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    Turquoise Dreams

    Fragments plus Main

    , 10-23-2011 at 07:58 AM (347 Views)
    All non-lucid.
    Reoccurring dream signs - water, weapons

    Took a nap till 6pm. Back to bed at 10.15pm

    2.44 - wake up - no dream
    4.30 - This was a version of real life events that happened to me.
    6.30 - Bad clown was attacking, he was walking towards us by the riverfront [dreamsign] we wanted to hide in a haunted house, but they would not let us hide there; took a ride on subway, that looked like a people mover on the airport, you sat down on a metal mat; there was some kind of a resistance against some entity;
    I was shopping in a grocery store.
    6.50 - somebody's pant sleeve changed color according to yes or no

    MAIN Dream at 8.20
    We were running through a bridge, when a helicopter started to fire at us from a distance. Suddenly a friendly helicopter/airplane came from behind us, fired two shots and shut down the bad guys. Since we were in the Resistance, decided to go and salvage the weapons from the helicopter.

    As we approached, the whole landscape was under water. So I dove into maybe 4 meters deep, clear water and started to search amongst the debris on a sandy bottom with nice pebbles for weapons. There were some grass like plants, it all looked like a nicely arranged aquarium. I was finding all kinds of rifles, machine guns, sniper rifle, a shotgun - I put these on my back, and I hang the pistols on my belt. I was aware of the weight holding me under water, but I actually liked it and was still able to go to surface to breathe.

    Then an enemy submarine was coming closer, so we decided to leave. Emerged out of the water in the swimming pool of some resort. They claimed I can't bring weapons there, so I asked them to put them in a safe. Then I joined other people sitting on a chairs by the pool and put on a bathing suite to blend in. Then the submarine surfaced and about 10, all black dressed people got out and started to examine all of us in order to identify me. They lay their hands on my chest and probed internal organs to find out, if I'm different from the others. But I guess I wasn't, although I had a feeling, that I surfaced into different time/land/planet.

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    Updated 11-23-2011 at 11:46 PM by 50242

