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    Ophelia's Book O' Fun II

    Momma's Coming after You..

    by , 08-17-2012 at 08:09 PM (441 Views)
    I became lucid when I was teaching DCs how to fly, from a sort of weird 3rd person perspective. It seemed odd that I was actually able to fly, so I realized I was dreaming. Once I became lucid, I just grabbed the closest male, and we started making out. He had me shoved up against the wall, and we were french kissing pretty intensely. I suddenly became hyper-aware of the feeling of his tongue in my mouth. Which was bad, because then it grew really fat and really long. I spit it out, and it started whipping me in the face lol. I just kinda squealed and pushed him away. I reached out to feel if he had a boner, and he did. So I said "Watch this.." and I switched gender and pulled mine out. He just looked stunned, and said "How did you DO that??" I said "Well, I'm lucid dreaming, so I can do whatever I want." So he asked "Well I'm dreaming too, how come I can't change my gender?" So I said, "Well, you have to be fully accepting of the fact that your real body is asleep, in bed, and this is all happening in our minds." Then it dawned on me "Oh duh... you're just a DC." He just scoffed at me and stomped of in a huff.

    I guess that tiny spark of realization that this was MY dream and those people and the dude with the tongue were just DCs in MY dream, helped anchor my lucidity. Because then it hit me "I want to walk through the mirror again!" I had this all worked out in my mind from waking life: I was going to explain to those "DEILD Demons" that if they don't appear at MY discretion (vs. theirs), that I would track them and hunt them down via mirror portals. 4 knocks is the combination. If they wanted to discuss this with me now, they needed to be on the other side of the door when I opened it. If not, then I'm going in the mirror. I actually said all this quite loudly, in speech form, and my voice seemed to echo for miles. SO I opened the door, and there was a little old man standing there. I asked him if he had a message for me. He looked confused. Now I was pissed, because they completely ignored my request. So I was going to use the mirror in the bathroom, but I got distracted by a larger one on the wall. I took it off the wall for some reason, and was deliberating on where I wanted to put it. Why do I always deliberate over the mirrors before going through? So annoying. I finally set it down, and just as I was about to go it,
    I WOKE UP.

    I think the demons did it. They're so going to get it.
    Micael and Chimpertainment like this.

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    1. Micael's Avatar
      give them a lesson to remember
      OpheliaBlue likes this.
    2. Xanous's Avatar
      You're nuts. You know that right?
    3. The Sandman's Avatar
      I wouldn't put up with it for a second!