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    Ophelia's Book O' Fun II

    - Red means lucid, yeah!
    - Ophelia's Book O' Fun (my first DJ)

    1. These Dreams Don't Deserve a Title

      by , 02-03-2012 at 06:18 PM (Ophelia's Book O' Fun II)
      Two days ago, the dogs in the bed thing.

      Yesterday, the one with the back account balance changing.

      I'm too ticked off at my subconscious to add more.
      dream fragment , non-lucid
    2. But You're Vegetarian IRL lol

      by , 01-31-2012 at 06:30 PM (Ophelia's Book O' Fun II)
      WOULD have had some LDs maybe, but the AT&T guy knocked at our door. FFFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUUUU

      Anyway, the only dreams I remember were fragments. 1.) Something about another location for Gold's Gym and LaAzteca. 2.) I had some potted tomato plants in my cupboard that were forgotten. Then me and Danny discovered them and they were covered in unripened tomatoes, all sizes. I thought, we should put them in the sun now so they can ripen and turn red. But Danny said we should leave them be since they're doing so well where they were. Then suddenly the assistant manager of the bakery where I work, Brian, suggested we put them in the garage. It gets alot of sunlight, and he had this big clear plastic lid he said we could use to put over it. It looked like the plastic cover for our chocolate tempering machine at work. Brian said "It's just like when you're making chicken."

      That's when the guy knocked on the door. Chicken. Really? Tell me I wouldn't have become lucid soon after that. Motherfucker.
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    3. BOOM I got your Boyfriend!

      by , 01-30-2012 at 07:52 PM (Ophelia's Book O' Fun II)
      No lucids last night, I'm kinda shocked. Because I got the right amount of sleep, no diphenhydramine, and I had one of those moments in the dream where I usually become lucid, but didn't.

      I dreamt that me and Margaret (a former boss of mine, who ended up become a big time druggie, in and out of rehab in real life) were both in an unusual new rehab program. I can't remember exactly how it worked, but I remember one of the former clients (who ended up being Kyle, one of my current coworker's husband), gave me a tour of sorts. He led me to a house that I could live in. Actually, he and I would share it. Nice place, pretty neighborhood. Then we walked about a mile down the street to a building, which ended up being the the Whole Foods I used to work at. Then Kyle explained to me that as long as I live in this house, and work just 25 hours a week at this Whole Foods, I could stay in the program. And I would get a stipend and some other benefits. It just all sounded so good, and simple, and comfortable. So when we walked back to the house, we were holding hands. It just didn't really dawn on me yet that Danny is my boyfriend, and that I'm holding hands with Kyle, Gabi's husband. I just remember feeling like we were in love and everything was going to be ok. Then we got in a car and he was talking about going to church next sunday, and I remember not wanting to hurt his feelings by telling him that I'm actually atheist. Then I realized, oh god, this is Kyle! I looked at him and said, "I hate to bring this up now Kyle, but what about Gabi?" He looked disturbed, then gave me a reassuring kiss and said something that I forgot. When we broke the kiss, he looked like Danny. Note: usually when I have one of those realizations in a dream, I become lucid. Crap.

      Then it changed to the alien dream. Also non lucid, but kinda cool! I only remember fragments, but the biggest part I remember was these futuristic aliens with amazing technology (but looked exactly like humans) had selected a few of us mere earthlings for some important mission. I forgot the mission, and who the other people were besides me. But I remember we had to go to Paris, France, and there was this vehicle waiting for us that we had to fly. We got a message from the aliens in Paris, and they explained the location of the vehicle using one of those holographic messages like they do in star wars. It showed the Eiffel Tower, and high above it in the clouds, hovered a small craft. It looked nothing more than a shiny platform with some small side wings and a tiny cockpit. Only we could see it, it was cloaked to everyone else. I don't remember how we got on it, I just remember looking straight up into the sky when we got to the tower, and I could see it, twinkling in the sunlight. Then we were on it, and it zoomed us to italy where me met up with our alien contacts. I only saw one, and she looked like a brunette model. I asked her if, given all their technology, they had cured aids or cancer. She said no, unfortunately. That's all I remember. Cool spacecraft, and yay, France and Italy!
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    4. poo.

      by , 01-26-2012 at 08:58 PM (Ophelia's Book O' Fun II)
      No lucids or FAs or anything cool at all. I really screwed up my sleep. I was up until 3am. Slept until 7am. Walked my son to school in the cold, windy rain. Went back to bed but couldn't sleep until maybe 9:30 or 10. Got up a 1pm.

