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    Starting With Dreamer's Scripts - Mini Lucid + Lots Recall - Singing For Obama

    by , 09-15-2014 at 12:31 PM (599 Views)
    Soo - while I stupidly didn't yet sit down and do the meditation/visualisation/incubation - I've studied ~Dreamer~'s materials and started out with some "easy" things like RCing and dreamsign awareness and following her tips for recall and using her mantra in a mini WBTB.

    And tadaa - first little lucid episode in two weeks!
    So today I'll really sit down and take it seriously and take time for it!!

    When waking up first time, I really kept still and eyes closed and so forth, like recommended, and such I have quite unusually a full dream from earlier in the night.

    Singing for Obama

    Obama was visiting Germany, and I was still in school. And the plan was to sing for him, me and another girl were on a platform in an amphitheatre and supposed to sing a duet.
    Before us was another pair doing rehearsals, and all went well, but when the two of us stood there, the "technicians" to our sides let us down. It was because they didn't like us - but in the end, that came out and they got a row and we got to try it out and it went nicely. It was only in between clear that it also was only rehearsals and the theatre still empty.
    Then they said we had a little time like in a school break before it started for real, and I was happy, thought I'd make it home to put on some make-up and other clothes. So I went, and I got there in seconds and with a little quibble with my mother as disturbance, managed to be happy with how I looked and wanted to get back there.
    Of course the way was endlessly long and time running out and I tried quite desperately to run back there, it snowed and snow lay everywhere quite high. Then I managed to make a taxi stop, but it had another passenger and I had to fight with him verbally until he agreed to me getting dropped off first. Lots of running and hectic and despair - but somehow I managed it back on that platform and the theatre was full and Obama was there - and I woke up. No real singing for a real audience - na well.
    Shame - maybe I could have recorded a bit of the melody upon waking again, if it had ended with the music...

    Ugly fragment:

    I was with the parents of my very first boyfriend, he wasn't there, but it was implied that we had an affair.
    The mother was quite nasty to me - and I asked her, what she would say, if I told her we would be together again and in love (which we weren't). She totally flipped and told me how I was unworthy and why, and how she even would never ever let me look after his young brother, maybe 4 years old. His father sat on the sofa and was rather surprised by it all.
    But it really, really hurt what she said to me.

    Strange motorcycle and wasps and police:

    First I was with a friend looking at her horses, and she promised me, I could ride with her soon. Then - and again it happens - then I was driving to Munich in order to get to exactly that flat from last night, the one with the aspiring porno-stars - I even dreamt a real address both nights.
    But I came from outside of Munich and drove a totally weird motorcycle - I had to hold the front wheel between my feet and the handlebar wasn't connected to anything either. I've been explaining this to myself while driving and later on to a policeman, who helped me cross the autobahn with 6 lanes, because I missed an exit. Seemed all totally technically feasible - soo typical..
    When I stopped with him for a chat, I had to constantly check for a bunch of wasps flying around and I made one angry, but we got around getting stung by playing dead. He told me about a case of his, and how a burglar he was hunting, was connected to a late terrorist attack and how proud he was to now work for counter-terrorism. But he didn't know the address, even while it's impossible to know Munich but not that place. Anyway - there are more such mini and banal things I remember, but I'm too lazy now...

    My mini lucid moment:

    Well - unfortunately I don't know, where this belongs. I think it was a different dream again, not the above mentioned stuff. Fact of the matter was, that I stumbled over something and fell. Like straight out - would have normally resulted in hitting the ground in full length, face first and hard.
    But - I didn't. Hit the ground that is - I ended up hovering maybe 3 cm over the ground and looking at the pebbles.
    Ah! This is a DREAM!!
    Last I know is that I tried to airswim away from there, but it didn't work. My feet were dragging on the ground and I didn't manage to gain height. Somehow I must have lost lucidity then, because I can't remember anything after that.

    This is soo encouraging - I didn't get lucid for a full two weeks and now after only a little bit of effort - tadaa!!
    Thank you so much ~Dreamer~!!
    Today sitting down and working on it properly it's going to be!
    CanisLucidus and ~Dreamer~ like this.

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    1. CanisLucidus's Avatar
      Nice, Steph, congratulations on the lucidity! It's great that you're already seeing so much benefit from Dreamer's materials. There's some great stuff in there!

      Keep up the good work!
      ~Dreamer~ and StephL like this.
    2. ~Dreamer~'s Avatar
      This is really exciting, Steph! I'm so happy to hear this!

      Sorry to hear about that hurtful dream, though. Emotions can be extra strong in dreams.

      It's really interesting when dream content crosses over to other dreams, I get that sometimes too.

      Good luck today, I hope you continue to have success!
      And try to make sure your thoughts remain positive, even on days that aren't as successful...
      Remember, there will always be a lucid dream coming soon!
      CanisLucidus and StephL like this.
    3. CanisLucidus's Avatar
      And try to make sure your thoughts remain positive, even on days that aren't as successful...
      Remember, there will always be a lucid dream coming soon!
      This is so true! There are always more dreams and more lucidity just around the corner!
      ~Dreamer~ and StephL like this.
    4. StephL's Avatar
      Thank you for caring about me and my dreams!
      Feels good! I'm going to stay positive, definitively - and keep up working on it, too!

      Yeah - it can hurt. I almost never have classical nightmares - it's always stuff like this - people telling me how shitty I would be, or me not managing something important. But I got back to the Obama event in time - that's wondrous and unusual, too. Shame I left out the actual performing part of it. But it's often so - once the problems are overcome or it comes to a failure - dream over and I wake up.

      There seems to be a mechanism, which enables memories from the night(s) before - but not of real life. Maybe something interesting to do research about, memory and dreams concerning this aspect. It keeps astounding me.
      CanisLucidus and ~Dreamer~ like this.
      Updated 09-15-2014 at 03:12 PM by StephL