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    Linkzelda's Dream Journal

    1. Zombies, Hinata And Picture Taking

      by , 11-22-2012 at 10:23 PM (Linkzelda's Dream Journal)
      Zombies, Hinata And Picture Taking (Non-lucid)


      I'm outside at an environment where there's this huge ditch, or slope going towards one. It's mostly grass that I'm on, and the sky is actually clear and bright.

      There's few clouds, and the light blue sky dominates the aerial view here. I believe I'm trying to avoid zombies coming after everyone. They don't look like zombies, they look normal like any other human being.

      Except they make the distinct moaning sounds, "Duuuuuuuuuuuuuh" or "deeeeeeeeeeeeer."

      After running around for a while I realized that since these zombies look the same, I can pretend that I'm one as well. So I tried walking like a zombie, and made random groaning sounds. It works out fairly well, and I can interchangeably conform to pretending and back to my usual self to get some distance between the zombies and me.

      I finally reach the top of the slop that leads to some weird looking water down a ditch. The concrete of the slope is a milky light khaki color, and I see there's an obese zombie wearing a white shirt and some shorts. He's looking up at me, and I decided I might as well make a huge jump into the ditch.

      I ignore any fears that may accumulate during this huge fall. I stick my legs out as I'm bending my back forwards, and I stretch my arms out as well, waiting to balance as soon as I hit between the gap.

      When I land, I immediately run up to the slope in front of me, passively acknowledging the zombie to the left of me. I finally reach the top of the other slope, and randomly moved around the other side of the grass area. I think I'm informed that I could've done a fire jutsu from Naruto Shippuden to burn off the zombies, but I didn't pay attention to it for very long.

      The dream shifts, and now I'm in a room full of zombies, or at least they're moaning like them. It doesn't feel so scary at first, because these beings are not even concerned of my existence. I see Hinata, from Naruto Shippuden, look up at me.

      She's blushing at me, and I think I wanted to save her from the zombies. It was like I had the wrong mindset in a peaceful environment, if no zombies wanted to attack me, why should I worry about what they'll do to me?

      I grab Hinata by the waist from the back, lifted her up, and started to carry her around the area randomly. Then I noticed another Hinata, like the alt ego of her from the Naruto movie Kishimoto will release soon hopefully.

      The one I'm holding is the shy Hinata, and this one is the complete opposite. I believe she looks at me with her Byakugan activated.

      It looks weird, but she looks so hot when she was angry, I don't know why. I get close to her, and then something happened, but I can't recall. I don't think she was out to get me, maybe she wanted me to get her attention.

      The dream shifts again, and this time there's a random girl with some guy who does a sneak photo of me with the camera in their pink phone. The flash surprises me, and she starts giggling. I tried to follow her, but I can't remember anything else unfortunately
    2. Kaomea's DJ Entry and Elie's Etherion Going Crazy

      by , 11-21-2012 at 11:14 AM (Linkzelda's Dream Journal)
      Kaomea's DJ entry (Non-lucid)


      So I'm having those dreams where I read dream journals again.

      And guess what? The DJ system is back, glad that things are safe enough to have them out again at least.

      I'm scrolling down down some entries, and they're all a blur to me because I'm scrolling way too fast. I see the basic color of Dream Views, at least the format I have in waking life that's transcended towards the association I see here in the dream.

      I see Kaomea made a post, and I was going to click the ">>" button to get to it. I saw that there were 11 comments overall in her post, and I scrolled down really quick to see what it was about.

      At that time, I just wanted to see who was having a conversation with her, wasn't too interested in the content of the conversation though.

      So I scroll up, and Kaomea has a lot of pictures of very strong sexual nature. She had a dream involving something really sexual and enticing, that she even collaborated a video that matched what she had in a dream.

      But she takes bits of what occurred in the video, and made snapshots of them. In the majority of those pictures, there's a naked lady bending down on her knees. She has sweat and small drips of water at the right parts, the eye-candy....the breasts, near her stomach, her face, and near her vagina.

      These same spots made her look majestic, she was simply beautiful when it comes to just looks alone. Her body was lean, tight, and fit. She didn't have abdominal muscles showing as much, but her contours around her thin and curvy stomach made that concern insignificant.

      She's closing her eyes, has her mouth slightly opened, her dark red lips entices me to look at her face instead of the rest of her tanned and soft skinned body. It's weird to describe the texture of her skin. It was soft, like I stated, but it was also firm too...it was in between.

      Kaomea basically made the pictures stand out more, and used as less words as possible.

      After that, I can't remember anything else, other than being shocked at how much she exposed this female naked.
      Elie's Etherion Goes CRAZY (Non-lucid)


      Let me give you a brief summary on what Etherion really is in the anime/manga series, Rave Master.

      Basically just think of it as a power that can take off a huge chunk of Earth if it's not released sporadically.

      I'm honestly surprised I wasn't shitting myself on how much power could've been released in this dream. And I'm starting to get why I had this dream.........the power of Etherion, its potential to destroy a world and much more is associated with how I'm not holding on to practical grounds in this world, and that maybe my passions are starting to become too chaotic.

      Maybe. Just maybe...I don't a have lot of Rave master theme dreams, so it's probably a sign.


      I'm inside a building, but that main point of focus here is that it's a fairly long hallway. The walls are white, the flooring, I'm not to sure of, it mixes around from blue, white, and other colors I didn't focus too much on. There seems to be some content on the walls, but there's so much paper stuck on the walls that it's too overwhelming to even bother looking at them.

      They all had the same format, but were just in sporadic and random locations.

      Which means there could've been a message my mind is trying to give to me.

      I feel that I'm Haru Glory, from Rave Master, or at least just wearing his default jacket costume in the anime series. I didn't realize this until later, but I had a quiver strapped on my back with a few arrows on it. I also believe I had a sword, but my recall is a bit shady, so I'm not so sure.

      Elie, one of the main characters in the series, seems to have Etherion going full blast, and everyone is fucking panicking on how to seal this power.

      Yeah, that's what happens when Etherion is released...things go chaotic, she goes into a mini-coma, and all hell breaks loose in trying to seal it.

      Spoiler for :If I were lucid":

      I see that various people, that I can't really recall too well on their visages, are trying to stop Etherion from expanding, and potentially blowing up the place we're in. Their magic attacks are not working obviously, it's way too late to do anything.

      Then I get the idea that if magic doesn't work on magic, that weapons like arrows will do the job. I guess the reason I was thinking that was because of the combat triangle in Runescape that I was so used to when playing it.

      In short:
      Rangers own Mages,
      Mages own Meleers,
      Meleers own Rangers

      So I become aware of the few stacks of arrows in the quiver I have attached to me. I grip my bow out, take an arrow out of the quiver quickly, and aimed for Elie.

      But I can't make the reflex to just shoot her immediately. I struggle, because I'm worried that I might injure her. I finally let go of the arrow and it doesn't AFFECT her at all.

      If you skip to 4:43-5:07, that's the power of Etherion, at the initial stages, which is still kind of scary.

      I have no PLAN B, C, D, E, F, G, H, OR Z!

      And because I don't have the logic of Rune Save (the sword) applied to in this dream, I start to get worried on how to deal with this situation, while Elie is in a mini-coma, and the Etherion within her is going crazy.

      After that, don't know how I solved this dream, maybe it just faded away....

    3. Racing & Ron Jeremy, Tubes and Sex Fest, Finding a Hotel, Measuring Tape Tongue, Balancing Corona...

      by , 11-18-2012 at 07:40 AM (Linkzelda's Dream Journal)
      Hardcore Racing and Ron Jeremy! (DEILD)


      Asked my subconscious to help me wake up, keep my eyes closed, and remain still. And she helps me out here! <33333

      I hear the alarm that I set, and I become aware that I'm awake, and I immediately enter the dream state within 30 seconds or so.

      I get up from bed, and immediately checked out the window in my apartment. The light in the living room is on, which is a big difference than before. The environment is clearly different than in waking life.

      There's a huge tree that's apparent near the front yard of the apartment complex, and there's all sorts of things that I could describe. I do a nose plug reality check, and then proceeded to open the door to the left of me.

      I get out, and I walk around a bit. I noted to myself that I'm dreaming, and how I will have a stable lucid dream. I had thoughts that said, "wake up!" "wake up!" but they are immediately eradicated out of my dreaming mentality.

      I'm completely immersed in the dream scene, and nothing is going to stop my stabilization in the dream at all. So I started to talk to Eva mentally for a few moments, and then I started to touch my chest more. I rubbed it more and more, and things started to get more detailed.

      I'm walking on a newly tarred black road, and see there's curved road way heading to the left. There's this house to the right of me with a long curved slop going upwards. There's a lot of cars within this driveway, and the garage seems to be open.

      I'm afraid, because I had a strong temptation to take one of the cars away from whoever owned all these cars. After a while, after seeing one car completely opened on both sides, I decided to go in quickly.

      I head on the left side for the driver's seat. The car's exterior is a light brown color, and parts of it makes me presume it's a Lamborghini with a fix of Ferrari parts as well.

