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    Turquoise Dreams

    Looking for a gun

    , 02-05-2013 at 06:41 PM (167 Views)

    I'm with a group of fighters. I'm not the leader, but I'm directing people where to stand on guard and watch for an attack we are expecting from another group.

    I don't have a gun, so I walk around asking everybody if they have an extra. Finaly find some kind of shotgun that shoots explosive rounds. I load it, unload, try how it works. But when I shoot at bad guys, if fails to fire.

    So I keep looking for and asault rifle, since I will need a fast shooting gun to fend off the enemy attack. I find one and someone is chowing me how it works. He changes settings on it with a button next to digital display.

    I can't wait to get my own gun, so I go wait by a tunnel I know the enenmy will be coming from. I start shooting at them, but after a while, my bullets start to follow a guy who has been already shot and he retreated. I wish I knew how to change settings, so it shoots where I aim.
    CanisLucidus likes this.

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    Tags: fighter, guns
