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      I saw this RC technique in your journal & wondered if you remembered where you found it. It sounds like I've overlooked that one. You wrote: "I had a short LD in which I was somewhere (I think in a car) with my stepfather. I suspected I was dreaming and did the glass RC (I press some glass with my finger until it "pops" as if it were plastic wrap, it creates a small hole in the glass) on a window and it worked"
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    1. Cookino
      Cookino liked post by Naiya On thread : Naiya's DILD & WILD Secrets
      Lucid Dreaming Overview This is my LD tutorial. It will cover both DILD and WILDs. Since everyone is at a different knowledge and skill level, I'm going to begin with the basics and get deeper...
      Liked On: 06-21-2016, 05:06 PM
    2. Cookino
      Cookino liked post by SnowStrider On thread : DHL Mission Report - Month One
      I managed to take care of the beehive and crazy man today. So I was walking to the edge of this city that I'm in and find a maintenance door. I decide to open it and find a large stair case leading...
      Liked On: 06-19-2016, 01:50 AM
    3. Cookino
      Cookino liked post by ExothermReacton On thread : Dream Hero League introduction
      I waited a long time for something like this and suddenly after checking back it is here. Very creative from what I have seen so far.:D Time to create my DHL counterpart! DHL Name: Draconov ...
      Liked On: 06-18-2016, 12:41 AM
    4. Cookino
      Cookino liked post by ScalySaurus On thread : Dream Hero League introduction
      Hi! I'd like to join! DH name: Green Ivy Powers: I can stick my sword into the ground to create ivy that can ensnare anything I want it to, I can summon plant minions to help me battle, and I...
      Liked On: 06-18-2016, 12:40 AM
    5. Cookino
      Cookino liked post by RelaxAndDream On thread : Task of the Month for June 2016
      Hello :) tonight i got lucid and because didnt prepare any goals for the night and remembered to play around with Gravity RC in dream i did medium satisfying way i attempted the bonus task again ...
      Liked On: 06-15-2016, 09:37 PM
    6. Cookino
      Cookino liked post by MadMonkey On thread : Task of the Month for June 2016
      I completed the bonus task! Yay I am running through traffic after someone. I see them take an exit and jump up to climb over the wall of the freeway. As I am hanging I think I should just fly...
      Liked On: 06-15-2016, 09:37 PM
    7. Cookino
      Cookino liked post by PercyLucid On thread : Task of the Month for June 2016
      http://www.psychicfernando.com/DV/DV-June2016.png NEW: Do you have a Task of the Month suggestion that you would love to get chosen? Now you have the chance to suggest new tasks of the month by...
      Liked On: 05-31-2016, 02:26 PM
    8. Cookino
      Cookino liked post by PercyLucid On thread : Task of the Month for June 2016
      Beware of your limiting self-beliefs and affirmations, you are manifesting: Will get you stuck in that, a lucid per month. Your brain, subconscious, dream mind, universe, conciousness,...
      Liked On: 05-31-2016, 02:25 PM
    9. Cookino
      Cookino liked post by Lang On thread : Rant and Rave, Cry and Complain
      Athylus: Good Luck to you too! Wow!! < Drawing. I don't feel like making a drawing thread. Too busy with other stuff in my life. Plus, I don't have a working scanner. :( My friend broke it. ...
      Liked On: 03-21-2016, 05:18 PM
    10. Cookino
      Cookino liked post by sefalik On thread : Rant and Rave, Cry and Complain
      So I've been getting stink bugs lately. They're big, clumsy, and annoying. But I never smell a thing. I don't think my sense of smell is great to begin with, plus I assumed people exaggerate because...
      Liked On: 03-13-2016, 11:48 PM
    11. Cookino
      Cookino liked post by Zhaylin On thread : Rant and Rave, Cry and Complain
      lol, Sefalik. We've been getting overrun with Stink Bugs too. I don't kill them (because I don't even like killing bugs). I've never smelled them- dead or alive. Tommo, yep. Hypermobility. ...
      Liked On: 03-13-2016, 11:47 PM
    12. Cookino
      Cookino liked post by AstroFlyer On thread : Am I DEILDing?
      Stick with it Cookino, a week or 2 is probably not enough. You are remembering to stay still and keeping your eyes closed after waking so the hard part is done. Stay focused on re-entering the dream...
      Liked On: 09-17-2015, 01:19 PM
    13. Cookino
      Cookino liked post by KingYoshi On thread : KingYoshi's Complete WILDing Guide - All my techniques & secrets revealed (WILD,DEILD,WBTB+more)
      My previous WILD thread, Yoshi's WILD Technique (http://www.dreamviews.com/wake-initiated-lucid-dreams-wild/82529-yoshis-wild-technique.html), explained my personal technique and how to perform said...
      Liked On: 08-26-2015, 01:33 AM
    14. Cookino
      Cookino liked post by PercyLucid On thread : Task of the Month for August 2015
      http://s1.postimg.org/a95cfa99b/blackholes.png NEW: Do you have a Task of the Month suggestion that you would love to get chosen? Now you have the chance to suggest new tasks of the month by...
      Liked On: 08-03-2015, 01:48 PM
    15. Cookino
      Cookino liked post by littlepooky04 On thread : DCs Say the Darndest Things
      "I'm a priest, I still have a cheese-grade factory"
      Liked On: 07-07-2015, 06:49 PM
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    View Cookino's Dream Journal

