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    Non-Lucid Dreams

    1. Code Lyoko Forest Sector and Sasuke Uchiha......Hoarding Females' Phone Numbers

      by , 01-05-2013 at 02:59 PM (Linkzelda's Dream Journal)
      Code Lyoko Forest Sector and Sasuke Uchiha? (Non-lucid)


      I remember focusing on Odd from Code Lyoko in his virtual form, and it looks a little bit different than the default for some reason.

      I'm in spectator mode most of the time, and I find myself controlling Odd at some points as well. Odd is running around some forest-rock dome with a few big gaps to go inside another area. There seems to be several cave entrances, but Odd doesn't go anywhere near them.

      I sensed something was hiding within this dome area, so I used some random item that looked like a Tiki Mask. I think it had the words of:


      in all caps or at least it was shaped to represent those letters. Odd wears the mask, and the mask gives the user the ability to make several jumps in the air with ease. Then the mechanics of the whole dream turns into a Super Mario Galaxy type of gameplay where Odd could perform a Ground Slam.

      I think I'm the one that makes him jump up in the air about 4 times, and I immediately do a ground slam on a rock that has several cracks on it that looks weakened already. Then a Star, just like the ones you get in Super Mario Galaxy, appears and rotates for a little bit before going to Odd immediately.

      I can't recall what happens after that, and then there's a dream shift where things get a little be confusing and freaky.

      Odd is checking to see if Yumi likes Sasuke Uchiha, who just happens to be sitting at a random seat in a generated school cafeteria.

      Odd goes over to Yumi and asks her if she likes Sasuke, and she has her mouth opened for a few seconds and says "No!"

      She goes back to tying her black boots, and then I see Sasuke is reading a paper note from someone, and it seems to be from a secret lover.

      Sasuke asks himself,


      Then he scoffs, crumbles the paper, and throws it away.

      That's all I remember for that one.


      Hoarding Females Phone Numbers (Non-lucid)


      I'm getting females giving me their phone numbers left and right, and I can't freaking tolerate it.

      So much giggling, and at least 5 pieces of small notebook papers are given to me with quite a few sets of females' phone numbers. These girls weren't even attractive, and honestly, I say that because they were at least 16 years of age.

      This bothers me, and I felt like the sudden liking of me was just a distraction from whatever it is that I was doing in this dream. But I didn't throw away the papers, apparently I was hanging out with three people I used to know in Middle School.

      I'll just shorten their names to Pat, Bri, and Feli.

      I asked Bri first,

      "Hey, you wanna have a chick to yourself?"

      "Nah, no thanks." He responds.

      Dude wtf, free chicks, and possibly free sex, how could you DENY THAT?!?!?!

      Then I asked Pat and Bri, and they both said "No."

      What the fuck am I going to do with all of these women's phone numbers?

      I can't possibly have sex with all of them now, that's just not fair!

      That was my mentality in the dream mind you, not what I think of now.

      Updated 01-05-2013 at 03:02 PM by 47756

    2. Akashic Records Real or Fake, Calling my Father, Creature, Kaomea PM. Alyzarin commands, and more...

      by , 01-04-2013 at 06:15 PM (Linkzelda's Dream Journal)
      Akashic Records Reading Real or Fake? (Non-lucid)


      I remember that I'm inside of a hallway where things are quiet but peaceful. There's a very big book in front of me, and the exterior is a brown color while the pages are slightly yellow.

      The room was a little dark, but there was a window right above me that was conveniently placed right behind the book so that I could easily read it. I couldn't remember the first pages of this book, and I probably wouldn't have been able to decipher them if I wanted to.

      So as I'm going through more pages, I finally noticed something comprehensible. For some reason, that page came out to me, like it tore out on its own or something like that. It stated about me having a 53% of something, and by doing these actions, I would an augmentation leading towards that event being more probable and in my favor.

      It was kind of hard to bear at first, and I don't really recall embracing the magnificence of the Akashic Records, probably because I felt I was in the lower levels of my own Records. The paper showed a graph somewhere on the right, and then there's a table that shows actions I can take that gives me a certain percentage if I accomplish them.

      Then I had this mentality where it was Thursday of next week I believe, or maybe Thursday that already passed for this week. But to be practical, I'm going to presume the dream or astral scenario was for the week coming up after this dream journal entry.

      So if I wanted to be in the clear for the event to be in my favor I had to get at least 10% to make it 63%.

      With the options below on the table, it seemed I had a pretty good chance in making this happen. After realizing this, it gives me a sense of relief,
      but I'm still not sure if this was simulated or not.

      Then the whole experience starts go into dream like qualities, and I see random people like Nick from Young and the Restless,
      so now as I'm typing this, the Akashic Records reading was either:

      - Real, but I dozed off and got the experienced intertwined with a random dream

      -Simulated along with the random dream

      - Real, but how I conceptualize it was associated with how I analyze dreams.

      Now the dream shifts where I'm planning out some of the activities on the paper that's torn out (this was obviously a simulation or something, because I don't recall your own pages actually being able to be ripped off or being able to be torn out.

      It was mostly things related to college, and then it felt like it was Friday, and I didn't have any kind of awareness on any percentage increase. I felt my time here was limited, and that things would start crashing down for me.

      Going into this self-induced pit of negative emotions, I start to phase out of my planning, if I had one, and I can't recall the rest of this experience.


