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    Thread: WILD - Wake Initiated Lucid Dream

    1. #251
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      Welcome back to LDing!

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      I just read the first post of this thread and I'm quite amazed that it very accurately describes the way I got to having a LD last weekend!

      Will try again....., and again, and again
      Last edited by Hirondelle; 02-23-2016 at 05:07 AM.
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    3. #253
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      Quote Originally Posted by Hirondelle View Post
      I just read the first post of this thread and I'm quite amazed that it very accurately describes the way I got to having a LD last weekend!

      Will try again....., and again, and again
      Belated congrats!

      And yes. Again and again is the way to go.

    4. #254
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      I've tried the WILD method a number of times and I always end up failing. Every time I get to the point where I can see something, but then there are vibrations and pressure so bad that I actually feel pain? I get pain in my ear drums and head which gets so I bad I wake myself up?
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    5. #255
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      It sounds like you are trying too hard & are tired. That's completely normal so do some other techniques that will induce your LD's. You need to enjoy the experiences & learn from them & then in another week or so try again. For now maybe using a Lucid Dream Induction is good for LD's. You are jumping into the pond before learning to swim. Absorb reading material that is online & offline. Our brains don't like computers a whole lot so you should try some of your research in books as well as online. Audio I find to be the best. You can read my journals & see if any of the material I reference can help you. I wish the best of luck.

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    6. #256
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      Quote Originally Posted by BlackCat View Post
      I've tried the WILD method a number of times and I always end up failing. Every time I get to the point where I can see something, but then there are vibrations and pressure so bad that I actually feel pain? I get pain in my ear drums and head which gets so I bad I wake myself up?
      It doesn't sound like failure to me. When you feel vibrations or pressure, you may be already dreaming or very close to it. Feeling all kinds of intense or less intense sensations, or not feeling or seeing anything is normal. I don't think whatever we feel is actual physical pain or sensation. Try to look at it as a gateway to lucid dream and accept it. Maybe I'm just lucky, but I am able to welcome any and all sensations. Even those that I know have a potential to become "painful" because they are so intense. But they all last only few seconds and after that you can be in a lucid dream. Good luck!

    7. #257
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      Hey, I was thinking if I should perform WILD before REM starts or when it has just started?
      Like, If I want to perform WILD in the morning and I go to sleep at 23.30 then I would wake up after 5.40 hours of sleepn not 6?

    8. #258
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      ^^ It would be very nice if REM followed such a precise time schedule, Reinards, but it doesn't; those charts are general samplings, and not hard-and-fast times.

      You would probably do best just to sleep several hours (minimum of five, generally, but you might find something better with practice), do a WBTB, and attempt your WILD without thinking much about REM... your REM periods occur fairly closely together after five or so hours of sleep, so you will very likely be close to your next one anyway.
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    9. #259
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      I will try tonight

      Can you recommend a good sleep-tracker app for android?

    10. #260
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      Quote Originally Posted by Reinards View Post
      Can you recommend a good sleep-tracker app for android?
      Sorry; I can't help with that; I'm probably the last person on Earth who hasn't downloaded an app, ever (I don't even have a cell phone, much less a smart phone)! Maybe someone else can chime in with info...

      Good luck with your attempt tonight!

    11. #261
      USA gab is offline
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      Quote Originally Posted by Reinards View Post
      Hey, I was thinking if I should perform WILD before REM starts or when it has just started?
      Like, If I want to perform WILD in the morning and I go to sleep at 23.30 then I would wake up after 5.40 hours of sleepn not 6?
      This is one thing that used to confuse me about sleep cycles. I used to think that sleep cycles continue right on schedule even when interrupted by us waking up for the restroom or for a WBTB.

      I thought that if we wake up right after the NREM (which includes falling asleep, light sleep and heavy sleep), then next we fall asleep we go straight into REM, because they go NREM>REM>NREM>REM... through the night.

      But no. Every time we fall asleep, be it beginning of the night, middle of the night after WBTB or a morning nap, we always start with falling asleep/light sleep section of sleep cycle. Then, depending of how long have we slept, we go either into long deep sleep (beginning of the night), shorter deep sleep (middle of the night/after some hours of sleep), or straight into REM (morning/noon nap, or after about 7 hrs of sleep).

