Hi, I am JoannaB and I am a dreamer. I am 39 years old. About 20 years ago, I used to be proficient at LDing only DILD back then. I love it, and I no longer remember why I stopped, and all that used to work for me. But from what I can remember, I have changed in those 20 years and what used to work does not work anymore, but different things do. Since returning to LD practice in February my dream recall has fluctuated, but usually when I try I do remember something each night, and on many nights it is a full dream though sometimes just a fragment, but other times more than one. Since February I have had one successful WILD (been trying to replicate that success since) and one successful WBTB DILD (last night!). I try to sleep about 10-11pm to 6-6:30am on weekdays, and sleep in on weekends, plus some weekends I can afternoon nap. I work full time. Am married and have two boys, so busy life).

Most recently: May 17 I started the competition #12 with Checker666. First night of competition I recalled one dream. Second night I did a WBTB and had a dream fragment during which I actually briefly became lucid and then stupidly woke up right away after telling myself that I bet if I opened my eyes I would actually be in bed since I am dreaming (duh), plus I also had another non-lucid fragment and non-lucid dream. My afternoon nap was unsuccessful since I failed to actually fall asleep, but I did have some cool hypnagogic images.