      Trying to Call My Father (Non-lucid)


      I'm inside a house I'm currently residing for the New Years break, and I find myself trying to call my father. The phone starts blanking out pretty frequently, which irritates me.

      My father picks up sometimes, but most of the time I can't even hear him at all. I didn't bother to check if the phone volume was on mute, but I didn't really want to do anything but to call him.

      The house itself has the kitchen light turned on and the T.V. on the left is on as well I believe.

      There's someone wearing an orange shirt and brown leggings or velour pants in the house that starts becoming annoying after a while and starts screaming, and I'm not sure if it's at me or my father.

      But when she's screaming, I hear the response from my phone. I get confused, and I can't remember what happens after that.


      Weird Creature & Dave Chappelle (Non-lucid)


      There's a creature consisting of orange and a slightly green tentacle. It's as small as a human fist, and it's moving around like crazy where I'm too scared to do anything.

      Dave Chappelle randomly comes into this dream, and I'm trying to throw a ball at the creature, but Dave catches it with his butt cheeks. He starts going random mode on me, and I'm trying to look the other way before things go into the shitter for this dream.


      Kaomea PMs me (Non-lucid)


      Kaomea PMs stating that I could PM her every now and then.



      Alyzarin makes me Respond Quickly (Non-lucid)


      Alyzarin wants me to respond to a thread with preset responses, and I do it quickly because she says it to me in a rush.

      I thought I created the thread, which was something related to putting what describes you as a tag or something, but it seems Erii created it before me.

      After reading my reply the second time, I felt this didn't really describe me. Then some random user below me with a Kid Goku picture for his avatar stated how he was going to describe himself, but I pretty much took part of what he was.

      A lot of people liked this, and I feel confused on what I actually did to "steal" part of his identity in the first place. I felt guilty either way, and then as I'm scrolling up to see who liked it, I saw Kaomea and 6 other people liked it.

      I was still speculating what I did wrong, and I felt guilty....lol...guilty over people who liked something that basically makes me look like the bad guy.

      I turned to Alyzarin and told her that she shouldn't have made me do that, and she instant messages me with (paraphrasing here):

      "I tend to do that a lot, get used to it."


      This dream so random and incomprehensible to piece together.


      Don't Bold, Italicize, or Underline! (Non-lucid)


      It's pretty much the whole dream; someone tells me not to bold, italicize, and underline.

      It wasn't like that exactly, she made a blog post on how "Brandon" is violating the Terms of Service by doing these actions. Then she goes on to ramble on and on and on and on.

      Then I looked at the comments that seemed automated and a bunch of one-liners. Then after speculation, I realized this whole blog post was a bunch of BULL, and this didn't make sense AT ALL.

      Could've done a reality check, but nope.
    3. Huge Orange Fish, Justice League After me, More Prince of Tennis

      by , 01-03-2013 at 05:45 AM (Linkzelda's Dream Journal)
      Huge Orange Fish (Non-lucid)


      I'm inside a glass building and I'm looking outside at random things like a huge orange fish with sharp teeth being exposed.

      It's looking at me, and it has its mouth open, and I'm absolutely amazed on how dangerous this fish is if the glass broke or something.


      Justice League is After Me (Non-lucid)


      All I remember is a few members from the Justice League chasing me because I changed the password to something.


      More Prince of Tennis (Non-lucid)


      All I remember is playing with someone in a High School I attended, and he was the #1 Varsity player at the time in Mayde Creek High School.

      Then there are just random moments where Ryoma Echizen shows up again, and I think he wants to play with the same #1. For some reason, I felt I was interchanging perspectives with Ryoma.

      I tried to make a decent rally, but I can't even hit the ball back to the person.
    4. Padlock Stolen, and Blonde Female at the Mall

      by , 12-28-2012 at 07:48 PM (Linkzelda's Dream Journal)
      Padlock Stolen (Non-lucid)


      I'm holding on a gray Padlock, and someone to the left of me is doing something with me. I think it's unlocking something, but I just can't recall anything more than that.

      There's a random male wearing a white vest, dark pants, and has a Zoro like mustache. He's hispanic, has a drooped eyebrow structure, and he just comes out of nowhere and gets behind the person I'm waiting for.

      For some reason, I give the guy the Padlock, and he's like,

      "Oh, guess I'm going to steal it."

      I get pissed, I go after him by grabbing his left shoulder and tried to make him give me back the padlock. He's actually making a decent resistance for a dream character, and while I prepare to make another move by getting a weapon out, he gets a knife out as well.

      I tell the person behind me to help me out here, but I can't recall what happens next.


      Blonde female and the Mall (Non-lucid)


      I can't remember much other than being with a blonde female and doing something with her in a mall or a building.

    5. Green Lantern and Wielding a Shotgun

      by , 12-28-2012 at 04:13 AM (Linkzelda's Dream Journal)
      Green Lantern and Shotgun (Non-lucid)


      I'm wielding a shotgun that looks like it's just a toy rather than the actual weapon. Green Lantern, the one from Justice League and Justice League Unlimited, is out to help me (I think) hunt after some older man.

      I don't know why I would be on a hunt for someone, but I had feelings of fear that if I had to reload, the old man might come out of the doors I'm going through and shoot me. Fortunately, that didn't happen, but there was one moment where I was very close to being shot at.

