I'm also interested in developing brain health and function, as I think these are critical to lucid dreaming as well. I don't do logic puzzles frequently but with the new practice of mindfulness, I've found that concentrating on solving logic puzzles while staying mindful is a real workout! This will help I think my major zone-out time, which is when concentrating on work. The "Flow Colors" game (google it) is not very hard to do (if you're decent at visualisation and simple logic like the process of elimination), I try to solve the entire puzzle in my head before making any moves, and the added dimension of remaining mindful while doing makes it all the more interesting!

Any other favorite puzzles or logic/memory/visualization games that people find good for a brain workout? I don't play shooting or fantasy games or anything like that as I consider them a waste of life and time. Come to think of it they're pretty contradictory to the goal of being present in the here and now as well.