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    1. Carrot
      Carrot liked post by DreiHundert On thread : Favorite lucid dream movie? And why?
      Inception, because it's the only one I've seen thus far.
      Liked On: 06-12-2012, 01:28 PM
    2. Dianeva
      Dianeva liked post by DreiHundert On thread : Tell me about PTSD and Mental Hospitals...
      My uncle has PTSD. Some of this has translated to knowledge for me, and I will share what I know. My uncle attaches a date to his PTSD... He was in Vietnam on his birthday, and usually when it's...
      Liked On: 06-11-2012, 07:17 PM
    3. whiterain
      whiterain liked post by DreiHundert On thread : Weed and becoming lucid?
      Idk for sure, as I began to experiment with dreaming as a way of recreation after quitting smoking weed... I've noticed in the past having awesome dreams when I went to bed high. Now I notice that...
      Liked On: 06-09-2012, 08:27 PM
    4. DaveTheJoker
      DaveTheJoker liked post by DreiHundert On thread : Stop Panic
      Perhaps the Russians had a hidden agenda to help our cause
      Liked On: 05-20-2012, 12:07 AM
    5. Woodstock
      Woodstock liked post by DreiHundert On thread : Studying Lucid Dreaming..
      There is a university for studying lucid dreaming. It's one of those new online colleges, but the crazy thing is it's totally free. There's classes, groups, discussions... It's like the...
      Liked On: 05-19-2012, 05:26 PM
    6. gab
      gab liked post by DreiHundert On thread : Dreihundert's Workbook
      Hello folks, I am called Drei... And I've been keeping a dream journal for around a month now. I've been with Dreamviews for about the same time. I have finally decided to keep a work-book in...
      Liked On: 05-18-2012, 05:08 AM
    7. Caenis
      Caenis liked post by DreiHundert On thread : Do you have a fetish?
      The best kind of sadism! MAUAHAAAAAA... Nah... It's.. "Tamakeri"
      Liked On: 05-17-2012, 10:52 PM
    8. Alyzarin
      Alyzarin liked post by DreiHundert On thread : Do you have a fetish?
      The best kind of sadism! MAUAHAAAAAA... Nah... It's.. "Tamakeri"
      Liked On: 05-17-2012, 08:44 PM
    9. Carrot
      Carrot liked post by DreiHundert On thread : Post Pictures of Your Everyday Butt
      Oh lord, what crazy section of the internet have I stumpled upon. *Stumbled*! Sorry Lt. Dan! I didn't mean to have a Freudian Nip -SLIP. Freudian SLIP. ...
      Liked On: 05-14-2012, 03:43 PM
    10. Alyzarin
      Alyzarin liked post by DreiHundert On thread : Do you have a fetish?
      Gross: Scat, Vomit, Pedo - stuff that lurks on the underside of the internet. Genuinely Unpleasant: Genuinely Unpleasant. Maybe my fetish is making people curious? But on a serious note, I...
      Liked On: 05-14-2012, 03:08 PM
    11. Carrot
      Carrot liked post by DreiHundert On thread : Do you have a fetish?
      Gross: Scat, Vomit, Pedo - stuff that lurks on the underside of the internet. Genuinely Unpleasant: Genuinely Unpleasant. Maybe my fetish is making people curious? But on a serious note, I...
      Liked On: 05-14-2012, 02:07 PM
    12. Carrot
      Carrot liked post by DreiHundert On thread : Do you have a fetish?
      This. I am unfortunately not at liberty to share my fetish as it is one of those ones that makes people go "What... the fuck?". A hint: it's not something that people find "Gross". It's...
      Liked On: 05-14-2012, 02:01 PM
    13. Dreamprofesser
      Dreamprofesser liked post by DreiHundert On thread : Do you have a fetish?
      This. I am unfortunately not at liberty to share my fetish as it is one of those ones that makes people go "What... the fuck?". A hint: it's not something that people find "Gross". It's...
      Liked On: 05-14-2012, 12:40 AM
    14. Alyzarin
      Alyzarin liked post by DreiHundert On thread : Do you have a fetish?
      This. I am unfortunately not at liberty to share my fetish as it is one of those ones that makes people go "What... the fuck?". A hint: it's not something that people find "Gross". It's...
      Liked On: 05-12-2012, 09:59 PM
    15. Oneironaut Zero
      Oneironaut Zero liked post by DreiHundert On thread : Tell me about PTSD and Mental Hospitals...
      My uncle has PTSD. Some of this has translated to knowledge for me, and I will share what I know. My uncle attaches a date to his PTSD... He was in Vietnam on his birthday, and usually when it's...
      Liked On: 05-12-2012, 09:02 PM
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    View DreiHundert's Dream Journal

    Recent Entries

    The Haunted Cirque | The Civil Revolutionary War

    by DreiHundert on 07-24-2013 at 07:30 PM
    The Haunted Cirque -

    The story begins, I'm in a massive theatre, watching a performance by a contemporary circus. The only performance I remember is the floating head trick, sort of like the one used by the wizard Oz. I was sitting at the top row of seating, and the head came extremely close to me and the guy next to me. It scared the living shit out of him, and me as well, but I was able to conceal my fear.