      I think Green Lantern was just flying around, can't recall much because I didn't really give much devotion to recalling dreams today.

    6. Tennis with Sarah, Resident Evil 4 Characters, Running away from Shooter

      by , 12-27-2012 at 06:58 AM (Linkzelda's Dream Journal)
      Playing Tennis With Sarah (Non-lucid)


      I'm walking outside, and I see a blonde that resembles Sarah, who used to be a Freshmen when I was a Junior in High School.

      She glances at me, and I looked at her, but only for a while, and I think I heard my coach saying that I would be paired up with her. The reason being is that there were mostly females on the team, and I came in because they needed a mixed doubles team.

      So I guess I was the only one that showed up, and I had to agree indirectly. Then the dream shifts where I'm walking with two more people, who end up being male, which contradicts the purpose of me being in a mixed doubles team.

      I see someone that looks like Jon Kus. in waking life, and I try to get his attention. I get his bag, and he things I'm lifting it for him, but at the same the I think that the bag he was holding was for me.

      It's just so random that it's confusing. The other male was some Asian guy who looked like someone I met in Middle School who was kind of agressive, and I think his name was James?


      Resident Evil 4 Characters (Non-lucid)


      All I remember for this one is that Krauser from Resident Evil 4 was trying to scare me, which he did for a few seconds, but I quickly realized he's not going to kill me or anything.

      I believe Ada Wong was there as well, but I don't know where she came from.


      Running away from Shooter (Non-lucid)


      I remember having a conflict with a dark-skinned male who looked like he was about my age, and I was really irritated by him appearing out of nowhere.

      I screamed at him, and left the building. I'm outside, and it looks like the area of Heldenfels from the University I'm in. I get anxious, and I turned back to find that the guy is slowly following me, and I looked down to see he's holding something.

      I assumed it was a gun, but I couldn't take a good look at it because I was running for my life. And I was running fairly slow at random points, like I just freezed just like that and then went back to progressively run a bit faster.

      I remember deciding going to a building to hide, since he would probably speculate where I am if I at least went for the corner. The area outside had light gray clouds covering the skies, as if it was going to rain soon.

      Also, I had a dream where I was some other girl's girlfriend, but it's best I forget about that dream.

      All I can say is, if I was a fool for lucid dreaming escapism, the realism of that dream would probably make me tempted to be find a way to have a coma in this reality, and just have a dream with that person.

      It's disgusting, but it's a repressed desire that I wouldn't have mind. But I don't have time for that, I still have to do things in this world, the paradise can wait until my time comes.
    7. Merkaba, Lost Childhood Memory, Octopus and Random Convention

      by , 12-25-2012 at 01:33 AM (Linkzelda's Dream Journal)
      Merkaba Meditation (Note)


      Okay, here's what I think of the Merkaba Meditation so far.

      ROYGBIV + 10 more breaths of feeling all lovey dovey spirtuality stuff.

      (Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo, Violet).

      So....I find it weird to do a meditation like this, and last night, barely could sleep, thankfully I finally was able to sleep for a good bit until waking up at a random time and then going back to sleep.

      My perception of time was completely nonexistent, which should be a good thing. However, still have to increase the patience more, I was bashing my head with a pillow several times out of anger because I couldn't feel anything.

      Counted down 300 breaths, even 100 more breaths, still nothing but knowing my body is relaxing and going to sleep while my impatient mind can't bear with the fact that I can't align myself to the right frequency to astral project.

      So my options are to listen to binaural beats sometime later this afternoon so I can get into the frequency. I definitely have the will to meditate for a long period of time, now the question of whether or not I can learn how to shut down my brain (not literally of course) is the next challenge.

      I just KNOW I can do this if I just put my mind to it. I've been meditating, or at least meditating for at least 30 minutes to an hour or more daily.

      I know progress will come eventually, but I have to push this up a bit with my patience.

      Alright now for the dream recall.


      Lost Childhood Memory? (Non-lucid)


      I remember sitting down on a chair with a guy to the right of me, and a girl to the left.

      The girl to the left was a blonde female.

      Oh, well look what we have here.

      She resembles someone that I saw in waking life, but I don't have any more information other than that. She's wearing some kind of cool colored shirt, maybe blue or green, and my presumption is leaning me towards the blue color.

      Her hair is actually bleached blonde, and she has it tied up into a ponytail. There's a piece of paper or some greeting card where we have to write our names for some odd reason. The paper is a milky red color, and she hands it to me.

      I looked down on the paper, and I saw that her name was "Chistine"

      It was obviously missing a "R," or maybe it could be that I was too hyped up with glancing at it several times in rapid successions. Or it could just be the assumption of dream text being abnormal and not clear every time I read something.

      My dream eyes were honestly disoriented when I tried to process her name, and I accepted it as "Chistine" without a "R" included. For some reason, I don't write my name, but I hand it over to the guy to the right of me, and I see my name is already written.

      I take the card back, not using any sort of manners towards the guy and looked at it clearly. It's obvious someone added an extra "S" to my last name. I become irritated by this, and the blonde to the left doesn't directly tell me she wrote it, but it was obvious that she did write it down.

      I couldn't do anything but release my anger, because I had somewhat of an attraction to her. She's paying attention to whatever it is we're sitting for while pointing down on the card and asking me,

      "It's Stephens right?"

