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    Wonder-Recoveries - Nervy Holiday With Lucid Moment - Fuuing Up WBTB - Amazing Construction Set

    by , 12-30-2013 at 04:00 PM (473 Views)
    First dream:

    Initially - I watched a match of some sort of water-ball with clubs match in a swimming pool - later though - there was supposedly an accident caused by too many people wanting to watch this very match.
    Several cars into each other and some 5 people injured.
    Ambulances and everything - but in the end - the people were put in regular hospital beds, and rolled over the street to a hospital - where they had to wait in line - and I was watching over them.
    One old woman laughed and took out a cigarette and said, how lucky for her and how happy she was to be able to smoke her cigarette like that.
    Bit later a physician came - criticized me for not noticing, that they were not hurt (any more..).
    But offered me a job, which I declined after the advice from a young female physician coming out to smoke a ciggy too.

    (side note: I stopped smoking - I use a vaporizer to apply my nicotine these days - quitting is not easy, don't I know it - but this switch is very easy and no lung cancer etc.. look it up, fellow nicotiners!! Do your health something really good - and the purse, too!)

    Second dream:

    I was on a holiday - but not so happy with the destination - I remember to later have remembered in the dream a real holiday with a friend of mine from university-times in America - and somehow our driving around so much - from Chicago to Canada per car for example, and camping - was very appealing to me back then in the dream.
    I was with a group of people - and first it was sort of a hiking action, very strenuous - and I had to make them wait, so I could go back and fetch warmer clothes - and some searching through things for ages to find something - I seem to really love to dream of searching things..
    Maybe that even tipped me off in some way - searching for my group - I suddenly had a lucid moment - RCed - but then found it stupidly, stupidly more important to find them - which I did but lost lucidity on the way..
    Later we arrived at night at a cheap-looking tourist market, where tons of knick-knacks were loudly praised and almost pressed on us - to then arrive at a hut with only mattresses on the floor and no electricity. I think, we went to sleep - no FA on offer unfortunately, though - none that I caught at least.

    Intro WBTB and hints at third dream:

    Since I had this short lucid moment before - I later did a WBTB-try - wanting a WILD.
    Partly I could hit myself - partly I really enjoyed it - I got into sexual fantasizing, while still awake - and fell asleep obviously going on with the topic and having a truly amazing dream from it - but I fuu-- ing missed the transition. Or lets say I didnīt care about the transition.
    Maybe the closest I came to a WILD...
    But definitively the most interesting satisfying and varied dream of this sort I can remember in general.
    I suppose the WBTB and stuff brought me this effect - I wonīt go into details - but it was a long one - and I sort of had half-lucid clear intentions - to sample as many different partners (all male this time) and "try them out" as were available (lost count..) - and myself. Not ashamed here - but I definitively leave it at what I wrote already.

    Fourth dream:

    A packet arrived with the post, with a present from a friend of mine in America.
    At first - it looked like darts-parts - and lots of them.
    I tried to make sense of it - but couldn't.

    Then somebody explained to me, what one can do with it.
    The main parts were only sticks in etwa the shape and size of knitting needles, metal - and there were tons of small parts - little junctions and rings and stuff from plastic.
    It was a super-light-weight construction set for heavy duty climbing use.
    With some guys - we constructed it together and they led it up spiralling around a huge, huge tree (small skyscraper-huge).
    And the proof how amazing it was, came by a demonstration with leading up animals - there were sheep and dogs and a cow and two zebras and others - they were walking up the construction - some to the very top of the tree.
    Sometimes I would like to make optical dream-snapshots - this would be the chief vista of last night for this purpose..
    The end conclusion was - this is a perfect tool for breaking into something and causing mischief - or if you had lost your key and wanted to climb into your four-story flat.
    And all fit into a handbag when disconnected.

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    lucid , non-lucid , side notes
