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    About Ashikael
    LD Count:
    I lost count
    I was born on the great military base of Fort Lewis. From there I spent many a lazy carefree day getting into wacky situations with my imaginary buddies/dissociative illusions and having a glorious ol' time leaping from base to base around the world. Eventually I leapt onto to the... unique... state of Wisconsin where I currently reside. Now armed with a soda, a hiking stick, and a dog, I roam the countryside, hoping that my next leap will be the leap home.
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    Madison, WI
    stuff and things and dreaming
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    LD goal: Solar kamehameha! SSGSS status!

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    Page 2 of 7 FirstFirst 1 2 3 4 ... LastLast
    1. MasterControl
      MasterControl liked post by Ashikael On thread : The most amazing thing you've seen or experienced ever
      The most amazing thing I've ever experienced was probably the time I 'teleported' myself to the moment of the big bang and watched in super fast motion as it exploded out around me, stars forming,...
      Liked On: 08-28-2015, 09:59 PM
    2. Mzzkc
      Mzzkc liked post by Ashikael On thread : Why do you pursue lucidity?
      To explore the subconscious mind and figure out why I do the things I do, and to troubleshoot problems I have in real life in a moldable sandbox setting. To find inspiration for my writing that I...
      Liked On: 08-27-2015, 03:44 PM
    3. MeohMyoh
      MeohMyoh liked post by Ashikael On thread : Let's hear about your first Lucid Dream
      I've had a few as a teenager, but it was always sort of a "Whoa, okay that was weird." experience that I'd forget about. Usually because it was boring and involved me just standing there. But then...
      Liked On: 08-26-2015, 08:22 PM
    4. Cubellius
      Cubellius liked post by Ashikael On thread : Personalities on DreamViews
      INFP-T mediator here, too. Lots of IN*Ps on this forum. Introverted 100% Intuitive 55% Feeling 50% Prospecting 39% Turbulent 67% Well, 100% introverted, huh... doesn't surprise me in the...
      Liked On: 08-19-2015, 05:00 AM
    5. Zhaylin
      Zhaylin liked post by Ashikael On thread : Personalities on DreamViews
      INFP-T mediator here, too. Lots of IN*Ps on this forum. Introverted 100% Intuitive 55% Feeling 50% Prospecting 39% Turbulent 67% Well, 100% introverted, huh... doesn't surprise me in the...
      Liked On: 08-17-2015, 08:08 PM
    6. ThreeCat
      ThreeCat liked post by Ashikael On thread : Ever look back at your DJ and go... "holy ----"?
      I look back at my old dreams and wonder why I was such a wuss. Like nowadays when I see creepy things they don't even affect me, I just push them out of the way and continue on to my objectives. ...
      Liked On: 08-16-2015, 03:08 PM
    7. Crashyy
      Crashyy liked post by Ashikael On thread : Your dream/sleep related confessions and dark secrets here
      Ummm, sure I'll confess! Confession 1: My husband knows of my weird lucid dream exploits, but whenever I'm about to get pervy in a LD I think to myself "Oh my god, is it still late enough for my...
      Liked On: 08-15-2015, 07:43 PM
    8. Ginsan
      Ginsan liked post by Ashikael On thread : Do you like classical music AND heavy metal?
      I love metal. My favorite metal bands are Dimmu Borgir, Ensiferum, and Amon Amarth. I also love classical and light instrumental stuff in general - Bach (Goldberg Variations!) and current stuff like...
      Liked On: 08-15-2015, 11:07 AM
    9. Sivason
      Sivason liked post by Ashikael On thread : Hehe, this picture isn't exactly true :\
      I see this constantly posted on my Facebook wall and it always annoys me. I wish I could just lay down in the bed for 30 minutes whenever and insta-lucid dream. Even if you do get a lucid dream that...
      Liked On: 08-15-2015, 05:54 AM
    10. ~Dreamer~
      ~Dreamer~ liked post by Ashikael On thread : Post Pictures of Your Everyday Life
      Hey! I've posted photos of my pets, so now I'll subject you all to the horror that is my art... workshop... thing (my husband calls it the Dragon Ball Z Fortress of Solitude) ...
      Liked On: 08-12-2015, 10:26 PM
    11. gab
      gab liked post by Ashikael On thread : Post Pictures of Your Everyday Life
      Hey! I've posted photos of my pets, so now I'll subject you all to the horror that is my art... workshop... thing (my husband calls it the Dragon Ball Z Fortress of Solitude) ...
      Liked On: 08-12-2015, 10:20 PM
    12. OpheliaBlue
      OpheliaBlue liked post by Ashikael On thread : Post Pictures of Your Everyday Life
      Hey! I've posted photos of my pets, so now I'll subject you all to the horror that is my art... workshop... thing (my husband calls it the Dragon Ball Z Fortress of Solitude) ...
      Liked On: 08-12-2015, 10:07 PM
    13. DawnEye11
      DawnEye11 liked blog post by Ashikael On : Guided flying, and music in the sky
      Went lucid, though I don't remember how. I was out in a greenway-type path with trees around me, and I was super happy because I wasn't stuck in the damn locked house for once. I attempted to fly by...
      Liked On: 08-12-2015, 06:41 PM
    14. NyxCC
      NyxCC liked post by Ashikael On thread : Post Pictures of Your Everyday Life
      Hey! I've posted photos of my pets, so now I'll subject you all to the horror that is my art... workshop... thing (my husband calls it the Dragon Ball Z Fortress of Solitude) ...
      Liked On: 08-12-2015, 01:11 PM
    15. kadie
      kadie liked post by Ashikael On thread : Your dream/sleep related confessions and dark secrets here
      Ummm, sure I'll confess! Confession 1: My husband knows of my weird lucid dream exploits, but whenever I'm about to get pervy in a LD I think to myself "Oh my god, is it still late enough for my...
      Liked On: 08-11-2015, 09:33 AM
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    View Ashikael's Dream Journal

