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    1. Dicks, Drugs and Drum-n-bass

      by , 08-21-2010 at 02:33 AM
      Non-Dream non-lucid

      21-08-10 I was on some sort of party boat, a stationary kind with many friends from high school and preschool. I was still wearing my working clothes. We were getting drunk. In the beginning of the dream it was mainly Ronja (a good current friend of mine) and I being mingled up with a bunch of high class arrogant idiots, although I don't normally perceive myself as judgemental, these pricks were the stereotypes of condescending spoiled brats in their early teens / mid twenties. One in particular kept harassing me and intended fully on hurting me, which scared me a bit but also excited me and got me worked up, I was always walking the line between the fight vs. flight reaction.

      I start listening to some music, I have an incredible piece of technology, a sort of smart phone that sort of just gives you what you want to know at the time, I mean mentally (So here goes, technology actually DOES tend to work in my dreams, especially smart phones enough for Mensa, probably should have reality checked this one though ^^). There were a couple of Danish rappers that I tend to find comical (Nik and Jay) and they had made a new single with video, available from my phone that was producing an AMAZING quality sound and picture, this technology also allowed you to immerse yourself in the video (!?!?!?).

      I am starting to listen through the track and at some point during the video I see Nik merging with Jay, but the end result seems to be just Nik, with an ugly ass pair of teeth from Jay (I would think their teeth are normally perfect IRL). I mention this to Ronja and we laugh about it, she agrees. Now listening through the track I hear a faint bass line kicking in with some fast paced drumming. I stop up question Ronja “Is that drum-n-bass?”... I continue “nah the bass line isn't emphasised enough” she agrees. I mention that it is a bold move for these rappers if it were. The bass line kicks in, I can't (literally CANNOT) help myself from dancing and as I look across the table, I can see Ronja is having a similar issue, the best drum-n-bass I have ever heard (been quite some time since I really appreciated this type of music). We let the music and our actions speak for ourselves for a bit. The track stops, I replay the drop again. DAMN good drop as well!

      Enough is enough escalation is on the horizon I continue to get drunker and drunker, and more and more of my friends start turning up, dancing is defo on the program. My memory starts fading away as I get drunk, but later on I seem recall one of my friends giving me an ecstasy tablet, which I swallow and actually experience the trip (so much so I feel it in my bones as if I did the real thing now) I believe it to be Mathias giving me the drub, but I am unsure (this is important for later in the dream).

      There is a break in the party and we are standing on the docks outside the boat. We are outnumbered by the pretentious people and they are again up to no good! Planning some sort of great “lecture” for me, led by an obnoxious man who plays a central part on the opposing team, in leading them being the worst of the worst. I can in the dream (and IRL) still recall the drum-n-bass beat in my head. We are going to an after party in Hornslet (missed it) at an old school friend of mine's (missed it again >.<) and for some reason some of the pretentious people join in.

      The situation escalates and I feel like I have to defend myself from the guy, which in the beginning is to put himself through the mockery he intends on me (for some reason I know what he is up to). The first clear act I remember doing is licking salty licorice and throwing it in his hair, HAH! take that, who is worrying about his hair now, bitch! (don't quite understand, when I reflect upon this, how he would have done that to me, me being bald). It ends in a fight in the living room of my old friend's, where I beat the crap out of the guy while one of my friends hold the line on his pal, until I am done with the first guy and goes after his friend. The first guy I beat up starts bleeding from his nose and I continue, eventually getting his head under my knee as I continue to throw punches in his face (man, I can be vicious in dreams O.o). As I am going through this I keep questioning my acts, not able to stop them due the pure rage that is running through me. But I am aware that he has actually never done anything to me, that I have always acted pre-emptively (I have a small fraction of awareness of false memories in the situation, not enough to induce lucidity).

      The dream flicks to the next day, where talks about the cops surrounding the house and Kasper (the guy living in the house already having left). I start to panic, looking through the house for my red jumper I eventually find. Some of my friends tell me it is too late and ask me what I intend to do if caught. “Tell the truth” I reply, they say I am insane and starts telling me about the implications of this to the group. I take to the woods (yes for some reason the house is now in the woods!) I start running off and I see police officers on roller skates closing in for the catch (ofc. it is logical to select roller skates, as the preferred method of traversing a densely foliated forest floor!!!). An attractive woman eventually catches me and in my state of fear I start to fight her.

