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    30 Days of SSILD - Day 17

    by , 08-02-2013 at 11:09 PM (460 Views)
    So I've decided to do a 30-day challenge of using the SSILD technique. I have experimented with the technique before with somewhat mixed success. So this time I'm going to use nothing but SSILD for the next 30 days and record how many LD's and FA's I get. So here we go:

    Day 17

    (Again, I couldn't really find any time to try any SSILD's on normal time, so it took me an afternoon nap to finally get a chance to try it. I am dedicated to finishing this challenge, but it will definitely take longer than 13 days to finish the last 13 days.)

    I woke up early for some golf with my dad (happy birthday to me!). I got back at 12-ish, got a shower, had 300 mg of B-6, and took a nap at 1. Got a semi-lucid one at first, and then I got really lucid after the FA.

    I was working at the grocery store. This British mother and son asked me if we had any of this certain kind of dog food in the back. I told them that I would check it out as I headed through the back doors. I walked into this mirror version of the store that had all the items in backstock. It was like a version of the store specifically for the employees, as they had their own deli counter and everything. I walked to the aisle that the dog food was on. I looked on one side of the aisle where the dog food is, but I couldn't find it. One of the guys that works in the grocery department IRL (that for some reason hates me) walked by, and I asked him if we had any of that kind of dog food. He kind of yelled at me, saying like "If it's not on the shelf, then we don't have any." Although I was slightly perturbed by my coworker, I walked out back into the regular store, found the two customers, and explained politely that we were out of the product. I then walked back to the mirrored store and sat down by the deli.

    I don't remember what exactly happened next, but I remember eventually I was falling down this hole at a fairly high speed. I was lucid, so I was kind of flying, I guess. I kept falling until I got to the bottom of the shaft and kind of gracefully landed. I was in some like "dream station". There was a kind of car in the middle of this turntable, and three tunnels with signs over them for different dreams. I just got in the car and took the first one. All of a sudden, I was running in this video game environment. I tried to run fast, like a Sonic game, but I kept running into walls and blocks I was supposed to jump over. I did get to this one part where I had to use a homing attack on these balls floating in mid air to move forward. I hit the first one, and then kind of lunged toward the second one (which I guess is my homing attack), then the third one, and so on until I got to right above the top of this like mountain. I held on to the last ball as it kind of lifted me into the air. Soon I was falling down the shaft into the dream station again.

    I kind of flew for a little bit longer, but then I heard my dad calling my name. I woke up in my old bedroom, and my dad was naked in front of me. "Oh, gosh, dad, put some pants on, that's disgusting..." He woke me up to tell me to come downstairs. I got up, got dressed, and went to the bathroom. Something felt a little bit off, and so I wondered if I was still dreaming. I tried to lift myself off the ground, and sure enough, it worked. I flew downstairs. I walked out the front door to this kind of shelter (like they have in parks) where there was this party going on. I don't remember what the party was for, but for some reason I felt like I had to entertain the guests. I got this long stick and stood it up on the ground, and then tried to stand on top of it and balance. I tried 3 or 4 times, reminding myself that I was dreaming so I could do it. I soon realized that maybe I could figure out something else to entertain them. I stood on top of one of the tables and started flapping my arms until I started to rise off the ground. I flew around for a little to everyone's amazement. After I landed, I said "You think that's impressive? Check this out!" I then imagined having wings (growing wings has been one of my intentions for a while) and began flapping my shoulder blades. I again started to lift off the ground a little. As I rose, I saw a conveniently placed mirror on the wall, and I could see my massive, pure white angel wings on my back. I flew with them for a couple seconds, but then I woke up soon after.

    Day 17: LD - 2, FA - 1
    TOTAL: LD - 15, FA - 13

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