Date: Sat June 22nd 2013
Dose: (Bed) Menthodex cough drops (x4) = Menthol @ 0.36% w/w (WBTB) Menthodex cough drops (x3) = Menthol @ 0.36% w/w. Vitamin B6 (x1) = 10 mg
Side Effects: Slight gripey stomach (post-WBTB)
Sleep Duration: <6 hrs approx before (WBTB = 33 min) <4 hrs approx after. Total = 9.5 - 10 hrs approx
Cognitive: Above average recall with little erasure. Good awareness.
Sexual: No.
Atmosphere: Realistic and vivid. Other senses noted. Anxiety pre-WBTB in one dream.
Other Comments: Quite a morning’s worth of dreams recorded which included a transition-type dream and a long memorable lucid dream.
I did have pre-anxiety (IWL) issues from the day beforehand, etc.
Totem (LH.) SSILD cycle(s) during post-WBTB.

Menthol – Vibrations and a long DILD - Dream Journals - Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views

(N.B: I did edit the pre-WBTB anxiety dream from the above entry.)