      I immediately scratched out the S for my last name that ended up being covered in dark red scratches. I can't remember using a pen, but something definitely happened for it to be covered like that.

      I noticed that the seats were all of a generic black color and your basic cheap chairs utilized for a large gathering of sorths, but I don't pay too much attention except relying on my peripheral vision passively acknowledging this.

      I noticed the environment is obviously blurry the moment I fixate on the girl, the boy, or the card. They are clearly the most vivid projections of this reality, until things randomly start having more clarity. The atmosphere of the room is a light yellow-orange mist with the lighting and all.

      There's an adult who is dark skinned and looks like she's in her 30s. She's wearing a faded black and dark brown mixed animal hide jacket over her black dress. I tried to ask her a question, but then I decided to look around the environment I'm in, and I noticed there are a lot of children reading books.

      Some parts feel too familiar, like small bits of childhood memories that were probably repressed so much that it would be improbable to recall them. I saw things like "Accelerated Reader," which was some kind of program with some reward system for reading books and doing well on a test to show proof that you read the book correctly.

      But I wasn't paying attention to this for very long, and I started to space out, and that's all I remember for that dream.


      Someone Fishes an Octopus and Random Gathering (Non-lucid)


      There's a random gathering in this weird environment that shifts to an island or an auditorium or something similiar to that. It reminds me of Outset Island from The Legend of Zelda: Windwaker.

      It's night time, and I'm near the sands saturated with the water going in and out. I don't recall much on the sound of the ocean, and I doubt I was feeling any kind of "weather."

      There's a table with tablecloth that states something about some kind of sale that will go on very soon. Apparently Elysian Shields from Runescape are going to be (and I'm just guessing the price):

      i>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>and some number value.

      That's literally all I can remember, I just remember something being repeated, and definitely there was a lowercase "i" in yellow painted font on top of a green tablecloth layer.


      Dream shifts, I guess, and there's a guy going to fish someone near shallow water. He starts looking around, and he immediately catches an Octopus. And while he's trying to do so, I honestly wish he would've worn a belt for his pants, because the image is really disturbing.

      People are saying secretly of how he's exposing his rear end, and I agree with them, but just inside my mind. Then he starts fishing other stuff.

      I can't remember what happens next for that one.


      I realized this is all being experienced in the auditorium now. The walls are white, the lighting is the generic white color, and the carpet is gray. There someone who is talking about something everyone can attend, but most people shrug it off and decide to leave.

      I jump in the bandwagon and left as well, I honestly didn't think it would be interesting in the first place.


      Bus Farting (Non-lucid)


      I remember random things happening in the bus, and it was awkward. I remember a girl that looked like Diana that I only met on Facebook as a friend. She decided to sit at the seat behind me, and I felt awkward.

      Updated 12-25-2012 at 03:38 AM by 47756

    8. Prison Camp and Dying For the First Time!!!

      by , 12-23-2012 at 08:11 AM (Linkzelda's Dream Journal)
      Prison Camp and Dying for the First Time (Non-lucid)


      Just a mere nap, and I have this crazy experience, damn, it felt like it was at least a 10 minute dream, or even more. It felt so condensed, a lot of gaps in between, but those parts I recalled had huge significance in my overall experience.

      And I died, which is a first thing, and I was in prison, so obviously, my feelings of being trapped is related to how I feel about people in general and the image I'm trying to sustain, but knowing that trying to do so might actually send me into deeper and more difficult tasks to get out of.

      I was meditating, and what a perfect dream to signify that I'm trying to get out of, my thoughts and attachments of life.......And to finally reach freedom in this dream was so amazing, until a small ad hoc of soldiers shot me down like I was nothing.

      Now on to the dream. There's a lot of sexual references here, but there wasn't anything sexual, just a lot of representations of how I conceptualize certain things, and the mere mentioning of that representation isn't going to be a bother, except the death of course, or it could be a joy to some sadists.

      So, let's go on with the dream.

      I'm on the run, I don't know where I am, but I do have a weird connection to this place and the nooks and crannies of a few specific areas. It's like a dungeon, and I'm constantly finding myself going up stairs, random hallways, reaching upper levels where there's natural sun light, but never going too far into the light.

      My mind is mixed at this point, so many interchanging thoughts at once ranging from the fear of possibly being found out, captured, and recieving a more cruel punishment for endorsing the escape of other prisoners. I felt I had obligations, but at the same time I felt I needed to engage in this neutrality of trying to help others or save myself.

      I needed other people to find ways to know more about the large Prison/Dungeon Camp I'm in, and the gargantuan size of this area, the many areas within it, all too much for one person to even conceptualize possible escape tactics for freedom.

      There's too many things going on at once that it's hard to keep track off and make it into a cohesive and comprehensible chain of events. I remember someone in a black latex suit, a female, probably resembling Catwoman, that I would end up helping or trying to avoid.

      Her role in this was temporary, and I feel I also met Robin as well, but his purpose fades away quickly. There are guards coming after us, and I remember that each time that I run, I end up going to a specific set of stairs that leads me to a myriad of paths that I can take.

      I also noticed that there are anal toys laid of on the right side about 2 feet away from double doors consisting of dark red colors with 4 rectangles going vertical formed as if they were split from a bigger rectangle on the door.

