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    1. View Conversation
      Your dream about being a princess and having a brother. And a goddess of people!! I want to kno more. I've dreamed I was a goddess as well!
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      Well, I keep my tv on every night....do you think i should turn it off?
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      Hey, do you know if keeping the tv on all night has any effect on dream recall?
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      Yo, we need to work out what the first mission is.
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      I posted the details.
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      Sorry, I have to do this because of the dumb 3 messages and hour rule....you do know what the Dream Army is right?
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      Yeah I meant to say it's good you're around my age and not 23 haha sorry for the confusion and I've sent 3 private messages within the hour so I can't send any for an hour, send me an IM at the email that is on my profile and it's ok that you use msn,it will still work
    8. View Conversation
      There is also something called a Dream Machine but they are very expensive i was lucky enough to get one from a friend. They work very well and will make you have amazing lucid dreams if your interested ill send you a link to the website. Also if you have any questions about dreaming feel free to ask me. My dreams are simply amazing and you can dream like me it just takes time but once you get it down you will see the amazing things that i do every night. It is highly possibly for you to dream like me . Just keep trying to control yourself the best you can while you dream and eventually you will see the amazing things that i do.
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    dreaming, video games, art, drawing, music
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    1. Kaira
      Kaira liked post by dolphin On thread : 10 dream signs ... now what?
      Figure out which one or few dream signs comes up the most in your dreams. Its better to focus on as few dream signs as possible so that your attention is less divided amongst them. Now that you...
      Liked On: 07-27-2015, 12:08 AM
    2. Kaira
      Kaira liked post by OpheliaBlue On thread : Share your dream from last night in one sentence
      I summoned Conan O'Brien for a DC, because I believed that I was just a helpful DC in the DC's lucid dream :wtf2:
      Liked On: 06-17-2015, 01:28 AM
    3. Kaira
      Kaira liked post by spellbee2 On thread : Share your dream from last night in one sentence
      I was investigating a crime at an elementary school, and found a secret zoo full of puffins.
      Liked On: 06-17-2015, 01:27 AM
    4. Kaira
      Kaira liked post by dolphin On thread : Share your dream from last night in one sentence
      At first I was on the grass, making out with a girl, but then I was underground, playing games with a squirrel.
      Liked On: 06-17-2015, 01:27 AM
    5. Kaira
      Kaira liked post by unishamaani On thread : Share your dream from last night in one sentence
      I flew in space, I met Death himself and then we danced together and kissed. :I
      Liked On: 06-06-2015, 04:25 AM
    6. Kaira
      Kaira liked post by TheLucidDreamer On thread : DCs Say the Darndest Things
      The funniest thing to ever do to a DC is tell him a knock knock joke. Me: Knock Knock DC:peanut butter Me: no I said Knock Knock DC:no I will not go in a bathtub with you. Me:Hey DC I'm...
      Liked On: 12-04-2014, 07:45 AM
    7. Kaira
      Kaira liked post by Mes Tarrant On thread : DCs Say the Darndest Things
      I can't recall if I've posted this... :shock: Me: What is the meaning of life? Dog: There is none. Hahahaha!! :lol: That is hilarious!
      Liked On: 12-04-2014, 07:44 AM
    8. Kaira
      Kaira liked post by Afterglow On thread : DCs Say the Darndest Things
      DC to me: "Swim! Swim now Zac while you still have a chance! Quickly! The nazis are coming!...AND THEY'RE BRINGING THE CHEESE!!" Conversation between me and DC: Me: Man i wish i was lucid...
      Liked On: 12-04-2014, 07:42 AM
    9. Kaira
      Kaira liked post by Sensei On thread : How To Remember Your Goals
      So... I think that this should help most people that are needing help with goals. I am not great, but I am getting better and better with leaps and bounds. I have about 7-14 LDs a week right now, and...
      Liked On: 07-10-2014, 01:50 AM
    10. Kaira
      Kaira liked post by LucasPotter On thread : DCs Say the Darndest Things
      I had a FA and, when I realised I was dreaming, I got paralysed. Two people, dressed as scientists, walked into the room and started writing down notes while looking at me. Then, one of them said...
      Liked On: 11-18-2013, 10:55 PM
    11. Kaira
      Kaira liked post by FryingMan On thread : DCs Say the Darndest Things
      I'm trying to eat a muffin that won't hold its shape. Annoying DC comes up and pokes my muffin with his finger. I tell him that's nasty, stop. Another DC agrees with me, saying, "It starts to...
      Liked On: 11-18-2013, 10:54 PM
    12. Kaira
      Kaira liked post by INeverWakeUp On thread : DCs Say the Darndest Things
      Me: I was heading over to Walmart. DC Friend: Oh, last time I was there I shot that place up. Me: Let's go!
      Liked On: 11-18-2013, 10:54 PM
    13. Kaira
      Kaira liked post by ScarlettSkye108 On thread : DCs Say the Darndest Things
      This is from a (semi-lucid) dream I had last night that I was wolf link from twilight princess DC midna: link you idiot! Don't kill the guards! Me: link isn't my real name is it? Isn't it...
      Liked On: 11-18-2013, 10:53 PM
    14. Kaira
      Kaira liked post by LucasPotter On thread : DCs Say the Darndest Things
      Me: What's the meaning of life? Guy: *rolling his eyes, as if the answer was obvious* Dancing. We live to dance.
      Liked On: 11-18-2013, 10:53 PM
    15. Kaira
      Kaira liked post by ScarlettSkye108 On thread : DCs Say the Darndest Things
      Me(to my DC friend): hey you know this is my dream, right? My friend: it doesn't matter I'm not little like those ants *i looked down at the ants (which were actually termites)* Me:but those are...
      Liked On: 11-18-2013, 10:53 PM
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    View Kaira's Dream Journal