      Had a dream about some people I used to know. I can't even be bothered right now to go into detail.

      What really sucks is the next 3 days I work 10 hour shifts. I have to take my sleep aid for those days because of my insomnia, which means NO dreams whatsoever. But I get paid good so it's worth it.

      See y'all in a few days!!
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    5. My Hand is NOT Fucking Candy, Bitch.

      by , 01-25-2012 at 08:12 PM (Ophelia's Book O' Fun II)
      My LDs lately have gotten really really repetitive. I'm getting tired of talking about the same 2 themes. I'm going to try spicing things up tomorrow. As soon as I can think of something. One thing I will say before going into detail about the dreams, my Lucid Mirror technique is just getting better and better. It is my best and most reliable friend in my lucid dreams. That's why he got a name. With capitalization.

      I had 2 or 3 gender swap dreams again. They were shorter than the last ones, but this time I blame my horrible sleep last night. I woke up at 3am and didn't get back to sleep until almost 8am. Good thing I got the day off today! Only thing I'll say about the dreams is that I not only was able to summon up beautiful mirrors whenever I wanted to do my lucid lock trick, but I could pass by anything with a shiny surface and get the same result. This time, I passed an oven, and the shiny glass surface worked. I see my reflection, looks like me, then I widen my eyes, and they turn pale pale green, with swirly movement in the irises. I give my reflection a mischievous grin, and she smiles back. W00t now it's time to play. No sex details here, sorry, but one time I did whip it out in front of a mirror lol. I will neeeeever forget that.

      Then I woke up about 10ish, still really sleepy, so I thought I'd try for some more LDs. The last ones ended too quick. I started having alot of those kinda scary WILD vibrations. Then, guess who visited me. Yep, Demon Danny. This time he was a true true dick. I didn't have eye paralysis this time, but I was really struggling to talk. I had to use so much energy to talk to him. Which is kinda how I'd been training him, by reasoning with him, yelling at him etc. Even my body movements were getting more and more laborious. One time, I saw him in my bed, so I struggled out a "Come on over here," and he got on top of me. He kissed me for a moment, but then grabbed my hand and started biting it without letting go. Mind you, I am lucid, so it's not too scary. Just ANNOYING. So I wake up, and I can feel the pain in my fingers subside. I tried a couple more times, still with the strange WILD vibrations and sounds, but he was being so stubborn and I could barely talk so I just said fuck it and woke up.

      I don't mind the gender-swappy LDs so much, because I have more control (they just tend to be shorter than I want). But Demon Danny is a royal shit head, and I'm struggling alot with his behavior. I'm going to have to try something different with those. If I'm going to share my bed with another man, even if it is just in my mind, I'm going to need alot more cooperation.

      Updated 04-13-2012 at 12:56 AM by 905

      lucid , memorable
    6. A DC Who Makes the Effort to Get into My Bed Has Work to Do.

      by , 01-24-2012 at 07:59 PM (Ophelia's Book O' Fun II)
      Several FAs in a row. Like yesterday, I dreamt that I heard Danny come home. In the first FA, I heard someone come into the room. Very scary feeling, because I was sure Danny was at work. Then the lucidity hit me. My body, along with the blanket and pillow slooowly slid across the mattress and landed softly on the floor between the bed and the wall. Then I heard Danny ask me why I was sleeping on the floor. I can't remember all we talked about, but he mentioned having a meeting that morning and when it was over he just came home. So I was like, ok. Then woke up.

