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    Non-Lucid Semi-Lucid | Lucid Daydream Lucid

    I wasn't originally planning to write anything here, but I wanna brag about my name
    1. First and foremost, "Meiseki" (明晰) means "lucid" in Japanese.
    2. But written as 冥関, it can mean sooo much more (if you stretch it). "Invisible barrier," "divine gate," "underworld," "link between life and death," "secret connection," et cetera. This spelling is my favorite.
    3. Found another one, 迷関! Put it into Google Translate/DeepL and it means "labyrinth," "stalemate," and "stumbling block."

    MeiSEKAI is a pun on that, since "sekai" (世界) means world. It's also a nice parallel to the realms in ProSeka, a game I like. But that's not all:
    1. Written as 冥世界, it really does mean underworld/netherworld, though the "世" is left out.
    2. And as 名世界, it can mean "famous world" or "great world."

    Kanji is pretty cool, huh?

    1. Comp Night 13 - Very Sadness

      by , 06-14-2023 at 09:36 PM (MeiSEKAI)
      I blame everything on the fact that I spent four hours straight doing my TOK exhibition yesterday Slept at 12 for the same reason.

      Dream #1 (Fragments, Non-Lucid):
      1. Someone saying, "That man will eat anything as long as it's edible."
      2. Someone on Dreamviews screaming, "I am from BOLIVIA! BARCELONA! PERÚ!" Then thinking to themselves, Wait, I'm not from any of those places, what am I saying?

      My brother woke me up at 6:27. (My 6:15 alarm didn't go off because it unplugged itself.) Can't believe I slept through the whole night...

      Remember a "Full" Non-Lucid Dream - 1 point
      Tonight's sum: 1 point
      Previous sum: 140.5 points

      Comp total: 141.5 points
    2. Comp Night 12 - Eleven Decibels

      by , 06-14-2023 at 09:16 PM (MeiSEKAI)
      Yesterday's dreams. Slept at 11:45, little later than usual, but put myself to sleep by mentally replaying my day. (I can never get past brushing my teeth )

      Dream #1 (Fragment, Non-Lucid):
      J and I were assassins, and she was a "star ranking" among them. She didn't work well in parties, though, and at some point we were riding on elephants. Woke at 4:00, DJ and WBTB.

      Dream #2 (Non-Lucid):
      My ex and I were in my house's bathroom. I played a Dazbee song cover for her on my Chromebook. (It doesn't exist IWL but it sounded good.)

      "You know, Dazbee always keeps her voice at 11 decibels, for profit, so it's hard to hear her sometimes, but it's fine because she sounds heavenly," I rambled.

      In contrast to my words, the song was pretty loud, and it made me self-conscious. I tried to lower the volume but it wasn't helping. Ex walked over and inspected the thumbnail, which was a drawing of Dazbee stylized to match the original song. "Her mouth, nose, and eyes all look the same," she said.

      I wasn't sure how to respond to that.

      Alarm woke me up at 6:15. This is pretty short for a full dream, but I didn't have the sense that anything else happened. No dragons

      WBTB - 2 points
      Remember a Non-Lucid Fragment - ½
      Remember a Full Non-Lucid Dream - 1 point
      Tonight's sum: 3.5 points
      Previous sum: 137 points

      Comp total: 140.5 points
    3. Comp Night 11 - Little Time, Lotta Dreams

      by , 06-13-2023 at 11:00 PM (MeiSEKAI)
      Kinda rushing this entry because I have a lot of work to do Slept at around 11:30.

      Dream #1 (Fragment, Non-Lucid):
      A circus troupe was holding their own lucid dreaming comp. Woke at 4:20, DJ and WILD attempt.

      Dream #2 (Non-Lucid):
      There was a "discord pancake" I wanted to eat. It was thick, had its own custom pan, and required nine minutes to cook. I put it in the pan with some broth and waited for it to finish boiling as the clock counted down.

      I tried to set a timer on Alexa, but it wasn't working, which stressed me out more than it should have. I went to the bathroom, still holding the pan, and the pancake finished cooking. I didn't care anymore because at that point, I was going a little cuckoo with frustration. I looked in the mirror and laughed maniacally, ignoring the fact that I was freaking myself out. I did a jittery dance, sliding down the wall and cackling into the dark.

      The dance ended up rousing me, and when I opened my eyes at 4:50 I was literally vibrating. I'm glad I woke though, because that dream sucked. DJ and WBTB.

      Dream #3 (Fragment, Non-Lucid):
      A teacher was explaining lucid dreaming to a class of elementary schoolers. Woke at 5:14, and might have had another dream in between this and the next one, but I'm not sure.

      Dream #4 (Non-Lucid):
      My dog Nile was being cute, sticking out his tongue and yawning and spinning in little circles. I took out my phone to record him. It took a while to load up and I worried he would stop before it did, but in the end I got some good frames.

      He picked up a mound of socks and I pointed disapprovingly at him, shouting, "Hey! Drop it!" He did. "Good boy!"

      I got a treat from the kitchen and singsonged, "I'll give you a treat so tasty, you'll never forget it again!~"

      Woke at 5:55. Jotted it down and attempted WILD, though I didn't have much time left.

      Dream #5 (Fragments, Non-Lucid):
      I had small, crimson hives on my thumb. I went to the bathroom and put ointment on it—the sensation was quite vivid. I was stressed out because I had an important assignment to turn in that day.

      (This is in my notes but I have no idea what it means: "Wolves… besee we poor... Felt loyer.")

      Later I was in a bunk bed, in a cabin-like building. An elderly dragon lady passed by, wearing bath robes and everything. I apologized for existing and said goodnight. She haughtily said it back and I wondered if she hated me, but thought it unlikely.

      Electronic Japanese music started playing and
      my alarm woke me up at 6:15. Interestingly, my thumb was actually itchy IWL.


      WBTB - 2 points
      Remember a Non-Lucid Fragment (x2): 1 point
      Remember a Full Non-Lucid Dream (x3): 3 points
      Dragons Theme - 5 points
      (3 comments - 1 point)
      Tonight's sum: 12 points
      Previous sum: 125 points

      Comp total: 137 points

      Updated 06-13-2023 at 11:09 PM by 99938 (added comment points)

      Tags: competition
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    4. Comp Night 10 - Vicarious Affection

      by , 06-12-2023 at 11:59 PM (MeiSEKAI)
      Didn't have time to upload yesterday as I was busy with friends and schoolwork, not to mention this entry is ginormous! Got some things to explain before getting started:

      1) 1PV/3PV = First Person/Third Person.
      2) NEO = Non-Existent Observer. I've mentioned it in a few other entries but it's particularly important in this one, so I'll explain it. In most if not all dreams I'm not a part of, it's present. What it is, is essentially thoughts in the back of my mind that I'm not consciously aware of (at the time). (Like making internal comments while watching a movie.) They happen almost constantly, so it would be pointless to narrate them all, but they heavily influence the dream scene, and in the last dream logged here, those influences are important!
      3) Watched How to Train Your Dragon 3 on Saturday and got my dragons back

      Dream #1 (Non-Lucid):
      S was complaining about China and how they treated their citizens. Said they were stupid for going against their word and cultivating more edible food in 2020, that in the long run it would have been better to prioritize profit instead.

      I brought up the pandemic and food shortages and they essentially said, "They should have just let everyone die."

      "Uh… okay." I couldn't believe they were acting so self-righteous even while saying things like that. I was sure nothing I said would get through to them.

      We were in a Japanese-style house and there were various fruits hanging from the ceiling in bunches. I wanted raspberries, but bees were hovering around them. S wasn't scared and picked them all for themselves, so I got stuck with these little duck fruits instead.

      (Fragment: Later we were on a mission and transformed into two brothers.)

      Woke up at 2:30-ish and WBTB.

      Dream #2 (Non-Lucid):
      (1PV) I was in a library, on the run from something. I checked out a children's book about dragons eating honey and regurgitating it for their queen. On the same table were chocolate eggs, one with a coating of dark chocolate and a filling of milk chocolate, the other the reverse. Z was gobbling up the former and there was so much drool, it was disgusting.

      A girl with long black hair and a yandere vibe came over to us, and I became half myself, half some guy. Someone gave her chocolate glasses with no lenses, (3PV) and the dream turned manga style. Two panels of the guy kissing the girl filled the screen. Except he wasn't kissing her out of love—it was to pacify her, out of fear she would lash out.

      It backfired. The dream style returned to normal and she grabbed him, dragging him away. He clawed at the wall until his nails bled, but it was no use. She grew tendrils out of her back and wrapped him up like a python.

      My dad encouraged him to "remember the number," false memory or not, I don't know. The girl was casting a spell and during it said "yon" (four), but the kanji that appeared on the screen showed something else. At least the guy thought it did… I separated from him for a moment and as the NEO thought, I would totally die here, if it were me.

      He decided on "shichi" (seven), hoping the correct number would cancel out the spell and exorcise her, but before he could voice the second syllable, he was frozen in place. (1PV) A tendril wrapped over his mouth so he could not speak. We both thought, Guess it wasn't that, then.


