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    Leaving the matrix

    1. 1/27/14 - ended up at an event

      by , 01-27-2014 at 07:15 PM (Leaving the matrix)
      So I'm sitting on my couch, and I'm looking through photos of people and stuff, and suddenly I dissolve into a photo, and I see my friend at an even laughing and smiling and winning stuff, then it fades to another and different subject and scenarios keep happening, but I feel happy seeing my friend happy, but then in one of the still scenes since only I can move at normal speed, everyone else is slightly slow speed, I walk out of the shops door an the jingle bell on the door makes everyone one go normal speed and aware of me, and my friends and the other people chase after me, my friend with friendly intent, but the other people I feel want to kill me.
    2. 1/27/14 - not my party

      by , 01-27-2014 at 07:07 PM (Leaving the matrix)
      There's a party being had on the side of my house outside. I see family I haven't seen in awhile. I have no knowledge of this party, I'm looking at the party from out the kitchen window, so I get the energy to go out there and socialize lest everyone bitch about my absence. I see one of my friends, I ask my self what is she doing here. This must mean this party is for me. Everyone ignores me, bu my friends keeps trying to go in front of me but I keep moving because I wanted to look at everything. Then this rust colored old van pull up slowly into my driveway, to get away from my friend I run over to the van to see who it is, I see it's two of my half sisters friends, and like in GTA V they have stars, and I get pissed that they would bring their criminal activity to this party, cops might come. But when they look at me I lie and say '' Oh I thought you were someone else", then I walk away and for some reason they and everyone else laughed at that like I just told a joke. I guess they laughed because I just realized it wasn't my party, it was my fucking half sisters party. I go back to were people are and I go to get nachos but my friend wont get out of my face, so I run into my house and shut the door so she won't follow me anymore.
    3. 1/26/14 - fuzzy fragment

      by , 01-27-2014 at 12:10 AM (Leaving the matrix)
      (I can only remember a glimpse of this dream)

      I'm standing in this baby blue tiled room, scott and styles from teen wolf are standing in front of me arguing. I think to myself "why am I having this dream, this is a dream my sister would have". (YET I DIDN'T BECOME LUCID!!!!!!! >:O)
    4. 1/26/14 - kid anti bully commercial

      by , 01-26-2014 at 08:45 PM (Leaving the matrix)
      I can't remember most of this dream hardly

      Dream Fragment: I'm watching this commercial, but not on a TV, like as if it's being performed for me in front of me. It's for anti bullying and when the adults talk to the kids the kids act concerned about bullying being a problem, but when the adults turn to each other and talk amongst themselves the children begin to bully and get evil looks on their faces with bad intent. They are manipulators, So I just fucking tune out and walk away and every one including the commercial adults get offended like I have no empathy. I just know better I tell them and look straight into the children's eyes, and they look back with surprise.
    5. 1/26/14 - dead light bulbs

      by , 01-26-2014 at 07:30 PM (Leaving the matrix)
      Me my mom and sister are in my half sisters room. We are sitting on the floor, suddenly the light goes out. I complain about how all the light bulbs are going out, and how we should really stock up on light bulbs. My mom says I know that's why me and zoeanne are going shopping today. I feel relieved by that. Then I see my mom splitting all the wood on my incense sticks. I yell at her and ask her what the heck she's doing. She tells me she thought it would be better because that's how my sister likes it. I tell her know the wood is to weak to even hold up the incense. I grab them all from her and put them in a cup. And try to light one.
    6. 1/26/14 - grandparents car trunk

      by , 01-26-2014 at 07:14 PM (Leaving the matrix)
      I'm with mt mom, she's driving my grandparents redish orange car. For some reason I can't go in any of the car seats, I just assume because they have too much stuff in there. So I have to lay/sit in the trunk with the trunk hood up, and I have to hang onto this hinge thing to keep balance. My mom drives us to this shopping center. She's driving by all the store super slow, and I hear this loud ass girl about 13 years old with her mom, she's being loud so people think she's interesting or some shit. I'm displeased by the rashness of her voice and pitch. My mom parks and we get out of the car, and the girl and her mom are just walking up and down the side walk of all the stores. Me and my mom quietly go into an Albertsons and come right back out. I guess we are done with whatever we went here for. Then we head back to the car, and I hear that loud ass little girl coming, now she's talking to a friend who is only slightly less loud then her. Me and my mom begin to run to the car, she hops in the driver seat and starts the car, and I hop in the trunk and lay down and grab the hinge and we drive off and I hear that girls blabbering the while time.
    7. 1/26/14 - phone book

