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    DC Mod Practice, Reminiscing

    by , 02-24-2012 at 06:02 PM (773 Views)
    Well, I tried not taking my melatonin tonight in the hopes that my insomnia would come back forcing me to wake up tons of times all night and remember a ridiculous amount of dreams, but instead I slept just as well (almost even better) than normal and all it did was make my dreams less vivid. Oh well, I still became lucid, but I didn't get to use it as well as I would have hoped.... I'm actually becoming a little concerned about my DILDs, I'm afraid that they're starting to become less exciting to the point that I just don't even pay much attention to my lucidity, it's like I'm aware that I'm dreaming but I just let my non-lucid mind keep doing its thing. Maybe I'm just being paranoid though, I'll give it a few more lucids to say for sure....

    #1 - DC Mod Practice [DILD]

    There was some very long and strange dream leading up to this point, but I only remember brief flashes of it. Part of it involved being in this gigantic building that was also several of my old friends' houses combined. I vaguely remember being in the part that was D's house, something involving E with a sword (a katana, I think) that magically spilled oil and they were mad that we'd have to clean it up, and J's family being pissed that they had to come home to check on us. Or something like that.... Anyway, eventually I went out the front of the building, which at some point turned into a school, so now I was in the school parking lot. I was with this guy A and this girl M who I went school with, and I guess I was giving them both a ride home (I very vaguely remember a conversation about it) so we were looking for my car. We went to the left side of the school (from the inside looking out) and passed through a garden of really psychedelic-looking flowers to a back part of the parking lot but didn't see it, so I went back around to the right side of the school to look there. While there, I actually saw myself in the distance with K, N, and I think O, and we were all standing by my car. I started walking over there but but by the time I got there it vanished. :T There's a point in my memory here that's fuzzy, and I think this is where I became lucid because I don't actually remember that part, I just remember being non-lucid and then suddenly being lucid. Like I said though, my lucidity level was very low so I didn't really think to try to work toward any of my goals. (Well, except the sex one, I guess. ) First I flew back to the front of the school, then started going up to random cars and opening doors and trying to modify the DCs. I went up to some ridiculously fat man (gotta be at least 500+ lbs) and said I was going to change him into a skinny girl. I grabbed his arm and he visually vanished but I could still feel him and I felt him changing into the girl, but then I got distracted and went to the next car. I tried another one hoping it wouldn't vanish, I saw a guy through a car window and opened the door expecting him to be female when I did, and it sort of worked but she was really blurry, I don't actually remember any features of her now. The next car I went to had a cute guy in it so I started trying to do something sexual. I honestly don't remember quite what it was though.... I think the dream was falling apart at this point. I do remember the guy just stared at me, and then I noticed a group of girls also in the back of the car with him, and thought briefly about the oddity that there were so many people in the back of this tiny car, but then I woke up.

    #2 - Reminiscing [Non-Lucid]

    I have very little memory of this one, except that for some reason I had to become a ball and roll down a long tunnel of dark patterened squares so that I ended up in some kiddie restaurant with a playground in it, where I ran into an old friend of mine I haven't seen in years. We hugged and walked off and reminisced about one time we were in that restaurant smoking some really good cigarettes together, which never happened.
    sinoblak and Linkzelda41 like this.

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    1. sinoblak's Avatar
      The next car I went to had a cute guy in it so I started trying to do something sexual. I honestly don't remember quite what it was though....
      Aw! I like it! Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeessssssssssssssss! So cute!
      Alyzarin likes this.
    2. Alyzarin's Avatar
      Sino, I think you're rubbing off on me, I never tried to do anything sexual in my dreams until I started reading your DJ!
      sinoblak likes this.
    3. sinoblak's Avatar
      Oh! That's why I didn't want a public DJ.
      Alyzarin likes this.
    4. Alyzarin's Avatar
      But I like reading your DJ! It's not a bad thing, I'm just pointing it out.
      sinoblak likes this.
    5. sinoblak's Avatar
      Yeah, I like reading about sex too and it's not a bad thing. I just wonder what all those teen boys think about me when reading my entries. Hope they don't frequent my adult DJ.
      Alyzarin likes this.
    6. Alyzarin's Avatar
      Oh yeah, that's true, I hadn't thought about that lol. I forget how many young people browse the forum....