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    Night of Saturday 3/23/24

    by , 03-28-2024 at 12:32 AM (82 Views)
    I'm laying in bed, and I think there might be a home invader.
    I can hear noises coming from the kitchen.

    There is a hot-tub car outside that has a mechanism to drain the water and then transition to driving mode.

    My girlfriend's sister and her friends are over at our house eating snacks.
    They are very loud, so I go over to talk to them.

    I'm at the edge of a city with towering buildings.
    The buildings abruptly end and transition to dirt.
    The drastic change reminds me of the border of Thousand Needles and Feralas from World of Warcraft.
    The whole scene has a grey-ish tone to it.
    There is a cloaked woman on the other side of a large gate.
    I know that she is bad, the antagonist.
    I go to reason with her, and she convinces me to let her in.
    Her power decreases as I become more confident, and the threat dissolves.

    I'm at a rooftop party with J from the Tots.
    There are two small dogs on a landing above looking down at us.

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