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    Dream of June 5th, 2015 - Pirate Ships and a Train

    by Kaira on 06-06-2015 at 04:23 AM
    I don’t know how the dream began, but this is the furthest back I can remember. I was with my mother and some other people. I’m not sure what we were doing. Suddenly, some of my teeth began to become loose so I pulled them out. I looked in the mirror though and it didn’t seem like I had lost so many, I only noticed one spot, and I’m not sure if the gap was right.

    The dream later changed to be more like a video game. I was playing with a guy and my sisters. We were trying to steal a pirate ship that was docked. We died the first time we tried though. We later tried again and then retreated but the owners of the pirate ship chased after us. The owners were two caucasian teenage or young adult guys. The boss had light brown or dirty blond hair and I think his friend had brown hair. For weapons they had two daggers and a saber.

    The order of events becomes a bit fuzzy after this point, mostly in relation to the pirate ship stuff.

    The game became slightly less game-like and a bit more real, as in I didn’t view everything from 3rd person. Again, I attempted to steal from the pirate ship, but the boys chased after me. They chased me up many series of steps to the top of a platform. The leader held a dagger to my throat and threatened to slit my throat. I knew that I would not die in real life, but I still did not want to die. I don’t remember exactly what I said, but somehow I stalled them enough to slip out of the boys grasp and jump off the platform and soar away. I remember saying something along the lines of “Sorry, I don’t feel like dying” before soaring off. I soared to a white stone-brick tower a little ways away and landed at its entrance. I then ran up the stairs. The boys were fast though and after not long I could hear their feet stomping up the wooden stairs. I ended up getting to a balcony before they could reach me though and jumped off and soared away.

    I soared to the ship while they were away and stole it. The ship somehow shrunk to kid size and it could no longer carry all of its items effectively. Many of its items floated in the water nearby, most of them food. My guy friend and I ended up gathering the floating items together and bringing them further out to sea, which was not far at all as our feet were still touching the ground. We later found a wooden shack though that we hid the stuff in. The pirates ended up coming looking for it but I don’t think they found it, or maybe they found us. I remember leaving for one reason or another anyways.

    For some reason I ended up getting on a flying train with my sisters and a guy friend, but I’m not sure if it was the same guy (btw, not any guy I know in real life). The train was white with brownish floors had a sort of bubbly shape to, it sort of looked like a blow-up vehicle (like a bouncy house sort of feel). The train ride was very cool. We flew over beautiful nature landscapes, an ocean, and brilliantly lit city at night. Some of the buildings were all glass so that the whole building glowed. The city felt a bit familiar, like I might have dreamt about it before. During the ride though, a few strange things happened.

    On the train, I somehow became pregnant, and the guy that had come on the train with me was apparently the father. The supposed father was pale and fairly tall with short black hair. He was busy during most of the train ride though and we didn’t really talk much. On the train was also my mother. I know we spoke to each other, but I can’t remember the details. All I know was that it had something to do with my pregnancy.