      Went back to sleep, and the same thing happened. Heard someone come into the room. He didn't say anything, it's just, the feeling of someone being in the room. Then the bed moved a bit and I heard a shuffling under the bed. Oh also, my eyes were stuck shut in all these dreams. A kind of SP thing, which nearly always accompanies my FAs. Then I became lucid again. So my body slid across the mattress again, but instead of landing on the floor, I just slid over to Danny's side of the bed. Then I heard his voice, from under the bad, saying "Hey". I laughed and asked what he was doing under the bad. And he said, "trying to make contact." Then I woke up again. Hehe wtf.

      So I fell asleep a third time. and this time I felt a presence in the room, and the feeling and sound of someone getting in the bed next to me. I said, "Danny?" He said, "Yeah?" And I said, "Yeah right." Then I began to drift off again, but I could hear the sound of someone breathing beside me, a rhythmic, sleep sounding breathing (was sure that it was my own breathing that I heard). I became lucid then, because I knew the breathing had been mine, but now it sounded like it was coming from next to me. I reached behind me and felt Danny's arm. AHA, I thought, not going to fool me again. This isn't really Danny. But, as long as this DC is right here in bed anyway..

      So I grabbed his arm and pulled him on top of me. His arm felt heavy and muscular, just like Danny's. And his feel, his smell, and the way he kissed felt so much like Danny that I almost questioned it again. But I knew it was a dream, and I just tried to make the best of it. So we made out for a while longer but I woke up again.
      I had slept enough by then.

      Updated 04-13-2012 at 12:54 AM by 905

      lucid , false awakening
    7. You're NOT My Boyfriend >:|

      by , 01-23-2012 at 08:00 PM (Ophelia's Book O' Fun II)
      I had a buuuuunch of dreams because the dogs kept waking me up. I know I should write them all down but I don't want to. I'll just talk about the one semi lucid, then just highlight the rest.

      After one of the many times the dogs woke me up, I felt some really heavy WILD vibrations. They were the uncomfortable ones, like the ones I get before having a scary dream, or that demon dream. What happened next could best be described as a cross between a FA and a semi lucid dream: I knew Danny had left for work at 5am already, I remember he already kissed me goodbye, and now the sun was coming up. Then Danny, in nothing but shorts, jumped into the bed and grabbed me. I shouted "You're not Danny, he already left for work!" I knew it had to be a dream, but I just really felt like I was really in my room. He kept trying to wrestle with me really roughly, and I got scared. But I told myself that it's just a dream, and the guy is just a DC. I looked at him and said "I'm about to turn on the light!" And then he had that same look that the demons do when they're fighting off the change (the change=when the demon looks like a normal person, but then something causes them to lose control and start losing their human disguise, revealing their monstrous real self. It sometimes involves writhing, and spasms, and sharp-toothed growls. It can be scary sometimes). I didn't want to see the change, especially because my subconscious gave the demon Danny's face this time! So I jumped up and turned on the bedroom light. He vanished. That was when it turned into an FA: I thought I had really woken up from the dream and turned on the light. So I turned it off and went back to sleep. I knew it was an FA because the bed was turned around in the room 180 degrees.

      The rest:

      1. The mole-man that liked to eat the curdled cream from my cream-top farm fresh milk.

      2. That damn kid (I say kid, he's like 19 or 20) from work. You're not my boyfriend either so stay out of my dreams! Told him he needs to find his own damn girlfriend. I said I would help because he's shy. Kept trying to kiss me. Kept following me around, wanting me to feed him. And liked to show off how many pushups he could do. Don't really know if he wanted me to date him or adopt him. Dumbass.

      3. Nuclear bolt thing. Don't touch it mom!

      4. That jug of reaaaaly farm fresh milk. It looked like whey with cloudy stuff on top.

      Updated 04-13-2012 at 12:51 AM by 905

      lucid , nightmare , false awakening , dream fragment
    8. Love Y'all

      by , 01-20-2012 at 08:28 PM (Ophelia's Book O' Fun II)
      I don't want to go into alot of detail, because I don't know how to make this entry private. So I'll put what I can in as vague a way as possible.

