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    Short Stories with Tragic Endings

    2011-03-03 | nonlucid

    by , 03-08-2011 at 06:45 PM (365 Views)
    Quote Originally Posted by OLD - 05 | NONLUCID
    I am being chased by futurist cops for some reason and I have some sort of chip in
    the back of my head that they are using to track me and they are trying to somehow
    get information records from the chip which somehow takes video footage from my
    vision. I go down a staircase on the edge of a dark town. I go through a broken down
    looking wooden doorway across a board to a very run-down wooden building. I am in
    a dark room and there is furniture everywhere. Bed sheets are hanging from bedposts
    and the ceiling and I start crawling under all the furniture so as not to be seen. I am
    going somewhere but I'm not sure. I know that this is the "head quarters" for the cops.
    They are police but they also seem very much like a mafia group. I sneak out of the
    building again and go back out the rickety wooden boards and up the stairs. I talk to
    the head cop but he can't arrest me or anything and he shows me surveillance of me
    talking to some guy in a trench-coat outside of what appears to be a grocery store. I
    then go back to the hq building. I sneak through again but I am caught and have to
    fight the mafia cops. I fight them off and run into a room that is let up blue by very
    advanced looking computer equipment. I rip the chip out of the back of my head and
    download the information to the computer. I see a progress bar on the screen. "come
    on, come on... " I am very anxious. Finally the download finishes. I remove the chip and
    destroy it. I then load the information onto a flash drive and take it. I win.
    The dream ends.
    A recurrence of this dream only instead of succeeding and removing the chip,
    The mafia cops had managed to download the information remotely first so I
    got in a huge fight with them and won.

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