    After some time, I had my baby. It was very weird though. Well, the whole pregnancy had been weird really. It had lasted only a short time and I’m not sure if I had any signs of being pregnant (no large belly). When I did “give birth” the baby actually just appeared outside of me and began walking around. The baby did not look like a newborn. They were very clearly toddler age. They had light skin and red hair like Disney’s Ariel. After only a few minutes they grew again and their hair grew halfway down their back. I tried to get their “father” to interact with them but they were always busy working. Not long after I woke up.

    School, Stealing, and Flying – Dream of January 27th, 2013

    by Kaira on 01-27-2013 at 05:21 PM
    I first dreamt that I was at school. I think I was either there for review or exams. At the school I saw a guy from my school and acted like my usual shy self. At one point he put his head close and looked at me and said “Hi” quietly and I said “Hi” back as well. He then pointed and said, “Look”. I looked to where he was pointing and saw that Aurora (my pet dog) was lying down by me looking cute. Later I left to drive somewhere for some reason. It seemed pointless why I drove though since I simply drove into the country and then returned home. After driving though I said “Well, at least I got some driving practice.”

    When I returned home for some odd reason the same guy from my school was there visiting (don't really know him well at all). I feel like there might have been some of my relatives visiting as well but I’m not sure.

    I later dreamt that I was on a pirate ship and stole something from the pirates, then climbed up their mast, and flew away. I flew very high (I wonder if their ship was in the sky) and sprouted wings, but it seemed like my body was too heavy and the wings didn’t help that much and I started to drift downwards. I appeared to be semi-lucid at this point since sprouting wings again and flying has been one of my dream goals for a while. Strangely, the captain followed me. He jumped off his boat and fell from the sky with me. I was falling towards a city with tall buildings, but for some reason the stuff didn't look that interesting or detailed so I tried to focus to make it feel/look more realistic. While falling I saw a temple that apparently was related to me. It was supposed to have my special object inside, whatever that was.
    lucid , non-lucid

    Slime Creatures and Other Oddities – Dream of January 20th, 2013

    by Kaira on 01-20-2013 at 08:30 PM
    I dreamed about a bunch of weird children of varying races. One of the people was a slime creature. The slime creature was supposed to make a croaking sound like a frog (in the beginning) and I tried to teach it how to. I took their point of view for a large portion of the dream. The slime creature went in a dancing competition where they gave themself a tail and different colouring. When in the dance their gender changed to female when they were originally male. Apparently they could change their gender and shape to fit whoever they were attracted to or acted like, which I found out by talking to my dad who was also a slime creature. Later I (the slime creature) went to some sort of scientific facility. One of the women there was scared by my odd appearance, and also because she had heard bad things about slime creatures.

    Aliens and Zombies – Dream of January 16th, 2013

    by Kaira on 01-16-2013 at 11:39 PM
    This morning I dreamt that there was a party of sorts in my yard or something like that, but it didn’t look like my yard. I left and went walking around some buildings. When I was walking some people came to chase me and said they were “Infected with the slime!” and tried to attack me. I simply said something along the lines off “You are cured of slime” and then it became so. Basically, I already knew that I was dreaming, but my thoughts weren’t that clear. I don’t even remember when I became lucid, I just seemed to be vaguely aware of it already.

    When I went back to my yard I saw that aliens were coming to attack us, so everyone evacuated into our spaceship. When I went back outside to see how things were the place was now surrounded by water and ancient looking pillars were sticking out from the water as well as some destroyed submerged buildings. It looked like a completely different place now. I looked up and above me I saw what looked like high tech jets. These were apparently the aircrafts/spaceships of the aliens. They kept flying by and shooting down blue glowing bullets, but they were mostly missing. At one point though a jet passed right above and shot some bullets. There was a small woven canopy above me placed at the entrance to the spaceship, but I knew it wouldn’t be able to hold back the bullets so I just braced myself. I knew that I couldn’t be killed anyways.

    I didn’t really feel the bullets when they hit me. I simply saw them pass through and go into the ground. But, when I touched my head with my hand it felt wet. I looked at the ground and blood dripped down onto the ground. The bullets had passed right through my head. The wounds had closed nearly instantly though and I was in no pain so I wasn’t really worried. I then jumped up and started to fly.

    For a while now, or really since forever, I’ve had trouble flying. I only ever seem to be able to fly to a certain height and then I start to fall down again. There have only been a few instances where I’ve flown really high and fast. Anyways, I kept dipping up and down when I flew and I had to move my arms a lot. I also kept trying to make wings appear on my back since for a while I’ve wanted to fly with wings again in a dream. Unfortunately though, it wasn’t working, and I kept going up and down. Sometimes I even fell in the water, which looked a little odd. It looked not quite natural, or like it was very murky when I felt it shouldn’t be. I flew on.

