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    Thread: WILD - Wake Initiated Lucid Dream

    1. #51
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      Quote Originally Posted by rynkrt3 View Post
      In the last part of that quote, saying people don't want to learn the "mental prep" to WILD, what is ment by "mental prep" as it seems very important in sucseeding.
      Yes indeed, it is. Not only for WILDs, but for other LDs and for regular dreams as well


      That's the mental prep part. But please feel free to read the whole thing. You will not be sorry.

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      Quote Originally Posted by gab View Post
      Yes indeed, it is. Not only for WILDs, but for other LDs and for regular dreams as well


      That's the mental prep part. But please feel free to read the whole thing. You will not be sorry.
      Ive never understood this. I can stop 2 times an hour every day for a month and ask myself these questions, and I dont develope anything. Just 'knowing' I effect everything around me doesn't do anything. Ive always known thay.

    3. #53
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      It's not just knowing how you effect things. It's knowing that YOU ARE. Be aware of yourself. What you doing, where have you been and doing just before, noticing details.

      Then sudenly in regular dream you will notice that YOU ARE. Where you are and how you got there. It's not just a method, it's more of a way of living. Changing your whole mindset. It will not happen overnight.

      You know, how most of us go through our day like a zombie. Without noticing much, like on autopilot. If I asked you now, what color is neighbors doormat, or how many cars is in the parkinglot you just walked by, would you know? If we not noticing things during day, why are we thinking that it would be any different in our dreams?

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      Think of it like an extension of RCing, but on a level of being truelly aware of what being awake entails. The example of asking yourself 'how did I get here?' is very important. If you are on auto-pilot in real life, then you will be in your dreams. If you always live this way (truely addressing the questions), then in a dream you will not be able to reflect on how you got there, and should become lucid.

      I can not speak for Sageous, and some of his wording was new to me, but I believe what he means in his mental prep section, is "you should work on being truely lucid WHILE you are awake, so your brain will just function on that level"
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      Questions lead to awareness. You can form every question word into a question statement geared for identifying your present state. After practicing ADA for a while, I have come to believe awareness does not come from knowing your surroundings and familiarizing yourself with them. Rather, awareness arises when you are able to correctly evaluate your state of mind in relation to your inner/outer environment. In other words, being aware of the contents of the environment is good, but it seems the next level is being aware of the nature or place of the contents. Then one should be able to not only identify the environment through familiarity or memory, but also be able to determine if the observed environment fits within your greater mental context. In turn that should produce an ability to perceive any anomalies within the environment, thereby triggering lucidity. I am still working on this myself. In some of my recent dreams, my taking notice of anomalous content has become considerably more frequent. And just this week, that led to a dild after a wild attempt. Theoretically my awareness should continue to improve.
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      Quote Originally Posted by rynkrt3 View Post
      Ive never understood this. I can stop 2 times an hour every day for a month and ask myself these questions, and I dont develope anything. Just 'knowing' I effect everything around me doesn't do anything. Ive always known thay.
      It's much more than just knowing, it's about wondering about your presence in your immediate reality, and really considering your interaction with it. And yes, just doing the RRC's a couple of times an hour by rote will not help... you must care about them. Or just do what Gab said.

      Sivason: I can not speak for Sageous, and some of his wording was new to me, but I believe what he means in his mental prep section, is "you should work on being truely lucid WHILE you are awake, so your brain will just function on that level"
      Couldn't have said it better myself!
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      Quote Originally Posted by gab View Post
      You know, how most of us go through our day like a zombie. Without noticing much, like on autopilot. If I asked you now, what color is neighbors doormat, or how many cars is in the parkinglot you just walked by, would you know? If we not noticing things during day, why are we thinking that it would be any different in our dreams?
      You confused me right here. Is that not basically ADA?

      And if the main of these advanced RCs is basically to know how I got to where I am when I ask myself, how do I honestly respond to the question in my mind? Say I've been at my computer for a hour, and it's time for me to do the RRC. How would I honestly answer the question? "I walked into this room from the living room, where I was previously watching TV." Something along that line?
      Last edited by Buckey; 05-31-2013 at 04:36 AM.

    8. #58
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      Why the confusion? ADA, self awarness, daytime awareness question - different words, same goal.

      Transfer daytime awareness into your dreams. To do that you build up your memory and awareness of yourself during day. So yes, among other things, asking yourself what you have been doing little while ago.

