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    Zukin's Dream Journal! <3

    Clowns, Cults, and China

    by , 08-27-2010 at 06:10 PM (677 Views)
    I was standing on the edge of a sidewalk that was next to a railroad in the city. I was with my boyfriend. We were both Chinese. We were cuddling and talking, until he becomes quiet.

    "Did you see that?" He asks.

    "What? Where?"

    "That man...I've never seen anything like it." He points across from us into an old, dark shed. I can just barely make out the image of a man putting on white costume makeup. He was very pale.


    He leaves, and I go home. Everything red around me starts to resemble a clown, like the one from It. I start running home, and dart upstairs to my room. I turn on the computer, some dolls still resembling that messed up clown. I try to keep my eyes from looking in the reflection of the computer screen because I'm afraid I might see something I don't want to.

    I try to log into IRC but the computer freezes slightly and no seems to be responding in the channel. I google my condition and it seems that I am not alone. Other people have been attacked by this clown and then they are slowly killed off.

    I'm teleported somewhere else now...Maybe these people can help me? I look around. I'm in a giant church...But this looks nothing like any of the modern religions. The ceilings are high and gray and the lights are dimmed. People are chanting in tongues and a man, who resembles Dumbledore, is leading them.

    I take a seat on the western side of the 'church' near the front. In front of me are tall, metal torches that are unlit. A caretaker in rags slithers up next to them. It is explained to the procession that if the caretaker does not truly believe in their cult religion, that he who lit the flames would catch fire.

    I watched as the man lit the torches. A different colored flame sprouted in each one. When the man was finished lighting the torches he turned back to the head speaker. The flame started at the bottoms of his robe and worked their way up until they engulfed him. The head speaker made a halt sign with his hands and the flames stopped. The head speaker explained that because of the caretaker's doubt in their religion, that he would be sentenced to a life without a left eye.

    I was back now in my house. Who were those freaky people?? I decided to go wash up in the bathroom. I couldn't let a man with a little make up freak me out, I'm tougher than that!

    I heard a banging on the door, and jumped a little.

    "I just wanted to say good night to you," My mother in the dream said. She was also Chinese.

    "Thanks mom."

    "What is this on your back?" She turns me around so that my back is facing the mirror. In the reflection I can see that I have a vividly shaped scar of a dragon going down my back! On either side are scars of traditional Chinese houses. WTF

    Mom tells me that I'll be sleeping in my aunt's room tonight. How could I ever get to sleep?

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    non-lucid , nightmare