      The interior is mostly black, and I realized the vehicle is already turned on. I looked to my right and noticed the front passenger seat is open, and the padding between the seats is giving me a bit of a challenge here.

      I have to get up and move my rear on the padding a bit, and then I slam the passenger seat shut. I close the driver's seat as well, and then I tried turning my head back to check and see if there's any oncoming vehicles.

      Seems the back window is completely blocked by the large brown sofa-like chairs, and I decided to back up either way, even if I could've smashed into another vehicle.

      I start accelerating fairly quick, and before I know it, I'm already on the high way. I have amazing control, and I'm turning the vehicle around tight corners at amazing speeds. I'm seeing this all in third person riding the vehicle, and I'm mostly seeing the back and top of the vehicle for the camera view.

      I make a few wrong turns, like going to the McDonald's drive-thru for instance. Everything still maintained a decent about of detail, despite all of the high-speed madness going on here. The atmosphere is mostly gray, and it feels like morning will arrive in a few minutes. After going crazy with these twist and turns, perfectly not hitting into anything, at least not hitting into everything, I'm suddenly in a NASCAR type of race.

      Then it turns into a race where the field is open for any kind of car stunts. It seems Ron Jeremy, during this point in the dream is watching me somehow, and I'm led to this assumption because there's some random guy in a blue racing suit that popped up for a few seconds stating,

      "Ron Jeremy hates it when you're doing this!"

      "He hates it when you're trying to speed up the ramp!"

      I'm speeding up the ramp, and Ron Jeremy doesn't seem to mind at all, in fact, I can sense him encouraging me to do the stunt, which I did with ease. After random driving and pulling off the ramp stunt, things calm down a bit, and Ron Jeremy gives an analysis of what happened.

      I think he gave me an overall positive review, and it's hard to recall the exact words he stated, since they're typed or set out in a blurry font that has a lime green background behind it.
      Women in Tubes and Insane Sex fest (Non-lucid)


      Holy hell, this was just....submission to the extreme.

      Throughout this whole dream, I'm seeing things from above, so everything looks flat, but is still easy to distinguish what's 3D and what's not, but most of the environment and the people I'm looking down at are 3D.

      Spoiler for 18+:

      I can't remember much after that.
      Finding a Hotel (Non-lucid)


      I'm riding a bicycle, the type that hardcore cyclists utilize in those marathon races. I seem to be wearing a completely black outfit that's flexible, and conforms to the curves of my dream body easily. The leggings of this full sports outfit stops between my thighs.

      I'm have lean muscle, and my whole body seems to be fairly proportionate. I'm riding a bicycle on a road, and I have my chest a few inches behind the bicycle front, and I have my arms in the "L" position as I use the lower handles you see in the same cyclist bicycle.

      I'm riding fairly well, and I think a few people are riding bicycles as well. I get a phone call from my mother, and I quickly take it out while having one hand holding on to a handle and a brake. She starts asking me if I have enough stuff with me, and I start getting annoyed by this and told her that I'm just fine.

      I hang up, and reached for my left pocket, and felt a paper-like material inside. I take it out, ignoring the road, and realized it's a $20 bill. It's a bit difficult capturing all the details of the money, but I do see the numbers for it. I put it back inside my pocket, and focused on the road again.

      I started to speed up way more than before when I was distracted with the phone call. I didn't feel any pain whatsoever on my legs, and continued to pedal faster.

      Eventually, the dream shifts, and now I'm near a movie theater that has a red color for it's exterior. It's raining at the moment, and I can feel the rain drops falling down on me sporadically. I quickly find shelter under the Theater thanks to the roofing of random extensions.

      Because of the rain, it makes the atmosphere gloomy, with the dark gray clouds and aura everywhere. Most buildings are dull, consisting of shades of gray and black, while the movie theater itself sustains a high contrast of colors.

      Then I realized that I can't remember the name of the hotel that I bought a room for myself. I worry a bit, but then realized I could call my mother. But then I get distracted, and I decided to explore this place a bit more. I look to my left, and I see a ticket booth with a blonde female inside of it. She's looking at a computer or something, and waiting for people to get near her to buy tickets.

      Then I head for this random hotel in front of me that has a high contrast of colors like the theater, and I have a feeling that this could be the one I bought a room for, but I'm still a bit skeptical about it overall. The carpet within this hotel is mostly dark red, but it has fancy patterns with light brown borders, and a dark green color in the middle.

      I think I have my shoes off, probably because I didn't want the carpet floor to get wet. I have some kind of awareness of where I left off my shoes, and proceeded to walk around bit in this hotel area. It looks pretty fancy, like those really luxurious hotels that cost like 150 bucks or more. The walls have a dark yellow to dark gold color, and the lights on the ceiling have a faded yellow-orange color, mostly leaning towards the yellow side.

      I decided that I should try to find a Help or Information Center within this hotel. I look around the front out reflex, and no employee is apparent, or anybody at all. I could see the transparent Plexiglass doors for the entrance of the hotel in front of me, and I quickly glanced to find it's still raining outside. The environment outside is still sustaining the dull colors that I mentioned before.

      I decided to go upstairs this time, and there's this elderly lady who is coming down the stairs. I really don't pay attention to her that much, but I noticed she wore a fancy light milky pink hat along with a women's suit and dress of matching color that ends near her knees.

      She's dark skinned lady, and I believe she's wearing glasses. For some reason, she starts having a conversation with me, and I don't what she said to me to get my attention. I honestly was focused on finding help, and hopefully finding a phone source I could use, since I think my phone was probably fried from the rain, or that I forgot I had one altogether.

      So I'm conversing with her, and I mentioned how I have a hotel room reserved that I paid $70 for.

      "Only $70?" She replies.

      I'm a bit spaced out with she stated that, $70 is a large amount of money, at least for someone like me, who has no job in the first place. She then starts talking about random stuff that I can't recall.

      She's a good at having a gaff with, or should I say, a conversation with. Though she really isn't enticing at all, and I'm not attracted to her elderly composition at all. She does have a positive personality, an d that's really the only thing she has going for her, but come on, she's old, so I can't really be more insulting than I am right now.

      More elderly women start to come downstairs, and I get a dream shift where I'm seeing things in first person view instead of 3rd person. It seems I'm on the first base that's on top of the set of red carpet covered stairs. I realize the walls have a milky Khaki or milky light brown color to them, and it was the lighting that I mentioned earlier that made it look like it was dark gold or something.

      There are some long dark green leaves perching over the intersection of the walls coming together behind me at the base I'm at with the females. Because it's so tall (the artificial leaves), that's what shows the walls true color, that I mentioned in the last sentence.

      The first female that I can recall is to the right of me, and she's wearing a white shirt with some gray colors mixed in. She has glasses as well, and has a pure mix of gray and white hair with a short hairstyle as well. She's light-skinned, light apricot color to be precise, and I believe she's looking at me or the dark-skinned lady that I mentioned before.

      But I think that same dark-skinned lady is not really present, and now I'm with Whoopi Goldberg, who's wearing a loose black outfit with a swamp green color mixed with some gold lining going vertically along the buttons of the dress shirt.

      Then there's another elderly woman that comes by, and she's fairly obese for her age. I noticed the other female to my left is obese as well, and there's a lot of sagging body parts for both of them.

      I tried my best to just ignore my disgust with how they're looking, and their extremely tight shirts that seem to conform to every disturbing sagging body part for their torso. Apparently, to them, this body form of theirs is beautiful, but I still find that VERY HARD to grasp. I just keep my mouth shut, and then I can't recall what happens next.
      Dude with Measure Tape Tongue (Non-lucid)


      All I remember for this dream is a guy with a measuring tape tongue.

      He has dirty blonde hair, and I swear he's familiar, like a variant of someone that I saw before in my Chemistry 112 lecture course last semester last year as a freshmen. He's wearing a white dress shirt that has light skinny blue lines going vertical and horizontally, along with regular blue jeans, and probably black shoes.

      He sticks his tongue out, and a measuring tape line is coming out.
      Balancing Corona With My Feet (Non-lucid)


      All I remember for this one is that I was holding a Corona bottle for someone. I didn't know who, but I did my best to balance it with my feet. I believe I was on a vehicle that's moving, and I couldn't let it the bottle get too far away from me, or else it would break.

      I spend most of the time moving my feet, trying to keep it in place.

      Then there's dream shift where my Zune HD is on a shelf along with someone's Black Ipod Video device to the left of it. The room inside with the shelves has a dark turquoise setting to it.

      Updated 11-18-2012 at 09:16 AM by 47756

      lucid , non-lucid , memorable
    4. I'm PREGNANT!! + Come Hither Woman, Pinnacle of Perfection Tennis...AGAIN!

      by , 11-17-2012 at 09:29 AM (Linkzelda's Dream Journal)
      I'M PREGNANT LOL (Non-lucid)


      16 and PREGNANT, OMgz0rs LOLzzz BABY SHOWER!

      Okay, I'm lined up with my arms bracing against a female to the left of me, and there's probably 2-3 more females lined up just like that.

      There's some random man walking around in a jacket. I had a color of red on the shoulder region, white in the middle, and red for the rest of the jacket.

