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    Thread: Steph´s - Hopefully Partly Amazing - Stuff

    1. #76
      Member StephL's Avatar
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      Incense sticks - yes - that's the perfect thing to use!
      If I happen to be bored witless - I'm going to buy myself a pack and try.

      Maybe it is your flashplayer/browser - it's a vimeo video, seems that works differently than youtube. I also have to click it several times, before it starts, because I have a security feature running, which protects me from malware coming in that way, per flash-player.
      It used to be so strict, that it didn't work at all, after I caught myself some nasty by watching semi-legal streams of darts-tournaments, which some betting sites provide. Meanwhile it's a bit more loose again because it nerved me, but don't ask me what it all means, I'm not the cryptographer in our household...

      And now for something amazing again: the Leidenfrost Effect, where water dropped on an extremely hot surface is capable of floating instead of immediately evaporating. While studying the bizarre effect, physicists at the University of Bath realized that not only does the water float, but under the right conditions and temperatures it can actually climb upward. The playful experiments lead to the creation of an astonishing superheated maze:

      Plus an incredible game of evolutionary cat and mouse:

      No, these aren't light vomiting fish, though even if that’s exactly what it looks like. What you’re seeing is the defence mechanism of a tiny crustacean called an ostracod, a shrimp-like organism about 1mm in size that some fish accidentally eat while hunting for plankton. When eaten by a translucent cardinalfish, the ostracod immediately releases a bioluminescent chemical in an attempt to illuminate the fish from the inside, making it immediately identifiable to predators. Not wanting to be eaten, the cardinalfish immediately spits out the ostracod, resulting in little underwater fish fireworks.

    2. #77
      Below are Some Random Schmaven's Avatar
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      This thread makes me want to get a computer that can actually play videos. But the gifs and other pics are quite amazing. It's certainly one of the coolest corners of the internet I've ever seen anyway :-) Thanks for sharing all this awesomeness!
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      "Above All, Love"

    3. #78
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      As simple as that...

      One from Vimeo

      Last edited by Box77; 09-28-2014 at 12:27 PM.
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    4. #79
      Member StephL's Avatar
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      Quote Originally Posted by Schmaven View Post
      This thread makes me want to get a computer that can actually play videos. But the gifs and other pics are quite amazing. It's certainly one of the coolest corners of the internet I've ever seen anyway :-) Thanks for sharing all this awesomeness!
      Oooh! I am so flattered, can't even express it! Thank you so much - and you really need such a computer, I have learned from and enjoyed mainly vids from youtube for hours and hours, can't guess how many, but hundreds surely!! One of my main uses of the internet and I'm not in the least embarrassed about saying that, even while I used to think it a "shallow" thing when I wasn't knowing what I'm talking about way back in the past!

      Box - these balls are great! Also the sound, almost hypnotic! I really like such art - but do you know how they did it? Magnets? At one time it seemed as if they were flowing on a huge sphere.

      Aand - you know - "The Diatomist" was on my list of to eventually post things as well!!
      So lovely - and I can fully understand, how such a hobby could turn into an obsession! They fascinate me, diatoms do.

      For you Schmaven, so you know, what we are on about. These are arrangements, the parts are all seperate:

      Diatoms are microscopic algae which can be found in all sorts of water, and it's an old, I think 18th century past time gotten modern again these days to arrange them and light them up and make pictures. Not sure if some of them are in their natural colour, many are artificially coloured, though, esp. the below ones. They are made from calcium (or silicon?) as far as I know, and being built as skeleton by the living tissue of these algae. Not sure, if the above works are all from the man of the video, which I watched a while ago. Here are some special ones under electron microscopy, without arrangement:

      The last one is proof that nature does indeed use 90° angles and same-sided triangles - it's not a human thing only.
      By the way, I actually believe, not that it's on topic, but I believe our psyches are laid out in a way so that we naturally love fractals...

    5. #80
      Sleeping Dragon juroara's Avatar
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      Wait, those are arrangements of microbes? I thought i was looking at jewelry.... Go microbes!

    6. #81
      Member StephL's Avatar
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      Oh yes - they are natural jewels!
      Diatom - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
      People are thinking up technological applications for the structures - from the entry:

      Nanotechnology research

      The deposition of silica by diatoms may also prove to be of utility to nanotechnology. Diatom cells repeatedly and reliably manufacture valves of various shapes and sizes, potentially allowing diatoms to manufacture micro- or nano-scale structures which may be of use in a range of devices, including: optical systems; semiconductor nanolithography; and even using diatom valves as vehicles for drug delivery. Using an appropriate artificial selection procedure, diatoms that produce valves of particular shapes and sizes could be evolved in the laboratory, and then used in chemostat cultures to mass-produce nanoscale components. It has also been proposed that diatoms could be used as a component of solar cells, by substituting photosensitive titanium dioxide for the silicon dioxide normally used in the creation of cell walls.
      They tried already to put drugs on/in these silicate structures and what happens is that after a first fast release of drug on the surface, there follows a slow constant drug release phase of weeks, and they are less problematic to use than other nano-structures delivering pharmaceuticals.

      Why do they build so intricately?
      Can't get enough of looking at them - it would be nice to 3D print some of these as well, so you can handle them and look through the holes...

      It's so amazing what beauty lies hidden until you wield a microscope...

      If one took for example the one on the right upper side of the four, print it in metal, maybe cut off a little of the lower part and then set it into a ring, like you would a huge diamond or something. Or maybe print it in white ceramic material and set it into silver, or, or...
      Now I want diatomic jewellery - gosh - I'm even thinking about how to clean it, by ultrasonic bath would work, I suppose.

    7. #82
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      Aaand - Behold: Quantum Levitation!

      For more information: Quantum Levitation Home | Quantum Levitation

      If one could keep such a disk cool, it would just go on moving without friction when tipped off - and nothing speaks against making it thicker and able to hold heavy loads afloat. It's not magnetic repulsion or Meissner effect, it's something better.

    8. #83
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      Soo - now I'm un-scientifically amazed again - namely about what people do with autumn leaves.
      There's artist Baku Maeda, "creating" lovely Leaf Beasts:

      What really brought me to amazement, was Spanish artist Lorenzo Durán and his leaf-cutting:

      And for something semi-scientific: Cymatics: New Music Video for Nigel Stanford Merges Music and Science Experiments | Colossal

      With a host of audio-based science experiments from sine waves blasting through streams of water, to visualizations of audio frequencies using sand, and sound waves traveling through flammable gas, this new video by Nigel Stanford has it all. Titled Cymatics, the music video was created for the first single from his new album, Solar Echoes. If you want to learn more about the science, there’s plenty of behind-the-scenes footage with explanation behind each experiment on his Vimeo channel.
      If you follow the link, you'll find hyperlinking to more of his stuff in this little text.

      He's using a spiralized water-fountain as well.

    9. #84
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      Again amazed!!

      The Yaybahar is a new acoustic instrument designed by Istanbul-based musician Görkem Şen that emits music right out of a retro sci-fi movie, a remarkable feat considering there isn’t a bit of electricity involved. The Yaybahar can be played in a variety of different ways using mallets or with a bow, relying on a combination of two drum-like membranes, long springs, and a tall fretted neck to create music. Like any instrument, it’s capable of producing sounds that run the gamut from “beautiful music” to “noise.” Give it a listen! (via The Creators Project):

    10. #85
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      Nice one:

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    11. #86
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      Oh Box - I try to watch it for days - now finally it worked.
      Soo beautiful - I love it - thank you!

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