      Seeing the anal toys kind of bothered me, and I won't go into full description of what they looked like. I remember running up stairs that are made of concrete or some kind of gray marble materials with a red carpet in the middle of the stairs going all the way up and down the areas of this huge prison camp.

      When I go through the double doors, random things happen. I remember falling down a deep ditch, feeling perfectly fine, and them climbing my way up to get to more doors to have to choose randomly.

      Basically, the whole dream was full backtracking and pinpointing important locations and adding on to the mental map I had in my mind. It involved a lot of practice, a lot of trail and error, but I eventually learned the nooks and crannies and found myself at higher places in less time than I thought.

      Then I tried helping a few random people escape, and when I tried to escape, I felt I needed to go back to the prison to help more people.

      I don't know why, but I just felt I had to be responsible for saving some people. I keep using that area with the double doors and the anal toys randomly placed 2 feet away from the doors as the major reference point because I know anything beyond those doors is has subjective outcomes.

      I eventually meet an old man who I'm confused as to whether or not I'm helping him, or he's helping me. Anyway, after escaping guards inside the large building, I head outside and find an Asian man is coming inside the base.

      The electrical wired fence opens, and my perception of it opening or closing is a bit skewed. It looks like it's opening, and the old man dashes for the gate as the Asian man goes through it; he's wearing a gray hoodie, and he looks like he's in his mid 20s.

      I can feel the electricity surging in my hands for a while, but I took my hands off the fence quickly and dashed a bit to avoid it completely closing in on me and possibly shocking me.

      I follow the old man while looking both ways on the highway.

      The cars are kind of going slow at the moment, and I head to the left side of the highway where the rough part of the part is. I see a vehicle that crashed for a while now, and decided I should hide there , but I wanted to catch up to the old man.

      I saw soldiers coming up, and as I'm trying to play things off like I'm a normal citizen, things start getting hectic. I turn to the right to get a peek of the soldiers, they were wearing dark gray uniforms, and they're holding to old rifles that look like they were from U.S. Civil War times.

      A random soldier starts screaming, and everything goes in slow motion for me. I turn my face to see what's going on, when in fact the soldier is screaming in a foreign language while pointing at me. I become shocked, and I tried to run, but it's too late.

      The soldiers, at least 10 of them, shot me right where I was standing. I immediately drop on the floor with no control whatesoever, and I remember being dragged immediately by someone, and that's all I remember.

    9. You're Lucid Dreaming, We're All The Same, GPA Miscalculation, Her and my Father

      by , 12-22-2012 at 03:19 PM (Linkzelda's Dream Journal)
      You're Lucid Dreaming (DILD)


      I'm basically doing a nose plug reality check and telling my mother in the dream that she's dreaming.

      I kept doing the nose plug reality check and it's clear that I can breathe through my nose while I plugged it.

      She's surprised, and I tell her, "Yeah....."

      We were in a completely different dimension where it was just us, it felt like a nice place with absolute assurance of safety.

      It's hard to describe, it was like a void, but the environment consisted mostly of yellow, orange, red, and other vibrant and bright colors.

      There were some sparks here and there, and the ground we were standing on was invisible, which felt weird, but I didn't pay attention to that for very long.


      We're All The Same (Non-lucid)


      I was making constant trips to this Gas Station mini-store, and as I'm trying to get Pringles, Cheetos Puffs, or just a simple soda drink, I meet this man who looks Asian or Hawaiian.

      He looks a lot like Sammo Hung, and he seems passive most of the time as a employee operating the cash register. I think my 3rd trip going into the store to get something, as I'm about to leave, he tells me,

      "You may have this............(forgot the content on what he said), but we're all the same........we're like mirrors...."

      The store itself had a lot of items to buy, and a lot of aisles for a small area. They were easy to pass through, and most of the items were a blur to me until I acknowledged that I wanted something from the aisle I was in.

      The Pringles can was kind of deformed and a bigger than normal, and I had insane cravings to just buy the biggest snacks I could afford.


      GPA Miscalculation (Non-lucid)


      This obviously pertains to how I had to set up an appeal letter because of my GPA in college right now. I hope it gets approved >.<


      I looked at a transcript that seems to be my own, and I looked down to see my GPA in waking life, or at least the GPA for the given semester of college. I checked the overall GPA, and it seemed fine.

      I was busy speculating what I did so wrong here to make me get into having to set up an appeal response for financial aid. Then I realized, soemone miscalculated the GPA by placing the current semester as a separate row below the overall GPA.

      This made the system probably assume that was my overall GPA, which wasn't the case, it was my GPA for this semester before 2013. I get irritated by this, and I immediately set plans to go to my Academic advisor.

      Apparently a relative of mine was going to help me get to there, and I felt she would help me, but when I went outside, it seemed she was long gone. She was wearing a slightly lime green shirt mixed in with some blue to make it a little darker.

      I can still see her, and I was basically following her for a few seconds until I decided to go find a path on my own. I used a teleport/transport medium of some sort that involved using the Thunder God Jutsu from Naruto where I have to touch an item that I can remember easily so I can transport myself there instantly.

      So I picked my two items, and this elevator door appears out of nowhere, and when I open it, it's a portal to get to the Academic Advisors office for Biochemistry. It wasn't anywhere close to the office in waking life, but I had a feeling it would be in this dream.

      I go through the door, and I'm now in a different dimension or location in the dream. I go up to my Advisor and provided her the information on paper, and she clearly saw the miscalculation.