      I abruptly woke at 4:30, and for two seconds could not move. I wondered if I'd be frozen until he "won," trying to figure out how I should make that happen, but then it went away. Guess it was sleep paralysis. Wrote down notes and WBTB.

      (P.S., I find it fitting how the first syllable of "shichi" is "shi," which is another way of saying four and death )


      Dream #3 (Fragment, Non-Lucid):
      Tons of village people were killed. A little boy was sad about it, but their spirits came down from the sky, two of which were his parents. They gave him an amulet and said if he brought it to a certain person, they could all be revived.

      "Really?" he asked. "That's allowed? It's that simple?"

      "Of course! Our deaths were unfair, after all."

      Then there was something about hypnosis and a girl with short black hair. (Can't read my notes.)

      Woke at 6:15 from alarm and WBTB.

      Dream #4 (Non-Lucid):
      The rooms on the upper floor of my house had become self-help rooms. A young boy was filling out a sign-up form for one of them and had to choose which languages he was proficient in. He chose English and "Barcelona," but felt a little ashamed choosing the latter since he could only speak and listen, not read and write.

      He went into the bathroom, the Suicidal Self-Help Room, and disappeared from the dream. There were two men in there, and another guy creaked open the door, peering in at them. He asked, "Do you want to die?"

      "Yes," they responded.

      "Then, if you have come here despite wanting to die, and make it to the end of this journey, I trust you will come out stronger."

      He held out his hand and they took it. Next thing I remember is them doing side steps on top of chairs—one guy was nervous but got the hang of it eventually... so I guess the "journey" was just exercising.

      Then I was in my room, except I was a really tall, really wide black lady, and I had zero control over "my" own actions. I think it was the Immigration Self-Help Room, and there was a Hispanic lady of similar size in there. I kept talking to her in an exaggerated accent that mimicked her own, all the while thinking to myself, Why?! Why are you doing this? It's not like it'll be easier for her to understand!

      Thoughts I couldn't control responded, But she speaks that way herself.

      So? She hears normal English every day, what you're doing is way more confusing! (I was also wondering to myself when my appearance would return to normal.)

      In the end I only managed to lessen the accent slightly, and the Hispanic lady understandably stormed out of the room. A minute later, she came back in, glaring at me.

      "W-What?" "I" stammered.

      She started yelling at me in Spanish, and I tried to explain that I couldn't speak it well enough to communicate, and then we both got confused as to why I was in that room in the first place. But she shrugged it off and continued, saying (in Spanish) that we're supposed to be on the same team and she doesn't need prejudice from me, too.

      It broke me down and I started crying, hugging her and apologizing. She hugged me back–I vividly felt her warmth–and told me to go to the Suicidal Self-Help Room (aka the bathroom).

      I did, and when I looked in the mirror I was my regular self (albeit naked), and had regained control over my actions. Tears were streaked down my cheeks, so I wiped them away with toilet paper. Then I realized I really needed to poop, so I plopped down on the toilet, but pee came out instead.

      Of course, this was not only the bathroom but the Suicidal Self-Help Room, so the guy from before creaked open the door and peeked in. There was also a white-haired man standing in the corner.

      "Do you want to die?" he asked, as per routine.

      I was still peeing and felt a little self-conscious about being naked, but I took his hand anyway and said yes.

      "Then, if you have come here despite wanting to die, and make it to the end of-"

      I interrupted him, exploding with laughter. The whole time he was talking I was still peeing, and it was hilarious hearing him speak so dramatically over the sound of it. "It's funny 'cause I'm peeing!"

      "Don't underestimate us," he warned, but he was smiling. The white-haired man laughed as well.

      "Why is it going on so long?" I exclaimed, and as it trickled to a stop,
      I woke up at 7:20.


      That is one of the weirdest dreams I've ever had, and not just because of the naked peeing part. I don't think I've ever had a dream where I was unable to control myself, no matter how hard I tried. It wasn't too unpleasant, but it was definitely strange.

      Wrote it down and went back to sleep, attempting WILD as usual.


      Dream #5 (Lucid?):
      The time period was the 1800s, and some guy was taking J and I around town. I think we were his servants or something similar. He kept trying to take a picture of us but wouldn't stop yelling. I told him to stop because each time he did I tensed up and ground my teeth, and I was worried they would break.

      After a particularly loud yell I heard a crack, but luckily I had Invisalign on, so it was pieces of that that fell out of my mouth instead of teeth. Still, I was distressed, and cried out, "See what you did?"

      J and I left him and went to a shop. I asked the store owner if it could somehow be fixed, but I don't remember his answer and I doubted it, considering the time period.

      Some stuff happened and we ended up in a library, searching for glasses on the floor because my vision was blurry and we were too poor to buy a pair. At one point J said to me, "Yeah, you seriously need glasses."

      "Not really… if I'm driving, maybe."

      We ended up finding a ton, including a "time-travel" pair, particularly under the bookcases. I found it weird, but people were giving us dirty looks so we went outside to try them on. K was next to us being annoying, and I worried she would steal them.

      I put on a very tight black pair; each frame was shaped like the Eiffel Tower, and one of the lenses was blurry. I took them off with some difficulty and thought, "These are for skinny-faced people."

      I turned back to K and found she had stuffed all the rest in her bag. "Hey!" I shouted, snatching two of the red ones (one of which was the time-traveling pair). She threw a fit, waving her fists in the air and howling like a child.

      "You can keep the others, okay?" I yelled, but that made her even angrier. She transformed into a dragon that resembled Toothless, curled into a ball, and covered her face with one wing. You could hear her sobbing underneath.

      I started to walk away, but decided it wasn't a good idea to destroy this friendship. I gently touched her wing and said, "Aw, c'mon, don't cry… don't be like Hiccup." (Wrapped up in Toothless's wings.)

      She didn't stop, but seemed slightly placated, so J and I left to a train. Except, I have a random memory of being in front of my house and Kagome's mom coming out. We had a short conversation, and next thing I knew J and I were gone from the dream.

      Back to the train, Kagome and her mom were running from two different directions to jump on, nearly falling into a pit in the process. Inuyasha grabbed them both and lifted Kagome to safety, keeping the mom held over the pit until Kagome told him who it was. And then all three of them disappeared from the dream as well.

      (3PV) I don't remember the events leading up to it, but there was total chaos on the train. Acidic green goo was pouring through the roof, melting everything and everyone in its path. People were screaming and running around and jumping under the train and into glowing red holes, killing themselves to escape.

      The main character was a man in a bomber jacket. He went down a short flight of stairs, where the green goo wouldn't reach, due to the captives being held there. It was a small room, and in it were two cages. Each of them held a deformed mass of bloody flesh in the shape of a baby. They crawled around as much as they could, pieces of their body rubbing off and trailing behind them.

      They may have been Kagome and Inuyasha, and were rumored to "occasionally have real conversations." (That was not remarkable because they looked like babies, but because the people in this world did not have conversations of any depth in general.) At first they were just apologizing to each other in raspy voices, but soon began to say things like, "We'll never be fixed/let out" and "We should have done it slower."

      They were a hideous sight to behold, and two people who had followed MC down were freaking out. MC himself was on the verge of a breakdown, but as the NEO, I thought, No, I don't want my guy to freak out… I don't want him to kill himself. That would be too anti-climactic.

      That thought must have influenced him, because for a while he just stared blankly at the babies. But then out of the blue,
      he became lucid!

      "It's okay, guys!" he assured the two people wailing beside him. "This is just a dream!"

      Ah, he's right, I vaguely thought, as NEO.

      They didn't pay attention to him, and one tried to approach the cages. He grabbed her by the collar and dragged both of them back up to the main train. (1PV) He looked at the doors and forced them open with his mind, then jumped out and flew into the sky, thinking ecstatically, This is a dream! I'm free! I'm free!

      He landed on a lamp post and looked out at the station, grinning widely. But then someone snapped a picture of him, and it filled the screen. He was alarmed. Even though he hadn't freaked out on the train, the events had still traumatized him, and the last thing he wanted was to cause a scene. He climbed down from the pole and
      lost lucidity.

      Suddenly he realized he could not remember his name, or who he was, or where he worked. A police officer was standing on the platform, and MC rushed to him, begging for help.

      The P.O. turned to him and smiled tenderly. "Glen."

      The train pulled into the station. P.O. pulled Glen inside, and was bombarded with questions as they headed to the back seats. "You know my name? Do you know me? Can you help me?"

      They sat down, and the P.O. handed him a small green key, presumably a house key. "Of course I remember your name, Glen. I'm on the right side of God." He said it with humor, almost sarcasm. "Now stop messing around."

      "What about my work? Do you know my work?"

      P.O. hesitated. Both Glen and I as the NEO could tell he was coming up blank.

      Glen laughed and leaned closer. "You don't even know that? Are you really on the right side of God?"

