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    Renaissance Festival DA + DILD

    by , 11-20-2014 at 01:01 AM (403 Views)
    I was in middle school at the gym. I was on a team playing basketball and the match was about to end but one of are players score the last point. I walk pass him and said great job as our team cheers. That's when all of out team out on the ground and our coach came in. She told one student head home and close door while congratulating us for winning this year season. I remember dozing off on the next person beside me and was wondering why the lights were very bright. That's when my coach poke me to wake up and told me to wipe my eyes. I did but eventually fell back to sleep rather quickly. I then found myself on the road passing through traffic. The cars were going really fast and I was unsure when I should cross. This old woman in a white shirt help me by yelling at the cars to slow down so I could cross. That's when I made it to the other side and remember giving her a thumbs up for helping me. I enter this building that was in my last previous dream yesterday and walk in seeing people I use to know in the past. I remember one of the students saying my name, which made me think if this was a reunion meeting. I ask the manager what was this about or if it was about gaining more credits? The man said no that it had nothing to with that. A student told me it was about getting a better background for the CPU. That's when the manager help me set it up and there was this guy doing a form of fighting. I chose that background and got up to observe the other students below.

    After that I appear in the living room, to where there was two kids who look like they wanted to spar with me. I begin fighting them and quickly they began to hide and wait till the right moment to strike me. I ask my brother to help me out with these two and he agreed. My brother and I went after the guy hiding in the window as he kick through the window shattering all the glass to the floor. My brother and I ask if that was really necessary? My brother pin him down as I went after the next kid in the restroom. He opens the door and quickly glides through to surprise attack me, but I counter his leg and toss him back in to the restroom. I had my fingers stuck but quickly pop them out and shut the door. After a while the two kids came back out and we all laugh about it. After the confrontation of our tag team fight it resulted in to a false awakening. I woke up due to feeling this force pulling me out of the bed. That's when I got up and the room look much more empty and I could see a white light flashing through the walls. I then see the door knob aggressively being turn consistently. I figure this was a dream and decided not to encounter who ever was on the other side of the door. I phase through the wall and was in a different room. There was a large window and I could see my chair that I usually sit in waking life. I wonder if I sat in it would it feel exactly the same. I sat in it and the sensation was correct. I got up to stare through the window. The building I was in was very tall. Judging from the outside, it was night. The city look different and I ask to myself if this is new York or somewhere in Britain. I then saw at the far end that there was a door. I open it and saw a lot people wearing similar school attire. As I begin walking, people started running away from me. That is when the sky turn to bright day. I notice now that this place looks like a renaissance festival. As I walk around I saw many people in those medieval costumes. After a minute, I see a group of people talking and I decided to observe them in till I woke up. Lucidity Time: 2 minutes
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    Updated 11-20-2014 at 01:18 AM by 67903

    lucid , false awakening


    1. ThreeCat's Avatar
      This is a pretty cool dream, ViIe--you seem really calm, and able to interact with the dream in interesting ways (such as testing out your chair). I am guessing you were quite lucid, since you did not seem to be rushing about and trying to accomplish different things at the outset of the dream. Do you have particular goals for the dream state? Thanks for posting your dreams.
      ViIe likes this.
    2. Yumnش's Avatar
      Hello ThreeCat, and yes I do have a current goal concerning when it comes to dreams. It involves with my alternative mediation known as DA. During the process of when I use this meditation I first close my eyes and will rather quickly get suck in to the darkness. I then find myself just observing the surrondings there in till I return back. Then when I do fall asleep in to a dream, I notice these huge black enourmous holes through the dream scene. If I or any DC enters in it they will become more aware. DA literally spawns a part of my conscious experience in to the dream scene. There is a down side though, because if I do enter in the black void and leave the dream scenary, I won't be able to get out while remaining lucid. The transition from the black void in to the dream scenary takes away my lucidity. Since I have use this meditation quite a lot , there are many black voids in my dream which results with me having short lucid dreams. That's why I like observing when I find myself lucid during REM. Since these black voids that make me lose all my perception are frequently present during my dreams. I'd like to expand all of them in till they engulf my entire subconscious imagery. Once that is done, I should be able to get lucid by just falling asleep. After that, the only way to experience any perception during my experience in the dark void would be to improve greatly with dream control. Then I'd be able to remain lucid while creating my own dream experience.
      Updated 11-20-2014 at 01:45 AM by ViIe