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    oh noes!

    by , 04-19-2024 at 01:10 AM (91 Views)
    Jamie and me are getting attacked in dreams again. Can't we just catch a break?


    I walk into a large basement room. Jamie is there but looks like an older woman I've seen from Tik Tok with a big fat guy. He looks like the guy who was the husband of the Jamie look alike I saw in wal mart a while ago. Jamie teleports him away. I go to the bed, but it's not a couch, I sit beside her and say, "Hello." Jamie just ignores me. The dream ends.

    Jamie's double

    I'm in a basement but it looks different from the last one. I'm exploring different rooms but I come to a big living room. I see two Katelynn's sleeping next to each other on a mat. I instinctively feel one Is Jamie however. I pick one up and begin going to another room. I decide against it for some reason and put her back. I notice one of them seems to be a darker shade.


    All I remember is being in a classroom with children. The teacher starts complaining to me that I keep falling asleep and snoring. I decide I'm dropping out. I go by the door to collect my shoes. One of my shoes is really worn and is torn in half. I begin walking across the field to leave and I forget the rest.

    I wake up and ask the Jamie voice if she had any dreams about me? She said something like she saw two of herself. I drifted off then.

    Jamie's Double 2

    I am briefly dreaming from Jamie's perspective. I'm in a dark room like the one with the two Katelynns I look down on a sleeping mat and I see myself, and also myself (Me, Robert the author.) I see them both between long strands of brown hair that are dangling down.

    I consult Raven the next day that I am having two problems: 1. There's a Fake Jamie in my dreams. 2. I'm not seeing Jamie as herself, but other people (Jen, Katelynn, older lady) Raven agrees to help.

    Last night:


    Brief dream where Jamie is next to another woman and being a little too friendly with her, and I'm jealous and angry.

    Other dreams were random non lucids. They seemed really long but I can't remember much. none of them had Jamie in them.


    I'm in the hotel again but I can't remember what happened. Just lots of rooms with lots of people.


    I'm with lots of people but we are going around town and doing things, can't remember what.


    I'm with my brother but he has a truck. We are by a beach, kind of like Sylvan lake. I take these bags of bottles and load them into the truck. some guy comes up to me and says he wants to buy the truck. Then I notice the bags are gone. I accuse him of stealing the bags. He says he just wants to buy the truck. I just get mad or something and talk to other people about him and eventually he leaves. I then talk to my brother about the guy.

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    non-lucid , side notes
