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    Ophelia's Book O' Fun II

    A Basic TOTM and an Advanced One

    by , 03-11-2013 at 08:31 PM (913 Views)
    I really prepared myself for these 2 tasks, because I knew I could get them both in one dream. So I wrote myself a little note and left it in the kitchen under the bottle of olive oil. And since I knew that 99% of my WILDs start out in my bedroom, I simply had to get up, go to the kitchen, find the note, then start breaking stuff. I made myself remember this every night and at every WBTB. That note has been sitting there for a few days now, but I finally had success!

    I had my usual WBTB. And this was difficult: I had cycles of WILD vibrations on and off for hours, but I was experiencing what can be best described as SP (yeah, I'm looking at you, you know who you are). The good news is that it was easy to break out of, but breaking out of it woke me up each time.

    So I decided to try to help myself out: when ever I felt the vibrations, I'd try to get up, or open my eyes, or roll out of bed, but there were too many pillows or blankets or I was too far from the edge of the bed to make it easy. So each time I woke up out of the SP, I'd lose a pillow off my head, then remove all the blankets, then inch closer to the edge of the bed, loose another pillow. Finally, I was pillowless, blanketless, and literally had my legs half hanging off the bed, hoping I could just roll or slide out of bed onto the floor on the next wave of vibrations.

    This psychoticness finally paid off, and I was able to stand up out of bed after a big wave of vibrations. It didn't last long and I woke up. But then I did it again, and very wobbly got out of bed. I looked immediately at the night stand (which occasionally has an empty or nearly empty wine glass). I remembered that there wasn't one last night irl, but I hoped there would be one there if I LDed and sure enough, there was my favorite stemless white wine glass. I picked it up and chucked it at the wall, and it shattered. Though with not much noise.

    I went to the bedroom door, and it was locked, so I had to unlock it before I could open it. Duh, I know, but still funny that I actually had to do that. I was blind in my left eye, still a little wobbly, and feeling like I might lose the dream. So I just shouted "more lucidity and clarity" and told myself that I don't have eyeballs or eyelids right now. All my vision is a huge panoramic movie screen. My vision got to a functional 80% I'd say.

    I continued to the kitchen, and literally ran like a school girl to the little piece of paper under the olive oil. I was so happy that it was there! In real life, I had written:

    Hey Ophelia, you
    still dreaming?

    - Ophelia *
    Now the paper just had a few polka dots, and 3 fluffy cows that looked like they were playing leap frog. I'm gonna draw it for the draw your dreams thread later, it was pretty funny. Anyway, I laughed out loud in the dream at that, then went to the pantry for more wine glasses. I pulled them out one by one and threw them. Some would break and a couple just bounced.

    Then I went for the eggs in the fridge. They were right were I normally keep them. I took them out and chucked them at the wall, at the cat, and at a random DC who walked by. My cat didn't like it, and I actually apologized to her haha (real life Sofie thanked me this morning with a nice, wet hair ball). Anyway, I'm kicking myself now because if I had thought of it, I coulda asked that DC if he wanted a wish granted. Oh well.

    I chucked a few more wine glasses
    , then finally woke up. I feel like I could have done more, but sometimes I think I just get bored in a lucid dream when I accomplish the goals I had made myself remember, instead of trying to remember more goals. I'll need to make myself remember a couple auxiliary goals just in case I nail the main ones
    CanisLucidus, Xanous and Micael like this.

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    1. AURON's Avatar
      Gratzs on the task. And nice job with the clarity. I just run around wig garbled vision till it clears up.
      OpheliaBlue and Xanous like this.
    2. CanisLucidus's Avatar
      Congratulations on the double Tasks of the Month you winged beast! I'm impressed by how much you got done. (Particularly with how much stuff you ruined.)

      Your note turned out great. I've had mine lying on the desk untouched (by dream hands, at least) since March 2nd. Considering how cool yours turned out, I'm feeling extra motivated to find mine.

