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    The plunge

    by , 10-17-2013 at 06:36 AM (844 Views)
    Date: 15 Oct

    Pre bed: 1xGingko combo (Gingko, Ginseng, lecithin, mate)

    TST: 6.5 hrs

    Bad night of sleep thanks to the neighbors.

    LD: At grandma's place and am trying to make a cup of tea by using the boiling water from the tap. However, I can't find the tea anywhere. There is a butler whose name is Charles. We go out and he is driving me to the street where we are supposed to pick the tea from some sort of office. There is snow everywhere, I play with it with my hands. Feels normal.

    I become lucid, but have no immediate task in mind. Instead, I decide to play along and go to where we were headed and see what happens. I am a bit uncertain about being able to generate an office, but walk towards the building. The entrance's at the back and I enter the yard. There is some weird flickering going on. I wonder what's that about. The street light has problems? There are electricity cables connected to it and as I move, they get in the way of the light from the lamp, producing this flickering effect. I can't believe this level of detail/effect is possible. Anyways, I continue on my way, get in the building, now there's this guy with me. The office is supposed to be on the first floor. I almost lose lucidity here as the stairs get extremely deformed and narrow, I fail to reach my destination and go back to the building entrance.

    The guy is with me and now there is a woman in the team. They are both dressed with green overalls and are like prisoners from an alien colony. They talk about the guy having some sort of disease. We head towards the street, they are holding 3 guns like Uzzis but green as well. Cool, I am thinking very enthusiastically that we are going to have some sort of dream adventure. At this moment I remember to try to get them to join me in my AF TOTY quest. I turn towards what feels like the city center and think about AF. I can hear the sound of falling/running water and soon see that have caused a large city type of river to appear. Initially, there are 3 jets of water as if coming from a fountain, but actually coming from the river. I have the feeling that AF would be hard to form here, but still think the scene is good for the Great Barrier Reef Task. I come closer to the riverbank, the water is quite deep, extremely clear and is about to overflow from my side. In my mind, this is the Great barrier reef already. I gather a bit of courage and plunge.

    The scene disappears and my body faces the bottom of what looks like the ocean. It's hard to see as it is very similar to when one is really trying to see underwater. My entire body is submerged in this clear, somewhat shallow water. There is enough light and I can feel the sun shining bright above and as hard as it is to see clearly, I can distinguish lots of grains of sand just below me. I struggle to get a better view of everything, but the impression of having water in the eyes and not adapting yet, remains. I think about the next step, corals, but they are nowhere in sight. At the same time, I think about the sea turtle that's supposed to be here (CL that's from you!) and can see the turtle swimming in the water with the sand right in front of me. In addition to that, I can hear a joyful marine type of tune playing softly in the background. I am still struggling with this watery blurry vision though and it finally gets the best of me and the dream totally fades.

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    Updated 10-17-2013 at 06:43 AM by 61764

    lucid , non-lucid , memorable , task of the year


    1. Xanous's Avatar
      Nice LD! Oh that dream music lol.
      NyxCC likes this.
    2. CanisLucidus's Avatar
      Awesome dream, Nyx!! You remembered three separate TotY items in a single dream and got close on two of them! I am really really impressed.

      You know, with that badass crew you had assembled at the beginning, I was thinking you might be pulling together some backup for if things got out of hand at the Colosseum task. And I'm so happy you found the turtle too! That's the one I'm hoping to ride in for Australia TotY, but we'll see.

      Wow this one has me excited. Your flow here was so smooth between this task, no let's transition to this other one, etc. as the shape of the dream changed around you. Very very good! This has got me excited for an LD! Now I just need to arrange things so I get some actual sleep. I must!!
      NyxCC likes this.
    3. NyxCC's Avatar
      Thank you two!

      You know, with that badass crew you had assembled at the beginning, I was thinking you might be pulling together some backup for if things got out of hand at the Colosseum task.
      Could be or I would have engaged in random ld vandalism.

      Wow this one has me excited. Your flow here was so smooth between this task, no let's transition to this other one, etc. as the shape of the dream changed around you. Very very good! This has got me excited for an LD! Now I just need to arrange things so I get some actual sleep. I must!!
      Yeah, finally portions of my brain are starting to work together. I guess I have to get back to those visualizations when time allows too, this time , incorporating a mix of TOTYs! Awesome, CL! I can't wait to read about your next adventures. We are going to get those TOTYs done!
      CanisLucidus likes this.