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    1. Whoah! Hey Opie! Took me a while to figure out wth that was - looks like psychedelic Gumby.
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      Happy birthday!
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      Hey you! I got a new phone and didn't reinstall WhatsApp... I was meaning to message you about that. I'm still on Skype if you're ever around.
      I was thinking of you recently, how have you been?
      Wishing you success and happiness in the new year! This is your year to shine.
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      Hey, you! Big squirrel!
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      Hope you get some wifi soon. Miss ya face!
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      Zoth's pic reminded me of this one, thought you might like it.

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      So now that you have a new kitty BFF, you think you can abandon all your human BFFs on Skype? Ruuuuuuuuuuuuude no pun intended.
      But srs where'd you go?
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    December 29, 1988 (35)
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    I was born then I was happy then things got worse and now they're better the end byye bye.
    The Good Guys (tm)
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    1. Original Poster
      Original Poster liked post by ~Dreamer~ On thread : Dreamer's Workbook [Intro Class]
      http://i.imgur.com/yg55lKW.png Must resist temptation... I'm going to read a tutorial right now! :P
      Liked On: 06-25-2014, 10:05 AM
    2. Original Poster
      Original Poster liked post by ~Dreamer~ On thread : Dreamer's Workbook [Intro Class]
      I can't believe how distractible I am! Five hours later, I have finally made it through one tutorial, haha. And I didn't even reply to those messages, I got distracted with other things! :P I'll...
      Liked On: 06-25-2014, 10:04 AM
    3. Original Poster
      Original Poster liked post by ~Dreamer~ On thread : Dreamer's Workbook [Intro Class]
      I didn't sleep last night because I'm trying to fix my sleep/wake times. Instead, I went through my DJ entries from the last week, and noted anything that appeared multiple times. I'll probably...
      Liked On: 06-25-2014, 10:04 AM
    4. Original Poster
      Original Poster liked post by ~Dreamer~ On thread : Dreamer's Workbook [Intro Class]
      Thank you! :D The number idea was just because the digits might change in a dream. Like, if I get used to seeing a number on my hand in waking life, and I reproduce that in a dream, then it might...
      Liked On: 06-25-2014, 10:04 AM
    5. Original Poster
      Original Poster liked post by ~Dreamer~ On thread : Dreamer's Workbook [Intro Class]
      14th June, 2014 I skipped sleep completely the previous night to try to make myself tired at the right time, but I still couldn't fall asleep until my usual ridiculous hour. :P I only slept for a...
      Liked On: 06-25-2014, 10:04 AM
    6. Original Poster
      Original Poster liked post by ~Dreamer~ On thread : Dreamer's Workbook [Intro Class]
      15th June, 2014 I drank lots of apple juice before bed, and had this dream: The Nice Postman (http://www.dreamviews.com/blogs/~+dreamer+~/nice-postman-58424/) I woke up to pee after 2.5...
      Liked On: 06-25-2014, 10:04 AM
    7. Original Poster
      Original Poster liked post by ~Dreamer~ On thread : Dreamer's Workbook [Intro Class]
      16th June, 2014 I could remember a fair bit from one dream, but it was in fragments and I'm not sure how they tied together. The Newsroom...
      Liked On: 06-25-2014, 10:04 AM
    8. Original Poster
      Original Poster liked post by ~Dreamer~ On thread : Dreamer's Workbook [Intro Class]
      17th June, 2014 I recalled a few non-lucid fragments, including one about CanisLucidus. (We are having a competition to see who can have the most dreams about the other person.) I don't think...
      Liked On: 06-25-2014, 10:04 AM
    9. Original Poster
      Original Poster liked post by ~Dreamer~ On thread : Dreamer's Workbook [Intro Class]
      18th June, 2014 Fragments (http://www.dreamviews.com/blogs/~+dreamer+~/fragments-58587/) Smelly Armpits *Lucid (http://www.dreamviews.com/blogs/~+dreamer+~/smelly-armpits-*lucid-58458/)
      Liked On: 06-25-2014, 10:04 AM
    10. Original Poster
      Original Poster liked post by ~Dreamer~ On thread : Dreamer's Workbook [Intro Class]
      19th June, 2014 Didn't sleep again. I'm still trying (unsuccessfully) to get my sleeping pattern to match the sun. :P I'm now trying a different method, which has worked better for me in the...
      Liked On: 06-25-2014, 10:04 AM
    11. Original Poster
      Original Poster liked post by ~Dreamer~ On thread : Dreamer's Workbook [Intro Class]
      20th June, 2014 Many failed attempts at various induction techniques, but eventually I had a good DILD. Impregnating CanisLucidus *Lucid *TOTM (Impregnating CanisLucidus *Lucid *TOTM
      Liked On: 06-25-2014, 10:04 AM
    12. Original Poster
      Original Poster liked post by ~Dreamer~ On thread : Dreamer's Workbook [Intro Class]
      21st June, 2014 Fragments, Dream Sync (http://www.dreamviews.com/blogs/~+dreamer+~/fragments-dream-sync-58588/) Interesting synchronicity!
      Liked On: 06-25-2014, 10:03 AM
    13. Original Poster
      Original Poster liked post by ~Dreamer~ On thread : DV Members Dream Challenge!
      LOL Ophelia!! I've heard about your package! ;-)
      Liked On: 06-25-2014, 10:03 AM
    14. Original Poster
      Original Poster liked post by ~Dreamer~ On thread : Dreamer's Workbook [Intro Class]
      22nd June, 2014 I recorded some fragments, but I haven't transferred them to my DJ. I think I'm going to change my journalling habits a bit. I will keep writing notes on my phone every morning...
      Liked On: 06-25-2014, 10:03 AM
    15. Original Poster
      Original Poster liked post by ~Dreamer~ On thread : DV Members Dream Challenge!
      I told you they would come back with a vengeance post-dry spell! Nice work, FryingMan! :D You'll have some points on the scoreboard in no time! Unlike me, since I didn't sleep again last night....
      Liked On: 06-25-2014, 10:03 AM
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    View Original Poster's Dream Journal