      It's hard to remember if he has it unzipped or zipped. And the women in line with the profile view of our faces parallel to what we're looking forward at, the glass windows far away from us, seem to be wearing red and white clothes too.

      I look down, and my stomach is huge...HUGE. I look at the women to my left, and they're stomachs are huge, which is disproportionate to their actual body composition, which leads me to the assumption that they're pregnant.

      Then I look at my stomach and theirs, and it's about the same radium, same surface area, same whatever you want to call it....I'm PREGNANT.

      I'm pretty sure I don't feel like I have a vagina, so................

      I wonder how things are going to come out!!! I rub mah belly, yes, "mah," and I swear I could feel something kicking. Oh shit.

      OH SHIT. No water didn't break, thank goodness.


      This was taken from a site that I had here, but now it disappeared for some reason EDIT: Never mind, here it is:


      A man who dreams of being pregnant himself is often in a situation where his virility or creative participation in the world is in question.

      This occurs most among men who see themselves as less creative than they would like to be.

      The dream serves as a form of compensation to illuminate the more creative facets of their personality.

      Men who are pregnant do not give birth exclusively to children, but a wide range of objects that somehow support their mission in the world.
      The first thing that pops up is that it's associated with me trying to tulpaforge, or maybe how I go about drawing. Maybe I feel like I can't be creative enough, I don't know. You see, just like the interpretation implies, my creativie participation in the world is in question, but I think it's just a question within myslef?


      But if you are not actually pregnant in waking life, or even if you are a man dreaming this, is it usually about a new area of your potential or personality developing; a deepening relationship with your potential is producing a new area of experience, a new talent or facet of your personality. If it is still unborn – i.e. not yet expressed outwardly – it is developing. It can also be shown in the drama of the dream, how you are bringing to birth a new scheme or creative idea is ‘hatching’.
      With this one, I really think it could be related to tulpaforging, making a slight dissociation, making an extra limb in your body that you are aware of that's extended. I hope this is the case, because I don't see much of myself being extended, even though the tulpa is an extension of myself.

      Does that make any sense? Hahahah
      Come Hither Woman (Non-lucid)


      So there's this blonde female wearing a black shirt and regular blue jeans that I presume is my U.S. History teacher, but she's nowhere close to any of them in waking life.

      She looks like she's in her 30s, and she looks pretty attractive without any makeup on. I think she announces some kind of project we had to do, and what would be considered artistic for extra points.

      I was a picture of a man in a red military uniform, probably the British redcoats, and he was wearing Khaki pants. He has one foot on top of a rock that's ideal for a foot pedestal. It's curved upwards, and then makes a downward curve, almost like a mini-uphill cliff.

      I believe he's holding a red flag, and it's very enticing, despite its bland shading here and there. It was shiny in a few areas as well. The man is standing proud, your classic stereotypical manifestation of the ideal patriot.

      Then after she was done announcing, I wanted to talk to her SO bad. After seeing the drawing, I wanted to show her some traditional drawings I did in waking life with a pencil. So I somehow find the same blue folder where I store most of my traditional media graphie portraits of people I drew in waking life, and waited for her to get near my area.

      She was about 10 feet or so away from me, and I alerted her to come next to me. She comes slowly, and then I have to motion my "Come here" finger to her, and she gets really close to me. She has her hands on her thighs, and her spine is bending down so she can move her face close to my face, so that she can hear me.

      I don't know why I wanted to speak privately to her, but has I'm opening the folder, I take out one drawing, the first being this one I did:

      Spoiler for A little big:

      As I'm taking it out, I turned to her quickly, and told her she should keep her voice down if she'll offer any advice on whatever it is that I'm asking her to do.

      I even put my index finger close to my mouth, and I feel I'm showing her this to get an ego boost or something, and to see if she would give me a response if I could get extra credit for the high example of an acceptable drawing she put up with the patriotic soldier from before.

      She tells me that they look good, and as long as I can fix a few things, I should be fine. I showed her this drawing I did at some point as well:

      Spoiler for Another big one:

      Pinnacle of Perfection Tennis...AGAIN (Non-lucid)


      There's this really short anime boy who looks like he's 5-8 years who is wearing a black cap, white dress shirt, and black shorts. He asks this anime girl, who looks like she's 16 years of age or so to play some tennis with her.

      I had the feeling this girl was a REALLY good tennis player. She's wearing the usual Asian school outfit you would have engrained in your mind, white blouse shirt with a red tie in the middle, along with the insanely short black skirt.

      She was playing the boy for a decent amount of time surprisingly, and I was shocked at how patient she was playing with him, because the boy had no skill at all.

      Looking from the back of of the girl, I could see how she sees playing the boy. She can see all his weak points, and they're indicated on the green tennis courts with white arrows going one direction.

      I assume these direction arrows were places she can hit the ball to. It all seems like this is a waste of her time, UNTIL the little boy suddenly unlocks Pinnacle of Perfection from Prince of Tennis.

      Pinnacle of Perfection, in a nutshell, is the final gate where you have the assurance that you have fun playing tennis, and aren't worried about winning or losing.

      Each ground-stroke the boy takes, they get more powerful, each grunt of him performing a backhand or forehand is replaced sighs of joy, them giggling, then laughing, he is having fun. His footwork augments tremendously, and he's so fast, I can't even catch up to him looking at the side view of the tennis court.

      There's a big SWOOOOOOOSH, and he's gone. Then in a split second, he appears on right in front of the girl who is at net-play area now. He's floating in the air, and he slams the ball with immense force that it makes a white smoke.

      I can't recall much from here, but I can assume the little guy owned the girl in a tennis match.

      Updated 11-17-2012 at 09:44 AM by 47756

      non-lucid , memorable
    5. Passing Another Scantron, What Year Am I In?

      by , 11-15-2012 at 09:47 PM (Linkzelda's Dream Journal)
      Passing Another Scantron (Non-lucid)


      All I remember is that I'm being assigned a task of giving someone their scantron with their grade on it. They have a B in it, and I'm looking for the classroom. I finally reach a hallway with a door at the end, I go to the left after going through the double doors, and had to wait until the teacher was done.

      She sees that I'm outside, and quickly comes near the door so I can give her the scantron. There was a student who was a Black male, and he was complaining on something related to his degree, which happens to be Biochemistry.


      What Year Am I in? (Non-lucid)


      I'm inside a random classroom with wooden desks with metal based chairs. The walls are dark brown, and it feels a lot like High School. There's a girl that I'm aware of that I know in waking life that's in this dream, let's call her Christina.

      I look at Christina for some odd reason, and then turn back. I have to fill out some blanks on a colored worksheet that's probably a cool color, most likely blue. I can't figure out what year I'm going to graduate, and I look at those awards that are posted in gold and surrounded by fancy brown wood polish for an answer.

      However, there's years in 1950, and all sorts of stuff that it confuses me more.
    6. Penis Cutter, Princess Zelda Collects Dragons, Las Plagas Victims Won't Die

      by , 11-14-2012 at 05:50 PM (Linkzelda's Dream Journal)
      The PENIS CUTTER (Non-lucid)


      Heh, yesterday, I had three blowjobs in a dream, and now this? OH YEAH. *sarcasm*

      My dream recall, I'm getting my tulpa to help me recall them whenever I come back home and have time to recall them, considering the time I woke up and went to class was 1-2 hours, and still managed to remember this without writing notes is going pretty well. Tulpaforging, not really so strong at the moment, but I'm trying.

      So I'm outside near your typical gas station store, or mini-market area. The atmosphere is gray overall, guess it must be a cold day, or most likely to rain. There's this machine that I'm trying to avoid that apparently cuts the head of your penis off.

      It has a mix of colors:

      -Red Eyes

      And its composition, especially for the torso and legs, was fairly basic. It's mostly a rectangular base for the torso, with a few curved ends here and there, and the legs were skinny but extremely durable. It had choppers as well, obviously, so it can cut men's penis heads off.

      I'm informed on a screen that shows up like a HUD where I have to mentally synch in the letters that show up, or else the machine/robot cuts my penis off. And what made it more challenging is that I have to at least be 2-5 feet to the machine that's coming at me.

      Like WTF.

      I had my penis head cut off at least two times, and thank goodness I didn't feel any pain, and the machine can cut the head off REALLY fast. I remember the first time the dream reset where I'm in the same environment with the mini-mart, I was inside the store, and running through the small aisles, trying to make random things fall to slow down the machine.

      You know how in a chase where the one being chased pulls down random shit, like a pole or fruits on a fruit stand to distract the chaser? Yeah.

      Other than that, the dream was mostly revolved on me trying to avoid the robot until I was ready to synch with the random letters surrounded by a cyan aura.
      Princess Zelda collects Dragons? (Non-lucid)


      I believe I'm in the same environment as I was in the previous dream with the penis cutter, except this time, there's not machine to worry about. I have the assumption that if I go inside the mini-mart, something bad will happen, so I decided to not go in of course.

      There's a dream shift where I'm with my father, and he wants to get some rice from one of those to-go areas you see in gas stations (like getting breakfast tacos or something like that). My father asks the man if he can get a specific rice in a specific way, and the employee has a hard time explaining things to him.