      She stated that she would go over this, and contact me as soon as she can. I feel a lot better,
      and honestly, if I could make this waking life reality, it would be SO AWESOME right now since I'm kind of afraid of what's going to happen now.....

      So while I'm waiting for her to contact me eventually, I decided to summon the elevator door to transport me back to my dream apartment so I can let loose for a while. The amount of stress being lifted off was amazing, I felt like I could breathe again knowing that it was a miscalculation that would boost my GPA big time.

      I don't know what I was doing in my apartment, but it was definitely something pertainin to just relaxing and not worrying about the outcome. The dream shifts where I'm apparently being contacted by the advisor, so I quickly set up the Elevator portal, almost forgetting an item I should use in case I wanted to quickly transport myself to the apartment again.

      The advisor tells me it definitely was a miscalculation, and I looked at the new transcript to find an even better result than last time. I saw an A somewhere on the bottom, and a B, and a few other good grades as well. There was one "D," but I didn't mind at all since my GPA met satisfactory standards to continue receiving financial aid.

      So I started thinking about things I can do to boost my GPA more, and getting motivated to work even harder because of me being able to endure through the small conflict I had when finding the miscalculation of the GPA.

      I realized that the advisor had a mini-fridge behind her while she's sitting down, and apaprently, I could take some stuff and help myself out to a drink or some food. But I didn't take anything out, however, I have the mindset that I did take something out before, and I asked my advisor if she and her assistant wanted me to get them something to drink that I could put into the fridge.

      They didn't mind, and I remembered I had a full liter of Ginger in my fridge back at my dream apartment.

      While I was remembering that, I also get a mental picture of my dream apartment again, and if I had paid more attention to the format of the apartment, I could've been lucid. The thing that was different about the dream apartment, at least one noticeable thing now as I'm typing it out is that the Refridgerator was placed in a different position.

      Instead of being on the left side if I were to enter the apartment and head to the kitchen, it was placed on the opposite side from where it was before. I go through the elevator portal again, and I quickly opened the fridge to grab the Ginger Ale.

      I also noticed that I had a few other things in the fridge,
      like the soda I picked up from the previous dream where the guy told me that we're all the same (the Sammo lookalike dream character).

      I quickly go through the portal once more, and realized I don't need to worry about fixating on an item to transport myself anymore if I have a portal that appears with my mere mention of expressing my will to its manifestation.

      Maybe I should do this for meditation.

      I then get random dream shifts of several areas that looked like they were mixed from other areas in waking life. I saw a few random dream characters and a few familiar faces here and there. There was one girl I saw that liked me in High School, but I quickly ignored her.

      I can't remember anything else that happened in the dream.


      Her and my Father (Non-lucid)


      I just remember my girlfriend meeting with my father, which was something I was very afraid that was going to happen.

      The same encounter that I tried to avoid ended up being casual and nothing of conflict ironically. But I still had my guard up, trying to listen to my girlfriend respond to my father.

      Things seemed okay, and my father was helping her out by picking up and carrying the suitcases she had in the trunk of her car, which was weird, because it wasn't the van/jeep at all.

      She looks down at the trunk, and she seems a bit phased out, and she has her mouth slightly opened while she's looking down. I felt worried that maybe she didn't know what to see to the both of us, and before I tried to comfort her, I forget what happenes next.
    10. Middle School Cafeteria and I need to get to an Airport

      by , 12-22-2012 at 03:15 PM (Linkzelda's Dream Journal)
      Middle School Cafeteria (Non-lucid)


      All I recall is that I'm sitting with familiar people in Middle school in the cafeteria, and they were talking about some random people and what they thought about them.


      Need to Get to Airport (Non-lucid)

    11. Organic Chemistry Teacher and I Met Obama Over There

      by , 12-19-2012 at 08:58 PM (Linkzelda's Dream Journal)
      Organic Chemistry Teacher (Non-lucid)


      I'm sitting down in a classroom of my old Organic Chemistry I teacher, and she's being awfully mean to everyone.

      She's probably stating some things to scare others about how exam results will turn out.

      She's wearing a red blouse with a fairly huge V-neck shaped design starting from her neck until midway from exposing her cleavage.


      I met Obama There (Non-lucid)


      I just remember mentioning to someone that I met President Obama at some Kitty place, when it all actuality, it was a place near my University.

      I was so engrossed with the idea that this place was "Kitty" something something (can't remember the name) that I started to see Obama himself.

      But not exactly, just a person wearing a large mask of him. I shake his hand, assuming it's President Obama, and then I tried to be neutral in my comment.

      By that, I merely tried to play both sides, Democratic and Republican and simply said what the two sides would say individually towards one side.

      Obama responds in confusion,


      And I leave.
    12. Paper Earrings, Snake Creature, Flirting Sucks, God Lecture, Dream Guide Feigns Desire to Kill me...

      by , 12-17-2012 at 09:33 PM (Linkzelda's Dream Journal)
      Paper Earrings (Non-lucid)


      I didn't do a WBTB, so my dream recall is kind of skewed.

      All I remember for this one is that I'm helping something create some kind of poster for a presentation.

      They also seem to have their earrings made of paper as well since I colored in two dark gold ovals and quickly glued them on her ears.

      I told her good luck, and she doesn't really say anything to me, or at least my recall of her saying anything is bad.


