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    Thread: A recurring DC in my dreams which doesn't behave like any other DC's

    1. #251
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      Quote Originally Posted by MIIISTERNEUGIT View Post
      Man, I am really enjoying this thread, been keeping me busy the last few days to get to the end of it.

      But this partially proves a theory of mine that I came up with a year or two ago. This theory is basically of how life works, and what happens when you die.

      The idea of this is that we are in a tangled chain of lives and when we die we are born into another. But there is a main world (That I will call the "Home World"), and life that each "real" person has, but every now and then we go into these "secondary" lives, like what we are in now, for some reason (to maybe learn about something). When one of your secondary lives is over, you either go back to the Home World, or start another secondary life, its quite random. In the Home World, everyone and everything is absolutely perfect in every way. In the Home World we all have spouses that we are tied to, they could not be separated at all because they are both perfect for each other. Only one of each couple can be in a secondary life at a time, so you are very likely to meet the other in your dreams, where they are a separate being from your imagination. Since you are "Tied" to them, your dream world is accessible to them as a slimmed down version of the Home World. Most of the people in the secondary worlds are fake, as if a very powerful DC from a dream. There is a bit much more to it, but thats all I can think of for now.

      The rest of the post assumes that the theory is true.

      Hyu, you ARE one of the very few "Real" people on earth, and Yuya is the woman tied to you, my guess is everyone who has a true experience like yours is one too. The world you are exploring with her is most probably Home, a place I have been wanting to see for a long time. I am very sure that we are of the same kind, I am yet to meet my "Tie" or see Home (Or at least that I remember) in my dreams, which I want to. I am very sure I am "Real", as you are, because one day when I was walking through the park my senses got very fuzzy and my brain was filled with some very faint information, some very faint images of "Her", some info about myself, and this whole "Theory". For instance, at Home I am 24.

      By the way, if Yuya is what it seems she is (at least to me), where you have no control over her but vice versa, she is a separate entity, and she is from another world, you have partially proven* my theory.

      *No posting "IT CAN'T BE PROVED!!!" or anything, I don't mean that, I am saying that this could possibly mean that my ideals are possible. This "Theory" IS the way I think and go about life, you have just made me believe in it more, thanks Hyu.
      What makes you more real than me? I have consciousness, I believe myself to be real. I don't like the whole theory that most people are DCs and only some are real. Even if I am a DC I would still consider myself real because I have feelings, I make decisions, and I have a consciousness.

    2. #252
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      I was hoping you could tell me
      Quote Originally Posted by bradysdreaming View Post
      What makes you more real than me? I have consciousness, I believe myself to be real. I don't like the whole theory that most people are DCs and only some are real. Even if I am a DC I would still consider myself real because I have feelings, I make decisions, and I have a consciousness.
      well, don't most DCs think they're real? i DO personally agree with you. i think that when you die, you go to heaven, or hell, not to some other world. but THAT can't be proven either. in any case, if i'm a DC, i'm a dang good one. good enough to fool me anyway. but yeah, i also have memories, so that's why i believe myself to be "real". anyways, we're going off topic here.
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    3. #253
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      Quote Originally Posted by bradysdreaming View Post
      What is the dream plane, anyway.
      Where you have dreams??
      Glaedr, the golden dragon from the Inheritance series.

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    4. #254
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      Quote Originally Posted by bradysdreaming View Post
      What makes you more real than me?
      I never said said that exactly, I said assuming it is true it is Possible you are like that. And once again ASSUMING that it is true, what if it just so happens all "Real" people are attracted to Dreamviews, but you just haven't had any experience yet to follow the princables of my Theory.

    5. #255
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      Quote Originally Posted by Wristblade56 View Post
      well, don't most DCs think they're real? i DO personally agree with you. i think that when you die, you go to heaven, or hell, not to some other world. but THAT can't be proven either. in any case, if i'm a DC, i'm a dang good one. good enough to fool me anyway. but yeah, i also have memories, so that's why i believe myself to be "real". anyways, we're going off topic here.
      My DCs don't, they actually conspire against me to keep me ignorant that I am dreaming. When I realize that I am dreaming, they all turn hostile and say something like "he figured it out, get him" and then they attack me.

      Quote Originally Posted by MIIISTERNEUGIT View Post
      I never said said that exactly, I said assuming it is true it is Possible you are like that. And once again ASSUMING that it is true, what if it just so happens all "Real" people are attracted to Dreamviews, but you just haven't had any experience yet to follow the princables of my Theory.
      Nice use of bold letters. I never said that you claimed it as fact, I just said I didn't like the whole DC part of your theory.

    6. #256
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      Quote Originally Posted by MIIISTERNEUGIT View Post
      Man, I am really enjoying this thread, been keeping me busy the last few days to get to the end of it.