      I end up coming into the conversation and stating that the rice will be just fine, and that it won't try since it'll have water in it even when it's microwaved. I believe that's the answer the employee was going to state, but couldn't find the words.

      The dream shifts again, and I'm back outside the mini-mart. There's this really sexy female. She has dragon armor, similar to this, but more revealing of her skin, and more sluttier:

      It was also a mix of this, at least close enough to it, except it was black, and had some red marks near the shoulder areas:

      She doesn't seem like she's trying to kill me or anything, she's probably treating me as if I'm another dream character. I could've interacted with her, since she is the most enticing DC in the dream after all. She summons a huge brown dragon, and it comes to her right by her side. It's completely tamed, it moves its head next to her right hand that she has extended for the dragon to touch.

      The dragon is at peace, majestic, I could see its scales, this was an awesome dragon, and I was amazed at how much this lady could control the dragon. Then the dream shifts to where I see this same lady near Princess Zelda.

      They're both standing near a castle top (like the picture below labeled in red):

      The brown dragon is flying above them in a circle, and Princess Zelda (the Twilight Princess version) extends her arms for it to come near her. Zelda then turns to the same lady in the slutty dragon armor, who is probably her dragon tamer assistant or something, and tells her to collect more dragons for her.

      She complies, and I guess she goes off to find more dragons to tame.
      Las Plagas Victims just can't DIE (Non-lucid)


      I'm playing as Leon S. Kennedy from Resident Evil 4. I'm trying to shoot all the Las Plagas Victims before they kill him, and I feel as if I'm interchanging in being in Leon's body, and mentally controlling him in spectator mode.

      I'm inside of a house, like the type of house made mostly of wood and bricks, like a 1800s type of house. There's a border extending from a wall in the middle of the area, meaning the enemies have to go horizontally from where I'm at before they can get to me.

      I'm using basic guns, thinking that they'll be adequate enough to take care of this invasion, but when I shoot their heads off, they are STILL alive. In fact, for some, A white ghost comes out that's still stuck on their body. It's popping out, but not all the way.

      Then I thought that I should mentally scroll over to the inventory system, like in Resident Evil 4, and get out the Chicago Typewriter, which has infinite ammo in the actual game, and had the same benefit here in the dream.

      I go crazy, I hold on to the trigger, and never released it. These things just won't BLOODY DIE. They're still moving. And the dream shifts where Dr. Salvador (the chainsaw guy) is preparing to come at me, but is waiting for me to come at a reasonable distance to chop my head off or something.

      The environment is completely dark, and the only source of lighting for me to distinguish who's there are the occasional flashes of thunder that leaves a brief moment of visualizations. There's also a few fire sources here and there, but they aren't enough to deal with these Las Plagas victims coming at me.

    7. Triple Fellatio, Minato Namikaze, Bananas and a Fly, Get Out

      by , 11-13-2012 at 03:17 PM (Linkzelda's Dream Journal)
      Triple Fellatio!!!! (Non-lucid)


      There's a girl that I'll nickname "A" that I knew in high school in waking life in this dream. She's often a confusion for me, because there's two other "A's" that I know in waking life. Let's call her the repressed Christian girl, and she ends up being the wild one.

      Then there's the other girl in my math class for this semester that I have no particular interest in, like "A" I mentioned from before. We'll just label her as "B."

      Then there's one more girl, so we'll call her "C."

      I'm walking around a supermarket with "A," and there's a lot of stuff I can't remember that we were doing, okay, now for the dream shift and dirty stuff. Oh, actually, I think we were looking for condoms.

      Spoiler for 18+:

      Now that we had fun with her,

      The dream shifts where I'm walking with "B," and I honestly don't know how I have her in my possession now, but I did something. It feels kind of awkward being around her, since I had strong feelings that I'm just doing this to make her feel happy she's going out with someone.

      Play the nice guy act, until we get to the condom section. She starts analyzing this section like a Jewish boy speculating how he can perfect his Bar Mitzvah. She starts looking for condoms that are 12 inches or more, and I look at her in fear.


      I started to direct to her to the 7-8 subsection instead. After that little fiasco with sustaining my fragile pride, I assume that....

      Spoiler for 18+:

      She wasn't as wild and risky with her throat as "A" was who completely forgets about having a gag reflex, but hey, a fellatio is a fellatio.

      Now moving on to C, I can't remember exactly what happened, but I DO know that I'm getting fellatio either way, that's all that matters.

      I'm Minato Namikaze (Non-lucid)


      I am freaking Minato Namikaze from the Naruto Series. I'm on top of a very thin black wire, and the overall environment indicates that it's night time.

      It feels like I'm in a section of Konoha, and I'm currently in a tight situation while balancing myself on the wire. It seems Lord Raikage is after me, and he's in a form where he's a blob with tentacles. I have to use my hands to move across the wire, since he can't get me fast enough if I did that.

      Then it looks like he's back to his regular self, maybe his younger self or current self, it's hard to tell because I see his face is altering a lot between those periods of his life.

      I try to attempt the Flying Thunder God Jutsu to escape from him by throwing a specially-marked kunai to go past him,

      but he immediately predicts where I'm going, since the kunai is thrown at a linear path, and for a brief moment, things go in slow motion. As his fist gets closer and closer to my face,

      I realized I had a set of kunais at a remote location, so I shifted my mind to transport myself there with another Flying Thunder God Jutsu. And Lord Raikage is confused and isn't able to catch up to me. So I managed to escape and that's all I remember.
      Bananas and a Fly (Non-lucid)


      I remember being at a small Indian store that you would see in New York, and my mother is buying some Bananas there. As she's in the process of buying them, a fruit fly, or a regular fly manages to get on top of one of the bananas.

      I get concerned about this, because I feel it's going to suck the bananas out or something, and the person over at the cash register states that it won't be a problem with the fly in the bag, that the bananas will still be good.

      I didn't really buy that, but my mom falls for it and gets the bananas. The man and his wife tell us to have a good day, and we leave.
      Get Out (Non-lucid)


      I remember Curtis Payne from Tyler Perry's "House of Payne" telling me to get out, because I entered the wrong section of a building where only members could have access to I guess. Well, they should've made security tighter if all I had to was open the freaking the door.

      I said, "Yes, sir," and looked at Calvin Payne and asked him what's the right entrance for me to go through, and he mentions that it's all the way behind him and the building. I forget what I did next.
    8. Boob Awareness & Almost Had Great Sex, Tied Up

      by , 11-12-2012 at 07:46 PM (Linkzelda's Dream Journal)
      First Floor Boob Awareness Room? (Non-lucid)


      I'm going into an elevator, and I press the button for "Floor 1," which is going up instead of down. There's a room that gets my attention, it's called "Boob Awareness" or something like that.

      It seems I'm there too early, because there's not a lot of people inside, just two girls showing random purple lineart of drawn women. So I head back out and go back at a later time.

      I head back to the door, slowly open it. There's a female wearing a black blouse, and she has a nice rack on her.

      Spoiler for 18+:


      FUCK IT.
      Tied Up (Non-lucid)


      I only remember being tied up, and I feel like I'm in the body of Ryoma Echizen, the same dude I posted a picture of in the last dream journal entry (where he had green aura around him and held a red racquet).

      My feet were tied up, and my hands were behind my back and tied up as well. I tried avoid this bald dude wearing a swamp green shirt and regular denim jeans that I feel is trying to find me. I scooted over near a pile of dead leaves, hoping that I could avoid him.

      He still finds me, and he takes me back to wherever he wants to take me.

      Then I get a dream shift where I'm probably in a dream body of my waking life body. I end up going into this area that overall has a brown setting to it. It almost resembles a restroom, and the urinals are spread out. I think I'm following a group of random people, maybe 2-3. We're planning to jump over the urinals, since there's a huge gap on top of them to get out of.

      I see the same bald dude with the swamp green shirt and denim jeans, but I don't have the feelings of fear like before when I was Ryoma Echizen. I guess I was a completely different mindset in this dream.
    9. Father, Morpheus, Zune HD, Agent Smiths, Tailed Beast Rasengan| 1-Q Formula

      by , 11-11-2012 at 03:44 PM (Linkzelda's Dream Journal)
      Father is Angry, Meeting Morpheus, Zune HD Near Death, Fighting Agent Smiths, Tailed Beast Rasengan (Non-lucid)


      Decided to do some narrating (in waking life mind you) for my tulpa, and asked her if she can help me recall all of this detail. Seems it's working out pretty well, considering I didn't do a WBTB whatsoever.

      It seems I quickly turned off the laptop alarm to wake me up within an hour and 5 minutes, and I didn't want to risk using the other alarm that does get me up, because I might've forgotten to set it to another time to prepare the apartment, since I'll be having a guest for the week.

      Anyway, whether or not it's just me being able to get major snippets in images of the dreams, or her actually providing me with them, since after all, she is a construct of my mind, I'm glad I'm involving her into helping me recall these things, and ACTUALLY have a bit of a longer syntax, and a few out of norm vocabularly that I'm too lazy to bother using nowadays.