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    Waiting in a Walgreens, and a strange Seru shrine

    by Ashikael on 10-14-2015 at 09:57 AM

    I found myself lucid, but it was a bit unstable. I was rubbing my hands together to try to stabilize it, and I noticed my surroundings becoming more vivid... but I also noticed as I walked along the grass, I couldn't feel anything touching my feet, so I tried to focus on different sensations. Then I thought it would be fun to jump up into the sky and face downwards as I did it, instead of upwards like I usually do. It was pretty friggin terrifying seeing the ground fall away like that. The instability cut the dream short though.


    I was in the car with my grandma and someone else, and it was raining. She was driving, and we raced over a bridge... she was going like 70 mph in heavy traffic and I was all GRANDMA SLOW DOWN JESUS. We were driving over a bridge when the traffic came to a gridlock, and the weather was getting worse.

    Instead of sitting in traffic, we pulled into a Walgreens parking lot and went inside. I remember seeing weird decorations for holidays that didn't exist, and I was browsing the candy aisle. When we neared the register, we saw a bunch of customers standing around looking agitated. Apparently the employees locked us all in the store because the weather was so bad we couldn't leave, so we all just sort of sat around. There were a couple customers that kind of freaked me out, like I was afraid they were gonna shoot up the place or something.


    This may have been a continuation of the last dream, but I can't recall how it began. I became lucid somehow, and I thought something like "Oh I remember I was jumping up in the sky and stuff earlier!" I stood out on a grassy area next to a lake and attempted to summon up Seru, but it didn't work. So I tried shooting off a Kamehameha, which also didn't work. I tried going Super Saiyan, but only managed to stand there screaming looking like a dumbass. At that point I was pretty pissed over my lack of dream control, and I thought "There's one thing I can ALWAYS do, and it's not fair..." so I reached up and swiped my finger along the sky, and I could move the clouds around and create star trails. The clouds flew by pretty fast, and it made me feel a little better about failing at the other shit.

    I looked off across the lake and THOUGHT I saw Seru, it was like his silhouette or something. So I focused on this strange-looking tree trunk on the other side of the lake and jumped up... but instead of flying I fell like a stone right in the water. It kind of pissed me off... but I could breathe underwater apparently, so I swam to the other side of the lake and crawled out.

