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    Ophelia's Book O' Fun II

    You're NOT My Boyfriend >:|

    by , 01-23-2012 at 08:00 PM (930 Views)
    I had a buuuuunch of dreams because the dogs kept waking me up. I know I should write them all down but I don't want to. I'll just talk about the one semi lucid, then just highlight the rest.

    After one of the many times the dogs woke me up, I felt some really heavy WILD vibrations. They were the uncomfortable ones, like the ones I get before having a scary dream, or that demon dream. What happened next could best be described as a cross between a FA and a semi lucid dream: I knew Danny had left for work at 5am already, I remember he already kissed me goodbye, and now the sun was coming up. Then Danny, in nothing but shorts, jumped into the bed and grabbed me. I shouted "You're not Danny, he already left for work!" I knew it had to be a dream, but I just really felt like I was really in my room. He kept trying to wrestle with me really roughly, and I got scared. But I told myself that it's just a dream, and the guy is just a DC. I looked at him and said "I'm about to turn on the light!" And then he had that same look that the demons do when they're fighting off the change (the change=when the demon looks like a normal person, but then something causes them to lose control and start losing their human disguise, revealing their monstrous real self. It sometimes involves writhing, and spasms, and sharp-toothed growls. It can be scary sometimes). I didn't want to see the change, especially because my subconscious gave the demon Danny's face this time! So I jumped up and turned on the bedroom light. He vanished. That was when it turned into an FA: I thought I had really woken up from the dream and turned on the light. So I turned it off and went back to sleep. I knew it was an FA because the bed was turned around in the room 180 degrees.

    The rest:

    1. The mole-man that liked to eat the curdled cream from my cream-top farm fresh milk.

    2. That damn kid (I say kid, he's like 19 or 20) from work. You're not my boyfriend either so stay out of my dreams! Told him he needs to find his own damn girlfriend. I said I would help because he's shy. Kept trying to kiss me. Kept following me around, wanting me to feed him. And liked to show off how many pushups he could do. Don't really know if he wanted me to date him or adopt him. Dumbass.

    3. Nuclear bolt thing. Don't touch it mom!

    4. That jug of reaaaaly farm fresh milk. It looked like whey with cloudy stuff on top.
    Alyzarin and Mindraker like this.

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    Updated 04-13-2012 at 12:51 AM by 905

    lucid , nightmare , false awakening , dream fragment


    1. Alyzarin's Avatar
      That sounds really intense! I had something kind of similar happen once. I had a FA and there was another girl in my bed who claimed to be my sister from an alternate dimension, and when I jumped back she grabbed me and we both tumbled over on to the floor and she kept trying to pull me back toward her and then she started melting on top of me. I woke up after that.
      OpheliaBlue likes this.
    2. OpheliaBlue's Avatar
      lol that's crazy
    3. spartinpastic's Avatar
      Oph your sub conscious is trying to tell you something. I think you have a little crush eh?
    4. OpheliaBlue's Avatar
      Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo </darthvader>
      Alyzarin likes this.
    5. spartinpastic's Avatar
      Guy: I am your crush
      you: noooooooooooo
    6. Astrosomnia's Avatar
      ...I gotta say, I'm pretty keen to hear more about this mole-man!
      Alyzarin likes this.
    7. OwenLucid's Avatar
      Liked to show off how many pushups he could do! ahahahahaha couldn't resist spitting grapefruit juice all over my keeboard after that XP