    Recent Entries

    Death of a Lover

    by Original Poster on 04-30-2016 at 07:20 PM
    This entry is both lucid and non-lucid, because in the dream I was aware I was hallucinating but not that I was dreaming. I'm posting it because it's a total mindfuck and I can't get it out of my head.

    I can't remember how it began, but it ended tragically. You ever have those dreams where you meet an amazing person and connect only to wake up and get let down, realizing it was only a dream? Or how about a nightmare, from which waking provides a profound sense of relief? This is neither of those. I got to be with someone amazing, but she died. I got to hold her again, but only a phantom of her concocted by my mind. The thing is, I was perfectly aware that I was concocting the last fragment of a dead lover so I could continue to feel close to her. It felt so good, knowing she could still feel so real to me, but as I caressed her abdomen, I realized I couldn't even remember the exact shape of it, that her minuscule details were fleeing my mind by the second and being replaced by estimations. This feeling wretched at my gut. I had to let her go. So I did. Releasing her effigy, I felt a new, darker emotion. Anger twitched through every fiber of me, and I felt compelled to lash out at the seems of existence and rip them apart. So I did. Then I woke up.

    Meditation insight

    by Original Poster on 03-10-2014 at 08:57 PM
    I went to a sangha and sat down to meditate. My Dad joined me but couldn't tolerate it very long, he quickly got up to wait in the car. After he left I continued sitting. I think there was another task where I was picking up objects and placing them, so I placed a little pink temple on a wooden chair along with a lot of other little bundles of sticks then set it on fire. Things burned easily enough, the test was if the entire temple and chair burned I knew I was ready to let go. It took a couple minutes but it did, indeed, burn. Then, after I was really starting to find some peace, my dad came back in and asked if I was ready to go yet.

    My parents aren't helpful in real life, how could they help in the dream? No wonder I've never been able to meditate while living with them.

    Harry Pottered

    by Original Poster on 03-05-2014 at 10:52 PM
    In a small town, ghosts are awakening and they've kidnapped Lily. Us, Ron Weasley, myself and company, march toward their creepified den to put an end to it all. We were partially acting, partially serious, and I put on my best English accent which Ron referred to as terrible.

    Upon our march to the den, we are stopped by a fella in a van who offers to sell us some kidnapped animals. I don't know how, exactly, we knew they were kidnapped but I used my wand to grow a tail on him and send him on his way then decided to take care of the issue of animals in the van. They tried to slam the door and get away but I lodged my hand in, demanding to learn where they got the animals from so I could return them. Though I could heal myself, I didn't want to them slamming my fingers off so I paralyzed the door. Eventually they said "Blues Street" and I relinquished, and then they took off and I complained about the cops around and none of them assisting with an obvious crime.

    We kept our march to the ghostly den and reached a group of toilets. No one else had any trouble using them but I couldn't figure out how they worked. Then I saw "Creeley," some little kidnapped first year returning to the den with supplies. I called out to him and he panicked. He got through the portal faster than I could follow, but I knew the plot of the story was my character followed the blackmailed Creeley because everyone else was walking into a trap. Unfortunately, I just missed the opportunity. Then I noticed another one, some Tonks-esque lady floating while pissing (in a urinal, at that) and I followed her grabbing onto her hair. Everything went dark, when I came to children were being forced to throw spears at each other, being trained into some malicious army.