      But this partially proves a theory of mine that I came up with a year or two ago. This theory is basically of how life works, and what happens when you die.

      The idea of this is that we are in a tangled chain of lives and when we die we are born into another. But there is a main world (That I will call the "Home World"), and life that each "real" person has, but every now and then we go into these "secondary" lives, like what we are in now, for some reason (to maybe learn about something). When one of your secondary lives is over, you either go back to the Home World, or start another secondary life, its quite random. In the Home World, everyone and everything is absolutely perfect in every way. In the Home World we all have spouses that we are tied to, they could not be separated at all because they are both perfect for each other. Only one of each couple can be in a secondary life at a time, so you are very likely to meet the other in your dreams, where they are a separate being from your imagination. Since you are "Tied" to them, your dream world is accessible to them as a slimmed down version of the Home World. Most of the people in the secondary worlds are fake, as if a very powerful DC from a dream. There is a bit much more to it, but thats all I can think of for now.

      The rest of the post assumes that the theory is true.

      Hyu, you ARE one of the very few "Real" people on earth, and Yuya is the woman tied to you, my guess is everyone who has a true experience like yours is one too. The world you are exploring with her is most probably Home, a place I have been wanting to see for a long time. I am very sure that we are of the same kind, I am yet to meet my "Tie" or see Home (Or at least that I remember) in my dreams, which I want to. I am very sure I am "Real", as you are, because one day when I was walking through the park my senses got very fuzzy and my brain was filled with some very faint information, some very faint images of "Her", some info about myself, and this whole "Theory". For instance, at Home I am 24.

      By the way, if Yuya is what it seems she is (at least to me), where you have no control over her but vice versa, she is a separate entity, and she is from another world, you have partially proven* my theory.

      *No posting "IT CAN'T BE PROVED!!!" or anything, I don't mean that, I am saying that this could possibly mean that my ideals are possible. This "Theory" IS the way I think and go about life, you have just made me believe in it more, thanks Hyu.
      Quote Originally Posted by MIIISTERNEUGIT View Post
      I never said said that exactly, I said assuming it is true it is Possible you are like that. And once again ASSUMING that it is true, what if it just so happens all "Real" people are attracted to Dreamviews, but you just haven't had any experience yet to follow the princables of my Theory.
      Very interesting idea. I went through a very similar experience to what Hyu is going through. I found out that this woman, Selene, is not only real. She's my wife.

      As far as some people being "real" I suspect those are simply others who have a similar vibration to you being from the same homeworld.

    7. #257
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      Quote Originally Posted by WakingNomad View Post
      As far as some people being "real" I suspect those are simply others who have a similar vibration to you being from the same homeworld.
      Thank you. And yes, I did mean they don't have the ability to go `Home`, DC was a poorly chosen word, and I apologize.

    8. #258
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      Quote Originally Posted by Wristblade56 View Post
      well, don't most DCs think they're real? i DO personally agree with you. i think that when you die, you go to heaven, or hell, not to some other world.
      Ok, what if `Home` IS Heaven, and every now and then the inhabitants of Heaven pop down to check on the place? Does that cope with your mind? (I don't mean that rudely)
      Last edited by MIIISTERNEUGIT; 01-21-2011 at 07:26 PM.

    9. #259
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      Quote Originally Posted by MIIISTERNEUGIT View Post
      Ok, what if `Home` IS Heaven, and every now and then the inhabitants of Heaven pop down to check on the place? Does that cope with your mind? (I don't mean that rudely)
      What about hell, is that where the DCs go! God, the nerve of you! I am disgusted, you claim that only a few chosen go to heaven and the rest of us go to hell because we are DCs! You sir are an arrogant son of a bitch!
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    10. #260
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      Quote Originally Posted by bradysdreaming View Post
      What about hell, is that where the DCs go! God, the nerve of you! I am disgusted, you claim that only a few chosen go to heaven and the rest of us go to hell because we are DCs! You sir are an arrogant son of a bitch!
      Whoa Easy. It is a theory, just like religion itself. God is a Theory. Jesus is a theory. The Devil is a theory. Agnostic based ideas are theory. There is absolutely no sustainable proof in any of this. So you are getting angry over what is, in fact, a theory. There may not be a heaven, hell, god, or devil, let alone a dream plane, a "home" or otherwise. These are all theories and I would suggest you also see it that way.

    11. #261
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      Quote Originally Posted by bradysdreaming View Post
      What about hell, is that where the DCs go! God, the nerve of you! I am disgusted, you claim that only a few chosen go to heaven and the rest of us go to hell because we are DCs! You sir are an arrogant son of a bitch!
      Hey, hey, hey, I never said anything like that. But I see how you think that so I apologize anyway. And what I said in that previous post was no way what I meant, after I posted it I tried to delete it because what I said there was WAAAY off, but it stayed there. I posted everything that I learned when this theory popped into my head. When it came to me no knowledge of what happens to people who aren't part of `Home`.
      Last edited by MIIISTERNEUGIT; 01-22-2011 at 01:54 AM.

