Basic TOTM Completion! (I still want to avenge my failure on the operating on myself one...does the bonus task give you advanced wings?)

Excerpt from DJ: At one point I notice thumb index and middle finger tapping the bed beside me in a dreamlike way and it made me think of the fild method and I started putting focus on willing my fingers
to move and I felt the vibrations and zoomed into a dream where I am flying up out of my bed I'm excited I know I'm dreaming I zoom down the stairs out the door and down the street to where they're often kids playing thinking about the basic task of the month. I zoom up to them half running half flying and just roar like I never have before I felt like a different creature and felt so powerful and the kids just went crazy running off down the street and into the house. (semi-lucid, doubting>>>)Then I am back in bed and hear footsteps...