      Last nights LDs were memorable in several ways, mainly in the technique used to attain lucidity:

      1. All 3 were successful DEILDs (which is usually really hard for me, I ordinarily just DILD)
      2. All 3 were successful gender swaps
      3. In the 3rd one, I didn't lose lucidity too soon, via some old tried and true techniques

      First of all, concerning DEILDs, I was on a roll last night. They took little effort, and happened quickly! I went straight from a few moments of hypnogogic images and then boom, lucid. My self-awareness was consistent from being awake, to the images, then the LD. I was so happy, but I kept getting that "feeling tired within the dream, leading to waking up" problem. Even dream blindness one time. I just kept yelling "More Lucidity Pleeeeeease" and it would lock it in for a few moments. One time, I felt that tiredness and was afraid I might wake up, so I did my mirror trick: I lifted my hands and willed a mirror to appear. I looked at my reflection, opened my eyes REALLY WIDE, and they started changing shape and getting all deformed, which locked in the lucidity. But it wasn't until the 3rd LD, that in "that moment", you know, during a naughty LD, where you wake up too soon, I just kept on shouting "More Lucidity" every few seconds. It was a little high maintenance, but I didn't wake up until the deed was complete haha!

      HUGE personal triumphs for me. You know folks, I always do better with my LDs when I come back to DV and talk to all you dreamers, discuss techniques.. just, you know, be in the zone. So I give all y'all partial credit Thanks xoxoxo.

      Updated 04-13-2012 at 12:50 AM by 905

      lucid , memorable
    9. How'd You Get All Our Crap in the Garage by Yourself?!

      by , 01-19-2012 at 07:58 PM (Ophelia's Book O' Fun II)
      The family and I finally decided to make the move to Red River, and get a cabin-style house in the mountains, with a posh interior. Where'd the money for that come from! The first one we found was cute, the inside was nice, and the garage had a little extra room built inside it that was all white washed with a small closet inside it. We moved all our stuff into the garage and went out (to eat I think, can't remember).

      I took Chris and Nicole back to our new house, and Danny left to work a night shift. We ended up at a different house than the one we moved in to. Nicole said "Yeah this one is even better than the other one Lisa!" And it really was, it was bigger, the inside looked like something out of one of those fancy homes magazines, entirely furnished. The garage was bigger, and had that same little white-washed room but it was bigger, had a closet and a bathroom in it, and a ceiling fan and some shelves and a place to hook up to cable. I thought, this would be a great room for Nicole's slumber parties so they don't wake us up all night. I messed with the strange light in the garage, and noticed all our stuff had already been moved into THIS garage. I was like wow, that was fast.

      Nicole, Chris and I retired into the living room, that had beautiful ambient lighting, and we lit the fire place. I started looking at a furniture magazine so I could start ordering some new stuff for the house. But everytime I saw something in the magazine I wanted, I would look up and it was already in the livingroom. I told Nicole, "Wow, do you think the former tenants meant to leave us all this cool stuff?" And she said "I know right? They'll probably come back for it though. I think they still live here. I just moved all our stuff from the other house to this one because I like it better, and the door was unlocked and no one was home." I said, "Oh my god we have to call your father NOW"
    10. But I Want to Ride Pirates of the Caribbean Mom!

      by , 01-17-2012 at 08:45 PM (Ophelia's Book O' Fun II)
      My mom, Chris and I were at Disneyland. We couldn't stay long, but mom suggested we ride one last ride, the Pirates of the Caribbean, a family favorite since waaaaay before the movies. Me and Chris were like, "Yeahhh!". Mom said, that's in the French Quarter right? I said yes and we proceeded, but then she changed her mind and made us head back towards the gates to go home. I was like WTF. She said we needed to get back home, running out of time for something blah blah. I kept trying to reason with her, but she kept cutting me off and telling me to shut up. She wouldn't even allow me to talk.. so unlike my real mom. I started cussing her out, baaaad. I even said something that sounded like a quote from the Pirates movie, something about her being so rotten and foul that Hell spat her back out.

      We ended up on a train, then went to a hotel and I was talking to some single parent about the cartoons that Chris watches that are also funny for adults, like Spongebob, Fineus and Ferb, the old Looney Toons, etc. That's all I remember.

