2011-03-17 | nonlucid
, 03-20-2011 at 04:50 AM (467 Views)
I am with my mom in a car. It seems to be a European car because the driver's seat is
on the right. My mom is driving and I am sitting in the front passenger seat. We are
driving through the woods and we come up to a get with security guards. They come
up and she apparently has some sort of security clearance but she has to go park or
something so I have to get out and go ahead. I have clearance by inheritance. The
guards make me swear not to speak of this to anyone. I almost say "What if I just talk
about it but no details?" but I decide I best not. The next thing I remember, I am sitting
in the dining room of our house talking to my mom who is in the kitchen. She has
oatmeal but is not satisfied with it or something. I say to put raisins in it. She says
she had a bad experience with raisins ( a batch were bad or something ) and these
are fine but shes still wary of them. My dad then walks in and starts complaining about
work. He says how they don't clean the snow up well. He says that his boss is not
focusing her priorities that she is focusing on the paper clutter on desks and not the
sidewalks. The dream ends.