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    • Saizaphod's Avatar
      04-12-2024, 11:05 PM
      Dang, zero lucids :rolllaugh: , though took it extremely relaxed this time around so no wonder :roll: Night 12 1 Dream - 1 Point Night 13...
      189 replies | 4835 view(s)
    • Saizaphod's Avatar
      04-09-2024, 12:50 PM
      Night 10 1 Dream - 1 Point 1 Fragment - 0,5 Points Night Total - 1,5 Points Night 11 1 Dream - 1 Point 2 Fragments - 1 Point (One part...
      189 replies | 4835 view(s)
    • Saizaphod's Avatar
      04-07-2024, 07:45 PM
      Night 8 RCs(Decent) - 0,5 Points 1 Dream - 1 Point Night Total - 1,5 Points Night 9 WBTB - 2 Points 2 Dreams - 2 Points 1 Fragment - 0,5...
      189 replies | 4835 view(s)
    • Saizaphod's Avatar
      04-07-2024, 07:44 PM
      Night 8 RCs(Decent) - 0,5 Points 1 Dream - 1 Point Night Total - 1,5 Points Night 9 WBTB - 2 Points 2 Dreams - 2 Points 1 Fragment - 0,5...
      189 replies | 4835 view(s)
    • JadeGreen's Avatar
      04-06-2024, 04:39 AM
      I am involved in a ship salvage operation. It is a large ship, easily over 1km long with a horizontal deck plan and bilateral symmetry, it looks to...
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      Oh, thank you again And YES, I love fantasy, especially LoTR. I own the DVD, extended DVD, Extended Blurays and the books. Fighting? Sure, but only in action films,dreams and in stuff like that. I'm actually completely different kind of person than what my DV account gives out. I'v never been into a fist fight. I take this as "roleplay", if that makes sense Animes : AtLA, Cowboy Bebop and of course : One Punch Man! How about you?
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      Thank you for the friend request
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      Oh, it's you. The story I created in my head was that you were someone new who DreamCafe11 had finally convinced to join, and the first thing she had done once you joined was told you to make friends with me.

      Yeah It's nice to be back. I almost ended up making a new account too, but I emailed the mods and they found the password to my old one since they don't want people making multiple accounts. I guess a new account after starting over can't hurt though. Wish I could clear out some of the 600+ DJ entries I had.
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      Hello, and welcome to dreamviews. I see you are already friends with DreamCafe11. You a friend of hers?
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    Encounter [NLD]

    by DarkSyntax on 06-15-2016 at 11:37 AM
    [CENTER][FONT=tahoma][B]*This entry is the last re-write from my old account, TDHXIII*[/B][/FONT][/CENTER]
    There are two dreams that i had, and both included conflict and tension. It was fun. Can't believe that i have finally started having a lot of interesting dreams without lucidity.. With this aside, there won't be too many details as i don't recall a lot by now. I always DJ in my head and unless it was a very interesting dream that i have to remember later, i don't write down.

    I'm in my room with some people.

    [I]- I have a wooden katana in my room IRL. It did appear in this dream, as two wooden swords instead of one -[/I]

    As my room's door opened, a girl with orange-like hair was standing right by the door. I was immediately shaken with fear once i saw her. I remember telling the people near me to hand me a weapon, which was 2 duplicates of my wooden sword. I did feel an intent to kill or something along the lines.
    - Events happening around the kitchen of my house. Things were a bit creepy back then -[/I]

    I was in my living room and the lighting got dark. I had a small spotlight that emitted a blue ray of light. As that girl came out from the kitchen towards the room, i pointed the light at her which was effective in making her back away. A few moments after that, the lights came back on. She was about to get close and i freaked out when my weapons fell on the ground. I pulled out a pen from my pockets and threw it towards her to buy some time to pick up my weapon.

    After i picked the swords up, i dashed towards her and i blocked her weapon's attack (Don't know what her weapon was) with one sword then i made a spin to build momentom and striked her with my other sword. My sword somehow cut right through her chest and the dream instantly ended.