    Seru was not there at all. Instead I was standing in some sort of ruins, like the ruins of some kind of shrine. There were statues of him in different sizes, some pristine and some broken and worn. I sprinted through the ruins, grabbing a few of the smaller statues, thinking they might have some kind of purpose, but... I still couldn't find him. You'd think he'd be hanging out in a shrine dedicated to himself, that seems right up his alley with his damn ego and all. But nooooo. I woke up before I made it through the entire shrine. He'll be getting an earful over that next time.
    non-lucid , lucid

    Ramming into cars, and weird butterfly phobias

    by Ashikael on 10-10-2015 at 06:48 PM

    I was riding along in my car with some other people, and Cory was driving. One of the passengers was my mom. We came along some traffic in Huntsville, near the intersection of South Memorial and Lily Flagg I think, and Cory was not slowing down fast enough to keep from hitting the car in front of us. I kept screaming "SLOW DOWN SERIOUSLY." and he was just all NAAAAAH, so I'm sitting there shotgun bracing myself, and sure enough he rams right into the car ahead of us. Which was some really tiny electric car thing, either blue or green.

    The guy ahead of us pulled into a U-turn area and into the big parking lot where people park their used cars for sale, and I noticed his bumper was falling off. Cory was making no move to turn and go over there, so I say "What the hell? You can't just run away!" and he says "Yeah I can, people get hit all the time." I eventually convince him to turn, and we're all sitting in that parking lot, exchanging info with the other guy. I was looking my car over, and it seemed to be okay except for some paint chipping.

    After settling that problem, we continued forward. I told Cory I wanted to drive since he sucked so bad, but he was adamant that it wouldn't happen again. So... now we're driving along some open highway in the countryside, and what does he do? He friggin runs right into the CEMENT TRUCK in front of us. I was super pissed at that point and yelling at him, and we all pulled over into a gravel parking lot for some bed and breakfast place. Cory got out to talk to the truck guys, and I got out and inspected my car. It was still OKAY, but it was missing some things... the driver's side mirror was gone. I was looking around on the ground for the missing mirror and I remember finding it next to a big pile of small square pieces of glass. For a moment I thought the glass was from my windows, but luckily it wasn't. That mirror would never move around automatically again if I glued it on myself, but I figured it would be fine moving it manually... first world problems and all that...

    Also I took Cory's stupid keys away. I put them on my keychain and noticed my mailbox key was cut in half. It was a lamentable thing.

    While Cory was out talking with the truck guys, me and the other passengers went into the bed and breakfast. We sat on the couches for a while and ate some food, some cheap gas station food like individually wrapped Twinkies and personal-sized bags of chips. Cory came in, and said the truck guys were being nice and picking all the ruined fragments off my car, so we still sat there and I bitched at him for being an idiot.

    I had to take my Lamictal pill, so for some reason I put it in a big glass of water, which was stupid because once it gets wet, it gets reeeeaaalllly bitter. So then I'm in the bathroom and drinking the water, trying to swallow the pill, and I just can't get it down because of the bitterness. I swear to god I stood there for like ten minutes trying to figure that out.


    Cory and I went to visit some botanical gardens in the fall. We brought along our dog Loki. There was a big door that led to a butterfly area, and so I ask Cory if we can go inside. He's really surprised and asks if I REALLY want to, and I say yes because I want to face my fears, and I was TERRIFIED of butterflies in this dream for some weird reason (WTF?) So we go inside, and let Loki off the leash so she can run around.

    The butterfly area was a rectangular grassy area surrounded by tall hedges on all sides. In the middle was a rectangular pond with really clear water that was light blue and had lily pads and stuff all in it. There were birds all over, and a big blue crane wandering around in the water. There weren't too many butterflies, since it was cold out, but there were a couple Monarchs, some yellow Swallowtails, and some black Swallowtails... and some big white ones I couldn't identify. Possibly cabbage butterflies but giant-size?

    Anyway, a few swooped at me, and I stood my ground. Cory was quite proud of me. Then he left me to my own devices and went to take photos of some of the birds. I walked around the pond looking at stuff with Loki running next to me, when she stops and does her business. I noticed blood dripping out of her when she did it, and I was freaking out and called Cory over. He said he couldn't see anything, and I was like WTF the blood is RIGHT THERE, but he was adamant about seeing nothing. As we're there on the ground I see a tiny baby hedgehog wander up next to me, rolling around all cutely and stuff. I get all giggly like OH MY GOOOOOD. I'm afraid to touch him because I couldn't remember if their quills were super sharp or not, but Cory pet him and then left. So I sat there playing with the hedgehog for a bit. It wandered up to Loki's business, and did some business of its own... gross. And I'm all "What the hell are you guys doing, trying to fight for territory or something?!"