      P.O. frowned. "Glen, stop. You're going to tip off the 315 out of 415 Orthodox religious people in this small town." (Statistics filled the screen and NEO me thought, Oddly specific numbers, and, They're awfully close–they must be gay or dating. Too bad for them that it's the 1800s.) "You need to be quiet… well, I guess I could be quieter, too."

      He sighed and sunk back into his chair. Glen leaned even closer and continued happily talking with him. Even though I was not him (unlike the second or fourth dream), it was in first person, and I could vividly feel the sensation of his hand on his cheek. I could feel his smiling mouth, the creasing of his eyes, even his affection for the P.O. It was strange, experiencing someone else's emotions like that.


      Woke up at 9:25. Believe it or not, I actually forgot huge chunks of this dream. Couldn't remember the first part for a good five minutes.

      I just don't understand how I could watch someone become lucid and not become lucid myself. I suppose I was in the back of my mind, but that doesn't count. As the non-existent observer, I have no idea that I am thinking anything at all.

      So, regarding scoring… does it count as lucidity if I didn't realize my own existence? Neither Glen nor I were aware of who the dreamer was, nor did we remember the competition tasks. It was a surface-level lucidity in which he only knew his surroundings weren't real and he could do whatever he wanted. I'm logging it in my LD count because it didn't feel like role-playing (edit: changed my mind after saizaphod comment), but I understand how it could be a gray area.

      If it does count, do his actions (telekinesis, flying) as well? Could it even be considered my personal goal, making a dream character lucid?! I need help

      WBTB - 2 points
      Remember a Non-Lucid Fragment - ½
      Remember a Full Non-Lucid Dream (x3) - 3 points
      Dragons Theme - 5 points
      DILD - TBD
      Interact with dream character - TBD
      Telekinesis - TBD
      Flying - TBD

      Tonight's sum: 10.5 points
      Previous sum: 114.5 points

      Comp total: 125 points

      Updated 06-14-2023 at 08:32 PM by 99938

      lucid , non-lucid , memorable , dream fragment
    5. Comp Night 9 - I Suppose These Things Happen

      by , 06-10-2023 at 08:46 PM (MeiSEKAI)
      Title is a Fight Club reference. Slept at 11:30.

      Dream #1 (Fragment, Non-Lucid):
      Someone's neck was a lightning bolt. That's it, that's all I remember. Woke up at 4 something and considered writing it down, but somehow convinced myself I didn't need to because I could WILD

      Dream #2 (Fragments, Non-Lucid):
      1. A girl died, and at her funeral, an ant was crawling across the window. One of the attendees kept getting distracted by it, trying to classify its type.
      2. I was in the library talking to my brother.
      3. Forgot to bold one subtitle of my DJ entry but figured it wasn't worth editing for.
      4. A girl, same one that died I believe, saved a gingerbread man from getting hunted down and killed. She died in the process but he (the gingerbread) rewound time and made the floor collapse so all the hunters got washed away. At some point his face had come off and she was holding it in a tube in her hands. As the nonexistent observer, I found it awfully convenient that she was standing in the only spot that didn't collapse.


      Woke up at 7:26 from my dad yelling downstairs. I lay in bed for an hour, unsuccessfully trying to fall asleep. Then I took two sleeping pills but not only did they not work, I didn't get the least bit tired! What a scam... gave up at 9:10.

      WBTB - 2 points
      Remember a Non-Lucid Fragment - ½ points
      Remember a "Full" Non-Lucid Dream - 1 point
      Tonight's sum: 3.5
      Previous sum: 111 points

      Comp total: 114.5 points
    6. Comp Night 8 - Lots of Fragments

      by , 06-10-2023 at 01:11 AM (MeiSEKAI)
      I said a while ago that I have better luck with lucids after 6:15, but lately they've all been on school days. (No school today because it's senior graduation.) Well, whatever. Slept at 11:30.

      Dream #1 (Fragment, Non-Lucid):
      An extra category was added to the DV competition: "Cowboys." Its description: "Even city people can do it as long as they put on an accent!" Woke at 4:30 and WBTB.

      Dream #2 (Non-Lucid):
      A boy was living in a small, verdant cave with a couple baby dragons. They had attacked him at one point, and now his body was largely artificial; he'd built it himself. I was wandering around and found him there. The dragons, frightened and unwell from being held captive for so long, flew over to me and hid behind my back. I'm pretty sure the boy was simply misguided, not evil, but he gave me a bad vibe nonetheless.

      Don't remember a transition, but we ended up in my house with some other people. His body looked incredibly human, more so than before, though he would occasionally speak in a freaky android voice. I touched his fingernails and tried to give advice on how to make it more realistic.

      His grandma(?) was a dragon trainer and also in the house. I didn't like her very much, but I soon disappeared from the dream. A little witch became the main character (third person), and the granny gave her a link to a website she used often. She said it was connected to another country and the URL was quite suspicious, but it seemed secure after typing it in.

      As soon as the webpage loaded up, the witch and her companions were transported into a Japanese-speaking world of volcanoes and dragons. On one of the volcanoes its name was written, but I only remember it had 意味なんて (imi nante) in it. Witches were generally hated there, but the little girl was on a mission so they tolerated her.

      Some time later, a witch in her teens traveled there to save a dragon. Two humans accompanied her, and they entered through a crack in a volcano, carried in by a rush of cold water. The dragon was wrapped up in a blanket in her arms, and she shivered on the bank where she was washed up.

      Two guards of the world approached her, and she started to ask a question, but they pinned her down and yanked her arms behind her back. There was a flash to the little witch's team, and one of the members became Inuyasha. He turned around, sensing the other witch's danger, and exclaimed, "Kagome?!"

      The witch, apparently Kagome, was locked in a cramped prison cell. Her broken arms were crisscrossed over her chest, restrained in double casts. She was on her knees in the middle of the room, and a few judges(?) watched her from a long wooden table.

      She tried to convince them to let her go, but they wouldn't budge, so she started crying. She said that "apples won't grow here anymore" (the land was becoming barren), that "they only come from witches," so why were the residents of this world so hostile toward them?

      I think they were beginning to be swayed, but before anything substantial happened,
      I woke up at 6:37. (Which makes no sense because I don't remember hearing my 6:15 alarm at all.) WILD attempt, WBTB.

      Dream #3 (Non-Lucid):
      First thing I remember is a vast ocean, with two parallel, shelf-like cliffs jutting out of it. A man was flying around, telling people to never climb them because of how dangerous they were. They were slippery and full of hostile plants and animals. He said that if they wanted food, they should go somewhere else.

      In the water, an elderly fish lady asked what it would be like if her husband were a crocodile like him. (He was a humanoid alligator.) He swam above her and her egg and did something, but I don't remember what.

      New plot: A girl had been kidnapped by a (physically) big simpleton and taken to another dimension. She was in love with a gay guy and earlier had been jealous of him putting band-aids on the hand of another girl, even though she knew he was gay.

      That gay guy and the band-aid girl were planning a trip to rescue her. The girl pulled President Eisenhower/Kennedy out of a giant mural on the wall, and he created a spaceship out of thin air. I entered the dream and we all went in, but it didn't have a back wall so we had to hold on tight to avoid being thrown out while it flew at light speed. It was a little scary, but mostly annoying.

      We arrived in the other dimension, landing in some sort of restaurant. All the furniture was oversized, and we spotted the simpleton chatting with the kidnapped girl at a booth. He was telling his side of the story (I think he got in a fight with the gay guy earlier), but he made no attempt to cover up or sugarcoat any of his actions. He wasn't so bad, and the girl was listening attentively to his words.

      We eavesdropped on the conversation, spying on them without being very stealthy about it. We sidled right up to the booth and peeked over the large seats, and since at first he gave no reaction we thought he was too much of a simpleton to notice. But eventually he acknowledged us, and was unexpectedly cordial.

      He told us that our bodies would adapt to this world by becoming stronger, and that any allergies would eventually disappear. I had grown taller already, and upon hearing that I went outside and ran around barefoot, since I'm allergic to grass and pollen. But I stopped short in front of a patch of white flowers.

      "I'm still afraid of bees," I said, smiling sheepishly.

      Alyssa, a girl in most of my WL classes, encouraged me to go in anyway. "C'mon, Meiseki, you can do it!"

      I refused, but she didn't give up and I started to get nervous. To distract her, I said I would pick flowers for her wedding instead. (Apparently she was arranged to be married.) She accepted, and I looked around for yellow flowers, but found a really pretty purple one and reached through a bush to grab it. The stem wouldn't snap off and I hated the texture, and after a while it became unbearable. I pulled my hand out, scratching my wrist. It was itchy.

      I didn't think hives would form because of what the simpleton said, but bumps started forming on my arms. I thought that maybe it wasn't as bad as it would be in the regular world, but then my skin started to harden. The veins turned solid red and white, and the epidermis turned rubbery and maroon-colored.

      S was standing right next to me as it happened and freaked out, pulling me back inside. Trying to joke it off, I said, "I'm like a sausage."