      So there is no need to watch the clock exactly and do WBTB at exact times when next REM comes up (which would be at every 90 minutes). This is because the 90 min sleep cycle is not exact itself. It can be from 80 min to 120 min, with 90 being the most often average. And sleep cycles are even more complicated that this, with some cycles repeating before REM comes on.

      So why then we say to WILD after so many hours? It's because the longer we sleep, closer the REM will be to us falling asleep. And the NREM will be shorter or non existent, and REM much longer.

      All we need to make sure that we have slept long enough before WBTB and everything else will be in place for us by nature.

    12. #262
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      It didn't work tho.. I missed my alarm and woke up at 7am... When I then tried, nothing worked :/

    13. #263
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      Quote Originally Posted by gab View Post
      This is one thing that used to confuse me about sleep cycles. I used to think that sleep cycles continue right on schedule even when interrupted by us waking up for the restroom or for a WBTB.

      I thought that if we wake up right after the NREM (which includes falling asleep, light sleep and heavy sleep), then next we fall asleep we go straight into REM, because they go NREM>REM>NREM>REM... through the night.

      But no. Every time we fall asleep, be it beginning of the night, middle of the night after WBTB or a morning nap, we always start with falling asleep/light sleep section of sleep cycle. Then, depending of how long have we slept, we go either into long deep sleep (beginning of the night), shorter deep sleep (middle of the night/after some hours of sleep), or straight into REM (morning/noon nap, or after about 7 hrs of sleep).

      So there is no need to watch the clock exactly and do WBTB at exact times when next REM comes up (which would be at every 90 minutes). This is because the 90 min sleep cycle is not exact itself. It can be from 80 min to 120 min, with 90 being the most often average. And sleep cycles are even more complicated that this, with some cycles repeating before REM comes on.

      So why then we say to WILD after so many hours? It's because the longer we sleep, closer the REM will be to us falling asleep. And the NREM will be shorter or non existent, and REM much longer.

      All we need to make sure that we have slept long enough before WBTB and everything else will be in place for us by nature.

      That is some very useful information that I didn't know
      Thank you
      That could help me with my tries
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    14. #264
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      Hey guys!
      I was wondering if I should write this here or where?

      The question is:

      What are the most popular or efficient ways to stay focused during WILD?
      I mean like, there is the counting method, then there is one that is similar to MILD and there could be other ways too

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      Quote Originally Posted by Reinards View Post
      What are the most popular or efficient ways to stay focused during WILD?
      I mean like, there is the counting method, then there is one that is similar to MILD and there could be other ways too
      I don't know if you are focused only on WILDs only, but http://www.dreamviews.com/induction-...eam-ssild.html can be used for WILDs and DILDs and a good number of people connect with it well. Also Sageous' WILD class is excellent and has a "post what happened" and a "Fundamentals Q&A" thread with a wealth of information.

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      Quote Originally Posted by fogelbise View Post
      I don't know if you are focused only on WILDs only, but http://www.dreamviews.com/induction-...eam-ssild.html can be used for WILDs and DILDs and a good number of people connect with it well. Also Sageous' WILD class is excellent and has a "post what happened" and a "Fundamentals Q&A" thread with a wealth of information.

    17. #267
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      Attempting to WILD when you first go to sleep at night is not recommended.
      Do I WBTB with an alarm?
      Also, when I WBTB, should I get up and walk around for 5-10 mins or should I stop the alarm and start my WILD?
      Last edited by bsomerville; 09-29-2016 at 02:27 AM.

    18. #268
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      Quote Originally Posted by bsomerville View Post
      Do I WBTB with an alarm?
      Also, when I WBTB, should I get up and walk around for 5-10 mins or should I stop the alarm and start my WILD?
      WBTB literally means that you need to get up from the bed. Stay awake anywhere from 5-90 min. This need personal experimenting. Stay up until you can think straight, but you are still reasonably sleepy. Do some LD related activity to prime yourself up.

      If you do use alarm, try one thats gentle. Maybe a vibrating one, or one that starts out quiet and gradually increases volume. So you don't wake up startled. Thats a sure way to forget all your dreams.

      Or you can try my favorite method: drink some water before bed and then every time it wakes you up to use the restroom until you are up at good time for a WILD.

      Waking up to call of the nature has 2 benefits.

