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    Night of Monday 3/25/24

    by , 03-28-2024 at 12:40 AM (108 Views)
    La Bamba:
    A boy and a girl are fighting in a hallway.
    The boy is looking for his sword, the girl has it. It is a double blade, with velcro holding it together.
    The girl doesn't give the sword back to the boy.
    It is night-time, with a blue-green feel to the scene.
    The classroom is a portable pod, similar to the ones from my elementary school, but closer to the ground.
    I'm in the scene now and notice the sword outside the classroom door.
    I've returned to the classroom, and know that I am late.
    It is a band room, with the regular odd variety of sounds coming from people warming up (or messing around).
    I hear a violin, and notice how out of tune it is. I reason that, if I were to learn that instrument, I would suck at it for a time too.
    M from the clarinets in high-school marching band starts to dance and play a "La Bamba" type tune in front of the group.
    The teacher highlights him, and then the class joins in.

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