      They dragged me to the bathroom and my mom came in too. She wanted me to use an app on my phone to take my temperature from my ear, but I didn't trust it to work. They searched for a thermometer in the cabinets, but I doubted they would find one.

      I wanted to blow my nose but was too self-conscious. "Can you guys leave? It's a little awkward with both of you in here..."

      Woke up around 8:20, wrote down some notes and went back to sleep.

      Dream #4 (Fragment, Non-Lucid):
      A group of girls were ["was" seems correct but sounds wrong] looking at a poster of a guy striking a pose in front of a Chinese dragon. He was a real person too, walking around the school and teaching people the best places to sit based on where the dragons were. Woke at 9:27, considered writing down the dream but figured it wasn't worth it. I doubted I would fall asleep again but lay back down anyway.

      Dream #5 (Fragment, Non-Lucid):
      The same guy was doing the same thing, except this time he was scared of dragons. Woke at 9:46, not even realizing I had fallen asleep and wondering when I would. Then I came to my senses and wrote both dreams down.

      Dream #6 (Fragments, Non-Lucid):
      These are random fragments which didn't seem to be part of any of the above dreams, so I'll put them here and count it as a full non-lucid:
      1. Starting my tech homework, coloring a blueprint.
      2. My mom said my hair was bad. I touched it and felt ashamed, but also resentful.
      3. Something about Donald Trump. (Definitely influenced by cedwards's DJ entry yesterday.)


      Every time I woke up I remembered nothing, and then bam, something came to me and I had to trace it back as far as I could. But I can never remember the beginnings. Worried it's making my recall worse overall.
      I'm enjoying these fantasy-style dreams, though.

      WBTB - 2 points
      Remember a Non-Lucid Fragment (x3) - 1.5 points
      Remember a Full Non-Lucid Dream (x3) - 3 points
      Dragons Theme - 5 points
      (3 comments - 1 point)
      Tonight's sum: 12.5 points
      Previous sum: 98.5 points

      Comp total: 111 points

      Updated 06-10-2023 at 01:34 AM by 99938 (added comment points)

      non-lucid , dream fragment
    7. Comp Night 7 - Dragon Witch Lair

      by , 06-09-2023 at 01:25 AM (MeiSEKAI)
      I'm happy with last night even if the lucid part was super short Slept at 11:20.

      Dream #1 (Fragment, Non-Lucid):
      Kirishima from BNHA was in a high school classroom, fighting a medusa-like creature. He tried to throw a punch, but a crackling ball of energy emerged from its chest and started sucking him in. He gasped, his mouth and the whites of his eyes turning black, his irises glowing purple and quivering in that typical anime way.

      Is this what it's like to be consumed by pure and utter darkness? he thought, struggling against it and impressively keeping conscious. He appeared to be losing, but I (as the nonexistent observer) knew plot armor would protect him. I metaphorically sat back and enjoyed the battle.

      In another room, my History teacher Ms. K was sweeping the floor and found a "100% non-child" mask. She picked it up and presented it to a janitor, who was watching something on his phone.

      "We're happy with this," she said, and he nodded.

      Woke up at 4:15 and attempted WILD.

      Dream #2 (Lucid):
      Random people were in my house, having a strength competition through rock paper scissors. It may have been to find out who was the strongest dragon, but I'm not sure. They all had human appearances. Three of them sat on the couch; the leftmost being the weakest, the middle the strongest, and the rightmost of average ability. Three more people of the same ability would face off against them.

      My friend K was in the middle, so she must have been a strong one. Two people challenged her to RPS and she won both times. "Hah! I was always the best at this game. You chumps."

      I'm pretty sure I was subconsciously helping her. I could have played a match myself but didn't want to. Prior to this a lot of stuff had happened, and because of that stuff I decided to run away from home.

      Next thing I knew I was in the driver's seat of our car, cruising down the highway. It was on autopilot, and I thought, Wait, since when did our car have autopilot mode...? I shrugged it off though because I'd heard of the concept before.

      The turns it made were strange; each time it seemed to very nearly hit whatever object was in front of it, but never really did. Whenever I tried to take hold of the wheel, it would start driving extremely and uncontrollably fast, so I decided to just give in and trust it. J and L might have been in the back, but if they were, it wasn't for long. I stared out the windshield at the blue and pink sky, a red bridge reaching high into the clouds, and thought about finding a suitable place to die.

      Eventually I arrived at a grassy field and was able to take the wheel. The car bounced along a dark, vivid gravel path, but it was more fun than scary. A short wooden fence separated it from the rest of the field, and at the end of the path was a rectangular dugout. Like the opening to an underground fort.

      I parked the car and peeked in. A bunch of witches were in there and I completely forgot about finding a place to die, overcome with the desire to become one of them. I jumped in, landing on the floorboards with a satisfying thud. To my left was another opening, this one leading out to an enormous cavern, similar to the one in How to Train Your Dragon 2 but with less greenery. I tried to enter but was blocked off by a wall of witches.

      A massive dragon, clearly the leader of the place, approached me. I asked her if I could become a witch, and she said I could, I only had to put on the clothes.

      I turned and against the opposite wall was a shelf, each tier storing a different uniform item: black robes, black pants, black boots, the classic spiked hat, and thin-yet-sturdy biker gloves. I asked a question about the boots and the dragon responded, "It's fine."

      She touched my cheek with a human hand and said that my skin was lackluster. Embarrassed and ashamed, I looked down and mumbled that I didn't know what to do about it. I was worried she'd say I couldn't be a witch if I was like this, but instead she bestowed on me some very wise advice and rubbed a thick blue ointment onto my face, to "maintain the shine."

      "Never let it fade," she said.

      I put on the witch outfit and checked out my reflection in a wood-framed mirror. The ointment was glittery and smeared on in a simple pattern, like when people paint their faces for competitions or war. I thought it was pretty cool.

      Not sure what happened but a bit later the dragon and I ended up in a pitch dark, weightless void. She hovered over me, beating her wings, a giant ball of pure energy forming between her open jaws. I wasn't scared because I knew she wasn't going to hurt me. I don't remember what she was doing, but I was amazed and quite happy.

      Perhaps the energy ball had teleportation powers because next thing I knew, I was home. I avoided thinking too much about the whole event because I didn't want to jinx it.

      I tried to text J and L, now under the impression that I had visited the lair to get something for them, but my phone wasn't turning on. I grabbed the home phone and started dialing their house number before remembering, Right, they haven't had a home phone since they got cell phones. But I don't have their numbers memorized…

      I was in a hurry and beginning to stress when S called. I answered, and they demanded to know, "Why did you send 'This might be a bad idea' in the group chat and then stop responding?" (I think I sent that before entering the witches' lair.)

      I didn't reply. Something wasn't right. S never responds to texts that quickly, and certainly wouldn't be so desperate to hear from me that they'd call at 4 in the morning.
      This must be a dream.

      The Caller ID disappeared and I hung up. It wasn't a high level of lucidity so I wanted to go back to the lair and find a wand to use for dream powers. But before I could leave the house,
      I woke up at 5:24.


      This dream was so epic, the visuals were fantastic and the dragon had such a dignified air. I'd like to meet her again. I'm pretty sure the witch theme was influenced by a manga called Skull Dragon's Precious Daughter. I started reading it for the dragons, but it has other fantasy elements as well. It's quite wholesome, so I recommend it.

      I finished writing at 5:35 and tried to go back to sleep, but I was too excited about the dream and ended up lying awake till my alarm went off

      Remember a Non-Lucid Fragment - ½ point
      WBTB - 2 points
      DILD - 10 points
      Dragons Theme - 5 points
      (3 comments - 1 point)
      Tonight's sum: 18.5 points
      Previous sum: 80 points

      Comp total: 98.5 points

      Updated 06-09-2023 at 02:22 AM by 99938 (words)

      Tags: competition, dild
      dream fragment , lucid , non-lucid , memorable
    8. Comp Night 6 - Woke Up a Lot

      by , 06-08-2023 at 01:14 AM (MeiSEKAI)
      Slept at 11:10, earlier than usual because I was tired. Actually, I'm still tired.


      Dream #1 (Non-Lucid):
      I was in S's house messing around with a girl my age, who was apparently my Japanese tutor. S's mom at some point was holding a razor doing something dangerous, but S took it away from her. Their interactions were very much like a parent-child role reversal. I(?) went up to the bathroom to do something, and their mom said, "It's definitely not the bathroom." [I have no idea what that meant or what was going on here, memories and notes are both vague.]

      Later the Japanese tutor pushed me into "my" chair (one among many) and shoved the back of it, sending me flying down a hallway. It rolled like a wheely-chair despite having no wheels and I was facing backwards. I held on tight to the seat and the dream went into third person until I hit a towel and came to a stop.

      The tutor recorded it all but messed up the editing, even though it was live? In the beginning we hadn't liked each other very much and all my awkward jokes flopped, but by this point we were best buddies. The camera zoomed in on each chair, upon which the "before and after" of different aspects of our relationship were displayed.