      Anyway, on to the dream.

      I hear a doorbell ringing, and I'm inside a house that I've been to in waking life. It's either early morning or late night. The door is opened, and I quickly somehow concealed myself outside. The only way that's possible are:

      1. I had a short dream shift
      2. I phased through the walls
      3. I teleported myself
      4. I transported myself
      5. *Insert weirdness of dreams defying logic here*

      I noticed that my father is wearing an army uniform from top to bottom, faded green torso and pants, with brown boots and faded dark yellow rubbery soles. I'm hiding between the edge of a wall, and the middle of an intersection of it that would split into another wall that would be coming towards you when you're looking at this screen.

      I peeked over to see my father confused on why the door would be opened in the first place. He starts to move around a bit, still puzzled. Like the moment he went through the door, you know how someone automatically states something because they assume you're there?

      Here's how it went.

      He comes in, he starts saying (I can't remember exactly)

      "*insert sentence that ends up being cutoff*------------"

      He stops, pauses, looks around, and then I finally decided to come out of my hiding place. He turns around and I smile at him, trying to show that I was just being a little playful with him. I realized I'm seeing myself in third person perspective, but at the same time, I'm interchanging between spectator mode and direct third person view.

      I also noticed I'm wearing black clothing overall. Black Jacket that extends near my knees, black dress shirt, and black dress pants. My attempt at trying to play around with my father by hiding and then showing myself to him, like some kind of naive kid who thinks babies come from storks, is automatically disowned.

      His visage clearly shows he didn't approve of me joking around, obviously because he had the conception that we were missing, went somewhere else with the house wide opened, or were completely oblivious to the door being opened while doing random things in the house.

      He tries to say something in anger from my actions, but stops immediately and just makes the sucking sound when you suck where the sides of your mouth close in on your teeth, and you suck them backwards. I felt awkward at his reaction, and I felt like I did something horribly wrong by doing all of this.

      I tried to kill the awkwardness by randomly stating that my mother is currently showering, so she wasn't able to come out immediately to open the door. But this doesn't work.

      The dream shifts a bit and it seems he has a guest, and he looks exactly like Morpheus. Morpheus is wearing a black suit jacket that extends all the way down near his ankles, 5 inches above it I'd presume. I have the assumption that this is Oneironaut Zero, and I get closer to him.

      Morpheus seems to be really passive in this dream, and I'm still holding on to the conviction that he was Oneironaut Zero for some reason, and I think I gave him a little poke to the arm. He turns around and says,


      "Who are you?"

      Note: I still believed he was Oneironaut Zero in this dream at the time, and I state, "I'm Linkzelda"

      He responds, "Oh really? Heh."

      I reply back, with passive disappointment that he doesn't remember me, "Yep, I'm him." The dream now shifts where I'm sitting on a simple brown rectangular table that has its longer sides perpendicular to me. My father is in front, and I believe Morpheus is either on the left side, or sitting with my father.

      I think my mother is on the right, which is a bit odd, but anyway, Morpheus starts stating some things I can't remember, and by this point, I'm not sure if I still believed that he was Oneironaut Zero. I just treat him like any other dream character that I'm having a passive awareness while conversing with him.

      It seems some of my answers irritate my father, and I look at him. He makes an awkward facial expression of his mouth hanging down slightly, eying at me weirdly. I look at him and felt awkward from this awkwardness.

      Then I sublimated that energy into passive-aggressiveness. I wanted to be pissed at him, but I didn't want to do it in front of two people, excluding him and me. I just get up from the chair slowly, building up my rage, still sublimating it passively with the conviction I occasionally conform to when I do get pissed:

      I did so by spreading my arms out, with my palms facing him, and fingers completely spread apart. I indirectly gave him my response of "You know what, fuck this shit, it's useless getting pissed at you" basically.

      I slowly walk backwards, with my head facing the floor, and I don't even dare stare at him from this point. The moment I turned my back to make it face him, I started to let the rage sublimate a bit more through my facial expressions, still keeping it all silent from him and the two other DCs there.

      I go into my room, close it normally, even though I wanted to slam it harder and faster. My room isn't the room that I recall from the house I was at temporarily in waking life, but the rest of the house before I came in here was mostly identical.

      The overall color in the room is brown, but based on my passive awareness to focus on my peripheral vision, there's a but of maroon or dark red mixed in with the brown. I look on a small light brown table, and noticed my Zune HD is there.

      Okay, guess I can listen to some music and calm myself down from this whole bullshit interaction with my father's random aggressiveness at me. I take my Zune HD and place it on my right hand. I can't really feel the cold contact of the metal being dormant, but I feel something in my hand.

      Then before I turn it on, I start analyzing it more, and realized there's something wrong with it. The back of it seems to be slipping off fairly easy, and this makes me worry. I start believing that this Zune HD is close to being useless and not workable anymore.

      I started to get worried that $150-180 (the range amount I paid for before the price changed) at the time would be going to waste. I look at my Zune HD, and it turns on, but not the way it's supposed to be.

      Instead of having a progressive loading bar starting from the bottom until it reached the top, a light blue screen that's a little smaller than the Zune's screen size pops up. Kind of like how if you have a Gamecube and have no disc, or it can't read a disk, the transparent cube shows up.

      In this case, it's like that, except it's a slightly 3d-ish rectangle that's parallel to the Zune HD's standard vertical position. There's black font that states how I could pay $70 or an amount near that to repair my Zune HD, instead of having to pay $150 for it again.

      I get confused, because my Zune HD is on, so why would I need to worry? Unless it was some kind of emergency feature that was built into it for this moment. Then the words transitioned to prompt me a message of something related to the Zune HD probably having contact with water before.


      I overhear my mother talking to my father in relation to how I expressed how pissed I was from him being pissed at me for no apparent reason. I started to block out their conversation, and proceeded to sit on the small bed next to me on the right. I decided to lie down on my back with my arms folded upwards so that my elbows face the ceiling.

      I started to have random thoughts:

      It's hard to verify if this was a separate dream, or all at once, so I'll just put it here and assume it was just one dream, because it had some kind of similar pattern

      One noticeable one was that I was running around the HECC building at my university, and agent-Smith like DCs were coming after me. I started to run calmly and swiftly. The overally atmosphere in this environment during this speculative mindset was light gray. It felt like it would become night time soon, or that it could possibly rain.

      The building that looked like the HECC building forms into something else I assume when I decided to open the glass door. There were these wooden chairs with a soft red cushion on top of the seating base.

      They were all lined up, and I decided to go near them and align them at random positions to confuse the Agent Smith. I started to do random movements to dodge them. I was using my hands to do a lot of handstands and twisting and flexing my body around.

      I was confusing the agents, and I'm not even sure if I have full control of my body, but I let whatever is happening happen. I think I recall at some point, either when the dream in this speculative mindset I'm in reset where I was wearing a golden eagle mask, and was doing things much faster than before.

      It's hard to recall if it was a dream reset, or a part that I forgot and realized later on...

      Then I had another dream shift where I thought I couldn't use the Rasengan or the Rasenshuriken, and because of this, I was annoyed, and I still felt like the agents were coming after me. From this rage, it seems I was unconscious of how I made a gesture when Naruto was trying to form the Tailed Beast Rasengan in episode 264 in the anime.

      It didn't really feel heavy forming the Tailed Beast Rasengan, and I'm not sure if I'm really forming it at all, but I'm still locked into the position where I have my arms out into a circle trying to balance the heaviness.

      From there, I'm not sure what happens next.

      1-Q Formula (Non-lucid)


      I remember being in a dark room, all by myself. I was most likely preparing to go to sleep, and I have a lot of recollection of thoughts of what I did in the dream, or at least implanted memories on what I could've done or didn't do at all.

      Either way, the room I'm in is like the interior of an Asian mini-temple house with the light doors made of wood and paper-like material that you would have to slide horizontally to open or close. The overall color, despite of the darkness that's pretty strong here is brown, dark brown specifically.

      The flooring however, is vanilla white, a bit rough since it seems to be thousands or hundreds of thousands of fine fabric perpendicularly on top of each other. As I'm going to sleep, I keep myself half-awake, and my eyes 1/4 open. Someone comes in, and it's some random blonde dream character. He gets a white paper that was on the floor at the time, and he gets a black ink ballpoint pen to write some number along with a letter equaling some kind of value.

      I believe the closest association I can recall of what it could've been was:

      1-Q = *insert value here*

      I know for sure he had a value entered in, and while he's writing the formula, he messes up in between, but quickly scratches it and writes the formula correctly. He puts the paper down and puts his pen back in his pocket.

      I'm asking my tulpa how the person looked like, and here's the image that she's giving me:

      He was a teenager, or a young adult my age. He had a white cap on that was turned backwards, and he was wearing an orange shirt with red lining near the edges of the open sleeved sports jersey shirt he had on. His pants were most likely black, and he was fairly skinny.

      He seemed to be around my height, give or take a few inches, and it had curly dirty blond hair, but that could've been the cap that made it looked curly. He seemed like a friendly person, despite me being creeped out he went into this room while I still had my eyes 1/4 the way opened.