      by , 01-26-2014 at 06:51 PM (Leaving the matrix)
      I'm walking about in a walmart. I realize that the store seems to be getting ready to close, even though it's bright daylight outside. I get to close to the register line and it sucks me in, I panic because I have nothing to buy, all I can grab is a phone book from the free phone book rack that is right by the register line. It's my turn up at the register and I drop the phone book onto the belt, and the worker give me a weird look and then rings the book up, I expected it to be free, but he says that it'll cost three cents. I think thank goodness I have a five dollar bill in my pocket. I get it out and hand it to him. At first he takes it then gives it back. I thought he was gonna be nice and just let me keep my whole five, but then he grabs it back from me and puts it in his register and starts grabbing change out. I don't mind that either, and I didn't care if he was going to gyp me, I just wanted to get out of there but he is taking a long time. He tells me to put out my hand and drops one by one a dime, another dime, a nickel, a quarter, then just drops the rest. Him and his friend lady co-worker begin telling me that walmart now only pays them a quarter per hour. And I said that's a fallacy. But then he bagged my phone book and I went for the exit and mumble then why do you work here? And the worker the stands at the door heard me and gave me a glare, and I just hurried outside and then took my phone book around the parking lot.
    8. 1/25/14 - old film doppelgangers

      by , 01-25-2014 at 08:21 PM (Leaving the matrix)
      I'm walking down this street, it looks like somewhere in New York city. Then this double decker bus pulls up in front of me, and I stare at the side of it and zone out into and old film from like the 20's or 30's. I see a couple in topless car, and a crowd gathered around while it drives slowly cheering them on. In the car it looks exactly like jay-z and beyonce, but in old attire and hair style. They are important people in that era and not necessarily in a good way, they are driving down this exact street in New York that I'm standing. Then I zone back into the scene I was before, almost like I was in a trance. Now there's a woman standing there and she told me that is their doppelgangers, I ask her I f I had one, but she doesn't answer me and she returns to the bus and it drives away and I'm left tortured thinking about it.
    9. 1/25/14 - grandparents long errand

      by , 01-25-2014 at 08:12 PM (Leaving the matrix)
      I'm with my grandma and grandpa and my sister. We are at this shopping center, It looks so strangely lighted, like orange light. We go into this walmart type store, and I walk back and forth at the end of all the registers, then my grandma comes so we exit, and we walk to a ATM store, like a whole outlet for people to use ATMs, it's across the street from another ATM store, and the ATM store we are going into is where the ATM store moved too, it used to be in the empty ATM store next door. I see my grandpa fiddling with his wallet, then we go in and it turns into a gift store and buffet place. I see my moms cousin in line getting food, I hug her and tell her I love her, then me and grandma go to the gift section. We hear my grandpa say come one, so we get on the green s10 pickup truck he is driving, it's smaller than usual, we are all hanging out and it goes super slow and makes no noise, he says the freeway will be to long, so he'll go this short cut, but it is for shuttle train ride tracks, and worker men are walking about it. He drive into it and we barely make the ceiling clearance, the roof of the car scrapes it, and we continue through, I worry a train will come or a worker will go after us, but we keep driving though, and we get into this building and he drives though it, it looks like a casino.
    10. 1/25/14 - animals fighting stairs

      by , 01-25-2014 at 08:01 PM (Leaving the matrix)
      I'm in this strange house, people from all MTV reality shows are walking around the halls and up and down the stairs, and they have naked skin tails, and they begin to fight like animals. I walk past them and marvel at how animal like the people are, the way they act. I go up the stairs before one of them goes after me, then I go into this lit up bright room from the daylight outside a window. There's a desk and an old man sitting there and another chair. I go and sit down and he tells me about stuff, I don't pay attention. Then we are outside at this handball court at the part near my house, it's me and two men, this bell shaped UFO appears in front of us and we back up against the cement wall of the handball court. I turn to them and see they are frightened, then a bright white beam come from out from th bell and shines on us, it begins to drag our bodies into the air towards it, but we all grab onto loose rocks, the guy to the farthest end loses his grip and is sucked into the bell. And leaves us. Then I'm back in that building, I hurry to the up stairs towards the office, but the stairs have changed, I guess which room is right and I was correct, I go and sit in the chair before, and wait. Then the other guy who was with runs in and sits in a chair and waits. Then finally the old man comes, he's wearing a USA astronaut suit, and he laughs at us, we get up and push him because we know it was him who got abducted and he came back like this like it was a joke or weird plan or something, then we begin to storm out but he stops us and says something, I don't listen again, then it's a different scene and me and the other guy are in this back yard, we hop a fence and her sits down, then I hop another fence, and he turns into a girl and is dancing behind the fence but her head is above it because she's tall enough, I see her leg go up higher than her head, but I can see through the wood fence because the slits, and I see her holding fake legs and her real leg standing her there, I tell her stop trying to fool me, then I hop another fence away from her and bust into this abandoned old house, and see begin to walk passed this old emerald and gold dresser, but then I see light seep out, so I stop and turn to it, and open the doors and see a doll, I yell at it for hiding from me, then it speaks and says I wasn't ready and then it gets this horrifying look, so I throw it to the ground and run into the dresser, and go through the gold riffles of light.
    11. 1/25/14 - running around the house