      Yeah, this dream made no sense. Woke up at 3:31, remembering nothing and tempted to go back to sleep without trying. But I pulled myself together and ended up remembering these two fragments—point-wise, they're the same as a full non-lucid dream.


      Dream #2 (Non-Lucid):
      My mom was hosting a dinner party in our backyard, which looked more like J&L's backyard. The house was way bigger than it is IWL, and one of the guests was our neighbor Diana. I was dealing with a troublesome situation involving an animal(?) named Candy, but I can't recall the details.

      I texted J and S in a group chat, asking S when we would meet up, since yesterday they said we had to talk [true]. They didn't answer, and J suddenly sent a "Happy birthday!" message. S did the same, adding a party emoji. I checked the date on my phone and sure enough, it really was my birthday.

      I wasn't surprised, but a gloomy mood overtook me and I started complaining about how, on top of dealing with this Candy fiasco, I had to find out that no one remembers my birthday—not even me. It was a bit hard to type because my phone kept glitching, but even IWL that's normal.

      My mom came inside to grab some tablecloths for the party. I looked at her with a deep frown, the kind a child makes before bursting into tears. I didn't even know what age I was turning, but I couldn't believe she forgot my birthday. [This would never happen in reality unless she got dementia or something.]

      "What? Why do you look like that? You're on electronics too much," she said, and I started crying. "Oh, guess it's not that then."

      She went back outside without asking what the problem was. But a few seconds later, I heard her let out a terrible wail. I knew she'd realized and went out to see if she would apologize. She was hunched over on the ground, but when I went up to her, she raised her head and smiled. "You thought I forgot your birthday? Don't be silly."

      Startled by the change in attitude, I said, "Stop lying."

      It was already 3:30 in the afternoon, so if she truly hadn't forgotten, what was she planning to do? And why had she been despairing just a moment ago? There's no way she could remember yet not acknowledge it. Still she insisted, and although some doubts crept in, I refused to believe her.

      Abruptly woke at 4:11; WBTB.

      Dream #3 (Non-Lucid):
      There was a group of horses talking to each other, awkward and relatable, practicing Japanese with flashcards. They took out the kanji for month/moon, but on closer inspection it became the kanji for rain. On even closer inspection, it didn't look quite right.

      Next thing I remember is being in my room, looking at an imitation painting I made of the horses. One of them was biting the other's tail, and there was a dragon on its saddle. A stone tower loomed in the distance, and two more dragons were piled on top of it. The painting was able to move like a live photo. I thought it was very futuristic.

      I had a false awakening in which I wrote down the dream, and after that I had another false awakening in which I did the same thing!
      When I woke up for real at 5:11 I was confused and lay there for a while trying to figure out what had happened. Forgot much of the dream, but the FAs actually helped me recall the details of the horse part.

      Dream #4 (Non-Lucid):
      Andrew Tate was dating a teenage boy. I saw a video on TikTok of them kissing. The caption read, "He's even a pedo now!" There was a child next to the two of them so I worried about the implications of this.

      After the kiss the (teen) kid walked away blushing. He was wearing a Hunter x Hunter shirt, and on it Killua was blushing too. I wondered if the video was fake because it's weird for non-anime people to blush like that, and the matching shirt seemed unrealistic.

      Sudden false awakening. I debated whether or not I should write down the dream, deciding to do it later since it was almost 6:15. I went over it in my head and thought, Even though it's short, it's not a fragment because that was the whole dream. So that'll be one point.

      My brothers N and Z were both awake. Z was in my bed with headphones on, watching something on his phone. I lay down and covered my ears with a blanket because N was being annoying, but when I put the cloth over my ears, I heard loud piano music and singing. It was definitely a cover of a PowaPowa-P song, not sure which one. Even though the singer's voice was shaking and too-loud and full of voice cracks, I didn't mind because I was fascinated by the hallucination. If I pressed too hard and covered my ear canals, I couldn't hear anything, and eventually the sounds stopped altogether.

      I told Z about it and he told me to shut up and stop talking to him, not meanly though. I kicked him and we both kind of laughed. I announced that I needed to pee and since it was 6:14, I figured it would be fine to get up now. I climbed down from the bed, gathered my clothes, and headed to the bathroom. But for some reason, N was about to walk in first.

      What the heck? He's in middle school, he doesn't need to get up yet. Bet he just wants to go on the computer. I told him to stop, and he backed away from the bathroom as if repelled. Behind me, I heard my 6:15 alarm going off. Oh yeah, I forgot to disable it.

      I turned back to do that…
      and woke up to my real 6:15 alarm going off. Kinda crazy!

      I may have forgotten a dream in between the third and fourth, but maybe I'm just confused. I'm disappointed in myself for missing so many dream signs, I even questioned my surroundings multiple times. But what can ya do...


      Remember a Full Non-Lucid Dream (x4) - 4 points
      Dragons Theme - 5 points
      (3 comments - 1 point)
      Tonight's sum: 10 points
      Previous sum: 70 points

      Comp total: 80 points

      Updated 06-08-2023 at 01:16 AM by 99938 (fixed title)

      Tags: competition
      non-lucid , false awakening , memorable
    9. Comp Night 5 - NLDs

      by , 06-06-2023 at 11:51 PM (MeiSEKAI)
      Not much to say, slept at 11:30.

      Dream #1 (Fragment, Non-Lucid):
      Some guy was disrespecting an outdoor church service. I said, "Hey man, I don't really like the church either, but you can't just attack it like that."

      They were holding a dancing fish ritual for little kids. I sat down to watch, unsure if it was a joke or a genuine religious ceremony. They put on a video about this kid's dad who was an elderly Chinese dragon. He had a "strict" and "friendly" version, but when they played the friendly version it just showed him scolding the kid.

      I was paying attention the whole time and asking a lot of questions, but I don't remember any of them except this one. I raised my hand and said, "Hey, that version seems pretty strict to me."

      The guy in charge smiled nervously and did a weird pose. "It- it's not really determined by temperament, but by classification..."

      "Then say that first, and don't call it friendly."



      Woke at 3:30, too tired to focus on WILD or anything. I just scribbled down the dream and went back to sleep. But I have the sense that this dream had a huge part at the beginning about museums.


      Dream #2 (Non-Lucid):
      I was listening to a very well-known, depressing Vocaloid song. The kind of song that's so overused and pervasive it makes its way into the mainstream world, where it's made fun of for being edgy and turned into a meme. It was a bit similar to Shinitai-chan/Miss Wanna Die, but the visuals were closer to this cover of Hazy Skyscraper.

      I read the lyrics over and over but I can't recall them anymore. Even if it's an "edgy" song, it still resonates with a lot of people, I thought indignantly. There was a train scene in it, so I took a screenshot, turned it black and white, and made it my profile picture. [So edgy, I know.]

      Transition is fuzzy, but the girl featured in the video (very young, less than 10 years old), was sleeping on the sidewalk of my neighborhood. She was a homeless orphan. A boy around 19 found her and picked her up, taking her away so she wouldn't get abducted. There were some weird creatures where he took her, and she kept trying to run away. The boy could save his progress like a video game, and returned to those files whenever he wanted.

      Next thing I remember is being on the subway with my familial unit, but it was a strange subway with no walls... or maybe the window was open, not sure. As we passed by a ramen shop I stuck my arm out and grabbed a handful of noodles and chicken.

      My mom made a big deal out of it for some reason, crooning, "Oh my goodness, you're going to eat chicken! You're finally growing up!~"

      I made a face. "Can you stop acting like it's so weird for me to want/like chicken? It's annoying."

      "Stop being so mean," she said in a hurt tone.

      I didn't respond, looking out the window instead. Another train passed by and I recorded it with my phone. Through its window you could see a family having a good time, sitting at a fancy table as if they were at a hotel party or something. I was imagining a future where I was dead and people were watching this video for clues as to why. I thought, No way anyone would think they're the reason… and they're not, but you never know what gets to people.


      Alarm woke me up at 6:15. I actually forgot the vast majority of this dream. There was another plot about a boy and a girl on an adventure, or running away from something, but alas, I can't recall it. At least I've got those dragons

      WBTB - 2 points
      Remember a Non-Lucid Fragment - .5 points
      Remember a Full Non-Lucid Dream - 1 point
      Dragons Theme - 5 points
      Tonight's sum: 8.5 points
      Previous sum: 61.5 points

      Comp total: 70 points
      Tags: competition
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    10. Comp Night 4 - A Very Confusing Lucid

      by , 06-06-2023 at 02:55 AM (MeiSEKAI)
      Y'know, I really love these podcasts with CanisLucidus and OpheliaBlue. They always seem to say the most useful things right when I need to hear it... even if they said it years ago.
      Anyway, on to the dreams

      Dream #1 (Fragment, Non-Lucid):
      A girl was on the subway, heading for Japan. She was confused about Chinese versus Japanese pronunciation. Someone abruptly stopped her at 3:30 to ask a question.