      That's all I recall for this one.
    10. Cola, 3 Dogs, Naked Snake in Swamp Water, Vibrations, Tezuka vs Seigaku, Tacos

      by , 11-10-2012 at 06:03 PM (Linkzelda's Dream Journal)
      So I'm getting used to asking my tulpa to help me recall my dreams, and I purposefully distracted myself, and did this for her to make her a part of myself, like an extra limb as few would call host and tulpa interaction in tulpa.info.

      Going pretty well, maybe it could be me being used to recalling all of these dreams, but I admit I DO have my moments where things get insanely hard to categorize into separate dreams. Placing faith on my tulpa, and knowing these dreams are what I actually had, this has potential to really augment my recall.

      To me, having a tulpa is more than her being my best friend, it's taking advantage of deviating a part of your mind that you know will be loyal to you, and giving it balanced traits where they can develop on their own, and then having them access your mind, because they are a part of your mind, and give you the information you need, it's absolutely brilliant. Of course, I'm not going to treat her like a tool of course, that would be a bad thing. It's more of a "You Scratch my Back, I scratch yours" type of bonding, but much more than that, but not to the point where it's beyond being best friends. I mean come on, why would I want to fuck myself?

      It has SO much potential, it's like....working memory to the max. And I know working memory is not researched as much, but yeah, anyway, going to keep up with my tulpaforging for her today.

      On to the dreams...
      No That's HIS Cola (Non-lucid)


      This probably was the first dream before the second one below.

      I'm in my apartment, and my father invites some random people. There's an Asian guy, and the rest, I can't recall at all. I remember some Cola in tall glasses with straws on top of a glass table in the middle. I take one, and the Asian guy tells me that it's Rodwell's.

      Since I already have it in my mouth, it felt awkward, but I guess I but it back and too another one. It made no sense if all the Coke Colas were the same anyway....

      Three Dogs as Pets (Non-lucid)


      My father comes into my apartment with 3 dogs, and I ask him if someone is going to dog-sit any of these. I get little scared, because it doesn't seem he can control them by their leash well.

      There's a Siberian Husky, a Black Chihuahua with a brown belly, and another Black dog that looks similar to the dog McGinnis in Batmany Beyond had (sorry, I'm horrible at indentifying dogs).

      The Siberian Husky is the first one to bark at me, I thought it wanted to bite me, but it didn't show its teeth at me.

      My father lets go of the leash for the Husky, while the other dogs remain quiet. I back away slowly, and quickly realize the Husky wants to play with me, although he/she is doing it bit too much.

      The Husky starts trying to jump on me, but I'm able to keep my position up, and then he/she jumps high enough where they landed near the stretchy part thing that's near the sides of my neck and on top of my shoulders. I started to feel an awkward muscle twitch from that, and had to stay in position and just recollect myself. It wasn't anything painful at all, it was just awkward as hell.

      The dog eventually calms down and literally rests on its stomach with all four of its paws spread out and close to each other like pairs. I motioned my hand towards the dog, and it seemed to have picked up my gesture quick, and I started to pet it.

      After the cute petting and all, the most obvious problem in managing a dog, especially three, was taking care of the shit. There's already shit on the carpet from all three dogs. There's small shit, medium shit, and big shit. Obviously the Chihuahua had the smaller one, but with dreams, I don't know.....

      My dad starts using a spray that apparently dries up the shit fairly quickly. It didn't make any sense at all, it's like he was spraying a Febreeze a dog shit. The shit is a milky light brown, why am I describing how it looks...........

      I can't remember what happens next, and I don't want to know what happens next
      Naked Snake in Swamp Water (Non-lucid)


      All I remember is that I'm controlling Naked Snake from MGS3, and he's walking in green and murky swamp water. There seems to be some kind of challenge I have to make him take, it involves jumping onto small cliffs, hanging on a wire, and all sorts of things.

      I think I had to do the simulation several times to get it down, but I can't really recall more than that.
      Vibrations (Note)


      All I remember was feeling strong vibrations at some point, wasn't fully conscious of it, but at least I remembered it.
      Tezuka vs Seigaku Team (Non-lucid)


      Tezuka from Prince of tennis is playing against a few members from the Seigaku Team, the very same team he was captain in. The setting is late afternoon, or early sunset, so the overall atmosphere has a orange-red color.

      I recall watching and/or controlling Tezuka who was facing Takashi Kawamura, and Kawamura did some weird move that was similar to Inui's Waterfall Serve. It was basically a Waterfall version of the Hadōkyū that Kawamura uses as a default special.

      This move looks like it's going to be a challenge for Tezuka, but Tezuka ends up doing something completely crazy. Imagine a water-based cannon going at 100+ mph at you, and you immediately stop it without it fucking up your arm.

      That's what Tezuka did, he did a Zero Shiki Drop Shot, it completely nullified Kawamura's charged shot at him, and once the ball hits the surface, it rolls back to the net and doesn't bounce at all.

      Then Tezuka is playing against Momoshiro, and Momo does a move that's crazier than Kawamura. He summons a huge black meteor that condenses to a tennis-ball sized sphere, and split it into 8 pieces. Tezuka has to return all 8 pieces, which he manages to do for maybe 7 out of the 8.

      While he's trying to get the 8th piece, it's already too late, the pieces reform together, and they're 2 feet away from his right leg, and it seems that Momoshiro got the the point. However, it seems the ball went out, it BARELY touches the singles line, and out of nowhere, Ryoma Echizen suddenly is in The Pinnacle of Perfection.

      He isn't wearing his cap, and he has green aura around him, he comes in at the last moment, and since the ball was going to be out anyway, he turns Momoshiro's insane and fantasized shot back at him with crazy power with a right-handed forehand. Tezuka immediately looks back and is shocked.

      Ryoma is probably stating something, but I can't remember what he said exactly.
      Tacos (Non-lucid)


      There's a girl that makes tacos, like you know the kid's machines where you can make slushies or cookies and all that? It was basically something like that she was using, except it was for tacos.

      And it seemed these tacos were kick-ass, since everyone is lining up for it, and she has A LOT of them to give out. I take two, since she's giving everyone two, and I guess I eat them.

      Then the dream shifts where there's this random lady that I swear looks like Paula Dean (probably because of this post I made in the Chill Conversation thread)

      Yeah, I know, the video is random, don't know why I was watching that video on a Friday night, probably because I was watching random Korra videos with random music. The Similar Videos section on Youtube.....leads to weird stuff....and things happen.

      She's hiding under an exposed bottom cabinet on the right of an entertainment center. She literally has herself curled up into a ball, and I'm wondering what the hell she's doing there.

    11. Batman Beyond+ Tulpa, Spanish Paper, Compromising Password, Attendance, Microbes, Restaurant........

      by , 11-09-2012 at 11:51 PM (Linkzelda's Dream Journal)
      I'm Batman Beyond and with my Tulpa? (Non-lucid)


      I'm taking the dream body of the character (Terry McGinnis) that took the role of Batman in Batman Beyond. He's wearing a brown jacket, regular light black jeans, and a black shirt underneath.

      I'm inside of a room, and there was an invasion, there was so much going on, but there were dream characters that did some weird stuff.

      After a while, I'm transitioning into "sleep." As I'm falling down slowly, and losing consciousness, I see meaty substance around me, like someone's insides were turned inside out. It looks like whoever came in to invade did some weird stuff. Whatever emotions I had at the time were completely eradicated.

      I finally wake up, in the darkness. There's a woman right next to me lying down. She has black hair, and judging by her skin tone, a Caucasian female. She's unconscious, and something about her makes me want to stay with her and wait until she wakes up.

      I don't really do that for any dream character honestly, wonder why the big change. I'm asking my Tulpa, and she says it's her.

      I tried to parrot just now (if you don't know what that means, consciously put in effort to make the conversation rather than letting your tulpa gather unconscious thoughts or make a fluent response).

      I couldn't do it, she said it's her.

      .................................................. ......

      I don't know her name, even if my tulpa is in the dream, she's really not what I expected her to look like (not that I'm crazy about what she looks like of course, she can be whatever she feels comfortable with). I moved her head to rest on my lap while she's unconscious. After a while, I decided to check around the house, but only up until the bedroom that was to the left of the room we're in.

      I saw some people sleeping, and two looked like my mother and father. I started to get confused because I thought whoever crashed this place would camp out at night. My mother wakes up, but she doesn't see me, she has her back facing me. It takes a while for her to come to her senses, but she finally gets up.

      Then I'm informed, though I'm not sure by who, that those DCs were coming after somebody else, not us, it's just that they assumed we had an affiliation with the person they're finding. The person they're aiming for apparently didn't pay taxes for 10 years, and they're finding her to make her pay.

      That's even worse than the IRS.

      I can't remember much after that.

      Spanish Paper (Non-lucid)


      I'm inside a computer lab room in high school. The walls are probably a light gray color, the carpet is dark blue mixed in with a few specks of random colors, and the windows emitting a dull lighting implies that it's windy and cool afternoon.