      The Prehistoric Snake Creature (Non-lucid)


      I'm walking in a random neighborhood that seems to be derived of the one I'm currently at for winter break.

      I'm casually walking around in the morning time of the dream, and something feels weird near my feet area.

      I look down, and about 3-5 feet away from me is a creature that looks like a Prehistoric and fossilized Snake structure.

      The head of this creature was like semi-circle in a way, except there's a bump in front where the sides would crown around it.

      It has a transparent body structure where the body organs are easily visible; most noticeably the big glowing organ near the head and the start of its flexible spine.

      The best thing I can associate this thing's composition is the Resident Evil 4 Las Plagas parasite, especially the one that shows up when Leon starts hallucinating inside a shack where he would encounter the big sea creature later on.

      It had a slight light brown color for its body structure, along with a scaled lining that seems to be stacked under the head. The head was basically shaped like a broad arrowhead.

      It continues to follow me, and I try to walk slowly to see what this thing can actually do. I noticed that its arrowhead composition obviously points me out like a sore thumb.

      And if I try to make quick movements, it would sling itself like a slingshot and get even closer to me. So small movements definitely were the only option I had until I figured out a better plan.

      And I doubt I was able to find that "better" plan.


      Flirting is Not Working (Non-lucid)


      I'm talking to this girl that I used to have for my English AP Lit Class in High School, and she seems to be kind of dull and stoic.

      I tried having a decent communication with her, and I believe there's someone else that we both had to meet to talk about something. I tried flirting with the girl, I think?

      Whatever happens, she leaves the area without saying anything to me, she didn't even portray any kind of emotion that she was concerned about me or anything at all.

      I watch her open the door, and she quickly gets on a Maroon Bicycle that looks like the University's default bicycle service model. She rides the bicycle awkwardly, but that probably pertains to the actual model in waking life making one ride strangely in the first place.

      The trees outside are full of life, and even though the leaves are covering the sunlight, it's apparent that it's bright outside. It also seems to be slightly windy outside.


      God Lecture with Grandma (Non-lucid)


      I'm sitting at an auditorium of some sort, and the overall atmosphere is saturated with this yellow color.

      My grandmother goes on with this speech of the Christian God, and I'm really bored trying to listen to this. I try to block it out of audio, and there's a lot of people that are getting out of the area.

      I remain in my seat because of some weird reason of not trying to make my Grandmother feel bad.

      Eventually, I do leave, so HA!


      Dream Guide is Going to FREAKING KILL ME!!!! Or Not? (Non-lucid)


      I remember the dream starting out where I'm walking around an area that's close to my apartment in waking life. It feels like its 4-5PM in the dream, since the sun is close to sunset.

      I go to the left and end up walking to the curve that goes in a "C" motion, with me starting at the bottom of the "C."

      Then I ended up going to the right side of the other "C" shaped path, and I hear a police car coming nearby. The car ends up being some kind of old car model that's bulky and a little too large to be in the car category.

      I also hear some parts inside jingling and close to coming off as well. Don't know what the cop was going to do, but he left to do whatever it is. I thought it would be for me since I just happened to hear the siren out of nowhere.

      The dream shifts where I'm apparently going out with this blonde girl (inb4DreamGuide), and she's kind of cute. However, I can't verify her age, so I don't try to do anything weird with her. She does seem obsessive over me, requiring that I'm with her, or else she'll threaten to kill me.

      She looked a lot like Catherine from the game Catherine, the succubus one. She looks like she's 16-18 years of age in this dream. I remember being at the top stair level in an auditorium, and she's sitting around the front area to get a good lateral view of the stage.

      I look at the back of her head, and she quickly turns around and locks in on me. I don't think she's trying to kill me, she's just using that so I can get her attention and possibly do a reality check. Unfortunately, I didn't do that, and she turns her head back to look at the stage.

      I believe that I decided I should go ahead and sit next to her, and she's obviously a big contrast from the dark room of seats with people in dark clothing. The stage is the main attraction with the yellow lights shining on the shiny brown wooden floor layering.

      The glow emits all the way until it hits the Catherine dream character that's wearing her default white costume, or at least just a white nightgown.

      There's a part where I'm taking out a sword out of a sheath, but it doesn't seem logical that the sword can come out properly if the design is having "X Y Z" stick in the middle. It's practically impossible in waking life, but it slides off the sheath with ease.

      I don't know where this part came into the dream, because my dream recall is slightly off right now after not paying too much attention to remembering my dreams.

      Considering she was one form I wanted my tulpa to be in, maybe I should use her characteristics for tulpaforging.....excluding the "pretend to kill you" part.

      Updated 12-17-2012 at 09:41 PM by 47756

      non-lucid , nightmare , memorable
    13. Achilles' Heel Repetition

      by , 12-14-2012 at 08:32 PM (Linkzelda's Dream Journal)
      Achilles' Heel Repetition (Non-lucid)


      I'm with a group of females, and all I remember for this one is that we had to use random white shaped forms of material to make a spear or something.

      The person we had to give it too at a parking lot told us that Achilles' Heel must be repeated for us to get the right answer.

      I didn't know what he meant by that, but this blonde female who was part of my team comes in and gets a marker. She writes on the object and did something to get us the right answer.

      Achilles' Heel, that must be repeated for us to get the right answer is confusing me.