    9. #59
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      Quote Originally Posted by Buckey View Post
      Say I've been at my computer for a hour, and it's time for me to do the RRC. How would I honestly answer the question? "I walked into this room from the living room, where I was previously watching TV." Something along that line?
      Something along that line... sometimes, when you do a RRC, you might really have to dig to uncover your interaction with reality, to find something to wonder about. That's something to think about on its own, I think.

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      I can't help but laugh when I think that if a WILD misconception as SP took this much effort (of so many staff/members of DV) to clarify, what will happen if/when we try to move to demystification of DILD techniques.
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      Quote Originally Posted by nito89 View Post
      Quote Originally Posted by zoth00 View Post
      You have to face lucid dreams as cooking:
      Stick it in the microwave and hope for the best?
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      Trying out MILD? This is how you become skilled at it.

    11. #61
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      Quote Originally Posted by Zoth View Post
      I can't help but laugh when I think that if a WILD misconception as SP took this much effort (of so many staff/members of DV) to clarify, what will happen if/when we try to move to demystification of DILD techniques.
      A result of too many cooks in the pot!

      But seriously, a small price to pay for having active staff/members who actually care about this stuff. I'll take that any day
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    12. #62
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      Hmmm all of this WILDing talk makes me want to switch over to it from DILD, all these vibrations and other cool things actually appeal to me as an experience rather than frightening, I've never really felt these things at in my lifetime so this stuff all sounds so much more fun than Dild techniques not saying Dild is boring but, Dild it just happens you don't really transition like a Wild technique
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    13. #63
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      Quote Originally Posted by azoller1 View Post
      Hmmm all of this WILDing talk makes me want to switch over to it from DILD, all these vibrations and other cool things actually appeal to me as an experience rather than frightening, I've never really felt these things at in my lifetime so this stuff all sounds so much more fun than Dild techniques not saying Dild is boring but, Dild it just happens you don't really transition like a Wild technique
      WILD is indeed a wonderful technique and I love it exactly because of the strange and interesting sensations you may get. Just please keep in mind these 2 things:

      1. Paying too much attention to sensations may keep you focused on your physical body. When WILDing, you want to lose track of your body, so just be a passive observer of anything that may be happening.

      2. DILD is recommended to start with, because you learn many things. Daytime awareness, RCs, mantras, Dream Journaling will all increase your memory and self awareness. But the funny thing is, you need all these for WILDing too. So if someone jumps straight into WILDing, he might have a heck of a time achieving it, because of lack of basic training.

      This is just a general statement. I'm not saying this to you personally, azoller. Good luck

      Detailed WILD description http://www.dreamviews.com/wild/

    14. #64
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      Quote Originally Posted by azoller1 View Post
      Hmmm all of this WILDing talk makes me want to switch over to it from DILD, all these vibrations and other cool things actually appeal to me as an experience rather than frightening, I've never really felt these things at in my lifetime so this stuff all sounds so much more fun than Dild techniques not saying Dild is boring but, Dild it just happens you don't really transition like a Wild technique
      First, listen to Gab, because she's right. But this bears repeating:

      WILD and DILD are routes* to lucidity, and not goals unto themselves. It should be the dream you're after, and not the cool -- and potentially distracting -- feelings you might encounter on the way.

      In a perfect world, a lucid dreamer will be comfortable with both DILD and WILD, and choose which route to lucidity is best based on timing and convenience rather than coolness. For instance, if you can't do WBTB in the morning, you might choose DILD. Or, if you wake up from an excellent NLD in the morning, you would choose DEILD (a form of WILD) to get lucidly back to that dream. Would that the world was perfect!

      So rather than "switching over, Azoller1, learn them all! Use them as needed, and don't let the "noise" become the priority!

      * WILD and DILD are not techniques, BTW, but events of consciousness. Only MILD is an actual technique -- and well worth learning, because aspects of it can be used in both WILD and DILD.
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    15. #65
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      Quote Originally Posted by azoller1 View Post
      Hmmm all of this WILDing talk makes me want to switch over to it from DILD, all these vibrations and other cool things actually appeal to me as an experience rather than frightening, I've never really felt these things at in my lifetime so this stuff all sounds so much more fun than Dild techniques not saying Dild is boring but, Dild it just happens you don't really transition like a Wild technique

      I often comment that H.I. could be a hobby unto itself! If you want to get good at LDing you should follow Gab and Sageous' advice and cautions. However,,, I think anyone interested in achieving an altered state and observing hallucinations just for the experience should dive right in. If H.I. is your first goal, it should be easy to achieve. It wil not matter if it keeps you from LDing, as you would set out just to see what H.I. is like. Have fun!
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      ^^ Or he could do that!

