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      Well, good. Go do that. lol
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      Just.. playing sims 3 ...
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      Waddup Sozu
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      Merry Christmas, LonelyCloud.
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      Hi, thank you for the friend request.
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      Okay good luck!
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      Hey, actually we talked yesterday on Tinychat and decided that we're going to try a new experiment pretty soon! Probably within the next 1-2 weeks
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      Hey man get on chat for some help.
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    About Sozu

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    About Sozu
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    I started read and practise lucid dreaming first time in beginning of 2011 when I studied last year in college. It started when I first read about astral projection. Which later lead me to lucid dreaming which I had heard about but never had read into it.

    I have not been consistent with practicing lucid dreaming.

    Other interests than lucid dreaming are:
    * Gps games (Orna RPG; in past: ingress, pogo, jwa)
    * Travel
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    Recent Entries

    Ate candies (1st jan 2021)

    by Sozu on 01-01-2021 at 07:21 PM
    I had a dream (not fragment) upon waking up this morning, I did write to my gf that I ate candies in the dream. Now it's been few hours after and I didn't bother write down the whole dream down when I woke up - instead I was lazy going back to bed.
    What I can remember though, I were at my home and my parents were here too. And I knew I wouldn't been eating anything (because fasting irl), but I struggled hard and had received candy, so I just ate it all.

    (since of having the dream I was thinking, I'll need start record/write down when I wake up, new year and perfect time to do a new start on several things and hold onto them)

    Two dreams, ex and salesman 22nd oct 2016

    by Sozu on 10-22-2016 at 01:55 PM
    I was at my dads house and I heard someone knocking on my door. I went to the door and there some guy had already walked in.
    It was a salesman who seemed to wonder if I wished to buy something from him. I instantly said no and he started walk away to the street.
    As I turn back in my rec room I see it's very clean the whole table, I do remember I have had that table in a mess and I couldn't recall that I've cleaned it. I stick my head out and still seeing him, I tell him to wait.
    I go indoors again and looking around the table and I remember that I'd my gopro on the table but I couldn't see it anywhere around.
    I quick go outdoors but he is already gone. I thought he must have stolen my gopro among other stuffs I had on the table.
    I proceed with going into my room to look around for the last time and there I happen to find my gopro. Being lucky that it's not stolen.

    The end

    Ex gf
    I met my ex on the bus. She happened to be single again. Talked just a little, as she told me she is single I asked what happened and who broke up with who, as I was curious and to keep the conversation going.
    She said that her boyfriend (now ex) broke up with her with similar reason that I broke (or tried to break up) with her, of simply she being very needy and clingy. I was like alright.
    I got asked to go home with her, and I was like sure.
    I knew in my mind I would never want to get together with her in a relationship anymore.
    As we were at her place we layed in bed, and from there it got sexual. Meanwhile she asked to come together again. I was weak and said yes somehow.
    But I knew in my mind it wouldn't work out, but thought to give it a shot anyway.
    Next day we were going to my grandpas place, it was winter time, loads of snow. We had to even dig us down to the mailbox.
    Later that night we were going to sleep, my grandma somehow had recording on so she would hear if we had sex. I didn't care at all, she came down and said like "oh I hear you haven't had much, maybe because it's stuffs to do outdoors this year with this much snow". Upon my sleep I also thought I don't care at all, that on this recording I will need to record my dream next morning as well.

    The end

    I'm racist 21th october 2016

    by Sozu on 10-21-2016 at 09:38 PM
    I was in my dads house, my dad had given me some newer TV in my room which I'd like high up in my room. It was a sunny day as the sunshine fell into my room. So I put the blinders on the windows on slightly as well.
    However outside my window I saw some people outside, I saw my old friend Björn who's an anarcist, communist and anti-racist. He was with some friends who I also seen from the primary school.
    They saw into my window and I was quite scared as I thought they knew I'm not communist as they're, that they may see me as a racist.
    Anyway I was needed to go to the school and I was quite scared to go. Wasn't sure what I would bring with me, so I took some chips, water etc, I also put some cash in my pants as I was afraid to be robbed. Also took with me my old gopro in case of.
    Then I went outdoors and I saw nobody, and the area I was in was some kind of expensive hotel. I passed by some hot girls who seemed to know me, but didn't say much. I continued to walk down and suddenly I met old classmate Björn as well of a guy named Abraham. We started talk a little bit, and I was so scared that they thought I would be racist or so. But they seemed not to. I asked what they were doing here, and they said they were going to fix some people. So I told them alright, I'll just go to the gym.

    So I went to the bicycle, but I forgot to take my air pump, due my tire was leaking air as in real life. So I couldn't take the bicycle unless I walked all way back which I didn't want to do.
    It was very sunny day in summer, and many people were around, and even bicycle pumps were there so I used one for my tire.
    However, the whole tire went really swole, I thought it's good now and I shall start cycle now.
    But some hole went on the tire and all air leaked out. So I thought well I can't go with the cycle now and wasn't sure if I were going to the gym anymore, if I would need to walk.

    That's it.

