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    Ophelia's Book O' Fun II

    Basic TOTM - Drink a Potion

    by , 07-31-2012 at 05:55 PM (735 Views)
    I had alot of dreams on and off last night and early this morning, because I was sleeping a bit uneasy for some reason. I think it was the light from my laptop, which I ordinarily don't take into the bedroom (but I wanted to watch Linkin Park videos before bed).

    I'll go into all the non lucid details later, but I wanted to start with the DILD. Most of my dreams occurred in the same room: a kind of mix between my college dorm room, and a hotel room. I had a false awakening, accompanied with some spooky vibrations type sensations (the kind I usually get when something scary is about to happen). Some voice warned me about 2 hell hounds that were about to come get me. I was scared at first, but as soon as I got out of bed, I started to question if this was a dream. Then they appeared: 2 little shih-tzu type dogs, and they just flew through the air and went all rabid on my left hand. I instantly knew this was a dream, based on similar attacks in my previous FAs, and went from scared to just annoyed. I was shaking my left hand really hard, trying to dislodge their teeth from my flesh. When ever I would get one off, the other would fly to my hand and lock on again. After a couple attempts, I was able to pull them both off by their tails, then I grabbed them both by the neck with the same hand until they stopped writhing. I looked at them in the eyes and said "I am going to attempt the basic task now, and you two are going to calm the fuck down." I've handled bigger and stronger demons than this before, so they just went limp in my hand, and shrunk down to the size of kittens. I lay them down softly on the bed and pet their bellies. The evilness had gone and now I was free to do the task. I remembered immediately to drink a potion, since this was my third attempt this month so I guess it was on the forefront of my mind. I looked around quickly, and on the end table next to the bed was what looked like my entire collection of nail polish bottles. I picked one up, willing it to turn into a potion bottle or something, but nothing happened. I thought to myself, "There's no way I'm drinking a bottle of nail polish, even in a dream." I wanted something better, so I was rummaging through the bottles, knocking some over, when I noticed one of the bottles was somewhat bigger than the normal nail polish sized. I picked it up and it was half-full of a liquid that looked just like listerine. Oh well, better than nail polish haha. I went to the mirror and looked at myself, I didn't look like myself at all, more like an extra tan version of a Kardashian sister. I took the lid off the bottle, and hoped my subconscious would make the contents into a potion, and not mouth wash, though I was doubtful. I took a swig, and the flavor was amazing! It tasted like minty white chocolate, and really smooth and creamy. More like, a melted white chocolate ganache. By far the best dream flavor I ever had, it seemed even more intense than a real life flavor, and that's never happened to me before with anything other than visions and sounds. I was hopeful, but still doubtful that it would do anything. Funny how I can be doubtful and it doesn't matter. I stared at my reflection, and I noticed a wound appear on the side of my nose, on my cheek, and on my chin, all on the left side of my face. They looked like little spots that had gotten really chapped and red, with flaky skin. Then something came out of them, and the best way I can describe this, is that it was kind of like an anti-tattoo. Instead of an ink-colored pattern, it was white, and it began to spread from each of the wounds, decorating my entire face. The design looked like tiny little white thorny vines, coiling around every square inch of my face, with little white roses, and white leaves, until my face was half tanned skin and half thorny vine tattoo. It was really kinda cool looking! It didn't spread beyond my face, so I guess it was done. So I got up and went to the door, hoping that I would stay in the dream long enough to do the advanced task! I got greedy. I went out the door, and the door just across the hall had just opened, and people were filing out. These people looked like they had just finished rehearsing a play or opera, because they were decked out in renaissance costumes. I eyed the group, hoping to find one that could actually be an alien (forgetting completely that it wouldn't have counted as the advanced TOTM because I was still on earth). Then a guy that looked like the lead role, dressed to the nines in a royal blue nobleman costume, made eye contact with me. Loooong, super sexy eye contact. He looked like he recognized me. I just batted my eyelashes and flashed my best smile, and he continued down the hall. I lost lucidity at that point, and the dream phased into a stupid story about Katie Holmes and Tom Cruise's divorce.

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    lucid , non-lucid