      Let me ride it next time Mom.. jeeez.
    11. Can't Find Ricki, nor Her Goat.

      by , 01-14-2012 at 01:29 AM (Ophelia's Book O' Fun II)
      A lucid I had a few nights back took place in the highest mountain range I had ever seen. Prefacing this, I was to attend on of Ricki Carrol's cheese making workshops, only to discover it was held not in her MA home, but in an eclectic mansion high up in these make believe Alps or something. I stood atop the highest one, looking out at layer after layer of seemingly endless stretches of mountains. Most were snow-topped, giving way to lush green valleys that led to silvery lakes and rivers, reflecting the nearly perfectly blue sky, notched with flecks of wispy clouds. I became lucid on top of that mountain, and even though I knew it was just a dream, it was almost scary being that high up! Then I said to myself, I'm really missing out on life, I need to travel more and see places like this. It was such a rich and vivid view.

      Then I found Ricki and some students, and she was carrying the softest, whitest baby goat into the mansion. The second I stepped into the home I lost them, but it was ok because then I got to lose myself in the crazy labyrinth that was supossed to be her workshop. Every room was totally different, weird and artsy, and if I tried to go back to a room, it had changed. Just before I woke up, I was playing peek-a-boo with an ottoman whose fabric changed color each time I peeked around the corner. I didn't want to wake up then, I was having a blast in Ricki's funhouse.

      Updated 04-13-2012 at 12:48 AM by 905

    12. Give Me My Robe, Stupid Demon!

      by , 01-13-2012 at 11:14 PM (Ophelia's Book O' Fun II)
      DOH! My original Dream Journal got stashed in the archives. Well that's what I get for being gone so long. Anyway, time for a fresh start why not. My dreams have changed so much! Plus I want to give my dream entries funny titles

      Give Me My Robe, Stupid Demon!

      Most recurring one I get now, is I'll initiate DEILD while lying on my stomach, get the usual vibrations, then I feel it: it feels like someone getting on top of my back and holding my arms down. I thought it was Danny the first time because it feels SO REAL. And the lucidity happens so fast that I'm still aware of me lying on my bed and such. I look back and it's a weird demon kinda guy. I'm not scared (it kinda feels good!), so I just mildly suggest that we start having sex, since he's back there anyway and attaining lucidity usually makes me horny. Most of the time he does nothing. A few times he stuck it in me, but he seems to be frustrated by his own lack of control and then wigs out and vanishes. This can occur several times in one morning. Finally I just give up and and leave the bedroom. Useless demon bastard head.

      The end.

      Updated 04-13-2012 at 12:46 AM by 905

    13. 12/28/04

      by , 12-29-2004 at 06:18 AM (Ophelia's Book O' Fun II)

      Joy! Had another LD. Was another tornado dream (tornado=personal dream sign). So I was watching 3 tornados doing a square dance of sorts when I decided I better do a reality test which came out positive for lucidity. So I was like, "Woohoo, alright...been a while. Now what was it that I wanted to do next time I attain lucidity?!" So I thought and thought and thought....but I couldn't remember that I wanted to hook up with CT and *bleep*. Like *bleep* is such a hard *bleeping* thing to remember to want to do. This coming from a woman who hasn't *bleeped* in over a year.

      Anyway, I lost lucidty after a few minutes of really uncomfortable concentrating (I don't like using my brain too much if it can be avoided). But yay I'm happy that i finally LDed after such a long time.
    14. Tornado LD

      by , 12-29-2004 at 05:11 AM (Ophelia's Book O' Fun II)
      (testing the blog transfer function)

      Joy! Had another LD. Was another tornado dream (tornado=personal dream sign). So I was watching 3 tornados doing a square dance of sorts when I decided I better do a reality test which came out positive for lucidity. So I was like, "Woohoo, alright...been a while. Now what was it that I wanted to do next time I attain lucidity?!" So I thought and thought and thought....but I couldn't remember that I wanted to hook up with CT and *bleep*. Like *bleep* is such a hard *bleeping* thing to remember to want to do. This coming from a woman who hasn't *bleeped* in over a year.

      Anyway, I lost lucidty after a few minutes of really uncomfortable concentrating (I don't like using my brain too much if it can be avoided). But yay I'm happy that i finally LDed after such a long time.

      Updated 09-22-2014 at 05:13 AM by 905

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