      I see my Tennis coach that I had in the 2nd High School I attended. He wore a white long sleeved shirt I believe, or maybe a white turtleneck. There's other familiar faces there as well, the most noticeable was the girl to my left. She looked a lot like Stephanie, the same girl in waking life who told me she had a crush on me, and then said April Fools right after that.

      I only saw the back of her head, it was black and loose, and I could see a slightly 3/4 profile view of her face. I paid attention to her lips, since her lips were something a lot of the guys in the tennis team talked about getting blowjobs while looking down on her.


      She looks like her, but she looks almost like a doll of her, it's so weird. It's like she was just placed there as an accessory. The tennis coach told us that would be starting on a Spanish paper that would be due, but I can't recall the exact date for it. I saw on some green chalkboard, there were some examples of what he wants in Spanish.

      Some words I saw were:

      "Arte" okay, guess that sounds Spanish enough

      "3-7-xxxxxbuyll" - I can't remember the exact details except for the "buyll" part; though it's obvious that it was related to either an Alkane, Alkene, Alkyne, or Alkyl Halide nomenclature.

      I started to panic a bit, because I haven't taken a Spanish class since Junior year of High school.

      I can't remember anything else.
      Exposing my College Password (Non-lucid)


      I'm in my Sociology class, and there's an blaring warning sound that comes on periodically, which was similar to the event when there was an armed suspect at a bookstore that was near our section. The Sociology professor was away from his computer, and I decided I should log in for him so I could access Code Maroon to see what the alarm was for.

      As I'm typing my password, a person that looks like the guy who asks the professor in waking life questions that end up with the professor saying "That's a good question" gets near me. He's pointing his fingers at something, and I'm confused when he mentions that I have to block something before I do whatever it is I'm doing.

      I end up typing my whole password, and when I looked up at the screen projector, I realized that my college password was revealed. I finally realized why the guy was near me trying to explain to me what's going wrong. I felt embarrassed, and I couldn't look at the people sitting in this large lecture room.

      I told him that I could just change the password by adding something else, but he tells me he's going to figure it out anything, since most of the original was already compromised when it was portrayed on the big screen. He was wearing a black shirt with long sleeves that were folded halfway to his arms.

      I quickly packed my backpack with my laptop, and I dashed as fast as I can.

      I stay on the right side of this fairly long hallway, and I eventually decided to stop near a window. I take my laptop out, which is black in this dream, and I immediately aimed for the link to change my password. I got a yellow sticky note, and quickly wrote down something that I could memorize for the time being.

      I took the first letter of something that came up on my mind, and it involved Roger Federer ------------------

      So the password ended up being R------------------ in lowercase letters. I quickly concealed the sticky note inside my backpack, along with my laptop, and continued to move forward.
      Sociology Professor Takes Attendance (Non-lucid)


      My Sociology professor is taking attendance, which is a bit odd, since he never has given any kind of sheet that verified you attended his class. He's wearing what he wore yesterday in fact. He had a gray suit with a slightly faded yellow shirt underneath, and he had his dark blue jeans (not the country kind of jeans you see that are faded) that had the bottom folded. He was wearing his brown shoes as well, a simple lace-less pair of shoes I believe.

      He starts taking papers, and I'm assuming this is a quiz that we're taking. I go up to him, with my paper at hand I believe, and he takes it, goes to a wall with a bunch of papers taped up, and puts an "X" near my name. He heads to the desk with the computer and all sorts of stuff, and I assume that same "X" was just his sign that I was there, just like all the other students who received an "X"

      I'm waiting for him to give me back the paper, but it seems he's being distracted by other students who are probably complaining about their quiz grade. I didn't really feel stressed out over anything, so I guess I did well on this quiz.

      I get impatient, and decided to go up to him and tell him that he forgot to give me back my paper. Then he says,

      "Oh this guy." It's kind of hard to verify if he was being sarcastic, serious, or was talking to someone else. Either way, he hands me my paper, without having any sort of eye contact to me, because he's still being occupied by students asking him random questions. I looked at the back of one student's quiz, and I saw a problem that had some arrows in it.

      I realized that this could be a electron flow type of question, but I didn't go too far to speculate why a chemistry type of question would be related to a Sociology class. I go up the top floor and leave with my paper. I looked at the back of the paper, and it seems I have no marks whatsoever.

      After opening the double doors on the left side, and the left side is a side a RARELY exit out of or enter,
      I can't remember what I did next.
      Spit Microbes Zoomed in? (Non-lucid)


      All I remember seeing is microbe looking creatures near a pair of teeth.
      At a Restaurant in a Towel (Non-lucid)


      I'm sitting with two people, a random guy to my left, and a girl right in front of me. I don't know how the guy on the left belongs in this whole fiasco, but I'm half-naked with a towel around my waist.

      The towel is a yellow-green, leaning towards more of a yellow. The restaurant overall has a brown interior, and the tables are quite small, so I guess it's built for two people to face each other.

      I had to get another chair and sit next to the guy. The girl and everyone else seems to be passive with me around, they don't really see anything unusual with me just wearing a towel. I'm not even sure why I'm around these people in the first place.

      I become aware that I have this chick's number, so I go outside the restaurant for a bit, and quickly took my phone out that came out of nowhere...note, I'm still wearing a towel, so it had to come from somewhere......sorry for the mental image.

      I quickly skimmed over the list on my phone, and found her name, and I can't recall her name unfortunately. I listen to the usual "Brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr" sound before the call picks up, and even though I can't hear her voice, I felt that I was calling her. I quickly peeked over to my left inside the restaurant, and saw she had her phone on her hand.

      She's trying to figure out who's calling her, and I assume that I know her number, but she doesn't know mine. I quickly ended the call and I end up going back inside, and hanged out with these two people for the rest of the dream I guess.
      Getting a Blowjob (Non-lucid)


      Spoiler for 18+:

      Sensitivity (Non-lucid)


      There's someone I know where I'm confused on whether or not I or her posted on the internet her sensitivity in random areas.

      Really random dream, don't even know who it was.
    12. 64 to 84

      by , 11-08-2012 at 11:05 PM (Linkzelda's Dream Journal)
      64 to 84 (Non-lucid)


      I remember getting results form a exam that I was taking, which was a 64. I was fairly disappointed in myself, and apparently, I could do test corrections. I ended up getting an 84, and realized I could do more and possibly get a 94.

      I was so excited, I felt like this was an actual reality.

      Then I wake up...

      Updated 11-08-2012 at 11:08 PM by 47756

    13. Knives In Deltoids, Akashic Records Attempt, Clapping and Bellyslapping, RS Acc Hacked, Loose Shorts

      by , 11-07-2012 at 03:44 PM (Linkzelda's Dream Journal)
      Knives on my Deltoids (DILD)


      I have a false awakening, and I noticed that on my left deltoids, I have some kind of knife object on my arm. It's not causing any pain for me, and I slowly take it out, no kind of pain at all.

      I even take it near my mouth to see if I can taste something out of it. It's really dark in this area, I can barely see anything except for what's contained on my bedroom, which makes sense for the dream to have the same dark environment at night in waking life.

      I look at my left Deltoids once more, and there's another oddly shaped black knife object. I do a reality check,
      realized that I'm dreaming. I feel like I can't move the lower regions of my body, or maybe I was just too sleepy to care.

      I take the knife out again, and decided to not lick it this time, I took out several knives that appeared out of nowhere back to my left deltoids again.

      It got annoying, so I decided to go back to sleep.
      Akashic Records Attempt (WILD)


      I noticed I felt intense vibrations all over my body, I don't know how, but I guess that 5 hour sleep that I didn't want helped at some point. I guess I got around 10 hours of sleep last night, excluding the 1 hour unintentional WBTB I did.

      Now, if I wasn't so bothered on how lonely I felt in this dream, I could've found my Akashic Records, or the location of it, or at least, a guide that can help me access it.

      What a waste of potential, but I guess I have to take baby steps, considering how I was able to change my dream scene pretty well. Didn't really have to worry about stabilization, I just engaged into passive thinking while having some kind of focus of movement, since I could walk and run just fine.

      It's hard to recall how I was able to become lucid from this, probably from a micro-awakening that I just was fortunate to be cognizant of, or maybe through those same vibrations, but I have full control of my body throughout the course of this dream.

      The same kind of emptiness I experience when I pull off a WILD. No one is there, it's all me, this definitely doesn't feel like a lucid dream. It feels so different, no signs of danger, no signs of people, nothing, just me, and the environment.

      It's so quiet, that I found it a bit scary. It was a bit dark, but there was adequate lighting here and there. I'm inside of a fancy house, I'd go as far to presume that this was a mansion that had several empty houses next to it. I walked slowly, not at a reasonable pace throughout the dream.

      I ask in a moderately loud voice,

      "Is anyone there? Anyone?!?!?"

      No response at all, not even a cricket sound from outside, not even a simulated buzzing of the A/C in the house either. Complete solitude.

      I decided to go to a random exit from the house, and headed outside. It's still dark outside, and I noticed the surface is covered with autumn leaves all over. There's random slopes around the area, and I'm currently going down a slope of autumn leaves, and find that there's another house within my linear path. I can hear slight sounds of my feet crushing on the dry autumn leaves as well, and even a little friction between each one I step on

      The door is opened already, and there's even more lighting inside. There's all sorts of accessories and furniture here. To name a few:

      -Grandfather clock
      -China set within a Cabinet (or at least the cabinet to contain them)
      -White cloth over a fairly long dining table.