    Pan over to another scene at the circus -- Something happened that involved a large amount of a sort of ... thick white paste -- sort of like marshmallow creme. The event had ended, leaving the entire theatre littered with the stuff. I was attempting to get to the top of the theatre, so I took the "stairs", which were actually an Escalator -- I remember nobody was standing up, we were all rolling around, trying to get unstuck from the sticky shit. I remember making a comment about the painful nature of this experience, which gathered agreement from the rest of the audience.

    Pan over to another scene at the circus -- this is where it becomes more of a nightmare -- I was seated towards the bottom of the theatre, across from a very attractive woman. She was showing interest in me, but I was certain it was impossible - she was out of my league! So I got up and began to walk away. I looked over my shoulder, and the woman seemed to be following me. I started to walk faster, and when turned the next corner, she was right in front of me. It scared the living shit out me, because it was impossible for her have passed me up in that amount of time. I asked her if she had a twin, etcetera, but she did not speak. Just looked at me.

    Pan over to another scene at the circus - this one is faded, but essentially the same thing happens again, this time with another girl. She's following me and then pulls a Jason Vorhees on my ass and pops up in front of me. At this point I'm losing my fucking mind. Pan to the next scene - I was on the floor in a mess, with several people around me attempting to help, and I seemed to be going crazy, losing my sanity completely.


    The civil revolutionary war.

    -- I was involved in a war which seemed to be between the british redcoats and the confederates -- I was freaked out, so I hid under a tree in a hole... The hole was filled with branches and rocks... It wasn't my war so I had no intention of fighting it. A little time passes, and one of the armies is moving from a direction where they might see me, so I crawl deeper into the brush. I start to worry about whether or not I will suffocate in this. I fall asleep.

    Pan to the next scene - I wake up, and crawl out of the brush. I find that I'm in the back of a truck.. Not sure why they bothered to throw the entire landscape of where I was hiding in a truck, but they did. I quickly found out that this was a british convoy (with a WW2 era truck). I jump out and pretend I was fishing. Then I offer the queen a shirt.

    The Odd Job

    by DreiHundert on 07-06-2013 at 12:52 AM
    This dream begins with me working for an eccentric rich lady -- She wasn't wall-street rich, but she was certainly very well off. I could tell she worked for herself, and was very successful in doing so. However, she wasn't rich enough to leave my town, so she was still at some level of "Upper-middle" or "lower-upper" class.

    She hired me to run an errand and house-sit for her while she went on a business trip for the evening. The dream starts with me in her house, and I don't remember much of this part of the dream, until the part where she asks me to go fetch her "45". She said it was in the nightstand of her bed. I went, and I found two Springfield XD pistols. One of them a .45, the other a 9mm. I checked the pistols for safety, to find that they each had one bullet loaded in their magazines, but nothing in the chamber. I was worried about why she would ask me to fetch her pistol, so I took the bullet out of the .45's magazine, completely unloading it. I put the bullet in my pocket. My idea was that I was afraid she was going to shoot me as soon as I gave her the gun, so I unloaded it, assuming that if she tried to shoot me she would fail and I could leave. Realistically, If I truly didn't trust her at this level, I should have unloaded the .45, and COCKED the 9mm, and then strapping myself as to be the only one armed in the situation. But yeah, I just unloaded her pistol and brought it to her.

    She sent me to the store to buy ammo, and I left. There are no stores which sell ammo in my town, but in this dream there was. I left on foot with her gun in my pocket, and an awkward silencer which actually looked more like a collapsible antenna for a radio. Throughout my trip, I tried to jog, but I was simply too exhausted and I was forced to walk the entire way. To add to my struggles, I had to keep the silencer from breaking, because it was flimsy as all hell. I felt awkward as all kinds of people saw me walking around with a gun hanging out of my pocket and a silencer in my hand, and I had to muscle my way through a crowd just to GTFO before the police came.

    I finally got back to this chick's house, and I gave her the newly loaded gun. She put it in an ankle holster, and then asked me for the silencer. I gave her the silencer, but as I handed it to her I noticed that the middle piece was bent and broken... It was just about to snap in half. When she took the silencer, she pulled some ninja nun-chuck move with it, and it snapped right in half. Thank god, right? As far as she was concerned, SHE just broke the silencer. So ... phew.

    I was just about to leave when she interrupted me, -- that I had to housesit until she returned. I asked her when, and she got offended. I suppose I am to simply sit around until god knows when and this bitch comes home. What am I, a fucking 14 year old? For 50 dollars , which I have basically already earned, I am to continue to sit around for an INDEFINITE amount of time? This is how rich people get rich I suppose, fucking over the less fortunate... She explained that there was Spaghetti, and opened up a Spaghetti book, which was basically just noodles arranged in a funny way in a 3 ring binder.