    3 dreams.. Aurora, hunted and ex-gf. 19 October 2016

    by Sozu on 10-19-2016 at 09:39 PM
    Aurora photography with tourists
    I was at my dads home, my dad was also at home.
    Meanwhile I hosted a female via Couchsurfing, one who I found to use blablacar as well, she were later going to karesuando.
    I had to go school and couldn't hangout with my guest, as well I had no idea what she would do all day and if my dad would be home or not.
    On lunch time at 12:00 we had lunch and I cycled home, our teacher had told us something about we could head home for the rest of the day if we completed some work, I didn't listen careful enough, I thought I will have time to go home anyway for 1 hour at lunch and then I can go back if needed.
    When I came home I checked the mailbox, and I had some packages, books and stuffs from pharmacy in there. I took it all out and carried it, but accidentally dropped it in the snow that was partly melted, like slush. I got pissed that the book would get wet now.
    I went indoors and I met dad, but went out again to get in the rest of the packages. However I didn't find them that easy.
    It started get sudden dark outdoors so I turned on my flashlight on my phone, found some more posts but thought I'd miss something like the box from pharmacy.
    But I went indoors again after a while and found out I do have the box from pharmacy.
    I also see 3 packs of cat food, so assumed it was dad due he got a cat now.
    I went to the kitchen dropped it off to him, and then to my room to drop off my stuffs.

    Then I went outdoors again, and somehow I continued try find something near my mailbox.
    Moments later some travelers walking nearby, she asks me if I can help her take photo of the aurora that was currently on. First I thought I should move out of my way as I was almost blocking her view.
    But then I thought that she wants me to take a photo of her in front of the aurora.
    I walked up to her and asked her if she wants me to take a photo of her. She said no, that she only want photo of the aurora and wants me to help.
    So she gave me her equipment, it was a DSLR camera with a gimbal, it was really weird and heavy. I had no idea how to use it even, it had two buttons in the front and one button in the back.
    I tried it but couldn't even balance it, when I pressed one of the button the whole camera went crazy spinning around superfast.
    I asked them what their idea is, if they're going to film the aurora as they bring this gimbal, if the camera now is that good.
    But they told me that they're going to make a timelapse, I asked them if they wouldn't need a tripod for that. But they seemed not to understand me, it seemed like they wanted make some kind of handheld timelapse moving video.

    And that's end of that dream.

    Hunted by two girls, warzone with AK47
    I was away traveling, I met two girls and they wanted me to come to their place. It was some kind of warzone, they kind of forced me to go with them.
    Suddenly I was in the warzone and I'd some kind of sniper without scope, I killed some people with that weapon until I found an AK47 from an enemy I'd killed. I grabbed it and sprayed down a few people until I had to reload. To reload I just took out the magazine and put it back in - and it worked, it was reloaded.
    I continued fight until the girls captured me again and tried take me further in to their warzone.
    Short after I managed to escape, during my escape I had recall that via my fitbit I shall be able to reset my location and make myself teleport. I thought that would be the best option here to get away. I tried to find in the settings of where I can do that, but I didn't find it.
    I managed to make it out the warzone and when I arrived to the city I went straight into a shop, a shop we had been before we walked into the warzone. I hoped the girls wouldn't go in to search me there. I was hidden beneath a desk.
    Meanwhile I tried find function to teleport or even to reset the fitbit so I can apply new IP adress and maybe make it teleport me. But during my search for it, I saw the two girls coming back to the store.
    One of them stopped in front of the desk, I saw her eyes looking towards me, I looked back.. I was sure that if I see her eyes, she will see mine. True that, they got me, threw me into their trunk in back of their car.
    I thought this is the only chance I have, that now I need to find this function.

    The end

    I was at my dads home. I happened to be on my computer at first. It became evening and my gf came home to me.
    We were making some food together, I made some hamburgers. She said she already had been eating so she wouldn't be eat much. She also said she had been home at my place at 4:30pm, but I hadn't seen her. But she told me she were walking her dog. I thought still it's weird I haven't seen you until now in the later evening (~8pm). She changed her mind and said that yes it's true what I say that she hasn't been here until now.
    I thought whatever you're here now at least.
    We went to my livingroom to watch movie and eat food. I was kinda stiff and wanted to bang, but she didn't want to. I pushed her gently off from the sofa, two times and both times she hit her head in the floor, but she was fine.

    The end

    Shat myself, diarrhea 18th October 2016

    by Sozu on 10-18-2016 at 10:17 AM
    I was at home at my dads house. It was a summer morning and I were about to go school, but before I wanted make sure everything was really shutted down.
    I went back to my room and found my computer was still running even though I'd press on shut off, the screen was off but the fans in the computer were still on - so I turned it off on the backside.
    Then my sister suddenly were home and she were gonna start the washingmachine, I told her not to do it if she's not going to be home all day, as well she had loaded the washingmachine with barely any clothes so I told her to fill it up instead. I pressed on a button to finish the washing immeditly.
    I felt in a rush for school, I went to the office where I'd my backpack and suddenly I felt that I needed to have a shit, I couldn't hold myself and a second later I'd a pile of diarrhea on the floor.
    I went to toilet to gather paper and I told my sister that I just need to take up some shit I'd and told her it looked like melted chocolate.
    As I wiped up shit I noticed a pack of toiletpaper was nearby that also had some diarrhea on it, so I grabbed that paper and wiped up all diarrhea.
    Then I were walk to the hall to get my outdoor clothes and rush to school.

    the end.