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    Zukin's Dream Journal! <3

    Cut Cut Slash Slash

    by , 04-22-2012 at 09:07 PM (1472 Views)
    If the first sign of craziness is going crazy in dreams then I'm screwed.

    Cut Cut Slash Slash

    I was in Dread's room. Dread, Jin, and I were watching TV.

    I start hearing voices.

    They are voices of demons talking to me telling me that they are going to kill my friends.

    What the serious fuck?

    The voices of the demons tell me that they are coming. They tell me that there are three of them and there isn't any escaping my fate. They will kill my friends and then me.

    I want to leave.

    Dread and Jin ask me what's going on, but I'm too ashamed to tell them.

    I look around the room. I'm seeing faces everywhere. They don't exist but my mind is picking up on patterns and translating them into faces.

    I see the face of a burnt doll in Dread's closet.

    I want to leave now.

    The doll smiles wickedly and tells me that it is the first demon and the more powerful of the other two.

    Dread and Jin take me back to my parent's house, sensing that something wasn't right with me.

    When I come home, I find that we are celebrating someone's birthday. I look out the window of the front porch and see two little kids playing together. They are probably three or four years old.

    When my mom sees them, she invites them inside. I instantly sense that there is something malignant about these children. The little girl is playing with a lighter and the little boy is just standing there strangely.

    My mom puts the cake on the table. The little girl takes out her lighter and tries to light the candles.

    I'm freaking out. I'm convinced that the little girl is one of the demons that the voices had talked about, and that she is a pyromaniac and wants to light the house on fire so that people die.

    Everyone is telling me to calm down but I can't. I want the two little children to leave. I want everyone to leave. I want to leave.

    I feel like there's something wrong with my brain. I can't tell if I am so delusional that my reality is completely warped or if what I am experiencing is true intuition telling me to leave. Nothing makes sense anymore.

    After the birthday party, the little girl kills Dread and Jin. At least that's what I perceived to happen.

    I run down the stairs and tell my mother that I am leaving now. I can't take this anymore! I don't know where I am going but it at least won't be here!

    She gives me a strange look.

    I try to explain what just happened but she looks completely perplexed.

    I'm not even sure of what just happened, but I'm in a total state of disarray.

    I get in the car.

    But not before checking it twice.

    I'm completely paranoid that the little demon boy is following me. I'm still seeing faces everywhere so I can't tell what's real or not. I catch a glimpse of a face in the trunk. The little boy was trying to come along with me.

    I removed him from the trunk. He then killed my mother.

    If I wasn't experiencing a psychotic break before, I was now.

    I couldn't take it anymore. I didn't know what was real or not. Voices were screaming at me and luring me into places. Everything wanted to kill me. I wanted to kill myself before the last demon could kill me.

    I took a bottle of sleeping pills and laid down on my bed hoping it would all be over soon. I just wanted to die.

    I watch as the last demon comes up to me. She has grown from her original doll size to the size of a large child. Her face still looks burnt and contorted.

    I can't tell if I am hallucinating or not.

    With a small burst of energy, I shove the remaining sleeping pills down her throat.

    Fuck this. I don't feel like dying tonight.

    I don't have any weapons except safety scissors. That'll do.

    With all of my force, I stab the safety scissors into her skin. I can barely rip her skin. The safety scissors aren't sharp enough.

    She laughs wickedly.

    I shove her to the ground and start stabbing her with the scissors. I want to cut her heart out. I don't want this to be the way I die.

    She just keeps laughing maniacally.

    She tells me that even if I manage to kill her she will just come back for me again. And again. And again. And again.

    She has been partially disfigured by the safety scissors but it's not enough. I'm feeling the effects of the pills. Shit. The pain began to build up and I was going in and out of consciousness while she continued to laugh.

    Fuck you.

    With the only energy I had remaining, I shoved the scissors through her heart. She was silenced.

    And so was I.
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