    Recent Entries

    Winter Competition Night 13

    by Cookino on 01-19-2024 at 03:21 PM
    I originally tought I had 2 non lucid dreams, but one of them turned to be a lucid so I decided to make a proper dream journal entry.

    Dream 1 (Lucid):

    I'm home, my mother is in the living room and screams that a robot is attacking her. When I come over to see what is happening there is nothing there with her, she said she screamed something random in fear because she tought there was a ghost in the living room. Later her and my stepfather are sleeping in the living room. I go to my room to try to sleep.

    Upon arriving there I realize in one of my hands there is a little toy car, apparently I grabbed it without even realizing which kinda creeped me out a bit. I try to put it down somewhere but I'm worried it might roll over and fall, startling me during the night. I stuff it in some purse that I find on the floor near my bed.

    I can't fall asleep, I feel like something is watching me and I start praying (I'm not religious in waking life), eventually I fall asleep.

    My memory is kinda foggy on when exactly the next part happened but I know it happened during this dream.

    I'm in my room, I don't remember exactly what I'm doing but I remember talking with my mother and being suspicious that I was dreaming. I do a nose pinch RC but it fails. I'm still somewhat suspicious so I do another RC later and I can breathe while pinching my nose.
    I become lucid.

    I can't properly remember what I planned to do, just that one of my goals involved summoning someone. For some reason the first thing I think of is summoning a slime girl. I hold my hand behind me and imagine a hand grabbing mine. I try to imagine it having a slime texture. When I pull it forward the slime girl is made of some weird, green see-through wax substance (I'm not sure she was even animated, I think she was just some human-size stick figure made of this wax material).
    I can't remember anything past this point.

    Dream 2:
    I am watching a video on my phone of some guy in a playground at night, it's extremely foggy, you can barely see a few centimeters in front of him in some directions.

    I am now seeing the dream in this guy's POV. He talking about how there is some creepy owl staring at him. He looks to the left and there is a single owl just standing there, staring at him. At some points the dream looks light one of those trail cam videos and the owl has glowing eyes. He looks to the right and there is what seem to be hundreds of owls and deer in the woods, staring at him with glowing eyes. He looks back to the single owl and it has distanced itself a little. He looks back to the right and the animals are now closer to him. At this point he starts running away while calling the police. He eventually makes it to a road with police cars, telling the officers what was going on in the playground. I think this guy might have been a police officer too, but I'm not sure. In the end he rides away in one of the cars.
    lucid , non-lucid

    Meeting a Genie

    by Cookino on 09-22-2017 at 04:29 PM
    I think this dream occurs after a brief awakening IRL. The memory is a little hazy for this one. I'm in my grandparent's apartment at night. I think there are some other people from the family there, but I don't remember if I interacted with them. At some point, I get lucid and for some reason I remember the Task of the Month about summoning a genie and making a wish. I enter a room, expecting the lamp to be there. I find it on the stand where there used to be a TV. It looks just like you'd expect, it's a small, golden lamp.