    I get up and wander around the pond for a while longer, and notice Seru standing at the entrance. He's got his arms crossed and says something to me and smiles... I can't remember what he said. Something about the butterflies, I think? I also might have been something about leaving. One or the other. I remember thinking for a moment that he was the guy I came into the butterfly area with, and I got confused. He was the last thing I saw before I woke up.


    Just a dream fragment where I was walking around in a house. It was very cozy like a grandparent's house, at least, it made me feel that way. The floors were small wooden planks and felt really old.

    Updated 10-10-2015 at 06:52 PM by Ashikael

    non-lucid , dream fragment

    Lucid eating, and debt at a chocolate store

    by Ashikael on 10-09-2015 at 07:07 PM

    I was on the back of a wagon with some other people, sort of like in the beginning of Skyrim, but I realized it was a dream and went lucid. I didn't really want to do some Skyrim thing because it's not really a game I like, so I tumbled off the wagon and watched it drive away. I was standing on a sidewalk and trying to get my bearings, making the dream more vivid and such.

    Then I thought "Holy crap, you know what I've never done? ATE FOOD." You know, food is supposed to be more delicious in dreams. I mean, sex is friggin amazing in dreams, so why not food? There were trees lining the sidewalk, so I did the Willy Wonka thing (everything is candyyyy) and just grabbed a leaf from the tree and stuffed it in my mouth. It tasted like a fruit roll-up times a million, SO GOOD.

    So I wandered along the sidewalk, eating leaves, until I came across a forest-like area. When I went into it, it was kind of an open area like a pine forest. But there was a SUBWAY in the middle of it. Subway subs are pretty bland, but it was a dream so I was definitely going to go for that. When I went inside, the cashier was completely ignoring me so I went off to the hand-off spot anyway and a few subs were already laid out. One was an Italian sub which is my favorite, so I figured it was for me, grabbed it, and took a big bite. It was friggin delicious, the greatest sub I've ever tasted.

    As I stood there eating it, a guy came up and was all HEY WHAT THE HELL? Because apparently I was eating his sub, but I wasn't about to give it up, so I sprinted out the door and took off through the forest. This guy chased me. I eventually lost him, but I also lost the sub, I guess because I wasn't paying attention to it. With no food, I decided to maybe just fly off into space, since I was able to reach the moon before, so why not? I flew straight up towards a star, but instead of going super fast, I just sort of flew along at a leisurely pace no matter how hard I tried. Then I woke up.


    Cory and I were in the Godiva store, but we had no money. I seriously wanted chocolate badly, so I pulled out a credit card and just bought the entire store and we went into crazy debt. I remember sitting there eating truffles and being stressed over the money, but I didn't want to sell the store back because the truffles were so good. What was with these food dreams last night? At some point I was in the shower and my hair was falling out in clumps. When I woke up, I actually thought I was losing my hair for a minute.


    Another lucid dream, but I can't remember it. I was looking at my hands, and then I flew upwards and chanted some mantras to keep myself lucid. That's all I remember.
    lucid , non-lucid , dream fragment

    War at a cult complex, and a simple grassy field

    by Ashikael on 10-07-2015 at 06:01 PM

    I was tied up on a chair in a large room. In the center was a big steel door on the floor, and there were people in robes standing all around it. They all stood there as the door on the floor slid open and a woman tied to an altar rose out of the hole. Just as that happened, I went lucid. Instead of untying myself, I decided to sit there and let it play out, just to see what kind of story I could play along with.

    They left the woman on the altar and started to come at me, so I willed the rope untied and jumped up. They were all super surprised and WTF. An alarm rang and people were running everywhere, and I shot through the window out into the sky. In the sky there were lots of jets and people with jetpacks flying around, and I realized it was some kind of war. People were fighting each other. The guys in the building were the bad guys, so I joined up with the good guys and flew around watching the action. I noticed the building I came from was getting bombed, it was a giant complex, and soon there was a massive hole that took out a whole floor.

    As I watched, an older lady flew up next to me, prepared to fight. So I tried to shoot off a Kamehameha, but it just fizzled. God, why can't I ever get DBZ stuff to work? Bleh... well, as soon as I attempted that, she started saying THE WORD, and I knew she was about to fire off her own Kamehameha. Just as it shot out of her hands, I freaked out thinking if I got hit, I would wake up, so I threw my arms forward and desperately tried again, AND IT WORKED. Mine met hers and overpowered it, and I destroyed her.