      If you take Sivason's advice, Azoller1, that's just fine. But remember that Sivason is an accomplished LD'er already, so, because of his expertise, HI for him can indeed be an intriguing hobby while not interfering with his transition to lucidity.

      So sure, go for it; but I suggest that you explore HI for its own sake, and not on the way to a WILD. Or, better yet, get a good handle on WILDing in the first place, and then go back to checking out the HI.

      I really think the dream is the real experience to be had, in terms of potentials, so be careful not to delay your arrival there for the sake of very cool roadside attractions like HI.

      [... Sorry Sivason!]
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      Quote Originally Posted by Buckey View Post
      And if the main [purpose] of these advanced RCs is basically to know how I got to where I am when I ask myself, how do I honestly respond to the question in my mind? Say I've been at my computer for a hour, and it's time for me to do the RRC. How would I honestly answer the question? "I walked into this room from the living room, where I was previously watching TV." Something along that line?
      I had another thought about this at about 4am last night:

      Do you really think that when you're on your computer you're not interfacing with reality, not effecting others' lives, and not affecting your own? Or when you're watching TV -- especially when the show has temporarily turned your mind to mush -- do you think reality isn't touching you? If so, then think again.

      Your interaction with reality is always occurring, Buckey; to say it isn't just means you haven't wondered enough.

      I know I've said this elsewhere before, and it's almost identical to the post I made earlier, but I figured it worth repeating, even if a little late and off-tempo with the thread...
      Last edited by Sageous; 06-02-2013 at 06:59 AM.
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    18. #68
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      Hey, so I woke up around 7:00 this morning.

      I tried to go back to sleep, and I think I accidentally WILD'ed?

      I went from wake to dream with no loss of conscious. In my dream I became lucid, because of that.

      Is this actually possible? Or would it be better classified as a WBTB maneuver?
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      It would be a WILD. A proper WILD due to you using the wbtb time frame. Great job.
      Last edited by Sivason; 06-14-2013 at 07:10 PM.
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      Yup, WILD indeed, as all a WILD is is what you did, GrannyPigms.

      Now to do it on purpose...

    21. #71
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      hey @opheliablue what you said about opening your eyes when vibrations are at peak can you explain please when you open your eyes i think you open your dream eyes right?

    22. #72
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      Yes, chitrarth, you open your dream yes.
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    23. #73
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      Quote Originally Posted by gab View Post
      Yes, chitrarth, you open your dream yes.
      Is that always with that method that you open your eyes and that you enter your dream?
      I always thought that you will just start to sleep and get in a dreamstate like you would do normaly as you sleep.
      Thats something i gotta try when i try it next time ^^

      Also i do sometime sleepwalk, So i was thinking if this is that sometime my SP isnt (activated) during REM? ( this is talking, responding, and switching light switchs )
      Last edited by DrLuigi; 08-28-2013 at 08:09 PM.

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      Quote Originally Posted by DrLuigi View Post
      Is that always with that method that you open your eyes and that you enter your dream?
      I always thought that you will just start to sleep and get in a dreamstate like you would do normaly as you sleep.
      Thats something i gotta try when i try it next time ^^

      Also i do sometime sleepwalk, So i was thinking if this is that sometime my SP isnt (activated) during REM? ( this is talking, responding, and switching light switchs )
      There are at least two main and different methods of using WILD. In one you relax and allow a dream to form in the normal way. In the other you use active tricks of visualization as soon as you get real tripped out, such as feeling serious vibrations. I use both. One is not better than another.
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      About the dream eyes questions: sometimes I slowly open my dream eyes right after the vibrations, but sometimes I just imagine that my eyelids become transparent, and I start the dream from there.

      Either works for me, but I guess it's just a personal thing. The vibrations and buzzing sounds for me are the real indicator, and what follows can vary, but it usually results in a ld as long as I keep focused and proceed slowly and with caution (so I don't accidentally wake up for real lol).
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