      That's all. Ironically, I woke up at 3:30. Logged the entry and went to sleep, attempting WILD as usual. I used CanisLucidus's "99, I'm dreaming, 98, I'm dreaming" method this time.

      Dream #2 (Non-Lucid):
      Spoiler for suicide:

      There was an immediate scene change. Now I was not even in the dream, but the "camera" was on a guy wearing a turtle shell, and he said to me, "So, you're trying to WILD? Just give it up." We both became simultaneously alarmed by his words. "I mean, no, no, never mind.... I don't know anymore, you schmuck."


      I woke up at 4:21. After recording the dream, I lay awake for at least 35 minutes, doubting if I would be able to get back to sleep at all. But I was thinking of LDing and WILD the whole time, and eventually I drifted off.


      Dream #3 (Lucid):
      Where do I even start? The order of this dream is so scrambled... I'll try my best.

      I was on a spaceship, in a small room with my mom and a cabinet of spices. Lucid from the get-go, I remembered my first three-step task: flying! I jumped up and hovered in the air, being careful not to fly through the ceiling in case the dream blacked out.

      Wriggling in midair, I bragged to my mom, "This is a dream! This is a dream!"

      She clapped and praised me
      , yet at the same time, I heard her shrieking at me to do my work. It was weird, but the image of her in that room was super vivid. I remember being amazed and hoping I didn't wake up.
      Then I had a false awakening.

      I attempted WILD by imagining my mom as she was before, and she kind of "booted up," but in the end it failed. So I went to sleep normally
      and the next thing I remember is being in my living room, lucid again. I pushed my brother aside and jumped into and through the front door, trying to teleport. I emerged in total blackness.*

      At first I assumed I had woken up, but then I thought,
      Wait, what if this is the "void" CanisLucidus mentioned? Remembering how he hailed it as an effective teleportation tool, I tried to summon up a scenery. Grainy graphics resembling the ATNRPG logo popped up.** (I started playing it yesterday.) There were four letters instead of six, and they kept changing, most of them somewhat Greek-looking. I wasn't surprised; I was glad for the typical dream sign.

      I entered what I for some reason believed to be a WILD transition. I was in the woods in front of a stream, mentally comparing it to its real life counterpart. This one had more greenery, and the trees were packed more densely. A kid from my ESS class appeared, floating face-down in the river. (I was reminded of Dazai from BSD.) But he wasn't completely limp, rather suspending his waist over the water while keeping his head submerged.

      My friend A was with me and we pulled him out, despite his struggles. "Can't you see I'm trying to die here?" he snapped.

      "You should do a better job of it then," I said coldly. "Besides, we'll get in big trouble if we're caught turning a blind eye."

      He pushed us away and even started throwing punches. A was distressed but I figured it was a good opportunity to solidify the dream. Unfortunately, I couldn't feel anything.

      Don't remember the end of the scene, maybe it was another FA+false DEILD.

      I was on a spaceship again, literally on top of it, mostly non-lucid. My body was a mechanical bunny, and making it walk was quite difficult. A little astronaut was with me, and we had to avoid these moving concrete traffic barriers; touching them would be fatal. (On some level it was a video game.)

      He opened a door for us but I somehow entered the wrong one. I came across a device with the ability to change the background of my alarm clock. I was like, "Oh wow, I never knew that my alarm clock background could change!" (I was a little bit lucid since I assumed it would change it in real life.)

      A selection of anime-style backgrounds filled the screen. I scrolled through the various themes, among them Irisu Syndrome, Yume Nikki, generic night skies, et cetera. I was going to choose the first, but I couldn't buy it because I needed 30 "tickets" and owned none.

      How am I supposed to get tickets? Never heard of 'em, I thought grumpily. I accidentally pressed a button but canceled it by hitting "esc." I think it also teleported me to the correct door and sent me through.

      I was lucid again, more than before, walking through the spaceship's hallway with a bunch of people. I decided to go with the flow and follow them, wondering if they would take me anywhere important. We went through one of those futuristic, automatic, semi-circle-shaped doors into a room I didn't pay enough attention to to remember.

      I thought of the competition, under the impression that this was its own separate dream, unaware of the false DEILDs. I said hello to a reporter lady and she happily greeted me back. Then I tried to push my finger through my palm but it didn't work at all, so I looked at my hands instead. Totally normal. For a moment I assumed it was because the dream was so stable, but perhaps I was just being cocky. I looked closer and bam, suddenly I only had three short fingers on each hand! It was so creepy I actually said "Eek!" and shook them out. I looked away and in my peripheral vision saw them return to normal.

      I worried the repulsion would wake me up, so I distracted myself by flying. It was unusually difficult; I had to kick myself into the air and flail around to stay afloat.

      "Stop that," the reporter scolded. I did, and she led me over to a marked circle on the ground, asking me some questions I didn't listen to nor answer.

      I wracked my brain for the memory of my next three-step task, but nothing came up. Again I worried about waking up, and maybe the dream dissolved, or I had an FA, but this is the next scene I remember:

      My memories of this part are particularly fuzzy, and I wasn't even in it. There was a play going on (in the same spaceship I believe) but a couple actors had been abducted—a gay boy and a pretty blond girl. An image of the latter flashed across the screen, anime style, of course. Short wavy hair, long eyelashes, a floppy hat, and a white sundress.

      Someone said, "Oh, I knew that gay guy was going to get abducted someday."

      "Well, I knew that girl was going to get abducted someday," someone else put in. [The visuals were very bad.] "[Name], you should have watched her better."

      [Name] was a teenage boy who probably had a crush on the blond girl. "I thought it would be creepy to watch her too much..." he mumbled.

      They were about to set out on a rescue mission, but before they did, I woke up for real at 5:36. There was a sort of hypnopompic transition into wakening, similar to the turtle guy but less vivid. A monk was facing the "camera" and talking about lucid dreaming. I don't remember what he said.


      The reason the order of everything is so confused in my brain is because I didn't write it down right away. When I first awoke, I still believed all those false awakenings were actual DEILDs, and I tried to do another one. But after a while I realized that this time was different than the others and I needed to hurry and write down the dream, or I would forget.

      Anyway, this is my first LD of the competition! YAY! Maybe I'll draw some pics for it tomorrow.

      Edit: Pics!

      WBTB - 2 points
      Remember a Non-Lucid Fragment - ½ point
      Remember a Full Non-Lucid Dream - 1 point
      WILD - 10 points
      Fly + First Chosen Task - 10 points
      Interact with a Dream Character - 2 points
      *Does this count as Fully Phase through Big Solid Object if I lost lucidity afterwards? - TBD (Edit: Yep, 10 points)
      **Is this Advanced Summoning? - TBD (Edit: Nope)
      Reality Check / Stabilization - 1 point
      Tonight's sum: 26.5 (Edit: 36.5)
      Previous sum: 25 points

      Comp total: 51.5 points (Edit: 61.5 points)

      Updated 06-07-2023 at 01:56 AM by 99938

      memorable , dream fragment , lucid , non-lucid , false awakening
    11. Comp Night 3 - The Cannibal and His Blind Daughter

      by , 06-04-2023 at 10:07 PM (MeiSEKAI)
      Huzzah for creative titles Slept at 11:20.

      Dream #1 (Fragment, Non-Lucid):
      I don't remember this dream very well, but I wrote it down in my journal. Someone was doing reality checks by inspecting dragons' teeth and identifying their type. They explained to the citizens of a city how they were able to do so, and I have a vivid image of a severed, roughed-up fang. I was shocked when I woke up and it was only 1:30.

      Dream #2 (Non-Lucid):
      I was in a manor with an ugly boy that everyone hated, looking at his family portraits. There was one for each child (and there were a lot of children), held either by the mom or the dad. He was the firstborn, but his picture was the only one where the parent was not smiling.

      I felt bad for him so when he started poking my shoulders I allowed it, despite their oversensitivity. The borderline-painful sensation was distinct and quite realistic. I remember breathing a sigh of relief when he started poking my neck instead.

      Insert transition here, I was now at a carnival with J and she wanted me to play a game she'd played herself as a child. You had to buy a glove with these fancy buttons on it, then attach it to a machine to play. It was a boring and simple game, but J and I obtained a glowing orange orb and did something cool with it, so it was fine.

      A man and his kid came over to us and tried to steal the glove. There was a brief struggle but I think he eventually got it. It cast a spell on him that made him grow with each terrible "command" he followed through with. By the last one, I had taken on the role of an observer (I believed I was watching an anime) and was able to input the command myself. I wanted to make it sound fancy but it was difficult to use my brain, so in the end I typed, "He will have a complete and utter loss of respect for human life."

      Momo from The Executioner and Her Way of Life was there, and she cried, "No, at least don't go that far!"

      The man was at this point the size of a large tree, holding a rollercoaster in one hand. He started lifting people out one by one and eating them, periodically smashing the bottom into the ground and breaking a few people's skulls. Everyone was screaming and you could hear bones cracking, and I remember thinking, Wow, this show is pretty gruesome. But I was invested. On some level it felt like I was making him do this.