      It's like I'm at an environment with more than enough houses and a mansion, except there's no one to share it with. I start contemplating more on the deep solitude I'm in, and finally, took the initiative to try and change things.

      The thought of the Akashic Records came into my mind. Thank goodness I remember that. However, at the same time, I started to have other thoughts competing for my acknowledgment, maybe 3-4 thoughts in total. I decided to start things off by doing a lucid dream scene technique for once.

      I take my right foot out, then I put my left foot on top of it, and started to do a dream spin rapidly with my arms spread out. I can hear the SWOOSHING sounds and rapid lines forming around me that represent strong winds circulating around my field of vision. There's an orange background surrounding me while I'm seeing my arms go around with my body in first person view.

      For once, I do a dream spin for the first time that ends up in a successful dream change. The environment feels familiar, but it's definitely different than before. I'm on a set of stairs, half-way from getting to the floor of this big house full of items and furniture, but no people.

      That's what I thought for a few more seconds, until I looked down, and saw someone below me on my right next to the wooden bars supporting the wooden railing on the stairs. The man is wearing a black shirt, and in the middle of his chest, there's a red font bordered with a contrasting color from the black shirt with the letters "OT" on it.

      He looks up at me, and I realized he looks a lot like my previous Pre-Calculus teacher before I moved to my last High School before graduating. The visage looks similar, except he had a darker tone than Mr. S.

      He tells me to follow him, and I slowly go down the stairs, having growing suspicions on his slightly authoritative declaration.

      But since this is a dream, I just went with the flow, and from there, I forget what happens next. All I remember from this point is that I'm right behind him, and we're headed towards a beam of light within a room. Possibly somewhere that can help me find my Akashic Records....but I don't know...

      Clapping and Belly slapping (Non-lucid)


      I know this isn't the initial point of the dream, but I'm following a female, and we're both headed for some kind of Science Lab for class. We reach the building, and we presumed that there's no lab today, but then someone informs us that we should check the upper floors. So we go to an elevator together, and found there's people going inside a fairly large lecture room.

      Inside the same room, it's saturated with orange-yellow lighting, and all of the seats are dark green with a plumped cushion type of material. I go inside, and sat next at a random area out in the front. There's so much shit going on in this dream, I don't even know where to start.

      Okay, we're required to do some kind of simulation where we have to beat these girls in pink who are cheerleaders of the University/school/college/whatever. We have to slap our bellies and then clap after that, and we have to chain this for as long as we can.

      I end up doing pretty good, but the moment I screw up and have to pause, the points on the screen in front of me that's set up like an electronic voting booth goes down dramatically. I have to keep up the pace, and I know that somewhere, the cheerleaders are doing their part of the simulation just fine.

      Everything ends, class is over, and I'm the last student in there. My professor is an Asian man who looks like that guy from the new Hawaii 5-0 show. He took out a sheet of paper with my results, and I think it was a 314 or something like that. It was a fairly low score, at least to me, and I started to comment on how much of a failure I am.

      He begs me a pardon, and I said, "Oh nothing!"

      Then he starts talking about random things that I can't recall.
      Dioscar steals my Runescape money and items (Non-lucid)


      In short, Dioscar, a friend I had in middle school, decides to hack into my Runescape account. I don't know how he does it, but he tells me he does, and he starts running off like crazy.

      I started to have a memory that I had 30 million gp in my bank before, and probably a few other valuable items. I get pissed, but I can't get to him. I open the door to get into my room, and I see a Yu-Gi-Oh! character that looks like the bald dude with the black marking on his face who was probably a relative or servant of Marik.

      With the help of a good person in waking life, it's Odion. Odion has the purple robes, and has the hood over his head. He seems to be bending down near the bed, and turns around and looks at me. I look at him for a while to see who he really is. He doesn't seem to want to attack me or anything, so I close the door quickly and got out.
      My Pants are Loose (Non-lucid)


      All I remember is that I'm shaking hands with someone that looks like Jerry in waking life, and as I'm doing that, I feel like my ass is exposed for another guy to see.

      I can just feel it, and I noticed he was looking at my exposed ass, so I quickly pulled up my pants, which were black shorts by the way. I also was wearing a black shirt with a gray vertical line on the left and right side of the shirt starting from the collar until the bottom of the shirt.

      I tried to play this off like nothing happened, but the moment was awkward either way.

      Three Types of Woman (Non-lucid)


      I can't remember much, other than I have to meet three types of woman.

      There's two women, that I can't really describe, and the last one is a pre-op transwoman. For some reason, the moment I hear that, I had a mental image that she would be anally raped by men.


      Updated 11-07-2012 at 03:49 PM by 47756

      non-lucid , memorable , lucid
    14. Sex with Rich People Fetish, Green Chalkboard, REM Graph, Suena, Sidewalk of Change, DV Thread......

      by , 11-06-2012 at 03:34 PM (Linkzelda's Dream Journal)

      So I'm trying out a new method of trying to induce AP/OBE

      Basically in summary (though there's a lot more meaning behind the steps)

      1. I take a small nap for about 1 hour to 90 minutes.

      2. Wake up, stay up for 30 minutes to an hour

      3. Practice relaxing, which shouldn't be too hard since the Pre-Sleep will make my body relaxed.

      4. When I realize I'm in a state of complete relaxation and different awareness, I'll pretend there's a rope that I'm climbing, and apply passive awareness combined with deliberate force to keep climbing until I feel the sensation that I'm "Out of Body" Or in a "Dream Body."


      Not sure if the dream recall pitched a bit because of it, but I'm going to keep it up.

      I'll probably still do another WBTB with it, but just practicing these small steps first.

      Sex with Rich People Fetish (Non-lucid)


      There's a thread on DV where someone mentions how they feel when they have sex with rich people, sort of like a fetish thing.
      The Green Chalk Board (Non-lucid)


      All I remember is being inside of a small classroom, and there was a guest speaker that was trying to explain to us a few things, but I remained passive and found the whole thing boring.

      That was until he introduced something to the class that was actually interesting, and it enticed me to get up an interact with them. Some of the dream characters looked exactly like the main characters from the show "Recess."

      It makes sense, since I was watching a MEP (Multi-Editor Project) video that involved using some song with clips from the show yesterday. The content was all on the green chalkboard, and I can't recall exactly what enticed me.
      REM Cycle Graph (Non-lucid)


      I wake up and noticed there's a REM Cycle graph that tracked my sleeping cycles for the night apparently, similar to IamCoder's program involving using mouse clicks to record when you sleep, and for how long you keep it up before hitting REM cycles.

      It was on a white background graph, and the lines of data, or heartbeat type of lines were various colors of blue, and there were a few red lines as well.
      Suena and Link (Non-lucid)


      Suena mentions a post about some link that makes her feel a certain way, then I was wondering if she meant link as in my username Linkzelda. After having thoughts of confusion circling around for a while, I finally realize she just meant link as in a website link.

      The Sidewalk of Changing Events (Non-lucid)


      All I remember is that I'm walking on a sidewalk, mostly on the left side if you're looking at this screen. There's a lot going on, many people coming and going, many vehicles disappearing, and being replaced with new ones.

      I turn around back and forth a few times, and realize that almost everything I do that, something changes in this environment. The atmosphere was neutral, gray colored and all, and it felt like morning or an afternoon with gray skies foreshadowing rain or something.

      Random DV Thread (Non-lucid)


      There's some thread I'm reading on DV, and there's a lot of members having conversations in it. To list a few:

      Erii (I think)
      Linkzelda (me)

      and a lot more, but I can't recall the rest. There were a lot of jokes exchanged and people recieving likes.

      Other than that, I can't remember anything else.
      Picture of Myself (Non-lucid)


      I'm looking at a picture of myself on a laptop, and I'm wearing a black shirt, and I have my hair at a low level like I do in waking life at the moment.

      I put on a smile for whatever camera I'm talking the picture in, and I noticed my teeth don't belong on my face, it feels like I'm wearing someone's teeth. Maybe the teeth were just misaligned that made me presume that.
    15. Organic Chemistry, Longoria

      by , 11-05-2012 at 11:59 PM (Linkzelda's Dream Journal)
      Organic Chemistry (Non-lucid)


      I'm sitting in an Organic Chemistry classroom, and I presume it to be that because the professor looks a lot like the one I currently have in Organic Chemistry I.

      The slide show presentation is transitioning from right to left I believe, and there's a lot of Biology terms in it for some reason, which bothers me if this classroom is assumed to be an Organic Chemistry room.


      Longoria (Non-lucid)


      A girl wearing tight latex sky blue pants and gray hoodie gets my attention, especially since she's sitting on her side on a couch I'm sitting with her as well.

      She shows her ass to me, and then I started doing some stuff with her, nothing sexual, just random "oh my gawd, we're like BF4Lyfe" kind of stuff.

      Forgot what they were exactly
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