Go Forth Link, Anal Sex and DP, College Randomness, Sneaking Mission Gone COMPLETELY WRONG...
, 05-27-2012 at 07:06 PM (1559 Views)
_________________________05.27.2012Go Forth Link!!! (WBTB)
I decided I should sleep after I recalled the set of dreams from the previous entry...
As I'm drifting to sleep, after waking up to type some dreams that I recalled from last night, I decided that I should ahead and just sleep one more time, because I felt pretty tired after a while, even though it was around 9-10 AM at the time.
I slept on my stomach, started counting, but not too seriously, just on and off counting.
And LOL, this song "Go Forth," and old Christian song, it's kind of funny that it would be playing and the singer saying "GO FORTH," which was probably just my mind telling me to go already, hahahahaha.
Here are the lyrics to the song, I can't find a Youtube video of it, must be a really really really old song.
Spoiler for Lyrics to "Go Forth":
But I finally used my damn brain for once to get lucid in this dream.
I was laying on my stomach or on my back most of the time in this dream.
I hear some music, some Christian music to be more specific. The song is "Go Forth" which was by William McDowell I think.
It was kind of tricky at first, because when I heard the song playing, I thought it could be external sounds, but I know that no one could be playing Christian songs right now.
Then I made the excuse that I'm probably listening to my Zune HD playing the song, then I told myself that I couldn't have had my Zune HD playing, and that I wouldn't be putting my earphones inside my ears while sleeping.
I get up, open my dream eyes, I still think I'm in waking life though. I do the nose plug reality check. It doesn't work.
I didn't give up though, I think it didn't work because I wasn't holding my nose tight enough, and I didn't feel that slight pain in my stomach when you try to breath in with your nose plugged it. I was sort of in a stationary position with holding my nose and trying to breathe.
Instead of worrying too much about that, I shift to the next thing in my reality check arsenal, my hands.
I counted them slowly, and I swore I counted six on my right hand, but to make sure that I wasn't distracted with my left hand, I put it out of my view, and count again.
Seven fingers, I'm freaking dreaming. Instead of going "EVA EVA eVA EVA EVA SEX SEX SEX SEX" or some random shit like that, I take the time to calm down.
I'm in my apartment, and my bedroom is still dark, I know I'm not in my apartment right now in waking life. I move quietly, because I still have a little fear of the dark in lucid dreams, but it's only because I'm not good at stablizing as yet.
I walk slowly, having my back facing the open bathroom that is to the right of the hallway when you exit my bedroom. I extend my arms for some reason, but I just go with it, I'm freaking lucid, doesn't matter what I do with my body right now. I look left and right slowly, just to make sure nothing random will pop up and potentially screw up this lucid.
I stop moving slowly, turned my body towards the exit, and rubbed my hands as I walk to the exit. The living room of the apartment is the only place that has light in it. I see the light brown table that's in the middle of the room like in waking life as well.
I forgot what I did next, but I do remember some dream shifts.
One I believe involved Lindsay Lohan, but I can't remember what exactly, because when I woke up from the lucid, I still had my eyes closed, so I was in a conflict of opening them up to recall the lucid fully, or just tell myself with my eyes closed that I would use the keywords, "Lindsay Lohan," and drift back to sleep._________________________05.27.2012Anal Sex and DP (Non-lucid)
I.........just wow. LOL. The first part was kind of awkward for me to watch, but the second part with the female was erotic.
Spoiler for 18+ Material, You have been warned, don't blame me if you see this!!!!!:_________________________05.27.2012College Randomness (Non-lucid)
I'll shorten this dream too. I'm walking down the walking lane when the walk signal turns on for pedestrians to move.
I get to the end of the lane, and walk on the pretty wide sidewalk that had a lot of cover for shade, and to the right was the bar near University Drive called Hookah Station. I didn't really have to pay attention to the name of the bar in the dream, I just knew it resembled the bar in waking life.
