Hey, funny thing. When I learned about LDing 4 months ago, I told my brother the same day, and he was interested, but barely started doing anything. Maybe just RCs. After 2 months, I had a LD, and a week later, the second. From then till now, he has been shocking me! He has had 10 LDs after I had those 2LD. 10 LDs in less than 2 months, and they come in pairs. He dreams a LD, wakes up, sleeps again, dreams of the same place, then know he is dreaming(DILD). He still barely does anything(RC and mantra before bed). What angers me is that I do MILD, DEILD, WILD and train my self-awareness and prospective memory, and I only have 5 LDs! I have been studying every aspect of LDing in these past 4 months, each and every day, hell I can become a guide, but he barely knows anything. I told him that when I get a full hang of all of this(I do now(since yesterday)), I will show him who's the real LDer, and he comes back with even more LDs! Am I slow? or is he fast(don't forget that he barely practices)?