    Eventually I came to a broken down building which was mostly composed of metal, and it was very rusty. I went inside. The building was abandoned. On the inside though, it looked like it wasn’t only rusty, but also had blood on it. It reminded me of Silent Hill. It looked like it might have been a sports place of sorts before it was abandoned. While walking through the place I noticed a control room overlooking a big pit with stands, and sitting in there was a zombie. The zombie looked my way, but it seemed very weak and didn’t try to get up. Nonetheless, I was terrified. I turned around and headed back for the entrance, but when I got there a zombie was standing in front of the doors. Right away I jumped and flew on top of some lockers that were close by. The zombie ran towards me and clawed at the lockers, trying to get me. There was some stuff on top of the lockers as well so I threw them at the zombie, but it didn’t really have much of an effect. Soon, another zombie came, and I threw stuff at them as well, but it also did virtually nothing. Right after that though, I woke up.

    Eventually I came to a broken down building which was mostly composed of metal, and it was very rusty. I went inside. The building was abandoned. On the inside though, it looked like it wasn’t only rusty, but also had blood on it. It reminded me of Silent Hill. It looked like it might have been a sports place of sorts before it was abandoned. While walking through the place I noticed a control room overlooking a big pit with stands, and sitting in there was a zombie. The zombie looked my way, but it seemed very weak and didn’t try to get up. Nonetheless, I was terrified. I turned around and headed back for the entrance, but when I got there a zombie was standing in front of the doors. Right away I jumped and flew on top of some lockers that were close by. The zombie ran towards me and clawed at the lockers, trying to get me. There was some stuff on top of the lockers as well so I threw them at the zombie, but it didn’t really have much of an effect. Soon, another zombie came, and I threw stuff at them as well, but it also did virtually nothing. Right after that though, I woke up.

    Updated 01-17-2013 at 05:47 AM by Kaira

    lucid , memorable

    Snow and Bears - Dream of December 6th, 2012

    by Kaira on 12-06-2012 at 11:38 PM
    A lot of the details of the dream are fuzzy but there are a few things I remember. I had somehow ended up in a place with a bunch of snow, which triggered my memory and made me remember one of the basic tasks for the month, to make it snow. I also remembered reading about dream stabilization though so I tried to do that first. I crouched down and felt the cold snow on my hands and feet and its grainy texture. The snow felt very real, but I still had trouble focusing on things far away and some things in the distance seemed to change slightly every so often. Even if the dream wasn’t that stabilized yet though I decided I’d attempt the basic task for the month. I waved my hands in the air and willed the snow off of the trees and swirled it in the air, then I focused on the clouds in the sky and willed some snow to fall from them as well. When I was done I looked up into the sky and watched the snowflakes gently fall to the ground.

    After the previous event I somehow ended up indoors, and lost my lucidity for the most part. There was a wall of snow indoors and I was trying to dig behind different layers of it to get something but I don’t know what. Later it changed again, and I remember being at some place with a lot of big, intricately decorated buildings with my mom and dad who were talking about pregnancy for some reason. We left that place on a boat. There was supposedly somebody evil that lived there even though it looked colourful, bright, and happy.

    The next part in the dream I remember is being at some sort of park place. I think I’ve been there before in previous dreams. The place I was at was surrounded by pine, spruce, birch, and other trees found in a Canadian forest. I was getting onto a miniature train that took people from one end of the forest to the other. In the middle of my ride though I decided to get off at the top of a grassy hill, which wasn’t very smart I soon realized. The train I had been on went on without me and sun was setting and it was beginning to get dark. I knew that a lot of carnivores would be coming out at dusk. Soon enough, I saw four large brown bears. I they walked around in the middle of the path and along the tracks for a bit then walked back into the woods. As soon as they were behind the trees I ran down the hill to try to get back the entrance of the park, but the bears were only slightly in the bush and saw me. One of the bears jumped on top of me. I screamed and then made squeaking type noises. The bear put my arm in its mouth bud didn’t hurt me. It was only playing. They bears reminded me of my dogs. It appeared that they were still fairly young. After that one of the train type things came back and I and all four bears went inside it for some odd reason. While in the train we saw a wolf but I wasn’t really worried since I had the bears with me. As we rode further we eventually met up with another person on a train. Soon after that I woke up.
    lucid , task of the month