    As I was contemplating my escape, I woke up. Thank god. LOL

    The Plane Crash

    by DreiHundert on 06-30-2013 at 08:49 PM
    I was sitting on my front porch, smoking a cigarette. I couldn't imagine anything strange would happen at this point in time, especially at this place, out here in rural Texas. But little did I know that something extremely intense was just over the horizon.

    I heard the roaring screech of a jet engine, and then I looked up to see a 747 just above my town -- the airplane was so close I could see all of the windows and read the text on the plane in detail. I could tell that the plane was stalled -- the nose was up way too high, and the plane seemed to be sinking through the air...

    I ran off of the porch to stand in the driveway and watch the plane fly by -- And I looked on in shock as the plane crashed into the cornfield behind my house -- less than 500 yards away, a huge fiery explosion was taking place... I looked in awe for about 5 seconds, when I was forced to take cover behind my house because shards of fiery debris were landing all over the place, burning my skin and setting small fires...

    I thought to myself, this disaster isn't over. It's the end of June in Texas - everything is dry as fuck and this plane just set a grass fire in the field behind us. At this point I turned on the news and watched to see what the situation was, only to find out I knew more about the situation than they did -- This whole god damned town is on fire, and if I want to make it out of here with my life, I needed to leave now...

    And then I woke up.

    This dream is similar to many others, in that it follows the trend of "Car Crash". I have a feeling I'm going to have more plane crash dreams now that I've begun flight simulation"

    Lost dream -- what was salvaged of memory.

    by DreiHundert on 06-16-2013 at 03:38 PM
    I remember having a dream and then falling back to sleep and forgetting it. Unfortunate. However, I was able to gather two dream fragments last night.

    #1 - Indecisive Potential Lover
    I was at the gas station, and I met a nice girl and asked her if she wanted to hang out. She agreed to hang out with me. The scene cuts to my house -- I'm at my house with my family and her family, and we're making conversation. She gave me her phone number, her fax number, and her home address -- which was odd for her to do, because up until this point her body language would indicate she was entirely not interested in me. But even though it seemed as though she wasn't interested, her words and actions indicated that she *was*. I wasn't going to give up on her yet -- she was gorgeous! Way too gorgeous to be interested in me.

    I believe that in this dream, I am torn between the desire to find a significant other and my low self-image. It says a lot about my hopeless romanticism.

    #2 "In the Gheeeetooo"
    I'm driving a truck through a ghetto, which at the bottom of a valley. For the bottom of a valley, this is a pretty barren wasteland. It resembles a trailer park in the desert -- with houses spaced out without any rhyme or reasoning to their positions, and roads existing only because cars had traveled over them -- not because any government paved them. I remember thinking "This place is a crime haven -- the valley hides its position so nobody will detect us." I thought. We turned a corner and spotted a burning building. I called for the man who lived there, who I somehow knew. He was hiding in a giant pile of ice and snow of unknown origin. I yelled to him "Get in the truck before you get sick!" -- he got in, and we drove off.
    I don't know where I got the idea for the location, except that there is a ghetto in my town called "The Valley", which exists at the lowest point in the town. It's hot and Texas climate, but not a desert.

    A Sticky Situation... First documented dream since return

    by DreiHundert on 06-14-2013 at 12:16 AM
    I, and a band of friends, set out to explore a house. The mood was cautious - we were definitely trespassing. Thankfully, the house belonged to people we knew, which left open the possibility of effectively talking the situation down should we have been caught. Or, at least, that was the idea.

    My friends and I began rolling up some weed, and as we waited for the smoking to commence. During this time, I unveiled a solid black M1911 pistol, which was fitted with a suppressor and a laser sight. Essentially a matte black version of the silverballer from Hitman. Once we were ready to smoke, we went outside and began to place eggs and shoot at them.

    While we were shooting, a car pulled up to the house. It was the residents. We explained that we had just arrived and retrieved our "Airsoft Gun" which was left in the yard. One of the residents in the car was excited and asked to see it. We let him see it, and he took the silencer off and shot it.

    Someone heard the shot, and called 911. Strangely, a fire truck arrived first.l I was getting worried. Along with posessing marijuana, we also were in posession of an unlicensed silenced firearm, which, if not a felony by itself, would be a felony when combined with the weed. For some reason, I was still concerned about getting rid of the weed (natural stoner instinct)... I tossed that shit over the fence, but that only created suspicion.

    At this point my goal was to convince the people in the car to not reveal that we had a gun, and that we should just let the cops come and go. But I slowly became more and more worried, until the combination of my worry eventually woke me up.

    Notes on Dream
    This was the second dream in which I, along with friends, break into someone's house and do drugs there. (In one dream I was up doing coke in some random person's house).

    This is not something I do in real life, lol.