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    Thread: Rant and Rave, Cry and Complain

    1. #2226
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      Dude, I'm so sorry!!! That sucks and blows at the same time!
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    2. #2227
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      Quote Originally Posted by Mancon View Post
      I was building a mini set of "The Grinch Who Stole Christmas" for a school project. I was using a really sharp knife. It slipped and went right into my thumb. It almost cut off the whole tip of my thumb, and it was hanging off and bleeding EVERYWHERE. I HATE blood and almost passed out. I grabbed a tissue, wrapped it around my thumb, ran out of my room into the kitchen, and showed my mom. She was all calm and I was freaking out. I couldn't even think. She called the doctor, made me wrap a paper towel around it and use pressure, and then we drove thirty minutes to the doctor. I was still shaking and felt like I was about to pass out xD. The doctor made my lay down for like an hour, so I didn't pass out. I had to to get stitches. My thumb had to be numbed so they gave me two numbing shots on both of the sides of my thumb. That didn't work so they had to give me shots actually IN THE CUT. It hurt so bad. In total I got 6 shots in my thumb. I didn't even look at it, or I would have passed out . Anyway they gave me four stitches, and then I had to get a tetanus AND a flu shot since I havent had those in a long time. So I got a shot in my left arm, and a big shot in my right arm. Anyway i'm all bandaged up, and it stings a little now that the numbing is wearing off. I'm taking motrin though.
      That's one of those moments where I would have lied like "yeah, my shots are up to date just stop stabbing me!"
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      Everything works out in the end, sometimes even badly.

    3. #2228
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      I'm basically completely livid and furious, favorite show isn't getting renewed, i'm pretty sure at least, there's a ton of mixed statements :/ I hope at least it comes back, or moves on to a different channel.
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    4. #2229
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      Quote Originally Posted by Erii View Post
      I'm basically completely livid and furious, favorite show isn't getting renewed, i'm pretty sure at least, there's a ton of mixed statements :/ I hope at least it comes back, or moves on to a different channel.
      what show?

    5. #2230
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      They producer promised for a season four, but Fox was like, lolno.
      This is the most angry/upset i've been in like 3444534 years
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      -Edvard Munch

    6. #2231
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      never heard of it, but
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    7. #2232
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      /me kills someone
      From my rotting body,
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      -Edvard Munch

    8. #2233
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      Major for Mancon. OUCH!! My eldest daughter filleted her leg once when her bedroom mirror broke. My son told me she hurt herself, so I took my time, grabbed a few bandaids, iodine sponges, that sort of thing. When I saw it I said I have no idea where to even begin with this." lol My daughter looked at it and kept saying "Cool" and "Awesome" Oddly, the wound barely bled because of the angle. When I got her to the ER and they gave her injections INSIDE the wound, she cried then!!

      I have an earache and I'm utterly exhausted. I left at around 3:30PM on Thursday to take my daughter to the ER a few towns over. We got there at 10 minutes til 5. She finally got a room to see a Dr. at 8:30. They moved her to Pediatrics by 12:30AM. They wanted to monitor her, so I drove all the way back home to drop off her friend so she could make it to school. I arrived at 3:30 and turned back around by 4AM
      Then I start losing track of time lol My daughter went in to have her appendix removed sometime between 7-10AM on Friday.

      The Dr's weren't sure what was going on but they had given her a CT scan which showed straining around her appendix as well as 2 ovarian cysts. Her pain was at a constant 7-9 though, despite morphine which is why they went ahead and operated- to be on the safe side.
      The operation went very smoothly. She was up, going to the bathroom almost as soon as she made it back to her room (about 3 hours after surgery). She only cried from pain once after drinking too much water.

      At around 7:30PM, I drove back home for a shower, some clothes, some down time. I made it home at 9:30 because I had to stop somewhere to buy a change of clothes because I've not done any laundry.
      I was planning on returning at midnight, but my daughter called to say her uncle was going to come in and sit with her until 6AM if I wanted to stay and get some sleep. I did!! I went down at 1:30 and was back up at 3:50 and back on the road by 4:30.