    12. #262
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      Are you supporting his claims that so mny people who have their own consciousness may not be real? Yes I see that it is a theory but it still seems outlandish to say that a living thinking person could be not real. I wont say it is impossible but it doesnt seem likely to me.

      But I still respect your and you are entitled to them

      Oh and jesus isnt a theory. jesus was a person.
      I accept that my reality is always a dream so if something changes I know I'm right.

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    13. #263
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      It was joke guys, my first post still stands. But the one where I was raging was just a joke. I was just kidding. I am kind of a Troll sometimes...

    14. #264
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      Quote Originally Posted by Waterknight View Post
      Are you supporting his claims that so mny people who have their own consciousness may not be real? Yes I see that it is a theory but it still seems outlandish to say that a living thinking person could be not real. I wont say it is impossible but it doesnt seem likely to me.

      But I still respect your and you are entitled to them

      Oh and jesus isnt a theory. jesus was a person.

      Ahh, I just noticed a little booboo in my post about the whole theory.

      Quote Originally Posted by MIIISTERNEUGIT
      Most of the people in the secondary worlds are fake, as if a very powerful DC from a dream.
      Change that in your mind to:

      Quote Originally Posted by MIIISTERNEUGIT
      Most of the people in the secondary worlds are not exactly the same as the `Home` people, as they never have the chance to go to the `Home World`.
      And all of the information on this theory I have provided, came to me as if it were a day dream or something, I never thought "Ok, I need to come up with a possible theory of how life Might work", so I don't want to mess with it by saying things that I consciously came up with to help explain it. But if I were to, I would say `Non-Homelanders" cycle through lives, but like past lives kind of deal (Hasn't the past lives thing been proven anyway?), and if this theory is in fact true, I would hope that non-"Homelanders" get to re-cycle through life too. I didn't mean to be a jerk, sorry.
      Last edited by MIIISTERNEUGIT; 01-22-2011 at 02:37 AM.

    15. #265
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      Hyu, this is off topic, but what is the name of the picture you use as your avatar? I like it.

    16. #266
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      Anyhow, the talk of my theory is WAAAAY off topic, when I posted it I figured only a few posts later the talk of Hyu's dream would occur again, so let that be.

    17. #267
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      Yea. I think we are waiting on him to "continue" haha.. maybe there is something new in his DJ but I haven't looked.

      Yes, Jesus is in fact a theory. Not just the biblical version but the fact that there ever was a Jesus cannot be backed other than the fact that Jesus was a common name of those times... there is no historical record of a Jesus Christ nor of a Savior born from a virgin, and there were many Historians living at the time who lived within earshot, yet even though they wrote of many many occurrences of the time, they never mention this supposed historical phenomena..

      I'm not here to debate Jesus, or religion... where is Hyu with another awesome story about Yuya? lol

    18. #268
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      alright yeah Im ready to hear more about Yuya as well lol. Im glad we are all civil here and were able to quickly get back on topic
      I accept that my reality is always a dream so if something changes I know I'm right.

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    19. #269
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      I was hoping you could tell me
      ME 3!!!! i wanna hear more about this stuff too. find out more about what's goin' on. HYU? where you at???
      Last edited by Wristblade56; 01-22-2011 at 03:22 AM.
      I have returned, but I'm not the same
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    20. #270
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      Come on Hyu, I'm bored. Please tell us more.

    21. #271
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      Don't pester him too much, he might get performance anxiety.
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    22. #272
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      Hyu, as I read you are into game development, so making a game of Yuya would be an excellent way to keep a dream journal. This whole idea would make a wonderful game. I am into game development too and I would be more than delighted to assist you.
      Last edited by MIIISTERNEUGIT; 01-22-2011 at 09:11 AM.

    23. #273
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      This thread is very popular, and you guys are going off-topic to keep you guys busy, lol. Yeah, can't wait for another story of Yuya, kinda inspires me to write a story or something.
      Glaedr, the golden dragon from the Inheritance series.

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    24. #274
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      Hyu, next time you see Yuya you need to ask her about my theory, see if its true.

    25. #275
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      I was hoping you could tell me
      *calls massive crowd of people* HYU! HYU! HYU! HYU! *countinues chanting Hyu* lol yeah, a videogame with Yuya! and monsters, and guns, and shooting!!! and/or swords!!! or fighting like you did! that'd be awesome! you'd have to make it for PC though! if you do this i will DEFINENTLY play it!!!

      P.S. i apologize if i seemed too pushy.
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