      I get a hold of myself “Woah woah, I don't want to hurt you” I tell myself, “No you don't” she replies, I can sense that she is impressed about how I get a hold of myself. Other people are now starting to escape and I can feel that we need to be punished for our crimes, and when two officers have to split up I call out to the other one that I cannot protect the woman against two, so we should not split up. He has a quick doubt about me, but he decides to trust my intentions of helping them quickly and falls back towards us and let me help the search.

      The woman quickly does some experiments on my mouth and concludes that I have taken ecstasy, I confirm this and as she asks me where I got it I reply I can't remember, I actually mean it. She looks me in the eyes and asks again and I reply truthfully that I cannot remember (at this point I cannot, although I might have intentionally buried the memory of Mathias).

      We are at the police station and I am the last to be questioned. I decide to be open and truthful, I reflect upon the situation and how my life is about to change. I accept my punishment and decide “vox veritas vita” is the way to go, even if it involves disappointing my parents. I become strangely calm about the situation and find inner peace although faced with a seriously strong penalty and years of imprisonment.

      I am lying in my bed considering that they will know tomorrow, and reflect on how it will change our relationship until I realise I am actually awake. The dream was so vivid I had to actually RC reality to make sure.
    2. My first WILD, limited as it may be (Nap attempt)

      by , 08-15-2010 at 10:22 AM
      Non-dream Lucid

      15-08-10 Tired after my attempts at WILDing this night I decided to try again during a nap. This is pretty confusing, but I will try and explain it. I think I might have spent a good portion of my dream sleeping, I know this sound obvious but I mean sleeping in the dream while being lucid trying to become lucid(!?!?). I read a guide on how to WILD that Siphorix mentioned in a dream journal I read this morning, while still riding my high from my first WILD attempt (that wasn't or was successful). This mentions 4 steps in the sleep cycle I tried to remember when falling asleep. So when I became numb I remained calm and try to reach stage 4, which I think I might have done. I started rolling over.. in fact I repositioned my body 90 degrees, which I was conscious about being impossible because I have a single bed and with the angle I had I would have had my feet through the wall so I knew I was dreaming alright, but didn't quite dare believe it. I opened one eye and looked to the ceiling, but closed it again swiftly as I was afraid it was premature. At this point I noticed a cool sensation in my body I have never experienced before. I was like my spine was being dragged backwards and forwards over an old school washing board. The friction between this and the bones in my spine caused tremendous heat and this was in no way unpleasant. I decided to risk it all a bit and open my eyes and exit my bed (I did this in a non normal fashion exiting where my head normally is, but remember I had switched by body position 90 degrees). I walked out into my flat and it had a real, REALLY real feel to it, so I decided to do a RC (the first planned reality check I have succeeded with, other LDs have had more of an instant awakening/knowing feel to it). Indeed I observed my hand all blurry and had no way of distinguishing between my fingers. Funny enough I felt a sharp pain in my pinky, which I associated with some recent cuts I got trying to catch a falling kitchen knife (don't ever try that unless you know you are dreaming!!!). However I also knew that these cuts were supposed to be on my right hand, not my left, but I abandoned the thought as I had the confirmation I needed. I decided to do one more by trying to move an empty flower pot via telekinesis, and I noticed I had limited control as the pot started to move, but fell to the floor. I focused up a bit and picked it up mentally and put it back on the shelf. I now noticed that the plants were missing from the shelf. I decided to go outside and find some DCs so I could ask for my dream name. I went to the kitchen and jumped through the window, without opening or breaking it. As I jumped I knew I wouldn't have the ability to fly, but I rested in the fact I wouldn't feel pain from dropping the 10 metres down. It was bright and sunny, like it is IRL and I found a handsome mid thirties woman walking down the street. There were a mother with her kids, but she seemed to distracted to help me out so I went with the woman and asked her “excuse me, this might sound odd, but what is my dream name?” “she replied, well it is the same it is long and confusing” I asked her if she was referring to my real name, but I didn't get the answer before I woke up. So I'll count that goal as attempted, still in progress since I am unaware if my name is “Dennis Spang Vestergaard” or “Long and confusing” ^^. Although it was very short and I had limited control I will consider this my first WILD =P.

      Updated 08-15-2010 at 10:30 AM by 35291 (Distinguished between dream and actions prior to dreaming)

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