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    Sydney's Nightly Adventures

    The Crazy Movie Theater

    by , 07-05-2010 at 09:15 PM (344 Views)
    July 4-5, 2010.

    1st dream: All I remember is my mother and I going to see a movie. I showed her the new movie theater. She was so amazed. I'll describe the theater: You had to lay down on these soft cushiony couch-like chairs and look up, like an imax. There would be a large helicopter machine thing carrying a large red ball and set it in place up above the outside room in the theater. Then, it would be turned on, and you would be able to see the movie reflect onto the glass from the ball. It's very difficult to explain. That's really all I remember.

    2nd dream: I was with a friend in her car. She had a cup of sweet tea sitting next to her. I'm not sure if I was lucid in this or not, but it sure did feel like it. We were talking and all of a sudden I reached for her sweet tea and drank it. Mmm, it tasted like a very sweet lemony taste. After she saw me drink it she was all like, "Why did you just drink my sweet tea? That's mine!" I was like, "Sorry! Sorry sorry!" Then I said again," Sorry, geez." She was like, "Your not sorry." Lol. Then I woke up.

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    non-lucid , dream fragment