      1. It wakes you up gently. Most likely between sleep cycles, right after the REM of that cycle is over. Prime time to recall a dream.
      2. It will force you to actually get up from the bed so you do a WBTB. Normally it's kinda hard to get up at middle of night, even if you had best intentions in the evening. This way you will not just slap your alarm and go back to sleep.

      Please check out another WILD tutorial as these and many more questions are answered there.


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      Thanks, gab!

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      Alright, I've been trying this.

      So far I've been getting to the point where my hands and feet start to float out of existence and my entire body feels asleep except for the parts that are breathing and my face. I do this by, no matter what sensations come, staying still and continuing breathing. How can I stop breathing manually and have my unconcious mind take over so the rest of my body can fall asleep?
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      Quote Originally Posted by wazzupyall View Post
      Alright, I've been trying this.

      So far I've been getting to the point where my hands and feet start to float out of existence and my entire body feels asleep except for the parts that are breathing and my face. I do this by, no matter what sensations come, staying still and continuing breathing. How can I stop breathing manually and have my unconcious mind take over so the rest of my body can fall asleep?
      I am not being silly or mean here, but you do know how to fall asleep. The trick is how to not loose awareness. That takes practice and there is no getting around that, but falling asleep is very key to the practice. It is better to fail because you fell asleep and went unconscious than to fail because you kept yourself awake (with too much awareness/thought).
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      Quote Originally Posted by sivason View Post
      I am not being silly or mean here, but you do know how to fall asleep. The trick is how to not loose awareness. That takes practice and there is no getting around that, but falling asleep is very key to the practice. It is better to fail because you fell asleep and went unconscious than to fail because you kept yourself awake (with too much awareness/thought).
      Thank you for the advice. Mean, silly, or indifferent, it doesn't matter to me. Thank you for clarifying the goal of practice.
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    23. #273
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      Quote Originally Posted by wazzupyall View Post
      Alright, I've been trying this.

      So far I've been getting to the point where my hands and feet start to float out of existence and my entire body feels asleep except for the parts that are breathing and my face. I do this by, no matter what sensations come, staying still and continuing breathing. How can I stop breathing manually and have my unconcious mind take over so the rest of my body can fall asleep?
      By the time you lose awareness of your body you may be already asleep. Even if you are still watching and are aware of the process of falling asleep. During WILDing I only noticed 2-3 times when my breathing changed to that of an awake person to that of asleep person. It was a trippy experience. But I'm sure it happened more times than that, only I didn't notice.

      But the point is, as sivason said, is to fall asleep. And you can just leave that to your body. It will do a fine job at that. When you feel any strange sensation, like you lose awareness of your body, do some motionless RCs. Try to float up, try to move your hand in front of your eyes or stand up by only thinking it. If it happens, you will know you are asleep and aware = lucid in a dream. If not, keep letting your body fall asleep while you keep passivly paying attention to that while RCing to see if you are asleep yet. Good luck

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      Hi folks I watched your podcasts. Great content. I have a question concerning wilds: can you wild just after you woke up from a dream? I naturally wake up twice every night after REM period but I'm wondering if there is enough REM juice left. I tried a lot after I woke up from a dream but can't get to induce SP. I did manage to induce SP once and had an OBE but I used the alarm clock method: at 3.30am where normally I wake up from the dream around 4am. I guess from the tutorial and my own experience I'd say it needs to be done before REM but I'd welcome any thoughts.

    25. #275
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      Hi Hypnopotamus, and welcome to DV's!

      I'm not one of the Podcast People, but I might have a thought or two anyway:

      Yes, of course you can WILD just after waking from a dream; better yet, if you can WILD as you are waking from a dream, you will be doing a DEILD.

      There is a chance, if you are attempting this very early in the night (when NREM periods are longer) that you might encounter some NREM "between time" as your unconscious/dreaming mind resets for another REM period. But I wouldn't worry much about it. If you stay calm, perhaps enjoy the void of NREM, you will find your dream forming soon enough... indeed, I've found that, for me at least, if I am very focused on my next dream, my dreaming mind responds by providing dream scenery a little ahead of schedule. In other words: do your WILD, and try not to worry about catching REM; it's not as important as these forums imply.

      On another note, there is no need, ever, to induce SP to successfully WILD. SP, or rather REM Atonia, which is what we're really talking about here, is not a component of WILD, and looking for it can be more of a distraction than an aid.
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