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    My Robotic imagination

    Sebulba, bigfoot and robocop

    by , 05-17-2016 at 08:29 PM (492 Views)
    I start off by watching Star Wars and I'm watching the Sebulba scenes. The first one is where is at Mos Espa but the things he do there are different. It is daytime as it always seems to be and there are stalls of food and merchandise around. Sebulba is among the people and aliens as Anakin shows with Jar Jar Binks. Sebulba has had a run in with Jar jar before and is already perked up at him.Hopping up on the table on all fours he glares at them as they pass on. Anakin glances over at the Dug who snorts at his eye contact and jumps down in front of Anakin. Anakin Smirks at the ugly Dug as he approaches him and Jar jar. He says something threatening to the boy and Jar jar then turns back to his buddies and sits at a stands, watching Anakin. Anakin just shakes his head and walks pass the Dug and his henchmen. Sebulba looks different then his normal appearance, he is slightly furry and has a werewolf like appearance.

    After that encounter the dream shifted to a different scene. I'm now in a car with my mom and we are driving to somewhere. As were are driving I see something out in a field of grass with forest in the background. There was a tall, burly gorilla like creature walking around there and he looked to stand at least 8 feet tall. He had dark grey hair, shiny black skin, sharp claws and a snout. I stared in amazement at it and realized that it was a Bigfoot and was out in the opening. As I continued to look I realized that a person was down there with it seemed to be hiding behind it but was way too close to it. My mom turned around from something and by this time the Bigfoot has made it's way on to the road, blocking our path pass him. He walked towards us but at an angle that made it seemed like he had no interest in us. Then realized that it was some kind of filming shot and that the Bigfoot was not real.But how can a person be that big? And still be able to move around freely and fluently? There is no way in hell that it was a person inside that thing. It got closer to us and my mom was amazed at how large it was and said "whoa!" and in response to that he backs it up, somehow throwing me out of the car in the process. "Shit!" I ran on foot as it caught sight of me and started after me. I ducked under small bridges and down alley ways, trying to lose him but it didn't work.

    So I went into a building and was now in a room that looked like the room I had over at the Lakeshore Apartments. It was darker inside, no light was on and I was on a bed. I seen the Bigfoot come in through a window and he grabbed at something on the table. It was a glass object and he cracked it open and drunk what ever it was inside. It was red in color and realized that it was blood. He found another one, cracked it open and drank its contents as well. I realized that I was trapped in the room and the monster began walking towards me, swiping at me but then suddenly from outside I hear a bang. There was another window, not the one he crawled through but another one that was across the room from me. I see Robo Cop on the other side and he was walking towards us. The big foot leap outside through the window at Robo Cop who threw him into something, breaking it. "Cut Cut!" The director said. Robo Cop looks up at the director as he came down and saw what was going on. Robo Cop and big foot was real but now somehow Robo has stumbled on to an unknown set and messed up the equipment. There was a mech there as well and big foot stood back up and tried to kick it, but it dodged and countered, kicking the big foot and causing it to run off. "You idiot!" The Director yelled as he ran after it, trying to get it on camera. Robo cop looks over at me again and starts heading over to me, but before he can get to me I woke up.

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