      They released her today at 11. She and I went to sleep as soon as we got here. I just woke up and she's still sound asleep.

      We got some cool pictures of her insides: Uterus, appendix, and 2 of her liver. She wasn't having appendicitis but they think she was having spasms because of having food poisoning.

      I have no way of getting ahold of my boys, and I was supposed to bring them food yesterday. I'm going to go to the Farm tomorrow.
      I was supposed to pick up my other daughter for a weekend home visit yesterday. I called the people and let them know what was going on and she still didn't get a reason for my absence. She was mad at me until I explained.

      For now, I'm about to have to go to Walmart to put in a script for hydrocodone/tylenol for my daughters pain...


      Just read Erii's post. Now I'm mad too!! I LOVE Lie to Me!!
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    9. #2234
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      Remind me to never have a girlfriend, wife, or kids. All they seem to do is take away from the quality moments of hanging out with my friends. This is what happened to five of them today, two of which we had things planned for this weekend for several days now. ...So much for any kind of a social life. I guess I need to find some more single friends...

      If I can manage to stay single, at least I will always have myself to hang out with. I guess that's a good thing, eh?

    10. #2235
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      Quote Originally Posted by Zhaylin View Post
      Just read Erii's post. Now I'm mad too!! I LOVE Lie to Me!!
      Seriously >:C gah. BUT there is hope. The producers promised for a season 4, maybe it's not with fox. I am still confident that it will come back. Maybe next year, maybe on a different network. I'm sure it will though, the fan base is so big.
      I watch it on netflix, which season 3 was just released on it, I only have like 4 episodes left, and I can't wait for the last one, ugh, i've heard it was so good, and Cal+Gillian=<3 omg gah, it says there's some intense romance with them
      i'm so distraught about this though
      *end fan girl*
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      From my rotting body,
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    11. #2236
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      Quote Originally Posted by Unelias View Post
      Great now that Britney has been seared into my brain.

      Vertebra of my upper back ( maybe 4th or 5th ) is completely tense. I have this horrible ache when I try to roll on my neck or lift something.
      I need to get someone to roll it back, it came when I wrestled with a guy almost twice my weight, so maybe some big guy can open it the same way. I have had the same place stuck before ( worse though ) and that time I had to go to chiropractic to sort it out. Maybe I can treat it with stretching and rolling.

      Otherwise, my life schedule is pretty full. 9 hours work, 2,5- 3,5 h training. A bit of book. Sleep. Rinse and repeat. Exception that in weekend I have 9 hours of day job and 7 of night job. But it is only temporary, I think it loosens up after couple months.
      Are you having trouble turning your neck by any chance? I ask because a little over a year ago I was wrestling a co-worked and I tore my arms out of arm lock and the next day I couldnt move my neck. After the neck pain disappeared, I was left with chronic lower back pain, and I've had this terrible pain for over a year now. The pain isn't that terrible, but the psychological damage it has done to me over the past year is terrible. Chronic pain sucks big time and it has ruined my life at this point. Well not completely ruined it, but has changed me greatly. I dont know for sure if the pain is from the wrestling incident or from wearing a weightlifting belt everyday, five times a week pretty much, and for 4 months. Kinda sucks. I hope everything heals up nicely for u. They also found out I have mild arthritic changes in my L-5 through L-S vertebraes, so they dont know if this mild arthritic changes is what is causing my pain or if its from weak core muscles. But its been over a year and my pain hasn't decreased one bit. Alright, I've complained about this subject to many times now, but you dont know how much chronic pain changes you until you experience it, and I hope no one on here does. Although I know some on here do have chronic pain too.
      Last edited by NrElAx; 10-16-2011 at 02:42 AM.
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      Every passing minute is another chance to turn it all around.

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    12. #2237
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      I woke up at 6am to lay a palette of sod onto a seemingly small lawn thinking I could get it knocked out by at least 10am before it got too hot and I had to work at my other job at 5pm so I wanted to get it done quick. By the time I finished it was 430 (I couldn't just stop and leave) so I was late to work because I ride my bike. Work was ok I got some nice tips but I was worn the f out by 8pm. I just got home and I have to get up at 6am again tomorrow to repeat the miserable process. Best part of my day is this bowl I'm about to smoke, then sweet sweet sleep.