    I start rubbing the lamp until some pink, slightly purple smoke came out of it. I cannot remember very well what the genie looked like, just that it had a vaguely humanoid form. Wanting to be able to change the dream scene easily, I tell the genie "I wish to be able to travel to any place I can imagine, instantly." I don't remember exactly what the genie did, but I imagined myself in a sunny beach, and suddenly I find myself in one. I am in a sandy island in the middle of the ocean. I them imagine myself back in the apartment and I teleport there. It is daytime now.
    I think the dream ends around here and I transition to a non-lucid nightmare, where I'm home at night and I pick up the phone but there is no response. I put it down and pick it up again and there is no sound. I say "Hello" and a very distorted voice mimics me. I put the phone down immediately.

    I tell my uncle about this and he dismissed this saying it's my imagination and similar stuff has happened to him. He tells me about how there was a dog that appeared in the building at night and he thought it was a ghost until he caught it. I then drag him to the phone and I pick it up again. I start saying something and them a clear voice begins speaking a mix of english and jibberish at me. This startles me and I wake up

    Updated 09-22-2017 at 04:38 PM by Cookino

    nightmare , lucid

    DBZ Battle and Flying a Helicopter

    by Cookino on 09-11-2017 at 02:07 AM
    DBZ Battle:
    The dream begins at my apartment. For some reason, I'm an old man and there are Dragon Ball Z characters fighting outside in a team battle. Goku and Vegeta are in the same team fighting an unknown character who got paired up with me. I'm in my building's corridor, watching them fighting below, from a sort of balcony. I'm lamenting the fact that I can't fly or use Ki and I'm weak, so I can't really fight with them. Suddenly, I remember about Gohan teaching Videl and Goten how to fly and a try flying and suddenly I start floating up a little. I them realize that since I can float, this must be a dream.

    I got back to the floor and think about how to get stronger. I take a stance, flex my muscles and begin screaming really hard, like a DBZ character powering up. Suddenly, my muscles grow and I become really buff. I climb up to the balcony and think I should get another power up just in case. I think that since I'm not saiyan I have to use Kayoken. I imagine myself activating it and I get a transparent aura around me. I prepare to jump down but get scared since I’m afraid of falling in dreams, so I take the stairs instead.

    When I arrive down there with them I immediatelly attack them, doing all sorts of cool moves like punching them and grabbing them and throwing them back down, cracking the ground. There was also a moment where I launched a ki blast at Vegeta from behind, altough it felt kinda weak so I went back to physical attacks. I was completely overpowering them. I even hit my teammate by accident at some point! Unfortunately around here my memory gets kinda hazy and I’m not sure when the dream ended, but it was sometime during the fight.

    Flying a Helicopter:
    I’m inside a military helicopter along with some waking-life friends. I think we are heroes and are going to a mission or something like that. I’m scared while riding the helicopter because it’s really high up. Somewhere along the way, the helicopter runs out of fuel and we have to land on the middle of the street. We get off the helicopter, trying to figure out what to do now.

    I suddenly get lucid and think about flying and taking the helicopter with me using telekinesis but then I have another idea. I use a power from a manga called My Hero Academia. It’s a gravity cancelation power which allows the user to remove gravity from objects it touches. I touch the helicopter with one hand, making it weightless and now I can carry it easily.

    I fly around carrying the helicopter and my friends inside it and I stop somewhere because I want to try fusing the helicopter with something. One of my friends dares me to fuse it with an airplane but I’m more interested in fusing it with a car. I try to fuse it with a small car nearby but I can’t get it to work. I even make up some magic words but nothing works. This is the last part of the dream I can recall.

    Doing a Favor

    by Cookino on 09-08-2017 at 01:40 PM
    The dream begins, once again, in my grandmother's apartment. Seems like its been a common theme in the past few dreams. I remember being in my grandfather's room and he's having trouble with the computer. Later in the dream (there are a few gaps in my memory of this dream) he is in my brother's room, using his computer. I observe him and he is furiously downloading different things (as he does in waking life, however it was exaggerated in the dream) and installing many dubious programs, with pop-ups showing up all over the place. I'm really annoyed while seeing this.

