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Man, I am really enjoying this thread, been keeping me busy the last few days to get to the end of it.
But this partially proves a theory of mine that I came up with a year or two ago. This theory is basically of how life works, and what happens when you die.
The idea of this is that we are in a tangled chain of lives and when we die we are born into another. But there is a main world (That I will call the "Home World"), and life that each "real" person has, but every now and then we go into these "secondary" lives, like what we are in now, for some reason (to maybe learn about something). When one of your secondary lives is over, you either go back to the Home World, or start another secondary life, its quite random. In the Home World, everyone and everything is absolutely perfect in every way. In the Home World we all have spouses that we are tied to, they could not be separated at all because they are both perfect for each other. Only one of each couple can be in a secondary life at a time, so you are very likely to meet the other in your dreams, where they are a separate being from your imagination. Since you are "Tied" to them, your dream world is accessible to them as a slimmed down version of the Home World. Most of the people in the secondary worlds are fake, as if a very powerful DC from a dream. There is a bit much more to it, but thats all I can think of for now.
The rest of the post assumes that the theory is true.
Hyu, you ARE one of the very few "Real" people on earth, and Yuya is the woman tied to you, my guess is everyone who has a true experience like yours is one too. The world you are exploring with her is most probably Home, a place I have been wanting to see for a long time. I am very sure that we are of the same kind, I am yet to meet my "Tie" or see Home (Or at least that I remember) in my dreams, which I want to. I am very sure I am "Real", as you are, because one day when I was walking through the park my senses got very fuzzy and my brain was filled with some very faint information, some very faint images of "Her", some info about myself, and this whole "Theory". For instance, at Home I am 24.
By the way, if Yuya is what it seems she is (at least to me), where you have no control over her but vice versa, she is a separate entity, and she is from another world, you have partially proven* my theory.
*No posting "IT CAN'T BE PROVED!!!" or anything, I don't mean that, I am saying that this could possibly mean that my ideals are possible. This "Theory" IS the way I think and go about life, you have just made me believe in it more, thanks Hyu.