I'm walking down the sidewalk, just looking at what is in front of me, it seems I had a goal at the time in the dream. I see a chubby girl that looked like the one I had in a previous art class in High School before I took the art class with that lady I met in my last dream. (nicknamed Ms. J for private reasons)
The chubby girl and me are walking in opposite directions, we get closer and closer, and take a quick glance at each other before looking at our own direction.
I wanted to get to the left side of the area, so I looked left and right for traffic, saw that the right lane was clear, walked on it. Then I checked for any vehicles coming to the left lane, it's clear too.
The moment I step on the left lane, BAM, a car almost comes close to me, but they managed to do some awkward drifting to where they are parking next to the Sushi Restaurant that resembles the one in waking life. At least that's what I assumed the place to be in the dream.
I look at the driver of the red car that almost bumps into me, and then carried on to whatever it is I was doing. I turn my back, and I see another chubby girl on lane that I was on before pick up some kind of plastic circular jar of cheese. She grabs it, and has the edges of the top on the container between her teeth.
I just assume she's going to eat it, and then turn back to where I was going.
Then another dream shift where I was climbing a short ladder I believe, and found something on top of whatever it is I was looking at to find something. I gave whatever item it was to some dude and said,
"Here you go Dominic."
He thanks me, and goes on his way.
I can't remember much after that.05.27.2012Sneaking Mission Gone COMPLETELY WRONG (Non-lucid)
The vibe of this dream, it felt like it was going to be a Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory type of dream.
I think I'm playing as Sam Fisher in third person mode, or maybe I was playing a video game in the dream, it's hard to tell, but I know I had some moments where I was moving by myself.
The reason why I'm assuming that is because it feels like I'm going to start the Bathouse level (Hokkaido) in the game. I start out in the initial location just like the game. Over a small puddle of water.
The setting is set at some kind of mini Asian temples that would be apparent when you advance up front more, just like in the game.
But instead of running up to that area, I remembered that just like in the game, there would be a guard near the edge of a small cliff patrolling. I look up with and aim my gun to search for any guard on top, and my assumption is right, he's right there on the cliff.
I take a steady aim, but I noticed I moved a little too fast over the puddle of water, which makes the guard on top of the cliff suspicious.
I decided instead of trying to use the Sticky Shocker (a non-lethal weapon in the game that does like the name implies), I shoot the guard.
Bad move.
Things start turning into shit from here, I swear, I did NOTHING wrong to cause suspicion to the point where guards start getting ready to try and find me.
And the worse part, it's guards with thermal vision goggles. So staying in the dark isn't going to really help me here. I advance forward, since moving quietly is not a priority anymore, they already know I'm here.
I still try to be careful though by hiding behind solid covers that the thermal goggles can't see through, like rock for instance. The environment changes COMPLETELY, it's not like the Hokkaido mission at all anymore.
I brace my back against the wall, or have Sam Fisher brace his back against the wall (still having trouble distinguishing whether or not I'm him or I'm controlling him by playing a video game in a dream).
Peeking over to see which types of guards are inside the small area, I notice there's one thermal goggle wearing guard, and shoot him immediately, since he'll be the first one to find me out if I leave myself open like that.
Then I just basically get myself into a situation where I'm like "Just fuck it! RUN!!!!"
I dodge whatever gunfire is coming at me, and then turn back and found myself at a dead end. The guards are getting closer, they're not shooting me this time, they know they have me. They know they have the upperhand here.
Closer...closer....closer...SHIT what the FUCK do I do NOW?!?!?
I calm myself down, seeing as these guys won't shoot me, I look to my left, and see there's a fairly huge pool filled with water. I did what any person would do if they see a chance for escape.
I dash to the left like there's no fucking tomorrow. (sorry for my language, but even when I'm typing this, I can still feel the rage and intensity of this dream)
I dive into the pool of water, and find that there's a hole in the wall in front of me (imagine having my back facing the dead-end wall before I dived into the pool of water, that same wall extending over to the pool side is the one with the hole in it).
Wow, instead of getting my ass interrogated, I managed to use whatever escape I could find!
I can't remember much except that I managed to dive into the water easily and go through the large hole.