    The dream skips some more and I'm in the bathroom. I can hear my stepmother outside talking about how her cellphone stopped working and I shout asking something about how can they have so many problems with technology. After I get out of the bathroom,
    I get lucid.

    I begin flying towards the living room and my aunt is sitting on the couch. She asks me to get a cellphone battery that's in the other room. I decide to go fetch it because I think "Complete a DC's task" is one of the tasks in Spellbee's competition. I fly over to the room where my father is lying on a hammock while watching TV. While floating all over the room looking for the battery, I wonder what my father thinks about me flying around. I find the battery and go back to the living room.

    I give my aunt the battery and she thanks me. I think she explains to me what she was gonna use it for, but I cannot remember what she said. I fly towards the balcony and have a moment of heightened lucidity. I have practically waking-level lucidity and memory, and I stop to remind myself of my goals,
    however I think the dream ended shortly after or I lost lucidity because my memory of the dream stops there.

    Trying To Get an Android, Turning Lava Into Ice.

    by Cookino on 09-07-2017 at 05:33 PM
    I went to sleep at about 23:30 and I woke up about 6:40 if I remember correctly. I did a quick wbtb and then tried to wild for a bit, but ended up falling asleep.

    The dream begins at my grandmother's appartment, in my brother's room. I make a RC, since I try to make a habit of doing one when waking up.
    I do a nose RC and I get lucid. I then do a few more, just to make sure.

    I walk out of the room and the place is eerily empty and quiet. When I'm about to turn around the corner and go to the area with the dining table and balcony up ahead, I think I should summon a DC so I can have them help me with stuff. For some reason, the first one I think of is a girl I used to go to school with, F. She's there in the balcony when I go around the corner. I call her and tell her something about opening up a portal. She opens up a portal to a weird dimension that doesn't seem as vivid for some reason. It's kinda blurry, it almost looks like a videogame. I step inside for a few moments then come back to the living room. Suddenly, it's filled with people.

    I'm still lucid, but around this part of the dream I begin to lose lucidity a bit, so I start losing focus of my objectives and kinda start going along with the dream plot. I'm talking with my family and for some reason have a discussion with my uncle, so I decide to get rid of him. For some reason now I feel like I'm an evil genius and kinda start playing a character here (I'm still lucid, but it's like my personality changed) so I want to replace my uncle with an Android.

    I walk outside the apartment and go into an elevator. Suddenly, I'm accompanied by a college friend, A and someone else that I cannot recall. We go down the elevator into another area. We are now in what seems like an office building with several people. I go up to a DC and tell him I want to replace a defective Android and he gives me a number. I'm supposed to wait for my turn but I decide to speed things up. I go back to the elevator and rip up a panel from the wall. I make up some logic hoping the dream goes along and say it's a living creature mixed with machinery. I "hack" it by jamming a screwdriver in it and twisting it and I hear my number being called on the speakers.

    I go up to a desk and explain the situation to the DC that works here, saying that my Android that I purchased there is malfunctioning. The clerk gets up to get some forms and I think about how I need a receipt. I pull out my phone and again make up some stuff and press buttons on the screen and somehow the phone prints out a receipt. When the clerk gets back they handle me a form and I think I start filling it, but this is as far as my recall goes, I think the dream ended shortly after this.

    I wake up in my grandmother's apartment in the morning. I decide to turn on the TV because I want to play something on the PS4. The TV makes a lot of noise when turning on and I hear my brother shout something from the other room, so I turn the volume down. I notice I'm actually very sleepy so I turn the TV off and go to sleep, quickly transitioning into a lucid dream.

    In this dream within a dream, I'm flying around and I think I'm seeing a scene from a movie. I see two characters fighting in the distance. I'm in some gloomy forest in the dark. I continue flying around very fast and transition to an area with a volcano. I was feeling powerful, so I extend my hands and make the volcano erupt. I then transform the volcano's lava into two ice pillars on the sides of the volcano.
    I wake up shortly after that.

    Updated 09-07-2017 at 06:33 PM by Cookino