    Why did i feel threatened? I don't recall her taking the initial attacks or anything, just that things got creepy. Unfortunately though, i'm not used to questioning dream enemies or anything like that since i didn't get a lot of dreams like this before. I feel a bit bad right now because i think that person wasn't intending harm.. Well, nothing i can do now.. can i? It felt creepy in the dream for some reason. Appearance-wise from what i remember, that person looked familiar.. Maybe closer in appearance to this character?[/COLOR][/SIZE][SPOILER=Rena][IMG]http://s18.postimg.org/mu4u3pxhl/higurashi_no_naku_koro_ni_rena.jpg[/IMG][/SPOILER][/FONT][SIZE=3][COLOR=#000000]

    Updated 06-15-2016 at 11:53 AM by DarkSyntax


    Violet Slash [LD] [DG]

    by DarkSyntax on 06-15-2016 at 11:33 AM
    [CENTER][COLOR=#3E3E3E][B]*This entry is a re-write from my old account, TDHXIII*[/B][/COLOR][/CENTER]

    Things are getting better for my lucid dreams. I'm still working out on my methods amidst RC's and Mindfulness. Haven't touched meditation due to laziness but i have to do so soon. First thing's first, i finally am starting to get more length out of my LDs.. Chances are that it's because i decided to immerse myself somewhat with the dream. But even then, i'm still making some awkward mistakes like forgetting to stabilize properly or activate my WL memory in my LDs. For this entry, i will make it clear that i didn't intend to even write it down at first, which lead to me losing a lot of detail on it. I mainly chose that route because i felt like i was 50% lucid, that feeling that i got a lot in my older LDs. Not much detail here, but i'll still try to put it.

    I became lucid when i was in my room, and as i discovered that it was a dream, i started touching my clothes as to stabilize my touch sense, which didn't work out that greatly. Had i restored my memory properly, i would have actually done a lot better job at stabilizing. Anyway, i only recall 2 events from the dream or so i would call them.

    The first thing is that i attempted to find my long-searched-for Dream Guide, which as you may expect failed miserably. I apparently found a person, who was collapsed down like a doll. I remember trying to talk to her but there was no reply or anything similar. The only sure-fire thing is that that person was female. Can't remember the appearance or anything else due to my almost faded dream memory by now. I recall that in the dream around when this happened i was under the impression that this was not my real DG and that there was another person nearby or something like that. I would say that i insist on a specific persona for my unknown DG but i better be ready for anything i may see. So to summarize, a collapsed girl.

    The other thing is that i was in my room, holding a sword of some kind. Again, i can't remember how i got it or what it looks like. One thing i remember is that i kept slashing the poor wall infront of me, and that i did a quick succession of slashes that immited dark purple energy lines or something similar to that. Cutting the wall felt kinda strange. After slashing the wall, i proceeded by dashing forward and clawing my left hand towards the wall, and at that moment i saw dark-purple (energy?) coming out of my hand..

    The dream lasted around 4~5 minutes. Way better than the old 1~2 minute length dreams i kept having. Strangely enough, this lucid dream appeared after i changed my mindset towards my dreams the day before:
    ・ "My dreams are very exciting and thrilling. Even if i don't become lucid, it's fine but i'll try to get lucidity. No need to stress it out"
    ・ At the same time i RC, i try to make myself feel that "dream feeling" and pretend that i'm in a dream environment. Hard to explain. .[CENTER][COLOR=#3E3E3E][FONT=tahoma][B]*This entry is a re-write from my old account, TDHXIII*[/B]

    Failed Summoning [LD]

    by DarkSyntax on 06-15-2016 at 11:28 AM
    [CENTER][FONT=tahoma][B]*This entry is a re-write from my old account, TDHXIII*[/B][/FONT][/CENTER]
    I find myself in my house, and a sudden impulse to RC kicks in. [COLOR=#0000ff]I count my fingers. "This is a dream, isn't it?" I said to myself[/COLOR]. I moved on into the act of stabilizing and the stuff along.. I focused on my vision and it got close to my RL vision. Sound and touch were present and unusually vivid, but i don't remember actually focusing on them a lot. After this, i tried to regain my memory by remembering where i'm and what i'm doing. "I'm in bed dreaming and this is my dream" Is all i recovered before stopping the memory recovery process.

    That's all i did to make the dream somewhat stable, but there was something missing and i'm not sure what. Maybe it's because i was very worried during the dream that it would be short, that's probably it. There were sudden moments in the dream in which i found myself back in bed (probably FA). But they lasted a few seconds then i found myself back where i was. Weird thing to be honest. Whatever the case was, the dream was enjoyable because i was somewhat immersed with my environment.. Something that i lacked all these times i got lucid.

    Moving on into the main things i did in the dream. I didn't try to meet my DG or fly, because to me this was a test of stability and control and that this LD came out of nowhere. I tried to summon my thought-up magical sword. And i had thought of a way to summon it but the process is very hard if control is not fully present. I guess the difficulty came from my slightly-lacking memory. Whatever, i remember being in front of the double doors that lead to the guest halls, where i was standing, i would be able to see the door of my house and slightly see the street.

    I proceeded into the summoning..

    The method:
    I would set my right hand on fire and this fire would then create smoke, the smoke would stay still in mid-air. Essentially acting as a portal to another dimension that i can pull items from.

