
I am who I am, and that is what makes me who I am. To change any aspect of me would be to change the very person I am.

However, to grow and sculpt myself into something different -- now that I will do because at the end of it, I'll still be me, plus all the experiences that make me into the newer me.

All my experiences, good and bad (lots of bad), all my physical defects, emotional transgressions, spiritual beliefs and intellectual downfalls make me exactly the person that is sitting here typing to you today, and I am a beautiful person. I completely accept myself for who I am, and at times yes I wish to change, but then I'd be cheating myself out of growing into the man I'm supposed to become. Every moment in my life has been a lesson.

Sure, I'd like the abs -- then I'll go work out, and transform my body. Yeah, I'd love to be smarter -- then I'll study harder. It's not ALL possible at the same time, but I can't be perfect; I'm not God. I'm perfect in my own imperfections. Until then i'll stay the person that I am and then slowly transform into the person I'm supposed to be.