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    An Insomniac's Dream Journal

    Day 73: Dark Side of the Neighborhood

    by , 04-24-2018 at 03:39 AM (722 Views)
    Fell asleep at: 11:00 PM

    Woke up at: 7:20 AM

    Dream 77: Third Lucid This--Well, Not Year, But...

    I can now firmly say that careful attention to memory, recall, and presence basically guarantees you a lucid dream. After a three week period of pure, unadulterated laziness, I finally re-implemented my awareness practices.

    I got lucid in the area between my house and my neighbor's, where my sister lives. After looking around, I decided it was best if I visited my sister's apartment. Needless to say, it looked nothing like the real thing. It had an extended porch, the inside looked like it was three times the size of her apartment, and the layout was insanely obtuse.

    Frisky business occurred, because of course it did, but I was also becoming more and more annoyed by the dream character within it. Unlike previous lucids, they were all too keen on remembering the things I did to them to get them out of my way. I ended up feeling really bad about the whole thing. My sister, then on the couch, was reprimanding me further. I tried employing some dream control shenanigans including but not limited to:

    1: Snapping my fingers to make her disappear.

    2: Shooting imaginary guns from my fingers.

    3: Trying to turn her into an inverse-vortex/black hole.

    I had ended up in this lounge-like hallway with pillows strewn about. My sister came up and reprimanded me for how I had treated her. "How the hell do you remember this?" I thought. DCs had never had this level of coherence before.

    I was on the verge of tears after that confrontation. I found a door at the end of the hallway, and inside of it was a bald man wearing a brown suit, lime green tie, and glasses. I talked to him for a little bit and asked him how I could make it up to them (Even though I didn't, I just wanted the DCs to stop reprimanding me). He wrote something down on a notecard and gave it to me.

    It was in Spanish, and I forgot what it was.

    I decided I may as well be "nice" to these dream characters (Even if I thought it was a waste of my time). I told them I would make it up to them by getting them something from Stripes (A gas station). As I left, I told my brother that Nemo (My male puppy) was getting blood around his hind leg.

    Oh yeah, throughout the dream Nemo was getting progressively bloodier. I felt bad for the little guy. Turns out the only DC that'll earn my pathos are my puppies. But I knew it was a dream, so no worries. It would honestly pain me to see him like that in real life...

    It was dark outside, the absolute middle of the night. There was one kid walking in front of me on the sidewalk. I thought it would be funny to mess with him. I hunched forward, with my arms spread out, and trudged along as if I had a limp. I saw a family arguing about something to the left of me in the neighborhood.

    At the end of the sidewalk lied a black and metal electronic gate. The kids were talking about "he" was getting closer. I panicked and entered the other side of the gate as quickly as I could. On the other side of the gate (And a short walk away) lied Stripes.

    One problem: It was closed. The lights were completely turned off. Barren...quiet...I didn't like it one bit. Feeling defeated (And terrified) I went back from where I came from, taking an alternate path.

    Dream 78: A Sort Of Continuation

    My tía (Spanish for aunt, as she likes to be called) is talking to the rest of the family inside the apartment setting of the previous dream. Something about how her son (Who has sadly passed away, but that wasn't how it was in the dream) was getting into REM sleep because she saw him talk in his sleep.

    My puppies were fighting really violently in the back. One of the women yelled at them to get them to quiet down.

    Dream 79: Hick Kids In Cars

    My brother and I are in the backseat of this run-down red truck. There's a bald kid sitting in the driver's seat. He has the most annoying southern snotty-hick-kid accent you could ever imagine, and his attitude was even worse. It was still dead of night, and he was telling us these urban legends about shotgun-wielding maniacs that lived in our neighborhood.

    And what did he do? Drive by each and every single one of them just to get a reaction out of 'em.

    This all comes to a head when he crashes into a junk pile situated in the middle of the neighborhood. The upper half of a poor, shirtless guy flies by my brother's window. I know he's mortified by this, but he tries to internalize the fellings he's experiencing. A sick part of me wonders how that guy lost the lower half of his body.

    Dream 80: Yuck.

    I was standing in front of the mirror. One of my teeth was loose, and so I fiddled away at it to get it to come off. It was a sickly light brown color, and almost squishy. On the other side of my jaw was another loose tooth, so I wiggled it off and, again, it was brown and squishy.

    I don't brush my teeth often IRL. While my teeth are nowhere bad as that shown in the dream, my family has complained about it. If even the inner parts of my mind are telling me to brush them, then I should really get to doing it more.

    Dream 81: DKC Returns

    So, I had just bought DKC Returns not too long ago. It's a fun game, if a bit easier than the others, but one thing I really love doing is collecting all the Puzzle Pieces and KONG Letters. The dream I had is a natural side effect of what happens when I play a video game for too long.

    I'm playing on the level called Poppin' Planks when I reach the pirate ship part of the level. There's this hidden puzzle piece underneath all of this junk. I use the Ground Slam attack to lodge it out of there, and then a cutscene plays.

    DK and Diddy both pull out a HUGE chunk of earth, with the puzzle piece still on top of it. Suddenly Luigi shows up, with DK jokingly telling him, "Are you ready to fight for what's at stake?" Referring to the puzzle piece on top. Luigi is trying to balance himself on the large chunk of earth as DK and Diddy both mess with him in the process. They all disappear into the sunset, Luigi still dangling on the huge rock.
    DawnEye11 and Charles3 like this.

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    Updated 04-24-2018 at 03:55 AM by 93490

    lucid , memorable


    1. DawnEye11's Avatar
      Great job at breaking free and putting into practice what you know helps.Perhaps if you ignored her presense everytime she showed up, it would have helped but being kind was also a good idea since she didnt appear again. By than you could have changed your mind about buying them something though. Than again its a good lucid task instead of just taking the easy way out.
      Jdoggad likes this.