiding the treasure all this time. The old man tries to calm him down by saying it was for a good reason. I look around and spot a huge egg. It's the size of a house. There's a metallic serpent coiled around the egg that looks like a colorful jewel. It looks quite pretty. "You have a dragon egg here?!" I ask, but before he can say anything, an adult red dragon enters the cavern. We all spread out and get ready to fight. The small dragons that followed the boy try to attack the red dragon with fire. It does nothing. The red dragon rears it's head, preparing to turn us to ash. Just before the flames reach me, the scene ends.

    I'm in an ancient Japanese city. My brother was killed by the dragon. There is a statue of my brother in the middle of the town. There's writing carved all over the statue, memorable things my brother said. People have a large brush and paint over the carvings with ink, like writing them again. It's my turn, but my hands shake too much to use the brush. I dip my hand in the ink and swipe over the word "No". I walk away and fail to hold back tears. I bawl and collapse into a little ball against a wall.
    Caiocontieri likes this.

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    1. Caiocontieri's Avatar
      Wow, just wow.

      The creativity your subconscious mind puts into this is astonishing.
      I love how the dialogue is just like an epic movie, even the fact that in the end your brother (which I suppose at the time might have been traumatic) has had a statue built for him in his honor.

      I'm looking forward to more dreams of yours.
      Letaali likes this.