      And that WILD transition was pretty crazy. So you literally had this LD with your legs dangling over the side of the bed? This sounds like quite the sight. But hey, I am a fan of anything safe that gets you lucid, so great work! Do you have any luck if you just sort of imagine your feet and/or legs sliding out of bed without physically doing it?
      OpheliaBlue likes this.
    3. OpheliaBlue's Avatar
      Thanks guys.

      Do you have any luck if you just sort of imagine your feet and/or legs sliding out of bed without physically doing it?
      You know CL, I'm not even 100% sure if I actually dangled my legs off the edge of the bed or not. With all that cycling in and out of transitions, vibrations, SP etc, I may have actually just dreamed that I moved my legs there.

      I'm kicking myself now because I don't remember what position I was in when I woke up from the LD, so I can't be sure what I did. I'm just glad that it finally worked. Seems like I tried 10+ times. I even gave up at one point, but I was so hungry for these tasks that I made myself keep trying. Glad I did!
      CanisLucidus and Auron like this.
    4. CanisLucidus's Avatar
      I even gave up at one point, but I was so hungry for these tasks that I made myself keep trying. Glad I did!
      This is such a great reason for doing Task of the Month. "Wanting to lucid dream" is something I always want, but by itself, it's so abstract. With TotM, it's very concrete and you've got all of these other people getting motivated about doing the same thing. A more concrete goal: "I want to break stuff, brag to others about how I broke stuff, and get a set of 'I broke stuff' wings".

      That's a nice little extra kick of motivation, and just the sort of thing you need when you're on that 10th WILD attempt!
      OpheliaBlue and imazu like this.
    5. OpheliaBlue's Avatar
      I agree with you 100%. It's totally about the bragging rights, and about getting a group of people excited about it, motivating eachother, and succeeding together.

      I have gotten more lucid dreams in this past year while focusing on not just the Intro Class, but these tasks, than I have in the many years prior put together. I'm also more mature and I have more discipline about the hours of sleep I get and focusing on my methods. But the motivation thing is really where it's at.

      Also, being mature and having a positive attitude about "failure." Never giving up, even if it doesn't always come easy for me, is something that took alot of growing up. Lucid dreaming has never been a really natural thing for me, alot of chance was involved, and I've ALWAYS had a ton of help and support. And it was always easy for me to just give up when I couldn't WILD as easy as the "naturals" do it. But now I'm very focused and persistent, and if I don't get what I want I keep trying until I do. I think it takes a more adult mind (for some), to be ok with that delayed gratification thing. It sure payed off though. I feel more victorious when something is hard but I keep at it anyway, then succeed. I should remind our students of this every single day. I don't care if you're a natural, I just care that you don't give up.

      tl:dr Never give up, never surrender.
    6. Xanous's Avatar
      I'm intrigued you had so many chances to make the WILD work for so long. That's really the best conditions for success. Did you do anything different or where conditions just "right" for it?
      OpheliaBlue likes this.
    7. CanisLucidus's Avatar
      Beautifully said. Makes my little non-natural heart sing.
      OpheliaBlue likes this.
    8. OpheliaBlue's Avatar
      Xanous: I guess there's always some luck or chance involved when it comes to the right balance of conditions for the vibrations and the WILD to work. I don't know what was different his time that made me have to try so many times. It almost felt like a test to see if I would give up lol. The good thing that came from having to try severl times, was that I am getting more used to the feeling of initiating the vibrations, and concentrating them more consistently and voluntarily. Still an ongoing science project of course.
      CanisLucidus and Xanous like this.
    9. Micael's Avatar
      Ophelia... ouch, your second post hit me right on the spot. It probably comes down to maturity, the ability to accept failure and "be ok with delayed gratification". It seems like I run in circles a lot of the time, when I'm good I'm good but instead of holding on and riding the wave I just let my "skills" fade until the next moment of motivation. Anyway, your updates always bring renewed motivation so, thanks for sharing!
      OpheliaBlue likes this.