      I work at a movie theater so I see alot of cute couples in love every day. It never really got to me until now but seeing couples laugh and smile out of nowhere reminded me of how lonely I really am. Didn't really realize it until today. I don't have any friends outside of work and family and my only social outlet is well dreamviews (not that I don't absolutely love you guys). The girl I like has a boyfrand and most girls who are attracted to me are, well not girls I want anything to do with. Not sure exactly how to remedy the situation, since I was young I always regarded dependency on others as a weakness and something to be avoided. My whole life I have been telling myself "I don't need friends, I enjoy being alone" although this is still true I do get sad sometimes about the fact that my cat is probably my best friend. /whine

      Anyway I am allotted one emo rant every couple months so enjoy.
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    13. #2238
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      Hey, cats are probably better friends than any human friend you could ever have. Even though they don't give a fuck about you and just want food and pats.
      Most humans don't even let you pat them!

    14. #2239
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      I only slept 3 hours last night, I'm sick, I've slept the whole day away and I can't remember any dreams. -_-
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    15. #2240
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      There there Pandabear.

      Have some chicken soup. At least when you're sick you get to lay around in bed all day. That's kinda fun, right?

    16. #2241
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      School.. so much school.. it's like it's everyday.. o__o" and homework..
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      Any questions about lucid dreaming? Drop me a PM here!

    17. #2242
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      I got a new battery for laptop, then my grandfather fixed the charger today, which broke before i got the new battery
      now the charger broke again
      From my rotting body,
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      -Edvard Munch

    18. #2243
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      Media Blackouts are so HARD!



    19. #2244
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      My car died. I'm bored. Anyone play Gears of War 3?

    20. #2245
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      I can't stand being stuck around buildings, I neeeeeed naturrrrrrreeee eeahghghgadkhgkaldg
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    21. #2246
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      Shadow of the Colossus is so much harder on the PS3 D:

      I was... 1... fucking.... hit away..... and i had 2... fucking.... minutes.... LEFT!

    22. #2247
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      Hope you feel better Panda!

      I'm still recovering from the weekend.

      I don't know if I already complained about this and I'm too lazy to check so... I need to call the place that gave my daughter her psych test to see if I have any up-coming appointments. I would SWEAR!!!! I received a phone call at some point in time from their clinic- but from their office in the next town over. But I'll be damned if I remember what we talked about. Was something scheduled? Did I dream the whole thing? And how do I ask without sounding insane lol

      My daughter's still sore but recovering very nicely. She had a script for 5 mg hydrocodone with 375 "tylenol" combined with it, but I told her the meds sucked. I never picked it up and I've been giving her ibuprofen and tylenol instead. It seems to be doing the trick.
      At least the dog isn't acting insane around her anymore.
      When we first walked in the door, though, Cocoa went nuts barking at her. Zee stuck her hand out and Cocoa took it in her mouth firmly (but didn't "bite" her). I told my daughter Cocoa didn't recognize her without her appendix

      Mr. Monthly showed up yesterday, so on top of fatigue I've got cramps to contend with. But it's better now that life is calm than a few days ago!!!

    23. #2248
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      Quote Originally Posted by Zhaylin View Post
      Mr. Monthly showed up yesterday, so on top of fatigue I've got cramps to contend with. But it's better now that life is calm than a few days ago!!!
      Cheer up....when Mr. Monthly leaves, Jeff and I will take care of you.

    24. #2249
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      one of the rare posts (that isnt a picture) where i can say 'lol' and mean it.
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    25. #2250
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      Quote Originally Posted by Darkmatters View Post

      There there Pandabear.

      Have some chicken soup. At least when you're sick you get to lay around in bed all day. That's kinda fun, right?
      Shit, I lay in bed watching TV almost everyday all day. Well maybe not everyday, but during the week I tend to do that a lot.
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      Every passing minute is another chance to turn it all around.

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