    After that, I willed my clothes to be like the robes the guys in the complex were wearing, and went inside to try to save that woman. It was a lot of fun sneaking around like a spy. I was able to find her, but some other guys saw us and chased after us. We took a detour into a small hallway with a long booth, and sat down on the booth waiting for them to pass. But then I woke up.


    A really strange dream where I was in the car with Cory and we were driving around a roundabout over and over without exiting it. I was holding a mechanical pencil and the shifting car caused me to stab myself in the right upper arm. It hurt like a bitch, and the stick of lead was stuck in me. I grabbed it to pull it out, but it was super long and started freaking me out. Once I pulled it out, I saw there was more in there, and eventually I was squeezing my arm trying to pop the other sticks of lead out. It was pretty freaky.


    Another lucid dream. I was standing out in a grassy field. Off in the distance was the treeline of a forest, and there was a barn. I walked along in the field, kind of amazed at how vivid this dream was. The grass was super super green, and I was barefoot and it felt nice. I kept walking along, not really wanting to do much but enjoy it, because sometimes it's fun to just relax.

    As I continued along, I wondered about summoning up Seru, so I attempted it. I tried a trick I read about on here where you reach your hand behind you and they grab on to it. Didn't work. Just as I was about to give up, he walked out of the forest onto the field, but there was something off about him. Only after he moved closer did I realize it wasn't actually Seru, it was just some random DC that looked like him, and he looked SUPER PISSED OFF. He just kind of loomed over me giving me this terrifying look, and then he took off quickly. I tried to follow him to see WTF was going on but he was too quick for me.
    lucid , non-lucid

    Beta reading fanfiction, and a ride on top of a car

    by Ashikael on 08-29-2015 at 04:35 PM

    I was in high school, and it was the last day before spring break. After class the teacher kept a few of us in the room, and asked us to beta read some fiction that other students wrote. She laid all the stories out in a vertical row on this bar thing, and we went up and picked one each. Mary, a friend of mine from high school, picked up the weird Zoolander fanfic, which was the one I wanted. So instead I picked the erotic MA rated story, figuring I could learn a thing or two about writing that sort of thing. As I was flipping through it, I realized it was HORRIBLY BAD. Like, they used the most disturbing terminology to describe penises and I just kept laughing. So I put it in my bag and left the room.

    Before I left the school, I realized I was on my period (ugh) so I ran into the restroom to get a tampon real quick, and I noticed the restroom was DISGUSTING. Like, there were puddles of pee all over the floor and stuff. I nope'd on out of there and went into the men's restroom instead, and it was super clean. Which was weird, because usually the stereotype is the other way around. So as I left the restroom, I put on my headphones and put my mp3 player and my iPod in my pocket, and walked down the hall. I bumped into Misha Collins, but I kept calling him Castiel, and we walked out into the parking lot together, talking about things. It was raining outside and he lamented over the fact that he couldn't put his headphones on like me because he was afraid the rain would short circuit them and that his iPod couldn't fit in his pocket. He was totally bitching about it. I was like "Dude, they totally fit in your pocket..." and showed him that I had both that and my phone in my pocket. This just blew his mind for some reason. We parted ways in the parking lot and I headed out to my car.


    Mom was headed on a road trip to see grandma, and I was pissed because she wouldn't let me come along. So as she drove off, I grabbed on to the car and just sat on top of the trunk while she drove along. I have no idea how she didn't notice me there.

    The road trip was super long, and a few times I fell off and had to grab onto the bumper to keep from hitting the road, so by the time we got there, I was tired as hell. She pulled in down the gravel path and stopped and got out, and was pissed off that I'd hitched a ride like that. She was also screaming about how I could've died. I replied that she was a horrible driver because if she had looked in ANY of her mirrors she would've seen me. I walked around the property by myself.


    Something about Cory withdrawing $100 from the bank account and using it to buy some little thing, and I got angry because he kept taking money out of the account so he could spend it on things without me knowing. He was also late from work a lot so I was accusing him of horrible shit.


    Something involving Seru getting really pissed and drop kicking some dude. I remember feeling tense and thinking WTF. Also at some point I noticed my nail polish was completely wiped clean. I just stared at my nails all weirded out. It was the first dream of the night, and by the time I finished remembering the other dreams, I totally forgot most of this one.

    Updated 08-29-2015 at 04:37 PM by Ashikael

    non-lucid , dream fragment