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    An Insomniac's Dream Journal

    Day Four: Intensive Journaling (BUST)

    by , 02-17-2018 at 06:28 AM (438 Views)
    Fell asleep at: 10:30

    Woke up at: 7:20

    Dream 01: More Flashing Images

    Nothing particularly interesting happened last night. I went to bed really mentally exhausted, mostly because of all the homework I had to do, and just plopped myself into my bed.

    I think I remember being in a sterile, white lab with maybe one or two doctors, but that's really stretching it. All I can remember is the color white.

    Also, from now on I am going to be numbering my dreams. Even if they're fragments or flashing images, they will still count towards the dream total.
    Charles3 likes this.

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    Updated 02-17-2018 at 10:10 AM by 93490

    non-lucid , dream fragment