    Of course, what i got was nothing like what i imagined. I got fire, but it was very weak. And if that wasn't enough, there was no smoke to use as a portal. The process failed and i resorted to another process of making the item appear from thin air by quickly waving my hand accross the air. This one was a failure, as that i got a knife version of the supposed long-sword i wanted. I let the knife vanish and went on with the dream.

    I entered through the doors that were to my back this whole time. Inside, there was a door nearby so i realized that i could put my hand inside without looking, and then obtain the weapon! Unfortunately enough, i don't remember what happened after this - I either woke up or lost lucidity. I put my hand inside and was able to grab a large object that felt like a sword, but i remember enough that it wasn't the thing i was looking for.[/FONT]

    Shadow Man [LD] [DG]

    by DarkSyntax on 06-15-2016 at 11:22 AM
    [CENTER][FONT=tahoma][B]*This entry is a re-write from my old account, TDHXIII*[/B]
    After walking around my school for a while, the dream scene randomly changed into my house's living room. There, i noticed the sudden change and started asking about what happened. My father told me something that was too strange to be real.. Upon hearing that, i hurried down the stairs to exit the house. Along the way, i lifted my left hand and looked at it when i noticed that my hand looked weird.

    [COLOR=#0000ff]I became lucid[/COLOR], and with that came the usual way of hurrying over doing my goals. As a result, i forgot to stabilize the dream and straight away rushed for summoning a Dream Guide.. Yelling and stretching my arm hoping for results and i got none. I proceeded by reaching out for the DG with my hand towards my back. I felt a soft hand grab into mine and then i headed towards the door nearby and let go of that hand as i got through. I stopped and looked back to see who it is that i was grabbing the hands of. To my surprise, a distorted shadow person slowly passed through the door. At this moment, the dream started collapsing. I desperately tried to keep it stable but i ended up in the void anyway. In there i heard someone say something that i forgot by now, something related to numbers..

    In the end, a game save screen appeared and it saved on slot one.. which was then followed by everything going to black and me waking up.[/FONT]

    An exam, a detective and a fight [NLD]

    by DarkSyntax on 06-11-2016 at 09:07 AM
    [FONT=tahoma]A rather long NLD at the end of my sleep. I'll manage to piece together the events hopefully.

    I was somewhere around school with some classmates and we had an exam that day. I was wearing a bag that contained a bunch of books and a black jacket (?) inside it and i was going towards a restaurant with the classmates to eat. As we approached the restaurant, we saw that the lines of people ordering were extremely long they reached outside of the restaurant. I went in anyway.

    I managed to stick in somewhere mid-line and was able to reach the counter to order some food. It was around 11AM daytime and that was around the time the restaurant switches from breakfast-food to lunch-food. I heard someone saying [COLOR=#0000CD]"I want a spicy mc-chicken"[/COLOR] and i asked the counter people to get me the same, then they said that it was breakfast time, i insisted and they apparently said alright.

    At that time i asked someone about how much time was left for the exam and they said that there is only around 5 minutes. I walked out of the restaurant and walked around outside for some reason, returning later to see my order. However, the people at the counter said that i'm not getting my order and that they reported me to a detective/police. I got a bit angry and told them why they would do that as i did nothing wrong, i don't remember hearing a logical answer to that. A guy with a white shirt comes up and is very agry for some reason. He is apparently the detective and he screams at me about why [COLOR=#0000cd]"i wasn't behaving properly"[/COLOR] and that [COLOR=#0000cd]"the text on the shirt you wore was bad (?)"[/COLOR] i shortly later talked him out of it and he calmed down. As for my order, i wasn't gonna get it anyway.

    I'm outside again, walking towards the restaurant. I was annoyed and as i slammed the door open i hit someone that was standing behind it (lol).
    Anyway, now my bag which i put on the table was trashed, with a suspicious bunch of students nearby. I approached them and a blonde guy (this guy had killed me in a previous dream a while ago, why he appears in this context is unknown to me) comes up with a look on his face that says that he's the one who did it and he's looking for a fight. He begins kicking me and i hold him by his foot and attempt to kick him but i couldn't reach him for some reason. The kicking between the two of us continued for another 10 seconds or so.

    I was outside yet again and i walked inside again. Now going towards my bag and seeing what's there. I found the black piece of clothes, a few books and nothing more. Apparently the books were stolen. I took the bag and got out of the restaurant to go make it for the exam.

    A few details happened in-between all of this, but because i ignored journalling this, i forgot them. I really should get back in the habit and journal my dreams seriously after awakening. I almost let this one fade away.[/FONT]