      He picked up a small boy, and as he squirmed in his fist, the man hesitated. It felt like he broke free of my control as he suddenly burst into tears like a child, throwing the boy onto a nearby building and shouting, "Mou shiranai!" ("I don't know/care anymore!")

      Into his voice recorder he shouted "Hayai!" ("fast") and sprinted away. He was being hunted down for his crimes, so Momo told him to come up with an alias. He decided on "Kouga," which confused me because I was (suddenly) under the impression that he was Inuyasha, and I thought, Don't you hate Koga? Why would you want to be called that?

      As he ran, with intense concentration, he was able to form a teleportation portal and jump through. It led to a mostly empty but beautiful garden. His daughter was there, a blind girl of about 5 years. He plopped down at the base of a tree and she leaned against him, and in Japanese he said, "Daddy is really dangerous right now."

      Also in Japanese, she responded, "I disagree. The place where Daddy is, is the safest place."

      It was extremely difficult to hear her, but the word she was using for "place" was oba instead of bashou. I was like, Huh? Is that another way to say it?

      He told her to listen to the tape on the voice recorder, and she did. He was saying hayai/hayaku over and over, getting angrier and angrier with each one. I was wondering if it was okay for him to show this to a child so small, and then she got to the last one, which he shouted so vitriolically that she flinched away.

      She asked why he was so angry but got no answer. She replayed the tape and this time meowing could be heard after the first or second "hayai." The dad started to get annoyed at how many times she was repeating it, and I worried he would attack her, but there was no real danger of that. He was going to restrain his annoyance and ignore it.

      The kid finally stopped and pouted, jealous that he was hanging out with someone else. [The meowing was Momo.] She stood up and patted him down, searching for soft pink pigtails, though she wouldn't have been able to see the pink due to her blindness.

      That's where that scene ended. I don't know when this happened, but sometime in the same dream I was at school and had missed my [true] AP test on Monday. My mom was there yelling at me about it, but I didn't care too much.

      Woke up at 6:57, poorly attempted WILD, and went back to sleep.

      Dream #3 (Fragment, Non-Lucid):
      There was something about an injured arm, but I can't even read the rest of my notes except the word "levels."

      My alarm woke me up at 8:15 and I couldn't go back to sleep after that because I had to go somewhere. A shame, since I was quite tired.


      WBTB - 2 points
      Non-Lucid Dream Fragment (x2) - 1 point
      Full Non-Lucid Dream - 1 point
      Dragons Theme - 5 points
      Tonight's sum: 9 points
      Previous sum: 15 points

      (3 comments - 1 point)
      Total: 25 points

      Updated 06-04-2023 at 10:13 PM by 99938 (clarification)

      Tags: competition
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    12. Comp Night 2 - Slept a Lot

      by , 06-03-2023 at 09:02 PM (MeiSEKAI)
      It seems like every time I complain, my brain makes me eat those words the next day... not that I'm complaining

      I watched the first How to Train Your Dragon two days ago and the second yesterday, in hopes that I could at least get points for the theme, even if I couldn't get lucid. It paid off!

      Dream #1 (Non-Lucid):
      The main character was a girl who'd been betrayed countless times, there was a brief backstory showing all the betrayals but I don't remember them now. She befriended another girl I'll call Isa, because she reminds me of my childhood friend Isabella. But some stuff happened and Isa ended up partnering with yet another girl (I'll call her Partner), who was also trying to kill MC. MC felt betrayed even though she'd also found a new partner, and Isa wasn't participating in the fighting, and in the end Partner was the one who got beaten up. MC and her buddy ruthlessly broke her right arm and legs before fleeing the scene.

      Partner was freaking out about her injuries, screaming and flailing around in agony. She called out for Isa's chiropractor who apparently lived in my loft, but a random Indian YouTuber came down instead. She asked if he could mend her broken bones and he said he could, but he wanted to "fix" her left arm first because it had "more wrist creases than the right."

      She hesitated for a while, as her left arm wasn't broken and his reasoning didn't make sense to her. He arranged his equipment (toiletries and a laptop), then walked off somewhere. While he was gone Partner could see that his website was being revamped, as it was displayed on the laptop screen and changed before her eyes.

      He returned and apologized, saying he'd had a "slow life" and didn't "get started" until now. (He was in his thirties.) Partner asked if he could just fix the broken bone, but he said he had to start with the wrist because of those creases. She was doubtful and worried he would damage the one unharmed limb she had left, but I think she was going to agree. I was stressed even as the nonexistent observer.

      Not sure how this happened, but at the end there was something about good grades and upbeat music started playing,
      and then I woke up. It was 3:43. I jotted down some notes and attempted WILD.

      Dream #2 (Non-Lucid):
      An artist was hired to go to China to paint "English drawings" on the subway. After she finished, she pulled on a lady's dress and begged her to look, acting really bothersome and creepy. But when the lady and everyone else turned to see, they were truly amazed, oohing and aahing at her work. It was supposed to be English art but it looked anime-style to me; there was even Sailor Moon fanart.

      The subway morphed into a bus and I became a passenger. I was a child and so was everyone else there, around 10 or 11 years old. One girl had super pretty light brown hair, I remember staring at it from behind. The dream went briefly back in time and made it so that she had two little braids in her hair instead of it being completely down.

      Even though her hair was beautiful, there was something off about it. She didn't quite look like a proper human being, the proportions and texture were slightly messed up.
      I remember thinking, Well, it's not real, so it makes sense. But I wasn't lucid.

      We were dropped off at an abandoned ocean. As far as the eye could see there was only greenish-gray water, and a tall concrete wall atop a thin line of sand. Rope netting was strewn across its lower half. We swam across the water, nearly getting eaten by a sea monster but climbing up the rope just in time. None of us wanted to stand on the sand because it was too close to the water, and we weren't willing to risk falling in. So, we walked along the top of the wall, even if that was scary as well.

      I had a conversation with a boy, some sort of pep talk. We were all confident that we would make it as long as we had support from... someone. I believe we were trying to get to that person.

      Don't remember any transition, but there was a scene change. I was in my room, my age again, binging multiple shows at once. Most of them were anime, but one was a live action movie. My mom came in and I accidentally played the live action for a second, revealing that I was slacking off. She started lecturing me about grades but I distracted her by joking about the show and making excuses.

      She told me that I had to construct dragons with some other people, one of which was my ESS classmate Jason. He was working hard; I was pretty lazy but there was a time skip and I had made three or four dragons, one of which was a combination of a small elephant plush and my dog Nile, except with wings. I named it Inukogun.

      All the dragons were in my bed. My mom said we had to kill them and a scene from How to Train Your Dragon flashed through my head. A solemn mood fell over the group as she ordered us to pick one. Shippo (from Inuyasha) was there and he wanted Inukogun but couldn't remember its name.

      He thought it would be embarrassing or offensive to admit that, so he looked through my notebook for the name and found it. I think I subconsciously helped him because I also wanted him to have Inukogun. They were both small and it would be cute.

      My mom said I was mean for picking that name—she apparently spoke Japanese and "kogun" meant "loss of space." [I searched it up and it actually means something similar?!] Essentially, I was calling him a "waste of space dog." I said multiple times that it was short for shoukougun (like Irisu Shoukougun/Syndrome) and she teasingly mocked me.

      Don't know when this happened but at some point I was flying around my neighborhood, talking to someone on the phone. They said, "Isn't it great?" referring to the way I pronounced something, but I don't remember anything else.


      I woke up at 5:30. At first I didn't realize I had had a dream or that I was even awake, but eventually I came to my senses and wrote it down. Again I attempted WILD, but I fell asleep without realizing it.


      Dream #3 (Fragment, Non-Lucid):
      There was a dragon named Strikeform. An expert on dragons identified his class, but I forgot the name. I awoke at 6:11 and like I said, hadn't realized I fell asleep. I was just lying there wondering when I would drift off. Then I noticed I was repeating "Strikeform" in my head over and over. Probably attempted WILD afterwards but I don't remember.

      Dream #4 (Non-Lucid):
      My dad was yelling at my brothers and my mom about having to leave to some place in Egypt. He stormed into the upstairs bathroom, some lady on his podcast shouting "I don't f**king care!" It was stressing me out and I hoped they would leave soon.

      There was a dog stuffed animal in the room that somewhat resembled Nile. My dad's footsteps made it stand up and walk over to me. (It wasn't alive, it was just the force of his footsteps making it "bounce" in my direction.) I beckoned it and thought, It's almost like my willpower made it come to me. Like a dream. But I didn't become lucid.

      Petting it made its tail move in a way similar to wagging. I thought it was weird but assumed that's just how it was made, that it was the result of highly intelligent gravity manipulation. I hugged it and felt glad that it wasn't alive.