    And it all started because I wanted to smoke pot.

    Haunted Cabin in the Woods

    by Original Poster on 02-04-2014 at 11:59 PM
    This cabin had cool properties. It was always locked, unless it wasn't. Plenty of Truckers and Vagabonds had slept there over night and been just fine. That's how it got you, it didn't kill everyone, it wasn't guaranteed.

    But after you sleep there once, it sneaks inside you. Only place in town that was safe was this sacred native american patch of snow.

    The dream started out like a few cabins in the woods, my friends and I had been staying at the haunted one a while, and we never knew it was haunted. There was an episodic element to the dream, too, and I'd seen the series before I just couldn't exactly remember who lived and died. I was a character in the episode, but also viewing the episode, so when shit hit the fan and one woman could be seen shrieking with a mangled arm hanging over a cliff just outside the cabin, we knew it was time to escape. A little boy, one I was certain would live, got hit in the face with a bloody cowl. I wanted to get my cell phone, laptop and backpack before I took off, but I was too scared the ghost would kill me if I went back in so I sort of skipped through the part of me going back in the cabin. I kept thinking my character would certainly survive, only to realize he wasn't the main character. I was so intent on whether or not he lived I started skipping through the series. Besides, I seen it before.

    Then I realized my character doesn't make it, it was someone else who survived. By this part of the dream, though, the town had become something reminiscent of a halloween town rather than just a couple cabins in the woods, and death wasn't such a permanent thing. There was some sort of suit I tried entering in spirit form (through some cool technology) to take the evil spirit out but it got to my body while I was in the suit, meaning I was dead. I wanted to just close the window I was viewing the show from, I didn't want to watch anymore. This woman friend of mine had donned the suit and explained how she could make it work. She ended with "But then a suit gets too hot" and the suit fell and then she said "And that's why I died," showing she knew how it worked too, like we both tied to fate, both our ideas failed. We knew someone would succeed, but not us.

    Epic Fantasy World

    by Original Poster on 05-31-2013 at 12:43 AM
    This is a multiple dream entry. I felt lazy and irritated today because my dad was being really noisy and kept waking me up and making it impossible for me to recall my dreams. I kept just trying to go back to sleep before being woken up again.

    But I retained a few of the key aspects of what turned into a very, very trippy story. At first I thought it was a Song of Ice and Fire style world but in reality the only similarity was the impending arrival of ice zombies and the need for the continent to unite or die. I find myself exploring multiple perspectives (each dream I'd follow a different group of characters) as this world teetered upon the possibility of tearing itself apart.

    There was also a prophet or God that gave visions at various areas. It was sort of like an MMO where people would receive collective visions if they were at the right place at the right time. More on that later, I realize I'm jumping ahead of myself. After suffering a huge loss and a great divide, the King of the King's Landing version of this fantasy worl had heavy forces threatening him from the south and little chance of holding out much longer. There were these guys, the Telfins or something (can't remember, but it started with a T) who were lead by this fat, grotesque green guy with a strange triple bladed sickle looking thing (like a pitchfork turned on its side). Any classic fantasy would have labeled this guy an obvious villain, but he received some type of message (from a castrato) and felt driven to rekindle and ancient alliance between him and my family. So they marched to join them. Meanwhile I was deep in the south with a group of people fighting guerilla warfare to aid the innocent folks living in an area plagued by dark forces. But we decided to high-tail it toward the Telfin kingdom to join up with my Dad the King (I think he was my dad, or something) so we could form a united front. We road undead horses, craziest steeds I'd ever been on, they were basically unstoppable but were really old undead horses held together by wood and nails. On the way there we though we were being threatened by some goblin threat but noticed there were actually a bunch of people fighting each other. We arrived at a safer haven and realized it was more like constant riots were breaking out between humans and animals/forest creatures. There was an announcement that the prophet would speak soon (who was also a member of my family, though he was locked up for heresy he could continue to channel his prophecies around the world) and the riots ceased so he could speak. However, he ended up spiting humans for oppressing the forest creatures and they lashed out and started killing humans who took the fuck off in the same direction we were heading. So we followed them but as we were leaving my bunny rabbit jumped out and met up with some talking bunny rabbits who were confused as to why my former pet couldn't speak.

    There's a lot of strange details. The prophet ended up escaping jail, there was also some weird details regarding ice zombies, but like I said I didn't write any of this down.