      I know it's a sign, and it's fairly new dream sign. I do feel kind of weak right now with this flu/cold I'm trying to get out of. But it could be the same person that I'm so afraid of in waking life that makes me so weak
    14. Look What You Did To Her

      by , 12-12-2012 at 11:44 PM (Linkzelda's Dream Journal)
      Look What You Did To Her (Non-lucid)


      Apparently, I'm with Wonder woman and Batman, and we're assigned to kidnap a girl who's probably about 3-4 years of age. There's a chariot we have to go on in order to escape, and we have to align it into a door entrance, and close it before the people try to get their child back.

      I don't know why we're assigned to do this, but we managed to successfully get into the building. However, the people came in as well, and before I make them try to take the girl away, I stand up, picked up the girl's head.....

      I think I broke her in half and said,

      "Look what you did to her."

      She immediately transforms back to her normal state, and she agrees with what I said. She felt scared and angry at the people trying to save her. But honestly, I think these were bad people.

      I can't remember anything else.

      Updated 12-12-2012 at 11:48 PM by 47756

    15. Sivason Makes a Movie and Large Deku Tree, Shirtless Twitter, People Want Sex

      by , 12-11-2012 at 05:53 PM (Linkzelda's Dream Journal)
      Sivason Makes a Movie and Large Deku-like Tree (Non-lucid)


      This whole dream is a reflection of my meditation and concepts I learned in the yoga class, or at least the dream trying to attempt the associations through that.

      And it could mean personal stuff as well, but I'm not really good at interpreting that much.

      Sivason makes a movie that involved a lot of abstract techniques in eradicating questionable entities around this really really big tree.

      I reminded me of the Deku Tree from Ocarina of time, but this tree was VERY big. It had this weird vibe where I could feel closure and solace, but it was so still, which is obvious for tree, but still, to have so much energy from something that seemed so inanimate was weird.

      I felt like I was inside of Sivason's movie, and he would narrate occasionally, often telling me a few helpful tips in how to kill these weird creatures. He had a deep and relaxing tone, and he said things nice and slowly where I could actually comprehend everything compared to other dream characters that are just.......sporadic.

      The creatures themselves were scary as hell, there was this snake like creature that has this Oriental Hat of some kind you would see with Dragon cosplay or whatever you call it where people would go under a dragon outfit and march around with 2-3 people sustaining its composition in a parade or something like that.

      It's exterior was a dark blue with some shiny reflections. The hat, or whatever it was wearing, consisted of colors of pink, white, yellow, green, and maybe some red in a few places. I think the solution in killing it was through a high speed and separate circular chain saw piece, and this creature was fairly enduring, even in death.

      It seems that this area with the huge tree is actually FLOATING above a LARGE body of water. And it's like old game graphics looking water where you can see the ripples spreading out, like the picture below if you pay attention to the reflection of the surface Link is above:

      The same snake hat creature I mentioned landed on the water, and while floating, I thought it would at least be devirtualized or something (kind of like in Code Lyoko where the digital sea basically removes you completely if you go into it).

      It takes maybe 5 seconds before the snake starts to vibrate abnormally and splits in half from the circular chainsaw. There was at least one ReDead creature on the floating island, and it could JUMP.

      Just.....it's scary just coming in contact with these slow creatures, but actually JUMPING? That sets the scariness level waaay up. Then there's another weird creature that comes out of dead bodies, and it ends up being some kind of zombified paper mache chicken.

      Like the snake creature, it had colors of green, white, yellow, and this time, violet. It didn't have "skin" like the snake, but its composition with being a paper mache type of creature resembled the same form of the snake's hat, which was probably paper mache as well.

      Sivason informs me that using a red item kills a certain creature, and then some silverish items kills another creature. So I end up following his instructions and probably killed all of those scary entities.

      Maybe I wanted to go inside of the Deku Tree, maybe not, but I did have a purpose on this island, and maybe I'll check later on through meditation.


      Twitter for Shirtless People (Non-lucid)


      That's right, twitter has some feature where people can post pictures of themselves shirtless, and they can even go topless if they wanted to.

      Or they could link to a picture or video that involves them being shirtless or topless. It was weird, because everyone in the crowd was going crazy on how awesome this was, and I jump in the bandwagon effect and started thinking,

      "GIRLS GIRLS GIRLS!" (not literally, but my emotions clearly portrayed I was sustained by that mentality)

      Me and the group of peopl were trying to find the original link to a video that claimed to have a lot of shirtless and topless people. I don't know if the link ended up being fake, but we were going nuts to find the link location.


      People Want Sex (Non-lucid)


      All remember from this is that there's a list of people who state what they're into sexually, and there's all sorts of random features.

      There's a list that ranks women based on their level of salaciousness, and some even had nicknames like "Scarface." I wonder how she got the name Scarface.......

      Most of these girls names had familiar vibes to them, and a lot of them reminded me of High School chicks I used to know.

      I was kind of shocked how many of these girls would expose themselves so sexually on the internet. There was another girl that wasn't really attractive, but god, her level of being so sexually expressive of herself was out of this world.



      She's showing a picture of herself with two dildos in her vagina and asshole, and she's ramming the the backdoor like there's no freaking tomorrow.

      She's into anal, and some other hardcore stuff.

      There were more girls with slutty profiles and fetishes, but I can't remember them all

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