      by , 01-25-2014 at 07:44 PM (Leaving the matrix)
      My mom and sister are whispering about me, so I run into my moms room and go to climb out her window because she is enslaving us. I accidentally knock three glass cups that were stacked on this black thing by her window to the floor. They shatter and glass goes everywhere, I think none of it injured me so I continue to climb out the window because she probably heard that. Now I'm outside and it's just after sun down, there is only slightly light and purple left in the sky. I run to the cement on the side of my house and am ducking the whole time trying to keep out of site. I feel this thing in my foot, I look down and see glass sticking out, it only hurts a little but it is an annoyance more than anything. I lip a little forward on my hands and feet, then I hear the neighbors laughing, They must see me through the fence, then I realize I look a mess I don't even have shoes on and I'm limping and my hair is messy. I hurry around the corner of the house because their laughing was probably grabbing my mom attention, then I hear the side door slam open, so I run around the house once and hear her behind me so I run around the house again, and then another time, then I quickly hop the fence and hide behind someones car and hear nothing.
    12. 1/24/14 - moving trees

      by , 01-25-2014 at 02:47 AM (Leaving the matrix)
      I'm at the top of the drive way, and I hear twigs snap in the trees beside the house. I know they're wolfs, so I try to get into the front gate because I know they are protection boundaries, but the little gate seems stuck. Then I hear grunting noises, so with out thinking I run top speed down the drive way to go to the street, but the drive way keeps getting longer and longer and I hear the wolfs catching up to me. I finally get to the street and cross it and go into the woods, then all the trees begin to slide across the ground back and forth slowing me down, I try to go through and passed trees but they keep getting in the way, all the while I still hear growling behind me.
    13. 1/24/14 - ew old banana goop cake

      by , 01-24-2014 at 09:49 PM (Leaving the matrix)
      I'm at home trying to get ready. My dad is there for some reason but I'm don't even care but it begins to annoy me that he is following and imitating everything I do, so I run to my room and lock it behind me. Then the scene changes to my grandmas house and she's throwing a family party, For some reason my grandma invited my sisters friend (who is a made up DC), and my friend (also made up DC). Me and the DC sit in the hallway on this bench that is facing the wall, I find it stupid and want to get up but the girl won't let me. She forces my arm around her and feeds me some her cake that is brown with translucent yellow goop in the middle, she says it's banana cake, then this guy walks passed us in the hallway and say that's some gross ass cake and continues walking. Then I decide I'll pass on the cake but she stuffs it in my mouth. Then she goes on about something smells, I tell her it's her upper lip and get up and walk away and the girl makes angry noises. Then I want to go with my sister but she is with her friend and she say they are getting married and walks out the door so I go with my grandma in the living room and we talk, and I hope the DC doesn't find me.
    14. 1/24/14 - tribal tyrant

      by , 01-24-2014 at 09:35 PM (Leaving the matrix)
      I'm and african man in this drream, i'm sitting next to some other tribes people. It looks like we are in africa. The tribes leader comes to the crow infuriated and says he wants me and my friend dead, so me and the man run. This pisses the tribe leader off and he gets on this canopy covered machine that sways when it walks, and he chases us with it. We hide in a group and he can't see us, he never really got a good look at us to begin with. Now he's using this huge flame thrower and burning everyone who won't move, everyone in his path. I see people trying to climb a fence but getting burned down and so we all run towards the swamp where the trees and rocks are. we all gather there because we can't cross it because there are alligators in there and the green crap on top you can't see where they are. Then the tribe leader comes and decides to make a game of it, he forces us one by one to run jump or swim across the swamp, so he pushes the first man, and he makes it even though and alligator jumped at him and almost got him. This infuriates the tribe leader. Then he sends this woman to go, she jumps but then falls in and swim's fast enough but gets bit on the back of her neck. The tribe l;leader laughs at her. Then he sends a rather skinny fellow, her tries to jump from rock to rock but and alligator trips him with its tail and he falls in head first and he never comes back up after we see a struggle and alligator tails flailing, we all hang our heads in sorrow while the tribe leader laughs even louder. Now he sends me, I try to run across as fast as possible but then I fall into a very deep part of the swamp and I struggle to swim I know the gators are every where but someone drags me out from the other side and I hear the tribe leader scream in anger, then I run some more to get away from the swamp I feel the gators will come out and get me.
    15. 1/24/14 - candy and water bottle pen

      by , 01-24-2014 at 09:23 PM (Leaving the matrix)
      Me and some girl are standing in someones front yard, I have never seen it before. The girl is on her knees doing something. I walk up to her to see what she is doing, I see her tugging at some huge candy gummy works from the ground. One is a sour powder covered one, and the other two are normal gummy ones. I decide to help her and pull at the gummy worms and then they pop out and land on the grass. We stand up and stare at them, then they shake and turn into a big rubbery pen, and a water bottle pen, you can drink water from it but it also has a pen at top. I think that it is stupid and must be one of those things you can win at an elementary school for selling shit. But me and the girl decide to pick who gets what she grabs the rubber pen so I'm stuck with the pen water bottle.
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