      Then I was on a sidewalk, still clutching it, trying to sleep. Except that image was just a flashback—in reality, I was telling Jude a story about how I tried to sleep on the sidewalk.

      "I'm surprised. Aren't you always self-conscious about sleeping on sidewalks?" she asked. "You're always like, 'Aaah, what if they hate me for taking up all the walking space as if I were royalty, what if they kick me,' blah blah blah."

      I laughed because she knew me well. "I was about to get to the part where I move to the grass."

      And the flashback showed me doing that,
      but then my brother N left the room IWL and it woke me up. 6:40. I quickly went back to sleep after writing it down.

      Dream #5 (Fragment, Non-Lucid):
      I had a dragon in Berk that had pulled five people/puppies out of a river. Everyone in the village, dragon and human alike, bowed down to him. I woke up at 6:57 smiling with pride.

      The reason this is a fragment is because for some reason I was under the impression that I had already written down the dream. but when I checked my DJ, there was nothing. (Oddly enough, the bookmark was placed at a random page away from the rest of the notes.) By the time I wrote it down for real, I had forgotten much of the details.

      Dream #6 (Non-Lucid):
      There were two siblings in my room, a brother and an older sister. The former was bound in these weird rectangular restraints—they encapsulated his whole body, making it look sort of like he was trapped in a ladder. He had been told that they were to help him walk, but actually, they were keeping something evil inside him sealed.

      He somehow figured out they were unnecessary and started breaking them off, asking the sister why he needed them in the first place. She watched with a horrified look as his eyes widened, the irises glowing a bright purple. He looked at her menacingly… and my dad burst into the room, barking at me to hurry up and get ready. I hadn't been part of the dream, but now I was alone on my brother's bed, surrounded by the broken restraints.

      "Yeah, yeah," I mumbled, and quickly got changed.

      We had to walk somewhere in the middle of the night, but I had some sort of motorcycle and drove ahead of them. I zoomed along so quickly that shock waves exploded around me as I stomped on the gas. The bike had a mind of its own as well: when I told it to slow down or go in a certain direction, it did, albeit with some mischievous resistance. I remember freaking out a little because I couldn't find the handles and was just holding on to the headlight.

      At some point I very nearly smashed into an oncoming train, slowing down just enough that it whooshed past me without making contact. I decided I was done with the reckless speeding and came to a stop, waiting for my brothers to catch up.

      "Did you see that? I almost died just now!" I exclaimed. "You know what a train just grazing against your finger can do to a person?!"

      They didn't really care, and a conductor came over, saying that another train was coming soon and we had to get out of the way. I saw tracks forming on the ground beneath us. He instructed us to stand on a horizontal girder beam and hold onto another one higher up.

      "Turn around," he added. "Don't want dust, or worse, flying into your eyes."

      We did. I was tempted to sit down, but it was a good thing I didn't (as a narrator graciously informed me), because the beams suddenly flew into the air, spinning and rotating and flipping upside down like a rollercoaster. I held on for dear life, unable to make a sound, until they returned to their original positions.

      "Wow, that was horrible. I hated that and I never want to do it again," I said in a deadpan voice.

      There were more people standing on the beams now, one of which was my third grade teacher Ms. B. A reporter was interviewing her and I made sparkly-eyes to show I knew her, saying to the person next to me, "That's my third grade teacher. She was mean."

      I hadn't said it quietly, nor with malice. I was actually hoping she would hear so we could talk. She turned to me and didn't seem to recognize my name, but after some prompting from my mom, it came back to her.

      She apologized for being so strict with our class, saying that as she aged she had become much more lenient and now she loved teaching kids. Her hair was graying and wrinkles were forming on her face. She really did seem like a sweet old lady.

      The next person interviewed was someone from swim team named Umi, but in the dream he was named Umami. I did sparkle-eyes with him as well, and when I turned around some random guy was doing sparkle-eyes at me. I laughed awkwardly and looked away.

      Umami bragged about how the kanji in his name fit him perfectly, and three kanji filled the "screen." The first two looked like fancily drawn pirate ships, which I guess was fitting since they're related to water which is related to swimming which is related to him.

      Even Nile was on the beams, and he wanted to salute the interviewer. I was worried he would slip, but allowed it since he had both hind legs planted firmly on the bottom beam.

      After some time we got down and walked with Ms. B to a small shop run by my neighbor Diana. There were free lollipops in a bowl so I took a red one; it was sweet and tasty. Ms. B offered to buy a ginormous peach for us, but before we could work out a deal,
      I woke up at 8:22 from my other brother leaving the room.


      I lay in bed for 45 minutes trying to go back to sleep. At some point I heard a voice say, "If you want to fall asleep again, that'll be $14.99." I laughed, but I really couldn't fall back asleep after that.

      So many dreams and no lucids... my daytime techniques must be lacking. Not to mention all those failed WILDs Well, I won't despair yet.

      WBTB - 2 points
      Remember a Full Non-Lucid Dream (x4) - 4 points
      Remember a Non-Lucid Fragment (x2) - 1 point
      Dragons theme - 5 points
      Tonight's sum: 12 points
      Previous sum: 3 points

      Total: 15 points
    13. Comp Night 1 - A Couple Fragments

      by , 06-02-2023 at 09:45 PM (MeiSEKAI)
      My recall and WBTB abilities have gone to shambles, just in time for the competition ...Actually, I noticed them deteriorating this past week, but I didn't expect it to get this bad.

      Dream #1 (Fragment, Non-Lucid):
      I was in my bed, trying to fall asleep. (A false non-awakening, as Harlequin calls it, but I think I'll call it a false falling-asleep.) A baldish 16-19 year old guy was standing at the foot of my bed, smiling at me. I assumed he was a really strong hypnagogic hallucination, and even though I was creeped out, I acted friendly to avoid any bad schema.

      He encouraged me to have a lucid dream, suggesting all sorts of techniques that I can't remember now. I said something like, "Don't forget about WILD," and he smirked confidently, walking closer.


      That's all I remember, which is a shame since I'm pretty sure the rest of the dream involved dragons. I knew I hadn't been waking up naturally most days this week, so the night before I set an alarm for 4:55, but I don't even remember hearing it; I was just suddenly awake and staring at my clock.

      I couldn't remember anything and spent the rest of the time trying to WILD, but I couldn't fall asleep. I would drift in and out every 5-15 minutes, though I must have been unconscious at some point because I had this dream.


      Dream #2 (Fragment, Non-Lucid):
      I was on a sandy beach in a videogame-like setting. I think I was running away from some responsibility.

      I came across a patch of sand with crabs and turtles and some other creatures scuttling around underneath. They would occasionally pop up to the surface before burrowing in again. The dream switched to third person, and when a red crab emerged from the ground, I smashed it with a wooden hammer, killing it.

      "Are you happy now?" I asked my mom. (I think it was her.)

      A rectangular floating box appeared, prompting me to place an important ID card(?) on top of the crab. I wondered if it was a good-Samaritan choice that would benefit me in the future, but I didn't want to risk it, so I scorned, "That's stupid, who would do that?" I was just hiding my uncertainty.

      There were some more turtles and crabs crawling around but I didn't kill them. I felt terrible. My dad started chasing me soon after.


      I didn't remember either of these fragments until brushing my teeth in the bathroom. I'm glad because it brings my score up from a 2... to a 3... I tried to take a nap after coming home from school but I couldn't fall asleep.

      Remember a Non-Lucid Fragment (x2) - 1 point
      WBTB - 2 points
      Total: 3 points
      Tags: competition
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    14. Sadness

      by , 06-01-2023 at 08:38 PM (MeiSEKAI)
      This lucid was so short I won't even bother writing down the rest of the dream. It was after a semi-successful WILD attempt; I was reading some documents and suddenly thought, Wait a minute, is this a dream? I plugged my nose, breathed in, and immediately woke up, sniffing the air like an idiot

      Updated 06-01-2023 at 08:40 PM by 99938 (formatting)

    15. Accidentally On Purpose Woke Myself Up

      by , 05-29-2023 at 12:49 AM (MeiSEKAI)
      Failed WILD attempt here. During the transition, I saw Menou (from The Executioner and Her Way of Life) in my ESS classroom killing a little kid and someone else in front of Akari. I was thinking that Akari was morally gray and just supported Menou in anything she did.

      At some point Menou held her dagger in a really cool way and I tried to imitate it but kept poking my forearm. I thought, Anime characters are really something else, huh.

      I left the classroom and squatted on a carpet stained with the victims' blood. People were whispering about it, so I tried to cover it up with the kid's shoes. I remember thinking, C'mon, these are way too small even for a child, not realistic at all. And they grew in front of my eyes.

      I was waiting there for the two to pick me up when a girl named Bethany, hair uncharacteristically in pigtails, walked up to me. She smiled and said, "I came to rescue you."

      No, I don't want to socially interact… I thought, and
      woke myself up As soon as my eyes opened I was like "oops."

      I was only semi-lucid even if it was a WILD transition, plus I never got fully in the dream. So I won't add it to my LD count.
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